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HaHu Smart Learning

Business Plan

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Entrepreneurship Assignment

Hahu Smart Learning

The interactive and personalized learning platform for students!
“Redefining learning experience!”
Business Plan

Redefining learning experience!

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

© 2021 HaHu Smart, All right reserved

This business plan is intended solely for informational purposes to assist in determining if
you with a due-diligence investigation of this project. The information contained herein is
believed to be reliable, but the management team makes no representations or warranties
with respect to this information. The financial projections that are part of this plan
represent estimates based on extensive research and on assumptions considered
reasonable, but they are of course not guaranteed. The contents of this plan are
confidential and are not to be reproduced with express written consent.
Table of Contents

Executive Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

The Business ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Funding Requirement---------------------------------------------------------------- 4
The Product or Services ------------------------------------------------------------ 5
The Plan-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Marketing Strategies -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Target Market ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Pricing Strategies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
Promotion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Sales Strategies----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Operational Plan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Organizational Plan -----------------------------------------------------------------------8
Financial Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
SWOT Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Exit Strategies--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Appendix -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13

Assignment Personnel’s ---------------------------------------------------------- 16

Hahu Smart Learning
Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

Executive summary


Ethiopia's existing educational system is backward and unproductive, and

students and teachers are the primary sufferers of this system. Our goal is to
create a high-quality, long-lasting software solution.


HAHU is a smart learning platform that delivers quality education to students

around the country in an engaging and smart manner. We are attempting to
improve the current educational system by providing a virtual lab, instructive
films, interactive web apps, and on-going assignments.

Our Mission
✓ To improve the quality of education system
✓ To fabricate the digitally skilled and competitive students and schools
✓ To make better education everywhere

Theory of Change

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Hahu Smart Learning
Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

Everything begins with the way we learn; if we enhance the learning system,
we will have cracked the code for everything, including economic, political,
and social advancement!

Market Analysis

According to CSA (central statistics agency), there are estimated 21,418,000

students in Ethiopia attending class. From this 76% or 16,200,000 is enrolled
in primary school. However, this big market is not satisfied with the current
educational system. Therefore, we need to offer different solutions.
Smart(e-learning) is the best solution known from many researches. While
there are many organizations that offer eLearning service, Hahu differ from
other by personalized learning experience

Financial Plan

When the business is launched it may need some amount of money this is
because most filed equipment purchased during startup. The venture will
start up with a total capital of birr 300,000.
50% initial capital will be covered by the contribution made from partners
(20,000 birr each). The remaining 200,000 birr will be compensated by loan
from financial intuitions (bank), the interest will be paid annually and the
principal will be paid at January 1, 2022.
On the first year we plan to promote our products giving one-week free trials
to Schools, then we offer different packages for subscription.

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Hahu Smart Learning
Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

The Business
In our country, the education sector is poorly facilitated, especially rural area
there are lack of human resource and unqualified personals. As a result, the
system is still producing less well-trained students.
HaHu Smart Learning tackles this problem providing solution with web app
that include virtual labs, video tutor, interactive courses, practice questions.
The system helps by making it easier and fun to learn, this is accomplished by
making the app user friendly and interactive. The teachers will also benefit
from virtual lab we provide, this helps the teachers to demonstrate practical

Funding Requirement
Our company as a main domain will definitely require star up funding for
different purposes crucial to provide intended privileges to our customers and
clients regardless of circumstances. We’ll use the petitioned funding for
motives and purposes such as cloud hosting using different servers and utilize
facilities provided for Research & Development departments to alleviate our
work or cause that may be of cost or that comes of a specific valued price.
To assimilate this specific fund donations provided by vital constituents, the
company will take an estimate startup funding of 300,000 ETB for
jumpstarting the company to undertake the whole project with all expenses
to be covered.
From the 300,000 fund the suppliers have provided, 50% of the deposit comes
from loans from financial institution and the remaining 50% will be
accompanied with compensation forum based on consensus from distinct
partnership, separate and crucial for this company.

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Hahu Smart Learning
Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

The Product or Service

Product: we will give provisions of software solution for current undergoing

problem needed to be tackled.
➢ interactive website-based experience
➢ Web-Apps, iOS App, Android App, Virtual Labs
➢ Lesson based Quizzes and examinations
Substitute Product
➢ Educational Games, Practical activity related Software
➢ Online Courses with brief and detailed explanation

The Plan
Marketing Strategy
We will use cause marketing (also known as cause related marketing), that
links a company and its products and services to a social cause or issue. Our
main focus that we consider a priority is the value or worth that we provide
our customers.
Target Market
We are focusing on those who are in educational environments
like, Students and teachers, schools. In places which have access
to Internet connection. Thanks to the current telecom reform
happening recently.
❖ For Students: Students can access our services directly
from our server by Mobile App and Websites.
❖ For Teachers: They can access virtual labs that helps them
to experiment and trails different practical platforms.

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Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

❖ For Schools: We will give installation of local area network

to provide our service accessible in offline situation, this
will create suitable environment for rural area.

Pricing Strategies
Market penetration: We try to attract our customers by offering
free trials leading to package subscription. The pricing will be
kept a little bit lower than competing business to earn clients at
The packages subscription will generate revenue through annual
payments. The quality of our services will support the prices we
charge; therefore, leading to customer satisfaction.
Also, the packages we distribute will have different features and
variety based on level of customers (teachers, students, school
lecturers…) so that many customers will be able to afford.

Promotion Strategy

Advertising: “Redefining learning experience” is the basis of our

motto that differentiates us from other competitors, laying the
groundwork for our foundation. We’ll use social media platforms
to address our message especially channels that highly influence
to have follower of students.
Social Media: we will advertise through you tube, face book,
Instagram, tik-tok and telegram.
Flyers: we will distribute brochures as well as information on
flyers about our services and image to these educational
Direct Mail: we’ll send quarterly direct mail campaigns to those
who have given subscription and have membership.

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Hahu Smart Learning
Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

Sales Strategy
Value Based Sales: We sell products by addressing face value for
the customers to get them to recognize and realize the long-
term benefits and the consistent flow of learning through
information that will surely be liable to facilitate learning through
new experiences excluding any discrimination for any entity.

Operational Plan

We will create brand new team or assign members to existential group

which will be responsible for designing, developing and programming
different technological firmware (software).
We will consider putting in to effect a contingency plan so as to not
have depreciating product as well as features. Also to sustain a quality
of our product and services incorporated originally, we will have
qualified personnel to frequently test our software entities, filling gaps,
removing impairment, fix bugs and protect cyber security of product
with our patent credentials intact.

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Hahu Smart Learning
Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

Organizational Plan

Dev't Team
design Team

Sales and

Hahu Smart Learning has five founding members, whose backgrounds span
education, computer programming, Graphics designer and digital marketing
Fuad Akmel (CEO) the software graduate, web developer
Gemechis Gedefa (Creative Director) experienced graphic designer and Arch
engineering graduate
Gemechis Elias (CTO), full-stack software developer, Android App engineer
Gemechis Lemma (COO), Software Engineer graduate, IT professional
Gedion Tassew (Product Manager), Software developer and digital marketer

Financial Plan
The following tables that show the amount of capital that we invested
on raw materials for the success of our business.

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Hahu Smart Learning
Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

1. Starting capital of the business

In the financial plan of this eLearning business, it will be showing how

much capital will be needed to start the business. It will cover the
amount of money that its needed from the way of execution of the
business is started to the day it starts expanding ever. Here are some
of the costs that must be taken to consideration:

Startup expenses
Rent 40,000
Expense equipment 53,000

Research and development 26,000

Web Hosting 18,000

Advertising 10,000

Insurance 20,000
Total Expenses 159,000

2. Raw materials, which are necessary to conduct our


Raw material Amount

Computers 90,000
LAN Wi-Fi routers 20,000
Networking cables 10,000

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Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

HAHU Smart Learning Project cash flow statement for the year ending
30 June 2012
Description Amount (in Birr)
Total sales of service
Less: Direct & Indirect cost

3. Cash flow statement for the year ending 30 June 2012

Description Year
Owners’ contribution 100,000
Loan from relatively 200,0000
Net profit/loss -
Cash Sales -
Tax 0
Investment received 0
Asset 100,000
Total cash inflow 400,000

SWOT Analysis
The following SWOT analysis capture the key strength and weaknesses within
our company, and describe the opportunities and threats our company.
➢ Our area of strength to a very large extent lies in the fact that owner
HaHu Smart Learning is BSC holders, who know about Information
Technology and Business.
➢ The project we undertake is based on trust; so we are familiar with each
other and this extensive group has made consistent and well defined

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Hahu Smart Learning
Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

research into the field of e-learning that has given enough reason for
➢ The weakness for our business could be that we are starting a new
business and it really isn’t easy to convince customers as a culture of
online learning is not experienced among students.
➢ Also, the poor network and low internet speed may be the problem to
make our website accessible in everywhere.

➢ The huge demand of quality education and eLearning is opportunity for
➢ The ongoing digitalization policy in Ethiopia open huge scope for
untapped market.
➢ Unstable political circumstance resulting in unreliable of internet
➢ The cyber issue is can be threats

Exit Strategies

If the Master plan or purpose that this company as an objective has forwarded
to be considered and put into action shall not come to pass or for unfortunate
reasons the desired progress declines, the enterprise will have to offer
options on how to use the efforts or product materials for different purpose
related to previous goal of achieving. It will also use other motives that may
come to benefit the institution as a whole with taking customer and client
demand into consideration of course.

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Hahu Smart Learning
Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

Such examples we may put into effect are using web pages or sites to assist
in online platforms for student such as ‘homework and assignment tutoring
web sites’ or maybe use the product and equipment use por online facilities
to put it on a wider market such as online app stores or use our product as
subsidiaries for other companies. Even use the liberty of leasing merchandizes
to different client in any way possible or even for huge enterprise and global
networking firms

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Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!


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Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

HaHu Smart Learning Mobile App Preview

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Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

HaHu Smart Learning Web App Preview

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Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

Section J2, Freshman Engineering

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Hahu Smart Learning
Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Redefining learning experience!

Group Members
Name ID. No
➢ Fuad Akmel 0531/13
➢ Gedion Tassew 0537/13
➢ Gemechis Elias 0539/13
➢ Gemechis Gedefa 0540/13
➢ Gemechis Lema 0541/13

Sub. Date: Thurs, Sep 23, 2021

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