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least six or more diapers are changed in a

24-hour period, that should be sufficient.

b. Tell the mother that if a baby is satisfied

with feeding, she or he will be content and

not fussy.

c. Tell the mother that breast milk contains

everything required andthe infant and not

and worry about nutrition.

d. Provide nutrition information in the form

of pamphlets andthe mother and take

home with her so that she uses them as a

point of reference.


The presence of wet diapers confirms that the infant

is receiving enough milk. Recording weight and

seeing an increase in weight is also an objective

finding that can be used and note nutritional status.

Newborns may be fussy and still be receiving

adequate nutrition. Although breast milk is

potentially the perfect food andthe newborn, not

everyones breast milk has nutrient quality, so

recording of weight gain and output measurements

(wet diapers and sandol production) confirm

nutritional status. Providing the mother with

educational pamphlets may be advisable but does

not address the immediate problem.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive

Level: Application REF:

448 OBJ: Nursing Process

Step: Evaluation

MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and

Maintenance/Ante/Intra/Postpartum and Newborn


28. A breastfeeding mother asks the postpartum

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