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School vocabulary practice

1. What are some important events in a school? Fill in the gaps with the missing words.
J _______________________ ceremony J Day of __________________ Doors
J __________________________ Week J closing _______________________
J school-leavers’ ___________ cere- J national ______________________
mony J class _________________________
J Ribbon _________________________

2. Fill in the gaps with one word only.

a) Many students take part in _____________________ activities, which are usually after the les-
b) After studying History for three years at a university, he earned a __________ of Arts degree.
c) Unfortunately, many students don’t read the _______________________ literature.
d) _________________ means that you simply cannot stop studying when finishing school, you are
likely to continue it later as well.
e) If you _____________ effectively, you can easily _____________ an exam.
f) In some schools, they use ____________________ equipment, which is the most modern of all.

3. Decide whether these terms are true for secondary (S) or higher (H) education.
morning lessons ____ fixed timetable ____ final exam at the end ____

seminars and lectures ____ thesis ____ state exam ____

middle and end-term test ____ continuous assessment ____ regular homework ____

4. Translate.
Ez a magyarázat az egyénre teszi a hangsúlyt, de manapság az oktatás célja kétcélúnak tűnik.

Túlterheltek vagyunk, mivel még mindig sok információt kell bemagolnunk: dátumokat, neveket és

Kényelmes, olcsó a szülőknek és mindenki egyenlő a megjelenésben.

Azonban az értékelés a készségeink fejlődésén alapszik, például kreatív írás, probléma megoldás és
Nagyon vizuális típus vagyok és lusta, tehát ritkán járok be előadásokra.


 purpose of education: ‘A sound mind in a sound body.’, spiritual, moral, cultural,
mental, physical development of pupils, transmitting values and accumulated
knowledge of a society, prepare them for adulthood
 types of school: primary school (junior and senior sections), secondary schools
(secondary grammar, secondary vocational, vocational), tertiary education (univer-
sity, college)
 important events: opening and closing ceremonies, Freshmen’s Week, Open Doors Day, celebrations on na-
tional holidays, Ribbon Ceremony, Farewell Ceremony, trips
 a good teacher: love their subjects, highly qualified, brilliant at communicating knowledge and enthusiasm,
motivate students, struct but fair, creative, encouraging, supportive, sense of humour, no pets or favourites
 secondary vs. higher education: secondary (lessons in the morning, homework, classes, fixed timetable, con-
tinuous assessment, final exam at the end), higher (lectures, seminars, own timetable, in seminars two tests,
lectures are tested at the end of a term, at the end: theses and state exam)
 distance learning: students are separated by time and distance, e-mails, recorded video materials, living in a
remote place but you can get a degree, you can study when you have the time for it, no physical contact, not a
real school
 life-long learning: life-long, voluntary and self-motivated, fast-moving and continuously changing world we
have to keep up with modern technology
 UK: btw. 5-16 years, regular tests, primary school (infant school and junior school), secondary (comprehens-
ive, grammar, GCSE at the end), higher education (BA, BSc, MA, MSc, PhD)
 USA: start at 5-6, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, after high school undergraduate school
(2-4 yrs degree), graduate school (master’s degree, PhD)


 purpose of education: ‘A sound mind in a sound body.’, spiritual, moral, cultural,
mental, physical development of pupils, transmitting values and accumulated
knowledge of a society, prepare them for adulthood
 types of school: primary school (junior and senior sections), secondary schools
(secondary grammar, secondary vocational, vocational), tertiary education (univer-
sity, college)
 important events: opening and closing ceremonies, Freshmen’s Week, Open Doors Day, celebrations on na-
tional holidays, Ribbon Ceremony, Farewell Ceremony, trips
 a good teacher: love their subjects, highly qualified, brilliant at communicating knowledge and enthusiasm,
motivate students, struct but fair, creative, encouraging, supportive, sense of humour, no pets or favourites
 secondary vs. higher education: secondary (lessons in the morning, homework, classes, fixed timetable, con-
tinuous assessment, final exam at the end), higher (lectures, seminars, own timetable, in seminars two tests,
lectures are tested at the end of a term, at the end: theses and state exam)
 distance learning: students are separated by time and distance, e-mails, recorded video materials, living in a
remote place but you can get a degree, you can study when you have the time for it, no physical contact, not a
real school
 life-long learning: life-long, voluntary and self-motivated, fast-moving and continuously changing world we
have to keep up with modern technology
 UK: btw. 5-16 years, regular tests, primary school (infant school and junior school), secondary (comprehens-
ive, grammar, GCSE at the end), higher education (BA, BSc, MA, MSc, PhD)
 USA: start at 5-6, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, after high school undergraduate school
(2-4 yrs degree), graduate school (master’s degree, PhD)

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