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Ko Takeda
July 4

Writing journal#18

The issue of government’s investment in art industry is divisive. This essay will

analyze this issue from both perspectives and state my opinion in the end.

There are several arguments in favor of government’s prioritizing investment in arts

rather than in public services. First of all, arts play an integral role in enhancing the quality of

people’s lives. For instance, entertainment such as movies and music concerts offer countless

number of people an opportunity to not only refresh, but also maintain their will to keep

working hard and contribute to the development of human societies. Furthermore, art often

works as a stimulation to public’s awareness toward specific social problem. Paintings which

are drawn with the aim of addressing gender discrimination can impact wide range of people

across the border, since unlike the verbal demonstration, arts do not require any translation.

On the other hand, there is a great risk involved when government prioritize their

funding on arts instead of public services, for example, the majority’s preference toward

music tends to shift suddenly and in a unpredictable way. This phenomenon indicates that the

investment in any types of art can never be stable, consequently, it has a high possibility of

considerably increasing government’s debt. In addition to this, there are many other

responsibilities that the government are obligated to perform, including the maintenance of

their facilities, the construction of new public transportation, and the provision of social

support for people with lower income.

To conclude, I am strongly in favour of government’s investing in arts for both

cultural and social reason. Both for the current generation and for the later generation,

investment in arts should be regarded as positive action, and should be encouraged at a global


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