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command /mypoints:

if {%player%.points} is not set:
set {%player%.points} to 0
message "&aYou have currently %{%player%.points}% points"
message "&aYou have currently %{%player%.points}% points"

command /points [<text>] [<offline player>] [<number>]:

if arg-1 is "add":
if player has permission "points.add":
add arg-3 to {%arg-2%.points}
message "&a%arg-3% points given to %arg-2%"
message "&2%arg-3% points &ahas been given to you by Staff.
Your new balance is &2%{%arg-2%.points}% points&a." to arg-2
if arg-1 is "remove":
if player has permission "points.remove":
remove arg-3 from {%arg-2%.points}
message "&cRemoved %arg-3% points from %arg-2%"
message "&4%arg-3% points &chas been removed from you by
Staff. Your new balance is &4%{%arg-2%.points}% points&c."
if arg-1 is "check":
if arg-2 is set:
if {%arg-2%.points} is set:
message "&2%arg-2% &ahas currently %{%arg-2%.points}%
message "&c%arg-2% could not be found."
message "&cSpecify the user /points check <player name>"

on death:
victim is a player:
attacker is a player:
if {%attacker%.booster} is true:
add 2 to {%attacker%.points}
message "&a&l+1 Point" to attacker
message "&a1 Additional point thanks to your booster!" to
add 1 to {%attacker%.points}
message "&a&l+1 Point" to attacker

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