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• Is the formation of new individual having all
the characteristics typicall of the species.

Involving the
sexual union of 2 nuclei
Doesn’t involve
asexual the union of
• In general, asexual
reproduction is more important
than sexual rep.
• It produce more individuals and
can happen several times
during a cycle
• Some produce only one type of
spore, others produce many.
• Some methods of asexual reproduction;
– Fragmentation of the somatic body
– Fission of somatic cells into daughter cells
– Budding of somatic cells
– Production of spores
arthros chlamydo Sporangio
spores conidia spores

• Arthrospores
• Fragmentation of
hyphae into their
single cell and
each fragment
serve as spores
• Chlamydospores
• Fragmentation as in
Arthrospore but the
hypha become
enveloped in thick wall
before being
• Formed at the tip or in
the middle of hyphae
• Conidia
• Spores which are
produced at the tips
or sides of hyphae
• There are two
conidia based on
size; microconidia
& macroconidia
• Sporangiospores
• Spores which are borne inside
sporangia (kantung spora)
• Sporangia/sporangium is sac-like
structure which contain many spores
• Sporangiospore may be motile or
• Motile sporangiospore usually present
at simple fungi
• The motile spore called zoospore
• The non motile spore called
• Zoospore equipped with one or two flagella;
whiplash & tinsel
Fruiting body
• Is a modified
mycelium that
form multicellular
responsible for
producing spores
either sexually
and asexually.
Asexual fruiting bodies

• 1. Pycnidia → spherical or inversely pear-

shaped fruiting body which filled with the
conidiophores at its internal cavity. An opening
appears at the top to facilitate spore release.

• 2. Acervulus → small, cushion-like or blister-like

structure consist of a mat of hyphae that give
rise to short-stalked conidiophores.
Pycnidia of Phyllosticta ampelicida on citrus leaf

Acervulus of Marssonina betulae on birch leaf

Asexual fruiting bodies

• 3. Sporodochium → small, compact mass of

hyphae called stroma. Stroma contain
conidiophore which will in turn, produce

• 4. Synnema → large, erect structure bearing

compact conidiophores. These conidiophores
fuse together to form a strand resembling a
stalk of wheat with conidia at the end of it.
Synnema of Ophiostoma piceae

Sporodochia of Neodothidotthia negundinicola

We will discuss asexual
spores more specific
when we talk about
the fungal species
produce them....

• Involving the union of two compatible nuclei

• The process consist of 3 distinct phase;
– Plasmogamy → union of two protoplasts, result
in 2 haploid nuclei in 1 cell (n)
– Karyogamy → the fusion of 2 nuclei (2n)
– Meiosis → nuclear division, reduce the number
of chromosom (from 2n -> n)
Methods of sexual reproduction

• Planogametic copulation
• Gametangial contact
• Gametangial copulation
• Spermatization
• Somatogamy
Planogametic copulation

• Involves the fusion of two naked gametes, one

or both are motile.
• There are isogamous and anisogamous
• Iso = similar
Morphology and size
• Aniso = not similar
Sexual compatibility

• Kemampuan pasangan gamet utk melakukan

kontak seksual
• Pasangan gamet (jantan betina) dari individu
yg sama atau berbeda
• Berdasarkan kompatibilitasnya:
– Homothallic fungi
– Heterothallic fungi
• Homothallic = sexually self-fertile
• → Satu strain fungi mampu menyelesaikan
sendiri siklus seksualnya. Gamet jantan
betina (Hifa + hifa – ) berasal dr individu yg
• Heterothallic = sexually self-sterile
• → Siklus seksual memerlukan 2 individu yang
berbeda. Bisa terjadi pada fungi monoecious

• General in Deuteromycetes
• involving nuclear fission but without recombination
• Daughter cells are identic with parent cells

Sexual cycle Parasexual cycle

Nuclear fusion in special structure Nuclear fusion rarely happen in vegetative
Zygote usually persist 1 nuclear generation Zygote persist through many mitosis

Recombination by meiosis; crossing over in Recombination by rare accident of mitosis;

all chromosome pairs; reduction mitotic crossing over at each event usually
chromosome number; random assortments limited to one exchange in a single
of each chromosome pairs chromosome arm and haploidisation free
of crossing over

Product of meiosis can be easliy recognised Product can be recognised only by specific
and isolated genetic marker
SPEAK UP...!!!

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