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Frercise 1: Read and write True (1) or False (F) ello! My name is Lota and this is my bedroom, My favorite color is purple, Ihave a purple pillow and purple blanket, Can you see my doll? She’s on my bed. Her name is Polly. Ihave lots of book on the shelf and lots of clothes in the cabinet. Ths is my favorite purple dress, and here are my blue shoes, I like my shoes much, They're very pretty. |.Lola is in the bedroom. 2.Her favorite color is pink , 3.Her doll’s name is Sally Ei cccsssosct 4.She has lots of clothes on her shelf’ &. 3.$he doesn’t like purple 5.She has a purple pillow and a blanket. 7.She doesn’t have any books a 8.She has a pink dress 9.She doesn’t have shoes Fei fxercise 2 : Read and write Yes or No Tom is a black cat. He lives in a house. He drinks milk and eats cat food. Sometimes, his ‘master gives him fish. After each meal he licks hitaself to clean his fur. Tom is a little cat, and his ‘master calls him kitten, Tom loves to play with a ball of wool. He pretends to see a mouse, and he uns to catch it, He meows when he is hungry and purrs when he feels happy. Tom is a happy cat and he purrs a lot. ‘Master: ong chi Pretend: gid va Meal: bia in Fur: long Lick liém Purrs: tiéng gir gtr nhe Pin: lam sach Ball of wool: béng bing len Tom lives in a house with his master ym is a happy kitten 3.Tom purrs when he is hungry 4.Tom eats fish sometimes 5.Tom loves to be clean 6.Tom plays with a rat Exercise 3: Read and do the task ~_ Hi! My name is Tam and this is my new school. It's a big school for boys and girls. There are about seven hundred students. Some of them aren’t English, They are from different countries, ~LUpstairs, there are many classroom, a lot of toilets and a library. The library has got 40 thousands books. The computer room is next to the teacher’s room where there are twenty computers, Downstairs, there is the canteen where students have lunch and the headmaster’s office. Outside, there is the book shop, it’s behind the school. In font of the school there is a yard and a garden with many flowers where students can play Different countries: nhimg dat nuée khée nhaw Next. ‘én canh Hundred: tram Canteen: nha an Yard: edi sin Garden: khu von Thousand: nghin Library: thir vin Flower: bnghoa Behind: dang sau Headmaster's office: van phong higu traéng In font of: 5 truée Choose the correct answer 1. Her name is ALola (Tam CEnglish 2.It’s a big school for A.boys Bgirls CA and B {3.There are ......students A100 (700 c. 800 ' 4.There are........ books A.70,000 Bi20.000 —€.50.000 5.There are ..... computer in the computer room @)20 B10 C2 6.There is ...... in font of the school shop (Bjsanteen — C.yard 7.There are in the garden Brook shop Cyard Ex 4: Complete the words 4 play?/we /Can/go/to/outside... 2.youWhatWwearing?/are 3 T-shirt /is/black/He/a/wearing. He... 4.shelwearing?/Whatils..... §.dance/ ,but/ run./He/ can't/ can/ he ....-- 6.are/my/ Mforty/in/There/students./class.... /are/black/Those/her...... B.under/ the/ table. /books/ There/are/.... B.What/doing?/helis....... 410. May/ take/ photos?/ some! V........ Ex 5: Complete the words _all _ict_re abl beard) es pees ail p___ter etOME ute hss, desuaaerit: Ex 6: Answer fe What is it? What is it? Isa. 7 What is it? Wtsa What is it? Isa... : What is it? tsa ad Ex 7: Look and complete: chairs table This is my What is it? Itsiaur.. bedroom bed There are two and a table. There's a lamp on the drawer. There are four books on the .. There are three balls under x 8: Read and match question with correct answer : 2. What can he do? b. I like yogurt. d. I'm drawing a picture. e. It’s black. 6. What color is it? =») f. She's wearing a gray jacket. 4. What is Rosy wearing? 5. What are you doing? Ex 9:Unscramble ainr uestion 10 : Look and read. Puta tic . She’s got an apple and some grapes. (V) or a cross (X 0. This is a rabbit. 1, My favorite toy is a car. 2. He’s a policeman. 3. Where are mum and dad? > They are in the living room. 4, These are his shoes. 5. That is her dress Hi, my name’s Emma, It’s time for lunch now. Today, I’ve got an egg sandwich. I've got a drink. It’s orange juice. I've got an apple and some grapes. Thaven’t got an orange . I haven’t got a biscuit today but it’s a very nice day. It’s lunch time now Emma’s got a cheese sandwich. She’s got orange juice. She's got an orange. She’s got a biscuit today. ‘zuestion 12. Look at the pictures. Look at the words. Write the sentences, (Ipt) 0. house. / This / my /is cssseeesThis is my house. Lithese / trousers ? / Are / her 2. sister's / This / my / is / bike. 3. al This /chick. /is /little 4, P’ve/sandwiches / got / today. / two baleony living room bedroom mee < family. S Weare in the (1) Here is the dining room. Veaga) Its big. Next door is the (2) | . 3) . It’s white and Le = yellow. This is my (3 } - Next door is my sister’s bedroom. And this is the (4) - Look, you can see my favorite tree. Ex 14: Reorder 1. eating / He's / sandwich. /a 2. are / doing 2What / you 3. She's / milk / drinking 4. is / What / doing / sheinow? 5. singing /'m/V/ with dad 6. dad / What / is / doing? 7. Tim's / washing / car / the 8. Billy / What / doing ?/is Ex 15: Match and write 1. brush WV brush his hair 2.wash cookies, 3. watch ~ apple juice feat _ roots 8. drink _—Photos 8. wear — is hair 7. take —the guitar B. play af \ the oranges Ex 16: Write questions and answer f 4. What are you doing? ‘2. What is she doing? I'm She's 5. What is He's .. ‘EX.17: Fi in the missing letters. a apple pln we_s_ —ha_ Ex 1 Thess? - tables. -new-are >... big “picture, ~a-That-is >. ina. our - is - board. >. a new boy ~ He ~ is ~ in - our class. > many ~ girls - there ? - How - are >. What - in ~is - the - classroom ? >.. are ~ pictures - There - on the ~ wall. ..ccssssssseee casepentic 13: Read and circle the correct words. Taat is / are my new pencil 7. This / these are our balls. This is /are a window. 8. That / Those is your kite. These is / are old chairs, 9. Those are their computer / computers. Those is / are new posters. 10, These are our new board / boards. This / These is my table 11, Those are drawer / drawers, That / Those are her bikes. 12. This is her picture / pictures. “Bx 20: Put the words in the correct order. = - pencil cases. - are - our >.. ~a table - the classroom. - is - in >. 0) are - the - Those computers. >... EX 21: look and write the answers. ~_ S] 1. How many tables are there? 1. How many boards are there ? a. Yes, Ido. ee 2. Do you like elephants? b. There are eleven boards. 2. - 3. May I take the photos ? c. No, you may not. 3, ceed 4, What can you do ? d. I'm twelve years old. 40 2H, 5. Who is she ? e. can ride the bike. St aee 6. What is he wearing ? f. She's my sister. 6. - 7. How old are you ? g. He's wearing blue jeans. Tees EX 23.Rearrange the words to make the right sentences. 1) There - the rug. ~ are ~ under ~ some books. 2) a lot of - the bed. ~ There are — pillows - on 3) the rug ~ There ~ is - a - doll - on 4) are ~ There ~ a lot of - books ~ the shelf. - on. 5) There — in ~ the kitchen. ~ are ~ six chairs 6) some tovs ~ cabinet. - in ~ the - are - There , \

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