Lentegeur Football Club

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DATE: Wednesday 02 February 2022

ATTENDEES: Johan Van Wyk
Jerome Maregele
Walleed Wallace
Lisa Boer
APOLOGIES: Cheslyn Petersen

Jerome Maregele to chair the meeting and Lisa Boer to take minutes.

1. Correspondence from the LFA regarding the registration process is that registrations
will only take place on a Monday between 4 and 7pm. Johan has already registered
Walleed Wallace and Ebrahim Ahmad but photos are still required. It was also decided
that Johan will resume the duty of registration officer and Cheslyn Petersen will be
second registrar. A letter will be sent to the LFA with regards to these appointments

2. A registration drive will be held at Lentegeur Soccer field on the 12 th February 2022.
This will coincide with friendly games for all divisions.

3. A competitions meeting will be held on the 9th of February 2022 and Johan will speak
to Safwaan with regards to this. Cheslyn and Johan to decide who will be going to said
meeting. Safwaan’s fixture are out already and we don’t know our teams yet.

4. LFA executive members will be visiting clubs in the coming weeks to see how they
function and Jerome Maregele will forward the criteria document for these visits to all
executive members.
5. It was also discussed that the way forward for coaches would be to move up with their
teams for development purposes. Structures to also be put in place for this in order to
establish a mode of play which will be used across the board. All coaches are required
to work together to make this work.

6. Junior and Senior presentation planning to start asap and should be finalized by the
end of September in order for us to have the junior presentation at the end of October
and the senior presentation the first weekend in November. A planning committee
consisting of coaches and two parents per team will be established for this purpose.

7. The above mentioned committee to be ears and eyes on the field. They would also be
invited to sit in on meetings.

8. The cub’s tournament will this year allow spectators. The tournament starts on the
18th march and ends 21 march. Soccer season starts 12 th March.

9. There is a need for a welfare committee as stated in the vision document of 2017.
Johan will give copies of the 2017 Lentegeur Football Club vision statement document
to all executive members.

10. The way forward for this season:

 To create whatsapp groups to communicate with parents, player and each

 Cheslyn to get involved
 Training for juniors to be on Lentegeur soccer field
 5 -6 Neighborhood watch members to be visible on training days. (Johan to
sort that out)
 Meeting place for first training session to be at Johan’s residence.
 Meetings will be categorized for specific issues so that we don’t have it all
discussed on one day.
 All managers to attend meetings so that we can know who is involved with
what division and where all equipment and kit is.
 Application has been made for all for soccer fields for training.
 Exco meetings to take place every Monday from now until the start of the
 To invite people who add value to club with finance and business experience to
fill positions of treasurer, etc. This will aid in structuring a sound sense of our
finances and projections and only portfolio holders with experience will be
able to do that. This will aid in all our planning purposes.
11. An NPO has to be registered and submitted to the ward councilor who has already
checked the fields for training. We need a minimum of 3 members for the NPO to be
submitted and it was decided that Johan, Walleed and Yusuf will take those positions.

Meeting adjourned: 21h39

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