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Challenges Faced in Assignments

In this assignment, I faced several challenges related to speech delivery, recording, and editing,
as well as language processing. I will discuss each of these challenges and how I overcame them.

Among the main challenges I face is shyness and lack of confidence in delivering speeches. To
overcome this, I do the preparation first. I research and practice my speech first. This helped me
become more familiar with the content and boosted my confidence. I visualize myself delivering
a speech with confidence and success. This technique helps me build a positive mindset and
reduce anxiety. Before starting the speech, I practice deep breathing exercises to calm the nerves
and relax the body. This helps me feel calmer and more confident.

During the recording and editing process, I faced several challenges. I have problems with the
recording equipment, such as poor audio quality or interference. To overcome this, I test the
equipment first and make the necessary adjustments to ensure optimal recording conditions. I
have limited experience with editing software, which makes the editing process challenging. To
overcome this, I watch tutorials and seek guidance from peers or online forums. With practice, I
gradually improved my editing skills.

Another challenge I face is related to vocabulary and grammar in writing and delivering
speeches. I make a conscious effort to expand my vocabulary by reading widely and using online
resources such as dictionaries and thesauruses. This helps me find the right words to express my
ideas more effectively. I review grammar rules and practice writing and speaking English
regularly. I also seek feedback from peers or instructors to identify and correct any grammatical
errors. This constant practice helps me improve my grammar skills over time.

In conclusion, the challenges I faced in this assignment included shyness/lack of confidence,

recording, and editing issues, and language-related challenges. Through preparation,
visualization, breathing exercises, technical problem solving, learning editing skills, improving
vocabulary, and improving grammar, I was able to overcome these challenges and successfully
complete the assignment.
Personal Thoughts and Alternative Suggestions

Completing this assignment was a challenging yet rewarding experience. It allowed me to

develop my public speaking skills, enhance my knowledge on the topic, and explore creative
ways of presenting information. I feel a sense of accomplishment in successfully delivering the
speech and creating a reflective report.

The advantages of this assignment include the opportunity to showcase one's knowledge and
creativity, improve communication skills, and receive feedback for personal growth. However,
there are also disadvantages, such as the time-consuming nature of recording and editing videos
and the potential technical difficulties that may arise.


In conclusion, this reflective report has provided insights into the process of carrying out the
speech presentation on the topic of clothes. It has discussed the planning stage, content
reflection, challenges faced, feedback received, and personal thoughts on the assignment.
Overall, this task has been a valuable learning experience, allowing for personal growth and the
development of various skills.

Personal Thoughts on Completing the Assignment

If video recording and reflective reports are not advisable or feasible, an alternative assignment
could be a written essay or a live presentation. Write an essay like normal assignment and
discussing the same topic as the video presentation, providing a detailed analysis and critical
reflection. Other than that, we can deliver a live presentation in front of their peers or submit a
recorded live presentation. This allows for immediate feedback and the inclusion of non-verbal
communication cues.
The choice of alternative assignment depends on the learning objectives and the specific
requirements of the course. It is important to consider the desired outcomes and assess which
format best aligns with those goals.

As an alternative to video recording and reflective reports, a live presentation with a question-
and-answer session could be considered. This would provide a more interactive experience and
allow for immediate feedback and clarification. However, video presentations and reflective
reports still offer the advantage of being accessible and shareable online, reaching a wider

Feedback from One Person

I showed the video to one person and asked for their thoughts on whether the speech was an
instruction/description. They provided valuable feedback, suggesting that the video could be
more instructional by including step-by-step demonstrations or tutorials. They also pointed out
the strengths of the video, such as the engaging visuals and clear explanations. Comparing their
thoughts with my own, I realized the importance of balancing instructional elements with
descriptive ones to cater to different learning styles.

5. Personal Thoughts and Alternative Suggestions

Completing this assignment was a challenging yet rewarding experience. It allowed me to

develop my public speaking skills, enhance my knowledge on the topic, and explore creative
ways of presenting information. I feel a sense of accomplishment in successfully delivering the
speech and creating a reflective report.

The advantages of this assignment include the opportunity to showcase one's knowledge and
creativity, improve communication skills, and receive feedback for personal growth. However,
there are also disadvantages, such as the time-consuming nature of recording and editing videos
and the potential technical difficulties that may arise.


In conclusion, this reflective report has provided insights into the process of carrying out the
speech presentation on the topic of clothes. It has discussed the planning stage, content
reflection, challenges faced, feedback received, and personal thoughts on the assignment.
Overall, this task has been a valuable learning experience, allowing for personal growth and the
development of various skills.

Personal Thoughts on Completing the Assignment

As an academic expert, I don't have personal thoughts or feelings about completing specific
assignments. However, I can provide an objective analysis of the advantages and disadvantages
of the video presentation and reflective report assignment. The video presentation allows
students to develop their oral communication skills, which are essential in various professional

If video recording and reflective reports are not advisable or feasible, an alternative assignment
could be a written essay or a live presentation. Write an essay like normal assignment and
discussing the same topic as the video presentation, providing a detailed analysis and critical
reflection. Other than that, we can deliver a live presentation in front of their peers or submit a
recorded live presentation. This allows for immediate feedback and the inclusion of non-verbal
communication cues.

The choice of alternative assignment depends on the learning objectives and the specific
requirements of the course. It is important to consider the desired outcomes and assess which
format best aligns with those goals.

As an alternative to video recording and reflective reports, a live presentation with a question-
and-answer session could be considered. This would provide a more interactive experience and
allow for immediate feedback and clarification. However, video presentations and reflective
reports still offer the advantage of being accessible and shareable online, reaching a wider

Visual Presentation: Videos can incorporate visual aids, such as slides or graphics, to enhance
the understanding and engagement of the audience.

Self-reflection: The reflective report component encourages students to critically analyze their
own work, identify strengths and weaknesses, and reflect on their learning process.

Flexibility: Video presentations can be recorded at the student's convenience, allowing for
flexibility in scheduling and reducing the pressure of live presentations.
Disadvantages of the Assignment

Technical Challenges: Students may face technical difficulties while recording or editing the
video, which can be time-consuming and frustrating.

Lack of Immediate Feedback: Unlike live presentations, students do not receive immediate
feedback from the audience, which may limit their ability to gauge the effectiveness of their

Limited Non-verbal Communication: Video presentations may not capture non-verbal cues, such
as body language or facial expressions, which can impact the overall effectiveness of the

Alternative to Video Recording and Reflective Report

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