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Social studies is the integrated study of multiple fields of social science and the humanities, including
history, culture, geography, and political science. One of the purposes of social studies is to integrate
several disciplines, with their unique methodologies and special focuses of concentration, into a
coherent field of subject. Social studies aims to train students for informed, responsible participation in
a diverse democratic society. Social studies is not a subject, instead functioning as a field of study that
incorporates many different subjects. It primarily includes the subjects of history, geography, economics,
civics, and sociology. Through all of that, the elements of ethics, psychology, philosophy, anthropology,
art, and literature are incorporated into the subject field itself.

Merriam Webster dictionary defines social studies as "a part of a school or college curriculum
concerned with the study of social relationships and the functioning of society and usually made up of
courses in history, government, economics, civics, sociology, geography, and anthropology". Social
studies is a social science field that deals with human behavior, relationships, resources, and institutions.

National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) defines social studies as

"…the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence. Within the
school program, social studies provides coordinated, systematic study drawing upon such disciplines as
anthropology,archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology,
religion, and sociology, as well as appropriate content from the humanities, mathematics, and natural
sciences. The primary purpose of social studies is to help young peoplemake informed and reasoned
decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent


A Theory is a set of interrelated concepts used to describe, explain, and predict how society and its parts
are related to each other. Social Studies and social science theories are sets of inter-related concepts
and ideas that have been scientifically tested and combined to magnify, enlarge, clarify, and expand our
understanding of people, their behaviors, and their societies.

There are five (5) theories of social studies. They are

1. Conflict theories
2. Functionalism or structural functionalism theory
3. Symbolic interactionism theory
4. Social exchange theory.

1. Conflict Theory: Conflict theory is especially useful in understanding: war, wealth and
poverty, revolutions, political strife, exploitation, divorce, racism discrimination, domestic
violence, rape, child abuse, slavery, and other conflict-related social issues. Conflict Theory
claims that society is in a state of perpetual conflict and competition for limited resources.
Conflict Theory believes there's always a power struggle which is often won by the wealthy
elites and lost by common person of common means in the society. The society have
different classes and a similar pattern of relatively few rich persons in comparison to the
majority who are poor. The rich call the shots while the poor or averagely okay obey.
2. Functionalism or Structural Functionalism Theory: The Functionalist Theory claims that
society is in a state of balance and kept that way through the function of society's
component parts. This theory has underpinnings in biological and ecological concepts
Socialization, religious involvement, friendship, health care, economic recovery, peace,
justice and injustice, population growth or decline, community, romantic relationships,
marriage and divorce, and normal and abnormal family experiences are just a few of the
evidences of functional processes in our society.
3. Symbolic Interactionism Theory: Interactionism comes in two theoretical forms: Symbolic
Interaction and Social Exchange. Symbolic Interaction claims that society is composed of
ever-present interactions among individuals who share symbols and their meanings. This
theory is useful for understanding other people; improving communications; learning and
teaching skills in cross-cultural relations.
4. Social Exchange Theory: Social Exchange claims that society is composed of ever present
interactions among individuals who attempt to maximize rewards while minimizing costs.
Human beings are rational creatures, capable of making sound choices once the pros and
cons of the choice are understood. This theory uses a formula to measure the choice making


One of the powerful aspects of this theory is the concept of Equity. Equity is a sense that the
interactions are fair to us and fair to others involved by the consequences of our choices.

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