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Recent advances in nodal land seismic acquisition


Tim Dean & Denis Sweeney

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Published online: 11 Nov 2019.

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Recent advances in nodal land seismic acquisition systems
Tim Dean* Denis Sweeney
Curtin University – Exploration Geophysics SuperSeis Pty Ltd
Bentley, West Australia Queensland

recording (rather than radio triggered recording). Although it

continuously recorded data it still required time
SUMMARY synchronisation messages to be sent via radio. The first non-
radio real-time data system introduced was the VibTech (later
Early on in the history of seismic acquisition the Sercel) Unite, which used a mesh Wi-Fi system to transmit
advantages of being able to acquire data without the data.
impediment of cables was identified. Despite the
introduction of numerous systems since the 1970s nodal The first ‘blind’ (i.e. no real-time data or QC status) system
land acquisition systems have only relatively recently was the Geospace GSR launched in 2007. This approach was
become popular. We begin this paper by looking at the enabled by the introduction of low-cost GPS chips that
history of nodal land seismic acquisition systems. We enabled time synchronisation across multiple disconnected
then look at the rapid developments that have occurred units. As with the Ultra G5, it incorporated continuous
over the last 10 years, including reductions in weight, recording with the shot records being extracted or ‘combed’
increases in recording duration, and the increasing based on source GPS times after the data had been manually
popularity of integrated systems. The question of which downloaded. The system utilised a digitiser unit with
nodal system to use depends to a large extent on the separate geophone and battery (Figure 2) and this was the
survey location and requirements. Overall, we see a trend approach taken with other systems introduced at this time
towards using larger numbers of lighter nodes. including AutoSeis, iSeis Sigma, and INOVA Hawk.
Key words: Nodal acquisition, land seismic.

Early on in the history of seismic acquisition the advantages
of being able to acquire data without the impediment of
cables was identified (Burg 1941). Often cabled systems
suffer down time due to cable problems (e.g. connectors
becoming unplugged, line boxes losing power, cables being
cut) so the removal of the cables promised to improve the
reliability of the system. Unfortunately, cables are also the
method by which data is transferred from the sensors to the
recording system so early systems required a wireless method
to transfer data. Early wireless or nodal systems therefore
relied on radios to transfer data. Initially, data was Figure 1. Diagram showing the use of a node to acquire
transferred sequentially from each recording unit after data as part of a transition zone survey. Reproduced
acquisition of a record, but later systems could transfer data from Olofin and Will (1989).
from multiple units in real-time. Due to their bulk, limited
battery life, and limited channel count, the use of such
systems was typically limited to transition zone surveys
where conventional, cabled, land systems were unsuitable
and the water was too shallow for a marine streamer survey.
The nodes were typically mounted on floats attached to
anchors with the sensors themselves placed in the water
(Figure 1).

The first system extensively used for land acquisition was the
Seismic Group Recorder or SGR introduced in the early
1980s (Shave 1982). The SGR differed from other systems
in that the data was recorded internally on tape.
Development of radio systems continued through the 1990s,
such systems either sent the full dataset in real-time or sent
limited QC data with the full data being downloaded
manually later.
Figure 2. Photo of the Geospace GSR (courtesy of
The next major innovation occurred with the introduction of
the Ultra G5, which was the first to utilise continuous data

AEGC 2019: From Data to Discovery – Perth, Australia 1

Recent advances in nodal land seismic acquisition systems Dean and Sweeney

Downloadable (or blind) nodes all work in a similar way.

The nodes are deployed into the field programmed to record
continuously during the standard acquisition times. The GPS
times of the sources are then recorded by the source control
system. Once back in camp the data from the nodes is
downloaded or harvested, usually by placing them into racks,
and, if required, the batteries recharged. Individual records
are then separated or combed from the continuous time
datasets using the source initiation times. The resulting
common-receiver gathers are then sorted into the more
familiar common-shot gathers for further processing.
Figure 4. Photograph of the five new integrated nodal
The next major advancement came with the introduction of systems. From left: ZLand, SmartSolo, Quantum, GCL,
the Fairfield ZLand. This system incorporated the digitiser, and NuSeis.
geophone, and battery into a single integrated unit (Figure 3
left). This had the disadvantages of being limited to
recording a single geophone type and being unable to change
the battery to keep the digitiser in use (it takes a lot longer to
charge a battery than download the data) but the simplicity of
the approach made it highly successful at the time.

Figure 5. SmartSolo split into its two sections, the section

on the left contains the battery and the one on the right
the geophone and digitiser.

Figure 3. Photograph of the original ZLand node (left) Figure 6. Photo of the different SmartSolo battery and
and the latest version (right). sensor configurations (from left), single component with
standard battery, 3-component with extended battery, 3-
MODERN SYSTEMS component with standard battery, single component with
Since 2014 ten new nodal acquisition systems have been extended battery.
introduced. In this section I will briefly describe each system
and its peculiarities. We begin by looking at the five new The INOVA Quantum node (Figure 4) is the lightest
commercially available node at 650 g and also has the longest
integrated systems. The first of these is an upgraded ZLand
which has an increased battery life (12 to 40 days), lighter battery life (100 days). It has a unique method of switching
on, with the unit recording data whenever it is placed
weight (2.2 to 1.8 kg), and smaller case (Figure 3 right).
vertically. Similar to SmartSolo, the GeoSpace GCL node
The SmartSolo system differs from the others in that it splits (Figure 4) also dispenses with external connector pins but in
into two sections as part of regular operations (Figure 5). this case, it is charged and downloaded via inductive
The lower section contains the battery and the spike which coupling.
also serves as a screw to secure the two sections together,
while the upper section contains the digitiser and geophone. The final integrated node is the GTI NuSeis (Figure 4). This
This has the advantage, similar to external battery systems, in node clearly has a different form factor to the others and has
been specifically designed to ensure that the node is well
that the battery can be changed allowing the digitiser to be
used more efficiently, but obviously requires the unit to be coupled to the ground (the node is inserted into the ground up
disassembled (although this gives an added advantage in that to the metal collar, although it can also be fully buried). To
there are no exposed download/recharge contacts). An enable the node to be planted special tools are used to create
additional advantage is that the battery section can be an appropriately sized hole in the ground into which the node
replaced with a higher capacity (although larger) battery is placed.
and/or the sensor section with a 3-component unit (Figure 6).

AEGC 2019: From Data to Discovery – Perth, Australia 2

Recent advances in nodal land seismic acquisition systems Dean and Sweeney

Three new eternal sensor systems have also been introduced

(Figure 7). These include the Geometrics Atom, which has
been designed for small-scale surveys and thus has limited
battery life (3 days) but does allow data to be harvested via
WiFi and charging via USB. The Geospace GSB is an
evolution of the GSR that includes an internal battery
(although the use of an external battery is still an option).
Finally, the INOVA HawkHD is the latest version of the
Hawk system and has a lighter weight (0.9 vs. 1.7 kg) and
lower battery consumption (155 vs. 309 mW for a single
channel unit). The RT3 system also has the option to connect
an external sensor but this is unlikely to be the preferred

Figure 9. Weight per channel comparison for cabled and

nodal acquisition systems. The red and green lines are
taken from Lansley, Laurin, and Ronen (2008). The light
blue line is a modern cabled system and the dark blue box
current nodal systems. Reproduced from Dean, Tulett,
and Barnwell (2018).
Figure 7. Photograph of the three new external
sensor/sensor & battery systems. From left: Geometrics The Sercel 508XT cabled system also overcomes issues with
Atom, Geospace GSB, and INOVA HawkHD. cable breaks that have affected previous cabled systems by
having memory inside the line boxes that buffers data. If the
Finally, real-time data and QC nodes are limited to the line is broken then the system automatically finds an alternate
Wireless Seismic RT3 and the Sercel WTU508 respectively route to transmit the data back to the recording truck
(Figure 8). The RT3 is an evolution of the RT2 system, (assuming one exists of course).
which was fully radio-based, that uses WiFi to move data
from sets of receivers to a radio backbone. The WTU508 A new non-commercial system, first introduced in 2018, is
system also uses WiFi but utilises a network hoping the ‘nimble node’ system designed to be used as efficiently as
architecture between units so doesn’t require a backbone. possible to enable crews employing hundreds of thousands of
The WTU508 has an additional advantage in that it offers the channels (Brooks et al. 2018, Manning et al. 2018). The
ability to wirelessly harvest the data from the nodes. The node itself is 13 x 4 cm and weights just 150 g. To avoid
Hawk system offers the ability to wirelessly harvest QC data external connectors, it employs optical downloading and
and most of the other systems offer some form of wireless inductive charging. The node does not employ a geophone
system check (typically obtained using Bluetooth). but its size and expected cost, does allow for denser receiver
spacing thereby providing equivalent or better data quality.
The Nimble node, like the NuSeis node, has a form factor
focused on optimising sensor ground coupling.

Figure 8. Photographs of (left) the RT3 real-time data

system and the Sercel WTU508 real-time QC system.
Note that unlike Figure 4 and Figure 7 these units are not
shown to scale.


One of the stated advantages of nodal systems has always Figure 10. Nimble node (left), charging/download rack
been a reduction in weight, but as the weight of nodes has (right). Adapted from Manning et al. (2018).
come down so has the weight of cabled systems. Figure 9 is
an adaption of a graph given in Lansley, Laurin, and Ronen Another acquisition system currently under development is
(2008) that shows the current weight of a modern cabled METIS (Multiphysics Exploration Technologies Integrated
system (Sercel 508XT) compared with that of modern nodes System). METIS is specifically designed for overcoming the
depending on the station interval. The station spacing at logistical issues of acquiring surveys in the jungle of Papua
which nodes are lighter has decreased, previously it was more New Guinea and is an acquisition philosophy that covers
than 50 m, but it is still between 8 and 30 m, i.e. at small geometry, sources, and receivers. On the receiver side the
station intervals cabled systems are lighter.

AEGC 2019: From Data to Discovery – Perth, Australia 3

Recent advances in nodal land seismic acquisition systems Dean and Sweeney

system employs nodes that are dropped into position by advantages (Dean and Sweeney 2019b, a). The acquisition
drones (Figure 11). The darts are based on the Wireless geometries that these nodes might enable is also an area of
Seismic RT system 2 that transmits data in real-time to future study.


Thanks to the various equipment companies. In particular to

Geophysical Technologies Incorporated (GTI) who provided
Figure 11. Photo of a Metis node or DART (Downfall Air a test system to Curtin University.
Receiver Technology).
Brooks, C., A. Ourabah, A. Crosby, T. Manning, J. Naranjo,
Nodal seismic acquisition systems have developed rapidly D. Ablyazina, V. Zhuzhel, E. Holst, and V. Husom. 2018, 3D
over the last 10 years. Hardware wise, node weights have field trial using a new nimble node - West Siberia, Russia.
decreased dramatically whilst recording durations have Paper read at SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts.
increased. Although systems with separate batteries,
digitisers, and geophones were common ten years ago, most Burg, K. E. 1941, Prospecting method and apparatus. US.
recently introduced systems incorporate these elements into a
single unit. This removes any remaining issues with cables Dean, T., and D. Sweeney. 2019a, The effect of land seismic
and connectors (the cause of many issues on cabled crews) recording system noise levels on survey productivity. Paper
and makes the systems simpler to use. As developments read at 81st EAGE Conference & Exhibition, at London.
progress we expect that these nodes will continue to get
smaller and lighter, consistent with the new Nimble Node Dean, T., and D. Sweeney. 2019b, The use of nodal seismic
(Figure 10). The continued move to integrated nodes is acquisition systems to acquire limited-scale surveys. First
coupled with an increasing trend to replace analogue strings Break, 37, no. 1.
with individually recorded sensors.
Dean, T., J. Tulett, and R. Barnwell. 2018, Nodal land
Of course, having smaller nodes is only part of the solution in seismic
some areas, the development of METIS shows that survey acquisition: The next generation. First Break, 36,47-52.
efficiency also comes from how you deploy, collect, and
harvest the nodes. Particularly with the interest in higher Lansley, M., M. Laurin, and S. Ronen. 2008, Modern land
channel count crews we expect all these issues to be recording systems: How do they weigh up? : The Leading
addressed, to some extent, through automation. Edge,888-894.

The question of which nodal system to use depends to a large Manning, T., C. Brooks, A. Ourabah, A. Crosby, M. Popham,
extent on the survey location and requirements. If weight is D. Ablyazina, V. Zhuzhel, E. Holst, and N. Goujon. 2018,
the biggest concern (e.g. for heliportable crews) then clearly The case for a nimble node, towards a new land seismic
one of the lighter nodes is advantageous. If different sensors receiver system with unlimited channels. Paper read at SEG
need to be deployed then a node that supports multiple types Technical Program Expanded Abstracts.
of external sensors (Figure 7), or that can be adapted to
employ external sensors (NuSeis, RT3) would be required. Olofin, D. K., and R. A. Will. 1989, Acquisition and
Processing of Shallow Water 3-D Seismic Surveys Over
Overall, we see a trend towards using larger numbers of Producing Fields in the Northwest Niger Delta. Paper read at
lighter nodes. Coupled with these advances in hardware Offshore Technology Conference, at houston.
technology will come changes in the way that nodes are
handled in the field, with a greater emphasis on automation. Shave, D. G. 1982, Seismic group recorder system. Paper
Data comparisons that we have acquired to date suggest that read at SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts
the use of nodes has data quality as well as logistical

AEGC 2019: From Data to Discovery – Perth, Australia 4

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