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Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):

Description: An Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic
and logical operations on binary numbers. It is a fundamental building block of the central
processing unit (CPU) in a computer and is responsible for executing arithmetic operations
(such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) as well as logical operations
(such as AND, OR, and NOT).

Aspect Advantages Disadvantages Applications

Versatility - Handles various - Complexity: ALU - CPU Symphony: Powers
tasks effectively. design can be intricate. the performance of CPUs.
Speed - Executes - Power Consumption: - Digital Artistry: Creates
operations swiftly. Consumes significant stunning graphics in GPUs.
Integratio - Seamlessly - Space Constraints: - Embedded Harmony:
n integrates into Large ALUs require Drives embedded systems
CPUs. more space on chips. in microcontrollers.
Flexibility - Adapts to - Timing Constraints: - Scientific Serenade: Aids
different data sizes Certain operations may scientific computing.
and operations. take longer.
Affordabili - Cost-effective. - Parallelism - Secure Enchantment:
ty Limitations: May not Ensures encryption in
fully utilize parallelism. cryptographic systems.
module alu_16bit (
input wire [15:0] operand1,
input wire [15:0] operand2,
input wire [3:0] operation,
output reg [15:0] result,
output reg [3:0] flags

// Internal signals
reg [15:0] temp_result;

always_comb begin
// Addition
4'b0000: temp_result = operand1 + operand2;
// Subtraction
4'b0001: temp_result = operand1 - operand2;
// Bitwise AND
4'b0010: temp_result = operand1 & operand2;
// Bitwise OR
4'b0011: temp_result = operand1 | operand2;
// Bitwise XOR
4'b0100: temp_result = operand1 ^ operand2;
// Left shift
4'b0101: temp_result = operand1 << operand2[3:0];
// Right shift
4'b0110: temp_result = operand1 >> operand2[3:0];
// Arithmetic shift right (sign extension)
4'b0111: temp_result = (operand1[15] == 1) ?
{{8{operand1[15]}}, operand1[15:8]} : (operand1 >> operand2[3:0]);
// Rotate left
4'b1000: temp_result = {operand1[operand2[3:0]], operand1}
>> 1;
// Rotate right
4'b1001: temp_result = {operand1,
operand1[15:operand2[3:0]]} << 1;
// Compare
4'b1010: temp_result = operand1 - operand2;
// Increment
4'b1011: temp_result = operand1 + 1;
// Decrement
4'b1100: temp_result = operand1 - 1;
// Logical NOT
4'b1101: temp_result = ~operand1;
// Arithmetic NOT (two's complement)
4'b1110: temp_result = -operand1;
// Zero extension (zero-pad to 16 bits)
4'b1111: temp_result = {8'b0, operand1[7:0]};
default: temp_result = 16'h0000;

// Set flags
flags = 4'b0000;
flags[1] = (temp_result == 16'h0000); // Zero flag
flags[2] = temp_result[15]; // Sign flag

// Carry and Overflow flags

if (operation == 4'b0000 || operation == 4'b1011 || operation
== 4'b1100 || operation == 4'b1000 || operation == 4'b1001) begin
flags[0] = (temp_result[16] == 1); // Carry flag
flags[3] = ((operand1[15] == operand2[15]) &&
(temp_result[15] != operand1[15])); // Overflow flag for addition,
increment, decrement, rotate left, and rotate right
end else if (operation == 4'b0001) begin
flags[0] = (operand1[15] < operand2[15]); // Carry flag for
flags[3] = ((operand1[15] != operand2[15]) &&
(temp_result[15] != operand1[15])); // Overflow flag for subtraction
end else if (operation == 4'b1010) begin
flags[0] = (operand1 == operand2); // Carry flag for
end else if (operation == 4'b0111) begin
flags[3] = (operand1[15] == 1); // Overflow flag for
arithmetic shift right
end else if (operation == 4'b1110) begin
flags[3] = (operand1 == 16'h8000); // Overflow flag for
arithmetic NOT

// Assign final result

always @* begin
result = temp_result;


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