Introduction RAtionale

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Education plays a vital role in shaping and fostering the knowledge and skills of

the student. It is a process of developing the capacities and potentials of the individual

to be successful in their chosen field. However, it’s important to note that there are often

gender differences observed in academic performance and co-curricular involvement.

The differences in performance for students of all gender has been the topic of

much discussion and research. Academic performance of students gives educational

and vocational institutions the opportunity to determine whether the educational

curriculum is having the desired impact on students in terms of teaching and learning. It

also gives some indication of how well teachers and students have accomplished their

targeted educational goals (Arshad et al. 2015).

Acknowledging and accommodating gender differences in co-curricular activities,

schools can create more inclusive and enriching experiences for their students,

fostering personal growth, skill development, and a sense of belonging for everyone

involved. In the context of co-curricular activities, understanding gender differences is

important for promoting inclusivity, diversity, and equal opportunities. Recognizing that

individuals may have varying interests, preferences, and strengths based on their

gender can inform the design and implementation of co-curricular programs to ensure

they cater to the needs and interests of all students. For example, offering a diverse

range of co-curricular activities that appeal to different genders can encourage broader

participation and engagement. By providing a variety of options, schools can create an

environment where all students feel represented and valued.

Engaging in co-curricular activities can positively impact the academic

performance by fostering skills such as time management, teamwork and leadership

which are transferable to academic settings. Additionally, participating in activities

outside the classroom can provide opportunities for hands-on learning, reinforce

concepts taught in class, and offer a break from academic stress, leading to improved

focus and motivation.

This study aims to investigate the difference between gender differences of the

student towards their academic performance and co-curricular involvement. The

exploration of gender differences in academic performance and co-curricular

involvement is essential for understanding the disparities that exist within educational


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