BÀI TẬP GLOBAL LỚP 11 UNIT 7. Education options for school leavers

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Education options for school-leavers

7A. Pronunciation
● Intonation on Wh- and Yes/No questions
I. Practise asking the following questions. Mark  (rising intonation) or  (falling intonation) of the
1. Did your parents go to university?
2. What career will you want to follow?
3. Do you prefer academic subjects?
4. Why did he fail his final exams?
5. What are the benefits of vocational training?
6. Does the course develop your critical thinking skills?
7. What is his plan for future jobs?
8. Can students with university degrees find jobs more easily?
9. How much is the tuition fee per year at that college?
10. Will you intend to study abroad after graduating from high school?

7B. Vocabulary
● Words and phrases related to education after leaving school
I. Complete the sentences with the words given.
practical scholarships trade qualifications apprenticeship
degree institutions training undergraduate vocational
1. I want to get the ______________________ so that I can become a doctor.
2. For many jobs you need to have a university ______________________.
3. He supported better ______________________ education, saying many students were not
interested in academic courses.
4. You have to gain ______________________ experience before you become a lawyer.
5. After graduating from high school, I’ll enter the ______________________ level at college to get
the first degree.
6. A small group would receive intensive ______________________, and then would train others.
7. We’re very proud of the five students from this school who were awarded _________________.
8. The university’s exchange scheme has cemented its links with many other academic
9. My grandfather was a plumber by ______________________.
10. His father believed that if he got a(n) ______________________ to a proper trade he’d be
financially secure for life.

II. Match the forms of further education institutions in Britain and their descriptions, and then
write the answer in each blank.
1. Schools A. They offer courses and qualifications in a wide range of
_________________ vocational and academic subjects at many levels. They
often have links with companies.
2. Sixth form colleges B. They mainly offer higher education courses, but many
_________________ also offer a range of further education courses.
3. Further and higher education colleges C. The UK offers a wide range of work-based training for
_________________ students seeking to build careers in specific industries.
Private training companies work with colleges and
employers to provide practical training and internationally-
respected qualifications.
4. Private training providers D. They offer further education qualifications such as the
_________________ A-levels, the IB, and vocational qualifications.
5. Universities E. These colleges mainly cater for students aged 16-18 and
_________________ specialise in academic courses to prepare students for
higher education.

III. Fill in each blank in the following sentences with the correct word below.
experience degree institutions scholarship compulsory
qualifications reports campus academic counsellor
1. She wasn’t ________________ and hated school.
2. In the USA, private colleges and universities are usually smaller than public ________________.
3. A Bachelor’s degree is usually ________________ for higher-level positions.
4. Just like American students, you will have to submit your academic ________________ as part of
your application for admission to any American university or college.
5. A ________________ provides you with information, advice and support with your application.
6. They will participate in workshops and get hands-on ________________ leading classes.
7. A foreign student can apply directly to an American university for aid, a ________________ or
work-study option.
8. International Baccalaureate (IB) and other international ________________ taught at International
Schools in Viet Nam are equivalent to A-levels.
9. On ________________ , students usually live in residence halls or dormitories that are often
called “dorms”.
10. A major at university is the specific field of study in which your ________________ is focused.

IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct words below.
requirement prepare academic year pursue proceed
lasts undertake pre-university compulsory degrees
School System of Singapore
Education in Singapore is ________________ for ten years, although university bound students
study for thirteen. Classes are taught in English and the 2________________ runs from July to April.
Primary and secondary education 3 ________________ for ten years and is compulsory. At the
end of Grade 10, students sit the GCE O-level examinations. Students who complete secondary education
may 4 ________________ to pre-university education at the Junior Colleges, 5 ________________
certificate or diploma studies at one of the Polytechnics, or leave school and enter the workforce. In the
Singaporean education system, 6 ________________ education lasts for three years. These three years
will 7 ________________ students for the GCE A-level examinations.
Upon completion of GCE A-levels, students may 8 ________________ a bachelor’s degree at one
of Singapore’s public or private universities, which is obtained after three to five years of study.
Bachelor’s 9 ________________ in Engineering, Dentistry, Law, Building, Real Estate, Music and
Architecture require four years, while Medicine requires five. The minimum English 10
________________ for entry to a bachelor’s degree is IELTS 6.0 or equivalent.

● Prepositions
V. Complete each sentence with the correct preposition.
1. She applied ________________ a job with the local newspaper.
2. His height and reach give him a big advantage ________________ other boxers.
3. Farming is not an attractive career option ________________ many young people.
4. It is hard for low-skilled workers to earn their way out of poverty ________________ a tough job
market that favours skilled and educated workers.
5. She would be their first choice ________________ the job.
6. She received an honourary degree ________________ Harvard.
7. It may be necessary ________________ him to have a training course for the job.
8. She related rising unemployment rates directly ________________ government policies.
9. What are your plans ________________ this weekend?
10. Many young people want to get ________________ advertising or public relations.

7C. Grammar
● Perfect gerunds and perfect participle clauses
I. Rewrite the sentences using perfect gerunds. You may need to change some words.
Example: I did that. I remember it. -> I remember having done that.
1. Maybe they had stolen the money. They denied that.
They denied ___________________________________________________________________.
2. I reminded you to buy some food. I remember that.
I remember ____________________________________________________________________.
3. The phone had rung and she had answered it. Then she kept on eating.
She just kept on eating after _______________________________________________________.
4. The thief got into the house because I hadn’t locked the front door.
I forgot
5. She felt happy because she had met her best friend again.
She felt happy after ______________________________________________________________.
6. I have said bad words to her. I regret it now.
I regret ________________________________________________________________________.
7. He had driven along the road before the accident happened. He remembered it.
He could remember ______________________________________________________________.
8. The boys had broken the window. One of them admitted that.
One of the boys admitted _________________________________________________________.

II. Combine each pair of sentences using present participles or perfect participles.
1. I knew that he was a student. I offered to pay his train ticket.
2. She became tired of my complaints about the programme. She turned it off.
3. The criminal had removed all traces of his crime. He left the building.
4. Tom had missed the last bus. He began to walk.
5. He had spent all his money. He decided to go home and ask his father for a job.
6. She didn’t want to hear the story again. She had heard it all before.
7. We visited the museum. We decided to have lunch in the park.
8. The tree fell across the road. It had been uprooted by the strong wind.
9. He had found no one at home. He left the house in a bad temper.
10. The guests were sleeping in the next room. They were woken by the sound of breaking glass.

III. Combine each pair of sentences using present participles or perfect participles.
1. He offered to show us the way home. He thought we were lost.
2. He had fed the cat. He sat down to his own dinner.
3. She had looked through the fashion magazines. She didn’t find the style that she liked.
4. I sat in the front row in the theatre. I saw everything beautifully.
5. The lion found his cage door open. He left the cage and walked slowly towards the zoo entrance.
6. I had heard that the caves were dangerous. I didn’t want to go any further without a torch.
7. The film star wore extremely fashionable clothes. She was surrounded by photographers and
8. He passed under a ladder. He got a pot of paint fallen on his head.
9. I had misunderstood the questions. I gave wrong answers to them.
10. We thought he would never survive. He had fallen from such a height.

7D. Reading
I. Read the passage about further and higher education, and then answer the questions.
The difference between higher and further education can be a common cause of confusion. Further
education is used to describe the education that occurs following compulsory post-16 secondary
education, which is usually distinct from that offered in universities (higher education). It includes a few
different levels such as A-Levels and Higher National Diplomas. Foundation Degrees are also a type of
further education and take 2 years to complete compared with the 3-4 years of most bachelor’s degrees
which are offered by both universities and colleges. Sometimes it is possible to extend a Foundation
Degree to a bachelor’s degree, with one year or more of extra study.
Further education is usually taught in the sixth-form college part of a school or in independent
further education colleges, as well as in other work-based, adult and community learning institutions. In
the United States, further education is sometimes referred to as continuing education.
Higher education primarily describes post-18 learning that takes place at universities, as well as
other colleges and institutions that award academic degrees, and professional qualifications. While higher
education is the common name in the UK and Ireland, it is also known as post-secondary, tertiary and
third level education.
1. What can further and higher education be used to describe?
2. What levels does further education include?
3. How can students with a Foundation Degree get a bachelor’s degree?
4. Where can students attend further education?
5. What does higher education award students?

II. Read the passage about studying abroad for Vietnamese students, and then answer the
Viet Nam has a growing youth population, and this together with an increasing prosperous middle
class means that demand for university education is greater than ever before. A decade ago, fewer than

10,000 Vietnamese families could afford to send their child abroad to study. Today there are more than
100,000 Vietnamese international students around the world, most of whom are funded by their parents.
The top destinations for Vietnamese students are Australia, the US, China, Singapore and the UK.
English has become the dominant foreign language in Viet Nam, with 98% of students choosing to study
it over French, Japanese and German. So many students seek English-speaking countries for their higher
Australia is the destination of choice because Australian qualifications are recognised across the
world, and transferable to Vietnamese qualifications, and many Australian universities offer scholarships
to international students. Living costs in Australia compare favourably with the United States and UK,
and it is closer to Viet Nam than other English- speaking countries, making visits home easier.
The USA has the second largest number of Vietnamese students. The majority of Vietnamese
students, both at home and abroad, consider the American education the best in the world. They believe
that the USA is the most scientifically and technologically advanced country in the world. Four out of 10
Vietnamese students in the US are studying business administration, and finance. Engineering, maths,
computer science, and health professions are also common choices.
1. What do a growing youth population and an increasing prosperous middle class in Viet Nam lead
2. What are the top destinations for Vietnamese students?
3. Why do so many Vietnamese students seek English-speaking countries for their higher education?
4. What advantages do Australian universities offer to international students?
5. Why does studying in Australia favourable to Vietnamese students?
6. What is the American education considered by most of Vietnamese students?
7. What popular majors do Vietnamese students study in the US?

III. Read the passage about international students in Viet Nam, and then answer the questions.
Viet Nam: struggling to Attract International Students
Viet Nam is changing university enrolment requirements to make it easier for foreign students to
study at its universities. Previously, foreign students were required to take university entrance
examinations in Vietnamese, making it difficult if not almost impossible for non- Vietnamese-speaking
foreign students to apply.
International student enrolment is one of the criteria to rank Vietnamese universities. Attracting
foreign students is also a way for Viet Nam to promote Viet Nam’s education to the world.
The leading universities in Viet Nam enrol undergraduate and graduate international students
every year. Most are from the Asia Pacific region including China, Japan, Korea, Australia, Laos,
Cambodia and Thailand, while a few come from the United States and Europe. Most of the international
students study Vietnamese studies, Vietnamese literature or Southeast Asian studies, which makes Viet
Nam the best destination for them.
The leading institutions such as Viet Nam National Universities in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City,
which have a tradition of hosting international students, run preparatory courses in Vietnamese for foreign
students. However, it’s widely recognized that if these universities do not have programmes taught in
English, they have a challenge to enrol international students.

1. Why was it very difficult for foreign students to study at Vietnamese universities?
2. What is the role of international student enrolment for Vietnamese universities?
3. Where do most international students in Viet Nam come from?
4. What majors do they study?
5. What should the leading Vietnamese universities do to attract more international students?

IV. Read the text about the IB and A-level programmes, and then decide whether the statements
are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).
Students in Singapore have the option of sitting for the Singapore-Cambridge A-level exam,
which is a different version of the international A-level examination. Has the International Baccalaureate
(IB) better than the A-levels in terms of preparing a student to enter a recognized and prestigious
It really depends on the student’s academic strengths. The IB is more about a comprehensive
educational style, while the A-levels puts more emphasis on individual subject knowledge. An IB student
must take six subjects, three at higher level and three at standard, which must include maths, a science,
English, and at least one foreign language, while A-levels with three subjects studied in depth. So, if
words aren’t the student’s strength, then the language component of the IB (including the compulsory
4000-word essay) may pull the student’s overall IB score down.
On the other hand, if the student is well-rounded and copes confidently with Arts subjects as well
as Maths and Science, then the IB programme may be ideal for the learner. Experts believe the A-levels
give a student depth of knowledge, while the IB gives a broad education. They also believe that the IB
may prepare a child better for facing the challenges of a university education.
If parents wonder if the IB would suit their child, they should talk to the teachers and their child
before coming to an educated and well-informed decision.
1. ___________ The Singapore-Cambridge A-level exam is conducted based on the international A-level
2. ___________ The IB is more suitable for all-around students, while the A-levels focus more on a
particular field.
3. ___________ The IB programme includes six subjects at international levels.
4. ___________ A student who is not very good at language write another document instead of the 4000-
word essay.
5. ___________ A-levels help students study three science subjects in depth.
6. ___________ The IB programme may be ideal for the learner who is good at both Arts subjects and
Science subjects.
7. ___________ The IB is not suitable for students who may meet some challenges at the university
8. ___________ Parents and teachers can decide whether the student should follow the IB or not.

V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Like any other universities, the Open University can give you a degree. However, you don’t have
to _______ working to study. It can also open up a whole variety 2 _______ interest. If you have 3

_______ studied before, you will enjoy the special, new pleasure of 4 _______ your knowledge. You will
make friends of 5 _______ kinds. You may also 6 _______ that your qualification provides new career
You don’t actually 7 _______ to the Open University for lectures, but study at home, using
television, radio and computer software. You can 8 _______ one class a month if you wish at an Open
University centre. Of course, there are exams to take, as in 9 _______ university. If you 10 _______ like to
know more, all you have to do is complete the form below. It could be the start of a wonderful new period
in your life.
1. A. stop B. end C. break D. leave
2. A. from B. of C. in D. for
3. A. ever B. never C. often D. always
4. A. growing B. changing C. adding D. increasing
5. A. all B. each C. both D. every
6. A. suggest B. find C. wish D. want
7. A. join B. enter C. arrive D. go
8. A. give B. learn C. attend D. study
9. A. any B. some C. many D. most
10. A. did B. will C. would D. can

VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
British further education qualifications are respected by employers and academics worldwide.
There are two main types: academic courses, and vocational and professional courses. Academic courses
help you prepare for higher education at a university or college. They aim to develop your analytical
skills, critical thinking and knowledge. Vocational and professional courses give you the skills and
qualifications you need to enter and succeed in your chosen career. They offer technical training and
skills for the workplace.
British further education providers invest heavily in facilities - from libraries, computer centres
and science laboratories to sports centres, theatres and arts studios. Class sizes are restricted to ensure that
you have access to equipment and enough time to talk to your tutors and lecturers.
British qualifications are a great boost to your CV and to your earnings. Employers are
increasingly looking for graduates with multicultural experience. Moreover, British colleges and
universities have strong links with industry - many courses are designed in partnership with, and taught
by, industry professionals. Many include the option of a year in industry or a work placement, giving you
real professional experience.
English is widely regarded as the language of business. Studying in the UK helps you learn the
language quickly, through your studies, friends and everyday life. If you need any additional support,
there are lots of English language classes across the UK.
The UK is a truly multicultural society, with a wonderful mix of people from many different
backgrounds. As a student, you’ll get to know people from all over the world and be inspired by many
cultures. Many colleges have international offices and advisers to ensure you feel welcome and are
supported throughout your time in British further education.
1. Higher education in the UK requires _________.
A. technical training and working skills
B. analytical skills, critical thinking and knowledge
C. vocational and professional courses
D. academic courses at a university or college
2. British further education offers facilities in several fields EXCEPT _________.
A. sports training B. entertainment
C. information technology D. engineering workshop
3. British further education can give you advantages of getting a job because _________.
A. you are taught by industrial professors
B. you know how to boost your CV and earn high salaries
C. you can get real multicultural and professional experience
D. you can follow both academic courses, and vocational courses
4. Following further education in the UK helps you improve your English quickly because _________.
A. it is used in several life aspects
B. it is used in the business of languages
C. you can speak it at lots of English language classes
D. you need much additional support
5. As a foreign student, you can get involved in social activities quickly because _________.
A. you can get support about British further education
B. Britain is a multicultural society with much support from colleges
C. the UK has a wonderful mix of different peoples from all over the world
D. you can enjoy your time in British further education

7E. Speaking
● Everyday English
I. Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
1. A: Why do students take a gap year? B: a/ They want to gain experience.
b/ They want to continue their education.
2. A: Studying abroad costs a lot of money. B: a/ You should surf for more information.
b/ You should apply for scholarships.
3. A: I’ll go to college after high school. B: a/ Good for you. I go to a technical college.
b/ Do you want to get a job soon?
4. A: How about a credit-based course? B: a/ It takes more time to complete the course.
b/ It’s the best choice for us now.
5. A: I’d like to join in the student exchange B: a/ Wow. You can travel to several countries.
programme. b/ Does your school have such a programme?
6. A: Have you ever used the cloud? B: a/ Yes, I used it when I forgot my USB.
b/ Yes, it was a day of nice weather.
7. A: My uncle is a worker, but he wants to B: a/ He can work on his own at home.
follow higher education. b/ I think he can take distance education.
8. A: Do you like cloud learning? B: a/ I prefer campus life with social activities.
b/ Yes, face-to-face teaching and learning is the
best choice.
9. A: My brother follows postgraduate B: a/ He should study them at the same time.
education when he gets a BA degree. b/ He should gain some experience first.
10. A: Nam tries to get seven credits this year. B: a/ I think he shouldn’t push himself hard.
b/ I think he tries to pass the entrance exam.

● Vocational training vs. academic study

II. Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. There is one extra that you do not need.
A. What do you think is the second benefit?
B. Vocational schools attract students from many regions and countries.
C. There are several benefits for those who want to become qualified manual labourers in the
D. Why do workers with vocational training get a job easily?
E. Why do you think so?
F. Some of the young people cannot afford to pursue their university.
Phong: Nowadays many people go to university for academic study.
Nick: But in fact more people should be encouraged to do vocational training because there is a lack of
qualified workers such as electricians or plumbers.
Phong: 1 __________?
Nick: First, nowadays employers place more emphasis on experience than knowledge at university. In
order to get well-paid jobs, students should study practical courses and work as part-time workers besides
studying subjects at school.
Phong: 2 __________?

Nick: Second, many people after graduating from college cannot make a living, or even do not have a
job. By encouraging people to take vocational courses, there would be less unemployed workers, and
fewer crime cases.
Phong: 3 __________.
Nick: In many countries, especially developed ones, there is a lack of workers like electricians with their
understanding and hands-on experience in their field. For example, many large corporations would offer
higher salaries for the qualified workers than ones graduated from academic study.
Phong: I agree with you. It would make students think twice before applying for higher education.
Nick: 4 __________. Working for a local company as a plumber, for example, would be a good option
and help them save a great deal of money.
Phong: You’re right. 5 __________. Everyone should choose the suitable path of their own.

● Making an appointment
III. Put the expressions below into the correct categories.
- Sorry. I have another appointment at that time.
- Unfortunately, I will be unable to keep our appointment for tomorrow afternoon.
- Sure. I’ll come. Yes, Monday is fine.
- Are you available on Monday?
- Yes, Tuesday would be fine.
- Are you free on Tuesday?
- Can we meet on Wednesday?
- I’m sorry, I won’t be able to make it on Sunday.
- Would it be possible to arrange another time later in the week?
- Wednesday suits me.
- Would next Thursday be OK?
- Thursday would be perfect.
- Can we meet next Friday?
- I’m afraid that I have to cancel our meeting on Wednesday as something unexpected has come up.
- I’ll be there at that time.
- What about next Monday?
- Would you be free to meet early next week?
Making an appointment
Confirming or accepting an appointment
Cancelling an appointment

7F. Writing
● A request letter about a course
Write a letter to request information about the carpentry course, using the words given.
Dear Sir / Madam
1. I / interested / apply / your college / admission / first year / carpentry programme
2. I / graduated / high school / distinction / and / I plan / do a course / carpentry
3. I / interested / learn / more / admission requirements / availability / scholarships / and /
accommodation / students / remote provinces
4. Please send / / information / address below
5. If you / any questions / my request / please contact / by phone / 0903 885432 / or / by email /
phongnguyenhanoi@gmail. Com

Thank you for considering my request.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Phong Nguyen


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