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 The ability to recognize and use pattern and manipulate space.

 Can estimate the distance between object by side or the speed of
moving object between them by side.
 Eg: Professional car racing driver can estimate speed or space
 Eg: Army or police. They can estimate how the bullet gonna hit
and what is the space between them and the target.
 Interpersonal (Between people)
 A people is able to understand, connect and work effectively with others.
 Tend to be friendly, humble, approachable, communicative and able to
read body language easily.
 Intrapersonal (Within one people)
 A people is able to understand and control his own emotion and
 Tend to be cool and calm, less emotional, not getting angry or scared
easily, resourceful and level-headed practical and reasonable when
dealing with difficult situations.
 Naturalist
 Ability to live in harmony with nature.
 View environment and nature as the elements that need to be protected
and exploit wisely
 Believe in using fewer natural resources for most of their needs
 Eg: People who live in jungle (aborigines 土著居民)
Cognitive/ Mental Ability (Practical Intelligence)
Ability to apply knowledge into real situation
The ability to solve everyday problems by utilizing normal or common knowledge
gained from experience in order to purposefully adapt to, shape, and select
Also described as resourceful which someone can solve a problem by utilizing limited
Three ways people utilize the practical intelligence in solving problem
1. Adaptation - Change ourselves to suit the environment
2. Shaping – Change the environment to suit ourselves
3. Selection Techniques - Find a new environment to replace where we work or
live in

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