JavaScript Game Pilot Testing Student Survey

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JavaScript Game Pilot Testing Student Survey

Hello! Thank you for participating in the pilot testing of our JavaScript game. Your feedback is
crucial to improving the gaming experience. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
Section 1: General Information
1.1 Name (Optional):
[Text Field]
1.2 Grade/Year Level:
[Dropdown Menu]
 Grade 7
 Grade 8
 Grade 9
 Grade 10
 Grade 11
 Grade 12
1.3 How often do you play video games?
[Radio Buttons]
 Rarely
 Occasionally
 Regularly
 Very Frequently
Section 2: Game Experience
2.1 How would you rate the overall enjoyment of the game?
[Radio Buttons]
 Excellent
 Good
 Neutral
 Fair
 Poor
2.2 What aspects of the game did you find most enjoyable? (Select all that apply)
 Gameplay
 Graphics and Visuals
 Sound Effects and Music
 Storyline
 Challenges and Difficulty Level
 Other (Please specify): [Text Field]
2.3 Were there any specific features or aspects of the game that you found frustrating or
[Text Area]
Section 3: Technical Feedback
3.1 Did you encounter any technical issues while playing the game? (e.g., bugs, glitches,
 Yes
 No
3.2 If yes, please describe the technical issues you encountered:
[Text Area]
3.3 On which device(s) did you play the game?
 Desktop Computer
 Laptop
 Smartphone
 Tablet
 Other (Please specify): [Text Field]
3.4 Which web browser(s) did you use to play the game?
 Google Chrome
 Mozilla Firefox
 Safari
 Microsoft Edge
 Other (Please specify): [Text Field]
Section 4: Gameplay Experience
4.1 How challenging did you find the game?
[Radio Buttons]
 Very Easy
 Easy
 Moderate
 Difficult
 Very Difficult
4.2 Were the game instructions clear and easy to understand?
[Radio Buttons]
 Yes
 No
 Somewhat
4.3 What additional features or improvements would you suggest for the game?
[Text Area]
Section 5: Overall Feedback
5.1 On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to play this game again?
[Slider: 1 (Not likely) - 10 (Very likely)]
5.2 Would you recommend this game to your friends or classmates?
[Radio Buttons]
 Yes
 No
 Maybe
5.3 Any other comments or suggestions for the game developers?
[Text Area]
Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback! Your insights will contribute to
enhancing the game for future players.

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