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oN NEELAM SILK HOVSE The Visa Officer, Australia Consulate General n Compound, No. HSOG Sh Ne Re: Transit Multiple Entry V Dear Sir, This is to bring to your kind at hat | Mr. Sohan Lal Munot. Along with My Wife Mrs, Vimala Devi we are traveling to New Zealand VIA AUSTRALIAN transit for tourism Purpose on 08th April 2024. Our flight details are as © galore to Sydney and JQ-223 Sydney to: Queenstown. And in Return also we om New Zealand on 22ND” April 2024 Auckland via Sydney on QF-140 and further to Bangalore on QF- 067. Hence for above flights We w« \ Visas We have enclosed the document of New Z & Ticket copy Thereby request you to kindly consi¢ plication fayokably and issue the necessary Transit Visa to Thanking you, omen For NEELAM SILK HoUSF Aiea Proprietor / Authorised Signate “484 4, Kolpana Market, 2rd Floor, Basavonna Lone, KR. Serty Pet, Avenue Reod Cress, Banglore, Karnataka - 560 002 Eall: heclomaliiouse@gmalicom, OFF 080-48143192, Mobile : «91 9886483192, -91 9449593868, +91 B618101702 Application number: vvo0993788 ‘Hlent number: 84926002 42-February.2028 NEW ZEALAND ‘vanieaTion Kio ora SOHAN LAL MUNOT ‘New Zealand vitor visa approval Appliation number VWo039) 1788 for a New Zealand Visitor Visa» ication has been made: ‘through an immigration adviser, aw ‘exempt from licensing this entire doe Generaihas been approved: ifthis Ver oF other representative whos nt must be provided to the applicant, Vistor Visa deta Applicant details Name: SOWAN LAL MUNOT Date ofbith: 0240 60 Passport number: $6329897, Gonder: Male Natlonaity: india ‘lent number: 84926082 Visa conditions The start date of this visa 32 February 2025 ‘Tals visa allows multiple entry -you ean enter New Zea ‘The last date you may travel and re-enter New Zeslands 12 Februniy 2025 Gnleach entry into New Zealand you can stay up to months at tive Stay subject to grant of entsy permission, ‘You must eave before visa expiry o face deport Tae neler ofthis vss must comply with any order made under suction 12 ofthe COUD-19Puble Health Response Act 2020, ‘The holder ofthis visa must comply with any ord! and listed in schedule of the COVID-49 Pubic Hs ‘The holder ofthis vis must comply with any instruction from a Medical Olcer of Heath which {elates to a notifiable or quarantinable disease The holdershall nt undertake employment in N2 ‘The holder shall not study for mote than 3 months In every 22 and mulspleties using this vss. 4 Under section 70 ofthe Heath Act 2956 ith Response Act 2020, month perio in NZ. '¥ you do not comply wth these conditions you may become lable for deportation, anes Om) Me this visa i 4 N valid, yous Wit ray WY Passport, WE abhi! 2 psn yy You can very ify the details Of Your visa Online Using the Visa ve rif UNOUEODIINe-syste mms) New Zealand's co VID-19 requirements 00 oF from N i COVIO 19 roy often Automated systems Some aspects of your application have been proc Section 28 of the Imm) 4 Using automo Wgratlon’ Act 2009), For more intorsn tion st.n Me! Ho Co www.dmmigeation, govt nz/about sis/sitesinto n You must not remain in New Zealand after your vito vxpnes You must hold valid visa at all thes while you wren tes, Polnns you do not hold alld isa, You willbe In NewZealand unlawullyand you wil hove a por leave voluntarily before you are served with a de portation order you will face a peo Preventing your return to New Zealand in the futur Ifyou have any questions, you ean: + call our immigration Contact Centve on 0soe 5 New Zealand +64 9 914 4100, or find answers to frequently asked questions wow. tmmigration se/hb question 19 914 4100, or forth gi mihi Invmigration New Zealand Anes ane We ) 93 sass wen TRAVELING ser ano canny wii YOUR PASSPO cunt pra THs 00 Application number: yy Client number, tks 849261 12-February-2024 NEW ZEALAND Kia ora VIMALs bey New Zealand vi Applicstion numboy W099; imber: pplication hac SxEMpE From lic ‘sitor visa approval 1788 fora New Zealand yj ‘ ston sa te VA- Gaxerathas been spr been made through an sRrlaation ads were "preserve i “ring, this entire docur must be eae Provided to the applicant - Visitor Visa details Applicant details Name: ViMaLA Dey) Date of bith: 07-October-1963 Gender: Female Passport number: sé328820 Nationality: india lent number: 84925101 Visa conditions The start date ofthis visa 32 February 2004, TRE visa allows multiple entry -youscay ence New ze, {he last date you may travel and re-enter CLheseh entry into New Zealand you can stay Upto Smonths at Stay subject to grant of entry permission, You must leave before visa expiry or ace deportatic {he holder ofthis visa must comply with any order sede un ler section 11 of the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020, ‘The holder ofthis visa must comply with any order mae under ction 70 of the Health ore pte it schedule 2of the COVID-19 Pubic oath Responnc atone The holder of this visa must comply with any instection fog: relates to a notifiable or pees holder shall not undertake employment nz Thor lca ore ae ay Stnepene um tiple tim Using this visa Zealand ic 12 Februa 2025, atime, Act 3956 edical Officer of Health which ecome liable for portation, HF youdo not comply with these cneitions you may become lable for doporta far osi 2 6516 vo ‘bsite has MOF marion op ho : oe ite BINEVSBVeriication Service MESSHeIOY a verficsion sain Be Ce te current Ov0-19 roy d refercing to these ofte Automated systems Some aspects of your application have been Processed using automated systems in acc Bo to he immigration Act 2008, For more intr es about INS use of aut 80 to wus imlecation govt. ng/aboutus/ste-information/erme ofa You must not remain in New Zealand after your visa expires You must hold a valid visa at all times while you aren New Zein, youdo not holds valid visa, you will bein New Zealand unlawfully and you wit be fate for deportation. if leave voluntarily before you ere served with a deportation order jou wil ty Preventing your return to New Zealand in the future Hf you have any questions, you can: + callour immigration Contact Centre on 0508 55 88 55 or 09 914 4100, or fo tho New Zealand +54 9 9144100, or + find answers to frequently asked questions at swurw immigration govtna/knowledgebase/kb-qvesion Nga mihi Immigration New Zealand porated Ns +H YOUR PASSPORT WHEN TRAVEL with PRINT THIS DOCUMENT AND CARRY

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