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Assignment Cover Sheet

Qualification Module Number and Title

Higher Diploma in Computing and Software CSE4003-Business Information Systems

Student Name & No. Assessor
ICBT-KD/HDCSE/CMU/53/08-ST20198967 Deloosha Abeysooriya

Hand out date Submission Date

Assessment type Duration/Length of Weighting of Assessment

Assessment Type

Course work 2250 words (Group 75% (Group work)

course work)
Learner declaration

We, Himaya Indranayake

Deshan B. Rajapakshe
Umayanga B. Attanayake
, we are certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are
fully acknowledged.

Marks Awarded
First assessor

IV marks

Agreed grade

Signature of the assessor Date


Module :

Student :

Assessor :

Assignment :

Strong features of your work:

Areas for improvement:

Marks Awarded:


When performing this assignment, we tend to

took facilitate and tips of some revered persons. We'd wish to show our feeling to Mr Pradeep
Pallegama, lecturer in charge of Business information Systems, for giving us an ethical guideline
for assignment throughout various consultations.
Mr Nimal, the reservationist of the Gamodh citadel Resort, helped us once
finding information. We must always wish to expand our most profound feeling to any or all
those who have directly and indirectly guided us in doing this assignment.
Our batch mates and team members have created valuable comment suggestions on this report
that that gave us an idea to enhance our assignment.

1.1 Business Objectives
1.2 Organization Structurs
1.3 Managerial levels
1.3.1 Top Level Management
1.3.2 Middle Level Management
1.3.3 Lower Level Management
1.3.4 Non- Managerial Employees
2 Functional Areas
2.1 What are Functional Areas?
2.1.1 Sales & Marketing Department
2.1.2 Human Resources Department (HR)
2.1.3 Accounting and Finance Department
2.1.4 IT Department (Information and Communication)
2.1.5 Front Office Department
2.1.6 Kitchen and Bakery Department
2.1.7 Housekeeping Department
3 Information Systems Available and Functions.
3.1.1 Marketing Department Information System
3.1.2 Functions of Marketing Department Information System
3.2 HR
3.2.1 HR(Human Resource) Department Information System
3.2.2 Functions of HR (Human Resource) Department Information System
3.3 Finance
3.3.1 Accounting and Finance Department Information System
3.3.2 Accounting and Finance Department Information System Feature

3.4 IT
3.4.1 IT-Department Information System
3.4.2 Functions of IT- Department Information System
3.5 Front Office
3.5.1 Front Office Information System
3.5.2 Functions of Front Office Information System
3.6 Kitchen
3.6.1 Kitchen Department Information System
3.6.2 Kitchen Department Information System Functions
3.7 House Keeping
3.7.1 Housekeeping Department Information System
3.7.2 Housekeeping Information System Functions.
4 Information Systems
4.1 Gamodh Citadel Resort Information Systems CRS (Central Reservation System). Central Reservation System Pros and Cons (CRS) System. Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP). Enterprise Resource Planning System Pros and Cons (ERP). Point of Sale System (POS) Point of Sale System Pros and Cons (POS)
4.2 . Problems in Departments
4.2.1 Issues in the HR Department
4.2.2 Finance and Accounting Department Issues
4.2.3 Issues in IT Department
4.3 IS(Information Systems) Suggest as Solution for Problems in Current System according to
Current Trends in Hospitality Industry.
4.3.1 Supply Chain Management System – SCMS
4.3.2 Production Management System – PMS
4.3.3 Customer Care System – CCS
4.3.4 Central Reservation System – CRS.
4.3.5 ERPS- Enterprise Resource Planning System.
4.3.6 Online-Ordering System.

4.3.7 Mobile Applications.
4.4 Solution Systems Discussing with Classifications of Information Systems.
4.4.1 TPS – Transmission Processing System:-
4.4.2 MIS – Management Information System:-
4.4.3 DSS – Decision Support System:-
4.4.4 ESS – Executive Support System:-


Gamodh Citadel Resort Anuradhapura

A three-star resort which Gamodh citadel resort is situated in Anuradhapura. This

comprises of dinner lobby, meeting corridor, dining, pool, clothing, library, web offices, bikes
for a recruit to ride in Anuradhapura territory, stopping and with a great nursery. Gamodh
stronghold resort is situated in Anuradhapura, lining sanctuaries and old vestiges.
Gamodh resort had cooled feasting lobbies with sumptuous current inside
improvements, rooms with various sorts, fancy twofold room, suite with garden room, triple
room with overhang, family room with garden view, and condos the garden floor.
This retreat has certified staff to offer phenomenal support to the clients.
Convenience staff talking in English. Guests who result in these present circumstances resort to
giving their top-level input to encounter life-changing freedoms. The staff at this occasion resort
have refreshed these lobbies to suit the requirements of the young. This occasion resort likewise
offers different bundles (special first-night bundles, occasion bundles) to its guests. Gamodh
Citadel Resort current status is very acceptable contrasted with when it began. Because of this, it
has procured a standing as extraordinary compared to other hotels in Anuradhapura.

1.1 Business Objectives

While doing a business, there are business objectives according to that particular business.
Gamodh Citadel is a sole possession business that suggests it runs by one owner, and this
affiliation runs according to the owner's orders under a couple of divisions. Business objectives,
as demonstrated by this affiliation,

 Staying beneficial for some time

 Employee's fascination
 Economic development
 Staying on the field
 Customer's fascination

To run this association (Gamodh Citadel Resort) with the correct way, there are a number of
 Sales & Marketing department
 Human resources department (HR)
 Accounting & Finance department
 Information and technology department (IT)
 Front office department
 Kitchen department
 Housekeeping department
By cooperating with those offices, can run the Hotel the right way.

1.2 Organization Structure

(Managing director)

General Manager

Sales, Accoun Front Kitchen Hous

Marketi HR ting & IT office ekeep
ng Finance ing

-Reservation -accounts -front -rooms

-Convention -cashier desk -cleanliness
Services -budgeting agents -maintena-
-Employees’ -business -valet -stocks nce
details systems parking -banquets -florist
-employee’s -office -restaurant -gardeners
attendance systems -food &
-telephony beverages


1.3 Managerial levels

The board cycle incorporates vital arranging, setting destinations, overseeing assets,
conveying the human and monetary resources expected to reach goals. The board additionally
incorporates putting away realities and data for sometimes in the future or for others inside the
The board/trough is isolated into three classes there are, Top-level administration, centre
level administration and lower-level administration

1.3.1 Top Level Management

It comprises of CEO, Board of Directors, Managing Director, General Managers,
President, Vice President, Chief-Operating Officer, Chief-Executive Officer, and Chief-
Financial Officer and so on they have the most significant position. They are the answerable for
the business's goals and objectives, getting ready plans, collecting the response, government
assistance, and endurance.

1.3.2 Middle-Level Management

These supervisors are answerable for the directional and administrative elements of an
association. They are responsible for high-level administration; they are the individual who
connected the lower and high levels. It comprises departmental heads, such as buy office head,
outreach group head, money director, the advertising chief, top dog, plant administrator, etc.
They have a few obligations to go about as translator among the top and lower the board,
coordinating the exercises and occasions, choosing and allocating the utilize and propelling the
individual to perform well

1.3.3 Lower Level Management

Lower level administration center around controlling and coordinating. They are
answerable for allocating representative assignments and regulating their work they convey the
on the work or action as indicated by the plans of top a central administration. It comprises
directors, administrator, foreman, sub-division heads; representative, and so on; they are
answerable for limiting the wastage, support the utilize, keeping a quality and amount creation,
speaking with labourers/utilize and helping the central administration.

1.3.4 Non- Managerial Employees

Non-administrative workers are they are responsible for killer elements of an association.
As per the division, there are explicit capacities for them; these representatives have restricted or
no administrative job in their work. They do not have any power.

2.Functional Areas

2.1 What are Functional Areas?

Functional areas are gatherings of workers who have coordination with abilities. For a
model, an organization's outreach group is a standard practical territory, and the staff here would
all be centred around selling the organization's items.
An organization incorporates a pack of offices to run the organization/association; these
are the primary assets to further run the organization.

2.1.1 Sales & Marketing Department

The primary concern of the deals and promoting division is to build deals of the affiliation.
The deals and promoting division are required to procure plentiful benefits and the effective
continuation of a business association.

 Sales target.
A deal target is an objective for the sales rep. The objective has been set by deals and
showcasing division, so the sales reps need to sell an item's explicit measure in a particular time.

 Product pricing and distribution planning.

Deals showcasing office are liable at the item cost. Also, they will choose the item

 Sales promotion and advertising.

They will advance their item via online media, promotion and so on to sell their item

2.1.2. Human Resources Department (HR)

The HR division's primary job is to deal with every one of the HR of the association.
 Advertising job vacancies
One of the HR division's essential obligations is to publicize the work opportunities of
the business. As there might be opportunities for servers, receptionists, security, watches,
cleaners. This HR division will choose a reasonable up-and-comer straightaway.

 Employer-Employee relation.
The HR office division has set up a different administration division area to glance in to
the staff working in this Hotel. These representatives' elements to assemble trust among the
workers in instances of the reasonable and unreasonable event. The worker ought to be educated
regarding all data. This division's elements are to give essential preparing to new workers to,
manage them to get representative participation reports and the number of days. They work and
the purposes behind non-participation. The part of the HR office division is to be a confided
inactivator for workers.
 Maintaining a safe environment
Fundamental undertaking of HR office division is to make wellbeing among workers and
upgrades are additionally made to improve their certainty to words any danger they are looking
in such freedoms. HR division figures out how to satisfy the assets for the workers HR office
additionally glances in to the wellbeing and security arrangements

2.1.3. Accounting and Finance Department

Bookkeeping office is the one that handles all the organization monetary exchanges. That implies
it take care of bills, workers' compensation and pay for every one of the costs.

 Management of the resort cash flow

The board of income implies following the inflow and surge of money that happens in the
business. This incorporates recording, breaking down and dealing with every one of the
money related exchanges. This aides in recognizing patterns distinguishing zones where
money outpouring could be decreased distinguishing zones where money inflow is the most
noteworthy expanding that pay and getting ready for what's to come.

 Budgeting and financial forecasting
Planning is the one-time formation of a monetary arrangement which will be finished for
a specific financial year. Proprietors and office administrators cooperate a set an income use
target dependent on the objectives of the retreat for the next year. Monetary guaging is the
assessment of the pay the business gets later on. All of these are essential for the company's
continued existence.

2.1.4. IT Department (Information and Communication)

Even though information assortment and the board were done physically previously, with the
advancement of the innovation, most huge business associations changed those manual errands
into robotized frameworks. The followings are the elements of the IT branch of Gamodh Citadel
 Database administration
Dealing with the data set which contains the significant data of the café is certifiably not a
simple errand. That requires data set executives with a ton of abilities and encounters. To be
specific, framework DBAs (Physical/activity DBAs), Development DBAs and Application
DBAs are various database administrators (DBAs). System DBAs perform assignments
identified with the essential part of the data set like design, programming representation, fixing,
reestablishing, overhauling, information reinforcement and recuperation. Department DBAs
perform errands identified with improvement and sensible parts of the information base like
planning and support. Application programming/frameworks like Customer Relationships
Management (CRM) system and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system are overseen by
Application DBAs.

 Information security management

Keeping up and shielding private information has a place with the clients and the business is
critical nowadays in light of the digital assaults and the unapproved admittance to data set by the
programmers. Finding a way to stay away from those assaults like the arrangement of legitimate
apparatuses and advances and cooperating with the HR heads and C-level chiefs to execute
useful security approaches is another capacity of the IT office.

 Training and support
To rival the contenders, a business association should ensure that the workers know about the
new instruments, patterns and advances. The IT office offers preparation to the workers to get
the greatest utilization of the IT assets accessible. Furthermore, the IT office gives the workers
oversight and the help when taking care of those assets.

2.1.5. Front Office Department

The front office performs various kinds of occupations like gathering, Telephone
working, client dealing with region, enrollment, reservations and bill settlements. Front office
individuals are the ones that invite visitors.

2.1.6. Kitchen and Bakery Department

All suppers, inexpensive food, and pastry shop things are set up in this office and sent to them.
They take altered requests, and to keep up the wellbeing norms of food, they follow guidelines,
for example, not adding manufactured flavours or addictive and not giving no trans-fat food and
unhealthy food.
Functions of kitchen and bakery department

 Upholding the quality of food

This division's fundamental duty is to guarantee the nature of the food which is served to the
supporters. That needs to meet the clients' assumptions and commendable enough for the cash
they pay and the rating of the café.
 Maintaining food hygiene

Food cleanliness is the factor that decides the accomplishment of a café. A café can get an
endorsement and show it for the clients by satisfying specific food cleanliness models. The
eateries which have prominence for food cleanliness draws in more clients. Subsequently, the
kitchen division should guarantee that they serve just new and clean food.
 Obsolescence
The fixings that are utilized to make food ought to be new and not terminated

2.1.7. Housekeeping Department

This division must keep the Hotel neatly utilizing washing fabrics and material, tidying up rooms
and pubic zone. What is more, keep up the nursery alluringly, pool, rooms and back regions.

3. IS Available and Functions.

3.1 Information Systems Available and Functions.

3.1.1. Marketing Department Information System

A showcasing data system is intended to help the advertising dynamic. "Middleman (2007)"
characterizes it as a "system in which promoting information is officially assembled, put away,
investigated and circulated to chiefs as per their educational necessities consistently." also, the
online business word reference characterizes Marketing Information System (MKIS) as "a
system that examines and surveys advertising data, accumulated persistently from sources inside
and outside an association or a store.".
3.1.2. Functions of Marketing Department Information System

 Sales management information system

This strategy is engaged with the few angles in life. The exercises like giving solicitations for
the homes, food and putting away information, information search is a piece of this strategy.
 Marketing Management Information system
The system gives us a more precise thought of how the general population comprehends our
business. In light of the data got through this strategy, it is feasible to decide the cost of
convenience, recognize the convenient necessities and conclude how to take the business to the
general population.

3.2.1. HR(Human Resource) Department Information System

 HR information system
This HR data system stores representative information like name, address, NIC number, visa
or permit. This cycle is improved by utilizing information and time on explicit undertakings to
make a proper and effective timetable and work on the quantity of representatives on that plan.

 Management information system

This is the fundamental another sort of a business. There are two kinds of the board data. The
first is equipment and the subsequent one is programming. This framework permits proficient
dynamic by dissecting data from different frameworks executed in distinctive commercial
enterprise branches.

3.2.2. Functions of HR (Human Resource) Department Information System

 Advertising job vacancies
One of the HR division's essential duties is to promote the work opportunities of the business. As
there might be opportunities for servers, receptionists, security, monitors, cleaners. This HR
division will choose an appropriate up-and-comer straightaway.
 Employer-Employee relation.
The HR office division has set up a different segment in the administration division to glance
in to the staff working in this retreat. The elements of this representatives to assemble trust
among the workers in instances of reasonable and unreasonable event. Representative ought to
be educated regarding all data. This division's elements are to give essential preparing to new
workers to, direct them to get representative participation reports and the quantity of days.

They work and the explanations behind non-participation. The job of the HR office division
is to be a confided inactivator for representatives.

 Maintaining a safe environment

The primary errand of HR office division is to make security among representatives and
upgrades are additionally made to improve their certainty to words any danger they are looking
in such freedoms. HR division figures out how to satisfy the workers' assets for the workers' HR
office and glances into the well-being and assurance approach.

3.3.1. Accounting and Finance Department Information System

 Decision of system
The choice help a system helps the business in settling on choices since it dissects the
business information. Choices make here increment or diminishing income. It capacities to
educate the board regarding the potential results of settling on specific choices.

 Cash management system

This system helps track the inflow and surge of money inside the business. There are
numerous prizes in utilizing a sales register. This administration framework assumes a vital part.

3.3.2 Accounting and Finance Department Information System Feature

 Cash Balance Control of the resort

Management of money flow means that trailing the influx and outflow of cash that happens
within the business. recording, analyzing and managing all the financial transactions are
included. This helps in characteristic trends identifying areas wherever cash outflow may well be
reduced identifying areas where cash inflow is that the highest increasing that income, and
additionally getting ready for the future

 Budgeting and financial forecasting

Planning is the one-time making of a monetary arrangement which will be finished for a
specific financial year. Proprietors and division administrators cooperate a set an income use
target dependent on the objectives of the retreat for the next year.
Monetary determining is the assessment of the pay the business gets later on. Both of these
are vital for the proceeded with presence of the business.

 Payroll
The bookkeeping division must take care of the obligations of the representatives working in
their association. This division's elements are to pay the compensation on schedule and make the
vital game plans if there should be arise an occurrence of misfortune with the goal that no
treachery is finished.

3.4.1. IT-Department Information System

This IT office data system plan and keeps up the security system, exchange system and
telecom system. This current office's data system associated in to different divisions. For
instance, front office's utilization data system.

3.4.2. Functions of IT- Department Information System

 Transaction processing system
This handles the assortment, recover and adjustment of inn exchange just as business to deal
for the Hotel.
 Security system
This keeps a CCTV camera system inside and outside the lodging for the client's well-being and
kept up by the IT office.
 In – room technology system
This system stores all the data of the clients who go to the lodging. The IT division likewise
keeps this up.
3.5.1. Front Office Information System

The front office is a hotel's help. The front office gives data and fills in as a
correspondence center for different offices. Its work intimately with security to guarantee all
missions are in a protected climate.

3.5.2. Functions of Front Office Information System

 Reservation
Clients and travel experts can undoubtedly book lodging in on the web or front office. This is
keeping up by IT division. Here the legitimate chronicle is set up and held.

 Registration
Front office individuals enlist the clients and they utilize an enrollment framework. This
framework additionally kept up by IT division

 Telecommunication system Netwok

This system Netwok,

• All post-call payments are directly added to guest accounts.
• All local and international calls are routed directly to online guest office rooms.
• Reserve and return all mail.
• Power of all room links.

3.6.1. Kitchen Department Information System

This retail chains food varieties and food plans and make the food varieties plans. Food
plans and fixings from various nations are put away in this data system network. For example,
Indian foods ,Chinese.Italian meals and more…

3.6.2. Kitchen Department Information System Functions

 KDS)(Kitchen Display System)

A kitchen shows system (KSS) is found in an eatery's back place and replaces paper tickets
and kitchen printers. KDS oversees food steering, formula stockpiling and holds significant
kitchen date.
Advantages of KDS incorporates putting together back of lodging kitchen, improving
effectiveness, diminishing ticket times and raising food quality.

 Recipe management system

A computerized formula books your staff, prepared and pristine can access whenever to
guarantee exact food prep.

Formula eyewitness enables you to halfway control plans, cooking methodology and preparing
data. Simple to utilize program secures your significant plans on a guaranteed information base.
 Electronic point of sales. (EPOS)
Retail location is found in the front of inn or a bar. EPOS systems commonly contain of a
touchscreen PC, receipt printer, standardized tag scanner, money cabinet and programming and
arrive in an assortment of setups, shapes and sizes.

This lodging of these utilizations screen PCs, receipt printer, money cabinet and

3.7.1. Housekeeping Department Information System

This data system smooth out the presentation of the housekeeping and subsequently
improve administration quality. Here stores maid's s works time, servant's s work environment,
and obligations.

3.7.2. Housekeeping Information System Functions

 Monitor desk for housekeeping

 It collects all of the requests made by the guests, as well as the job reports from the
 Obtaining the check-out room number and communicating it to the floor boss.
 Keeping track of different modes and registers.
 Housekeeping cooperation of other agencies
This is coordinated with the following departments
▪ Housekeeping-Front Office Coordination
▪ Housekeeping-Sales and Marketing Department Coordination

▪ Housekeeping-Human Resource Department Coordination.
▪ Housekeeping-Security Department Coordination etc.…

4.1. Gamodh Citadel Resort Information Systems

26 CRS (Central Reservation System).

A focal reservation system, otherwise called a CRS, is frequently utilized by

neighborliness industry. It's a modernized reservation appropriation system that halfway keep up
inn data, room stock, rates and reservations to handle the reservations internationally. This
system comprises of one fundamental PC system and it divided between the organization by
means of distant access. CRS guarantees reservations happen with no mistakes and all
reservations are not difficult to follow.

Amadeus CRS, Vertical Booking, Fast reserving CRS, eZee Front Desk, and opera can
appear as famous focal reservation frameworks. CRS utilizes Global Distribution Systems (GDS)
to deal with exchanges between specialist organizations in the movement business. However,
because of the high costs of GDS, a few hotels interface directly with travel planners.

(PMS) Property Management System is another system that can be found in the
neighbourliness industry. Notwithstanding, PMS is configuration to help on-premises the board
needs like housekeeping, announcing, registration, and registration while CRS sits over the PMS
and controls accessibility conveyance. In Gamodh Citadel Resort, they utilized a CRS system
named eZee Front Desk. It has wonderful UI that shows data in different manners, such as charts
and it oversee reservations with straightforwardness. It offers Quote-based arrangement which
implies Hotel need to pay for the system rely upon their room and client limit. This CRS offers
highlights like reservations the board, audits the executives, detailing and examination and online

27 Central Reservation System Pros and Cons (CRS) System.

Advantages: Principle benefit of having a CRS is inn can without much of a stretch watch out
for following reservations. It gives one single interface to disseminate accessibility of assets.
Which implies client can book rooms, tables, transportation and whatever other things that
required continuously. Thus, the lodging or client doesn't need to stress any human blunders like
booking a similar room by various visitors and entering the appearance and takeoff time
mistakenly. Likewise, CRS associates a huge number of travel planners worldwide and boosts
the deals by coming to more clients. CRS is accelerating the booking interaction and lodging can
oversee reservations in the months ahead, giving more opportunity to plan future results.
Most focal reservation system offer "pay as go" plans which implies lodging just need to
pay for the system as per the reservations booked. This cut down the forthright expenses for the
system and allows any associations to cooperate with new innovation for an ease. Utilizing a
CRS is limiting the lodging's operational expenses too. It assists with overseeing inn stock
effectively and beneficially as indicated by the visitor's necessities. When utilizing a CRS,
lodging can recognize their visitors' purchasing behaviours and give an interesting client
experience dependent on their necessity. It assists with boosting consumer loyalty and to get
positive criticism from clients. Focal reservation system can produce reports, payrolls and dissect
the information that powerful for the business development. It additionally coordinated different
installment techniques that help Visas check cards and surprisingly online cash move
administrations, for example, PayPal to give the client a superior encounter. CRS offers visitors
to drop any booking whenever and get a discount. That carries more certainty and protected to
the client.

Disadvantages - When utilizing a Central reservation system, the association needs to prepare the
staff to utilize the specific system legitimately. In any case staff will be unable to get the most
extreme advantages from the system. That can be obliging as a detriment of the system.
Likewise, web access and organization Infrastructure is fundamental for CRS to work, which
will be expensive for a limited scale business. Another detriment in CRS is when associated with
outsider applications like Global Distribution System (GDS), the business's delicate data will be
divided between the other comparative organizations and that is the immense downside of the

CRS system measure higher number of exchanges in different sums and such zones are often
focused by programmers and aggressors. That is enormous danger for the business and
association need to make moves to keep from unapproved access endeavors. Another burden for
the Hotel from utilizing CRS is that the client can analyze rates among inns and the client may
wind up picking least expensive lodging paying little mind to different highlights. This creates
more rivalry among the business and terrible for the association. Another disadvantage of the
CRS is system breakdowns and glitch may prompt loss of time and cash Also system
reinforcements and support will exorbitant for the association Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP).

Enterprise resource planning(ERP) system is an incorporated programming suit that

permits to oversee and mechanize numerous business capacities like Human Resources, Finance
and Accounting, Inventory Management, Customer Relations and Sales. ERPS helps the
business by incorporating every one of the activities to the one system. As a result of that it helps
organization proficiency and efficiency. Normally, every division has its own ERP system, yet
every one of the systems can get through one application interface. There are different sorts of
ERP system open for the distinctive businesses There are likewise ERP systems can classify by
the execution, they are On-premise, Open Source, Cloud-based and Hybrid. On-premise systems
sent straightforwardly on in-webpage gadgets, open source implies anybody can change and
build up the source code, cloud-based arrangements give utilizing distant access however the
web and mixture systems give joined on-reason and Cloud-based arrangement.
Prophet NetSuite, CREST, and Godlan ERP systems are well known Enterprise asset
arranging systems utilized by the inn industry.
Gamodh Citadel Resort utilizes Cenium ERP system. Cenium ERP have different
modules that intended for different offices and all modules are open through one interface. It's a
lightweight ERP system that supports front office the board, money and bookkeeping, creation
and stock, client relationship the executives and deals. It has a statement based evaluating
strategy which implies inn need to pay as the use of the system. This ERP upholds Windows 8,
internet browsers and Mac OS.

29 Pros and Cons in Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP).

Advantages -ERP system offers across the board arrangement, which implies that all business
branches can be oversee through one single application interface and that a colossal benefit of
the ERP system. It improves business proficiency and permit access data without any problem.
Since it serves different divisions, it assists with upgrading coordinated effort among offices and
improving the association's collaboration. In an ERP system, customer's data is brought together
and that assists with keeping up client connections and offer special support for every client
Saving important time is another fundamental benefit of the ERP system, since its portability can
get to anyplace (if cloud-based) and it has reinforcement works if there should arise an
occurrence of any fiasco occurs in the area of the association. Additionally, ERP can produce
reports whenever and it can dissect and quantify the distinctive division measures that is a
significant benefit for the business.
Disadvantages- Greatest disadvantage of the ERP system is starting expenses are higher, so
arrangement may be hard for a little association and extra gadgets may cost more to the
organization. Likewise, ERP ought to be altered prior to utilizing as indicated by the
association's requirements and these customizations may costly and lessen the benefit of the
business. To get the best advantages from the ERP system, appropriate preparation ought to be
accommodated the staff and due to the intricacy of ERP, it may be hard to utilize. Appropriate
upkeep is required when utilizing ERP system and it's another downside of the ERP system. Point of Sale System (POS)

Retail location System finishes the exchange between the customer and it demonstrate all
the sum and amount bought by client and create a receipt and shows accessible installment
techniques to the client and afterward measure the installment. Receipt can be electronic or
printed receipt dependent on the system utilized by the organization. POS system comprises of
primary PC, programming, electronic sales register, barcode scanners, receipt printers and card
installment terminals.

POS system can screen the stock and permit organization to effortlessly distinguish
patterns on the lookout. Thus, organization can recognize if thing is near unavailable and can
restock the thing without any problem. Likewise, it deals with the income of the business and
assists with settling on more educated business choices. Point of Sale System Pros and Cons (POS)

Advantages- Using a POS system expands business proficiency and wipes out human mistakes
that can be occur in customary installment techniques. Utilizing a standardized identification
scanner eliminates the need for sticker prices and makes it simpler to change costs and apply
special limits. POS system robotizes the requesting interaction and saves labor, desk work and
time other than utilizing a manual technique. It assists with dealing with the stock and keeps up
the most sweltering selling items on stock. When utilizing a POS system, it assists with
improving on the bookkeeping cycle. It additionally eliminates the blunders in conventional
installment techniques and offer got installment strategies.

Disadvantages - POS system is cost more than sales registers and manual techniques that will be
issue for limited scope organizations. POS system requires solid web association and moderate
web association could be hazardous. Additionally, POS systems have malware contamination
chances that could influence business execution.

4.2. Problems in Departments

4.2.1. Issues in HR Department

HR office dealing with different issues over past years. Most organizations use HR office
to support efficiency and deal with the business cost adequately. Perhaps the most serious issue
that HR office faces is enrolling capable workers. Indeed, even HR utilizes new advancements,
for example, web-based media, email, resumes and sites to discover new gifts, it's as yet hard to
track down the correct ability as indicated by the work position and friends need to lead long
meetings and tests that devour sensible measure of time and cash through the interaction.
Preparing and advancement can be appeared as significant issue in HR office. HR need to
contribute on preparing and improvement for ground level workers to ensure representatives
more beneficial and effective. This should be possible by giving confirmations and courses to the
representatives. A few organizations may battle in discovering assets to prepare their
representatives. Additionally, might bleeding edge dedicated workers not have sufficient
opportunity to take part in such courses. HR is mindful to address such conditions
Programming issues and blunders is another issue that HR office faces. Programming
blunders can happen because of bugs in programming (Functionality Errors), gadget glitch,
correspondence mistakes and because of unapproved access (Data Breaches). When
programming vacations happened, HR needs to stand by until the framework reestablishes, so
the staff hours will be squandered and it influence the general business execution and could be
directed to loss of income.
Wellbeing and security are one of issue that HR faces these days. This means
organization required not exclusively to keep up proficient capabilities just as well-being and
security data. Current pandemic circumstance due to Coronavirus episode is genuine model for

that. HR is answerable for keep a wellbeing profile of the representative and give a protected
workspace to the workers. This implies that whenever that well-being and security issue showed
up, HR should cover all required to forestall the well-being and security impacts.

4.2.2. Finance and Accounting Department Issues

we can see In Gamodh Citadel Resort they're not focusing on the accounting of lower
exchanges. Which implies they are giving low consideration for keeping records (accounting) for
little exchanges. In any case, it's essential to record all exchanges paying little heed to their sum
to analyze income of the business.

4.2.3. Issues in IT Department

These days IT division is confronting different security dangers, for example, Distributed
forswearing of administration, Malware, Spyware and Brute-power assaults. IT division need to
stay in contact and discover answers for these sort of assaults by utilizing something like date
programming and advancements.
Even they have IT office, their site isn't outwardly engaging, portable well disposed and
responsive. This is a disadvantage because nowadays' clients utilize different gadgets to get to
sites and companies have to bring to the table eye-getting and multi gadget upheld site to help
the business managment.

4.3. IS(Information Systems) Suggest as Solution for Problems in Current System according to
Current Trends in Hospitality Industry.

01. Inventory network the executive system for kitchen stores.

02. Creation the board system for fundamental kitchen, cake kitchen and the eatery.

03. Client care system for visitor connection work area and phone working region in front office.

04. Focal reservation system including all necessities of visitors.

05. Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERPS) for HR office.

06. Internet requesting system.

07. Utilization of portable applications.

4.3.1. Supply Chain Management System – SCMS

We can present production network the board for kitchen store to deal with the
relationship with providers. (Vegetable providers, organic product provider s, oil providers,
kitchen gear providers... and so forth) Via this Information system we can gather provider
subtletiesThusly, no convincing motivation to buy more unrefined material than you need. At
that point cash is saved by SCMS. In addition, this system can limit the fakes that occur in the

4.3.2. Production Management System - PMS

Creation the board system can be presented for fundamental kitchen, cake kitchen, eatery
and bar to think about food creation subtleties. In kitchen through this PMS we can limit food
waste and set aside cash. In café, PMS can be utilized for request taking method and it should
connect with kitchen.

PMS in Restaurant Main kitchen

Bakery items/ dessert orders 34

Pastry kitchen

Using PDA or tablet pc for request taking in eatery and bar is a latest thing of inns. Thusly, we
can utilize PMS in tablet pc or PDA. Through this new technique we can give the best answer for
issues in manual request taking system. For example, can be tackled absence of safety issue, can
be settled information uprooting issue.
Gamodh citadel resort, Anuradhapura.
K.O. T - .... Room... 39....

Date Pay Room No Guest

(Structure of a room service bill for
15/09 100/- 39 Mr. David K.O.T in web portal)
01 Chicken S/W

01 Chicken S/W

Brown bread


(Data Base of PMS)

Date Order Payments Room_No Guest_Name
15/09/20 01 100 /- 39 Mr. David

The creation system ought to have all of food sources accessible in the café. There is a
latest thing in showcasing division of high evaluated inns, in week after week or month to month
inn gives different advancements for visitor pulling in reason. Furthermore, PMS should be
connected with online interface in light of advancements that can refresh month to month or
week after week. Subsequently, offering different advancements is the best arrangement.

(structure of a food ordering bill in the restaurant)

Table_No Date Time Food Quantity payments promotions
Card Cash

Another moving is interesting selling. We can energize representatives for intriguing selling.
Through this strategy we can get more benefit and it would be a decent answer for sell less items.

4.3.3. Customer Care System – CCS

Effectively the lodging has a visitor connection work area to deal with clients and give data. The
visitor connection official is accountable for the visitor connection work area. It is somewhat
challenging to deal with the criticism from each visitor through the current manual system.
Consequently, the arrangement is an online system for the client taking care of. In an online
system we ought to incorporate all essential subtleties into the client taking care of IS (CSS).

4.3.4. Central Reservation System – CRS.

As of now, Gamodh resort has an online reservation system. Be that as it may, it has plenty of
imperfections. For example,

1 Has just a single instalment technique

2. Has not easy to understand and alluring interface

3.Use just a single language

4.Isn't fulfilled data about the lodging

5.Harder to discover the lodging on the grounds that the inn site hasn't distributed an
unmistakable guide of the inn area

6.Hasn't given rebate rates for appointments of VIP visitors.

(Celebrity - Very Important Person: - A visitor who visits the inn at least two times each year and
goes through fulfilled cash measure.)
Thusly, we should refresh the current reservation system by fixing each one of those
imperfections. We can make the inn's authority site with insights concerning more offices in the
lodging and photos of common nursery, pool... and so forth and we should offer limits and more
proposals for VIP visitors and fulfill them. The primary concern is we should utilize

straightforward English for the site and two more different language also. We can give an
unmistakable guide including the area of Gamodh resort. A typical issue in lodging industry is
there are such a large number of hotels in the field. Accordingly, it's serious for making due in
this industry. We can recommend a best answer for applicable issue. There is a latest thing call–
SEO. (Search engine optimization)

4.3.5. ERPS- Enterprise Resource Planning System.

Despite the fact that Gamodh resort as of now has a HR the executives system, there are many
issues. In this way, the best arrangement is ERPS. The ERPS is computerized large numbers of
the inn's capacities. ERPS is coordinated assistance and HR with Software to configuration,
create, assembling, and market items.

4.3.6. Online-Ordering System.

The current best trend is to make and sell food packaging without throwing leftover food in
restaurants. Besides, the current trend in many restaurants is to combine online ordering systems
with online such as Uber Eats and PickMe food delivery platforms. Customers can order
groceries anytime, anywhere.

4.3.7. Mobile Applications.

The substitution of web-based applications in the utilization of mobile applications is another

pattern that can be seen today.It's quicker, and utilizations gadget highlights for ease of use,
builds efficiency and cost decrease. Practically everything that should be possible through the
authority site of the inn should be possible utilizing portable application

4.4. Solution Systems Discussing with Classifications of Information Systems.

There are not many Information systems can be recognized by the administrative levels.

4.4.1. TPS – Transmission Processing System:-

Lower-level representatives utilize TPS. An exchange handling system may incorporate

fundamental business tasks like lodging appointments, buy orders, receipts, time cards,
solicitations, and finance checks in an inn. Exchange preparing contributes to numerous different
systems in an association, such as the board data systems and choice of emotionally supportive
networks. An exchange handling framework gives out as the establishment for these different
systems. Models from recommended data systems: Central reservation system, Supply chain the
board system, and production of the executive system.

4.4.2. MIS – Management Information System:-

MIS is utilized by centre-level administration in the lodging. This data system is an

overhauling data system. Further, it handles the arranging, dynamic and the executives of the inn.
MIS gives item data. Like deals record, advertising subtleties, provider data, account status.
Models from recommended data systems: - Supply chain management system, Production
management system.

4.4.3. DSS – Decision Support System:-

The executive level of the lodging utilizes DSS. Choice systems are systems that gather
information and information together. This data system assists with taking choices without any
problem. This is finished utilizing scientific models and insightful instruments utilizing an
organized or semi-organized strategy. Assists the executives with settling on casual choices.
Models from recommended data system: - Production management system, Customer care
system, Enterprise Resource Planning System.

4.4.4. ESS – Executive Support System:-

ESS is utilized by Top administration level of the lodging. It offers admittance to key
inward and outside information. For example, conveyance subtleties, every day benefits, creation
report, deals report... and so on And furthermore furnish synopsis level of information with
information control office. Models from recommended data systems: - Production the executives
system, Supply chain the board system.





Gamodh citadel resort is a three-star inn situated in Anuradhapura. This comprises a

feast lobby, gathering corridor, eating, pool, clothing, library, web offices, and bikes to ride in
the Anuradhapura region. This is a medium-size business that is as of now utilizing data systems
to deal with business measures. The current data system is somewhat modernized. we were
approached to make an investigation with the current data systems and assess the system abilities
with the corporate objective of the inn in this report, we were distinguished the business goals of
the inn and draw an association structure outline, were Recognized diverse administrative levels
of the inn, were clarified the elements of various utilitarian territories of the chose business
association. Further, were recognized the various sorts of data systems accessible in the above
utilitarian regions of the chose business association.

Not just that, we were assessed distinctive data systems with upsides and downsides which can
be utilized to tackle business issues in the current setting, were recognized a business issue from
the lodging, and prescribe the most appropriate data system to take care of that issue concerning
the latest things in the inn business.

Samples of Questionnaire


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