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Without these, they can’t think a step forward in the direction of their growth. The
degree of dependency is leading to addiction of the tech-devices and services. Youth
is the most vulnerable group among the population to be addicted to technology.

According to Fauzi (2018), gadgets are a technology tool that is currently

growing rapidly and has special functions, including smartphones and tablets.
Gadgets with various applications can present various social media so that they are
often misused and also have a bad impact on student academic scores. A gadget is
an important device and has become a necessity for human beings around the
world. The rapid development of modern technology in the era of technological
gadget has led to the revolution of modern media by the present generation Z.
Previously, the use of gadget is very limited to professionals but nowadays, the use
of these gadgets is not uncommon especially among Gen Z. more and more gadget
users are able to own these devices because they are widely available and are
commonly sold at affordable price Tal and Torous (2017).

Furthermore Kuznekoff, Munz and Titsworth (2015), have pointed out that the
exchange process of (UN) related messages through smartphones during lecture
time affects student performance and the note-taking process. The major three
distractive ways that mobile phones affect learning performance are related to
sources example are notifications, texting process, targets example are messaging
has no impact on reading comprehension and in subjects the examples are
information motives, personalities. On the contrary, Marzouki, Idrissi and Bennani
(2017) have mentioned the positive effects of mobile learning on knowledge
acquisition, student academic performance, attitudes, and motivation in social
constructivist learning environments. The direct and indirect association between
learning variables of laptop multitasking and academic performance, the findings of
this study argued that females with high self-regulation skills are less exposed to
online multitasking experiences and presented higher academic performance
compared to males. Zhang (2015).

According to Marzouki, Idrissi and Bennani (2017), have mentioned the

positive effects of mobile learning on knowledge acquisition, student academic
performance, attitudes, and motivation in social constructivist learning environments.
Although researchers have quite extensively explored how, digital device usage in a

lecture theatre affects student academic performance , only limited attention has
been given to learning variables, such as self-efficacy and self-regulation. Self-
efficacy refers to individuals’ beliefs on their capabilities to perform behaviours that
will produce desired outcomes through the accomplishment of specific tasks which
then in turn led to achieving one’s scholastic goals.

Hence, Technology users are moving towards being more mobile, and
teachers and students are a significant part of that trend. Teachers can project
presentations onto the SMART Boards and they can write, touch and interact with
their content. Document cameras are also a fun way for teachers to show students
new and interesting ways of looking at objects. Whether they are zooming in on the
smaller details of a 3D object, or observing science experiments, students can share
an equal view of the lesson without crowding the teacher’s desk. Whether a student
is listening to his own music while studying, or a teacher is playing an audio book to
her students, mp3 players are an increasingly common sight in schools. Both
teachers and students can make full use of mp3 players in their school activities
(Gammuac, 2013)

Based on the background above, it can be seen that the use of gadgets is
more widely used to open social media and play online games. To examine more
deeply the impact of gadget usage, the authors are interested in conducting research
that examines the impact of gadget usage in academic performance of grade 12
learners in Don Carlos Polytechnic College SHS.

Statement of the problem

The study aimed to identify the impact of gadget usage in academic

performance of Grade 12 learners.

1. What is the demographic profile of the Grade 12 learners in terms of;

A. Age

B. Gender

2. What are the impacts of gadgets usage to the academic performance of Grade 12
learners in Don Carlos Polytechnic College?

3. What is the academic performance of the Grade 12 learners?

4. Is there a significant relationship of the use of gadget and the academic

performance of the grade 12 learners?

Objectives of the study

The study aimed to identify the impact of gadget usage in academic

performance of Grade 12 learners.

1. To identify the demographic profile of the grade 12 learners.

2. To determine the impact of gadget usage to the academic performance of the

Grade 12 learners in Don Carlos Polytechnic College.

3. To determine the academic performance of the grade 12 learners.

4. To correlate the relationship of the gadgets to the academic performance of the

grade 12 learners.

Significance of the study

The results of the study was beneficial to school administrators, teachers,

parents, students and other stakeholders.

To the School administrator to provide different programs in school that

promotes awareness and suggested different ways on how students can limit
themselves on using gadgets.

To the teachers they gained insights to help the students regarding of the
impact of gadgets to their academic performance.

To the parents this study helped them to know the impact of gadgets to the
academic performance of their children. Also it helped them limit the usage of
gadgets to their children when they found out on the study the different results about
the gadget usage.

To the students this study was beneficial to them, they are aware in their
studies especially when it comes in using their different gadgets. It was important for
them to remain aware of their responsibilities while using their favourite gadget
because many academic and researcher believed that excessive use of
sophisticated gadgets have the potential to become an addiction.

To the future researchers this was a big help to the future researchers
because it served as guide to gather information to have a bigger study.

Scope and de/limitations of the Study

This study was delimited on the impact of gadgets usage to the students'
academic performance of grade 12 learners of Don Carlos Polytechnic College. The
researcher conducted the study which are some of the students has gadget.
Researchers chose the grade 12 learners as their respondents at Don Carlos
Polytechnic College. Located at Purok 2, North Poblacion, Don Carlos Bukidnon. In
the school year 2022-2023.

Definition of terms

This study used the following terminologies which were denotatively and
operationally defined in the study.

Academic performance - it refers to the general average in the first semester of the
grade 12 learners.

Gadget- it refers to cell phones, laptop, computer and any technology that students

Gadget usage – a sense of urge to use the phone or any other gadget when using
something or the fact of being used.

Generation – a group of people born and living during the same time.

Impact – it refers to the effect of gadget usage to the academic performance of the
grade 12 learners.

Internet – it refers to a network that connects computer and organizational computer

facilities around the world.

Social media – refers to communicate other people through internet access using
any gadgets like facebook, instagram, messenger etc.

Usage – refers to an action of using something or the fact of being used.



This chapter presented a review of literature and related studies, conceptual

framework, research paradigm and hypothesized models.

Review and related literature and Studies


Gadgets include being a means of facilitating long-distance communication

with other people, both between cities and abroad, and can also be used as
information media for Warsita. But most people now cannot even control themselves
to use the gadget itself and instead it has an impact that is not good for their lives
Warsita. Teenagers who depend on gadgets cause anti-social behaviour. Excessive
use of gadgets can result in losses. Losses are not only in terms of health but in
terms of economy, gadgets are indeed one of the things that can speed up the
completion of various kinds of tasks and work so that the world is full of gadgets
which are the main needs in the world of the internet or the world of information and
the latest technology today. Many people know the benefits and uses of gadgets
themselves, such as making phone calls, recording pictures, recording videos,
recording voices, playing videos, playing music, accessing the internet, managing
data, and so on. (Fatimatuz, 2015).

According to Budiharto et al., (2020), it is not surprising that gadgets in this

era are much liked by children. Because gadgets in the current era have turned into
interesting items, especially in touchscreen technology and have also been equipped
with various applications that attract attention, especially in children. The use of
gadgets among children, adolescents and adults, there are various purposes for
someone using gadgets, for example to find information or just to play games.

Based on research that has been conducted by Nelli (2019) which concludes
that field research shows that student academic development greatly influences the
use of gadgets because students who really fuse gadgets as they should or more
precisely students who use gadgets to learn, these students will experience an
increase the value of achievement or academic value increases. The form of using
gadgets that can shape student academics is the ability of students to find study
materials and references and even use them correctly, because it is obvious that

students who use gadgets correctly tend to win in competitions even in almost all
fields of competition they win because they don't only fostered by schools but also
additional learning at home using gadgets.

In addition, a research conducted by Sandrawita (2019) which shows that the

gadgets they have are only used as entertainment media, the gadgets used cannot
be used as learning media. Children's study time, has not been managed properly.
This is marked by the absence of a child's study schedule at home. Gadgets have a
negative impact on children with gadgets when children's learning is not managed
properly. Besides that, it is difficult for children to break away from using gadgets,
weak parental control, there is no policy from the sub-district government regarding
time limits for using gadgets, an unsupportive environment and so on.

Fontanilla, M (2018) emphasize that almost everyone is too dependent on

smartphones especially the youth. Reports said that app companies are actually
designing the technological gadgets and services provided by them to get users
hooked. The term used for this is brain hacking and it is defined as engineering the
phones, apps and social media to hook someone to spending more and more time
on their gadgets. The study was made to present the creative ways that the software
development company is doing to hook users on technology via apps and other
software. It also examined the brain hackings impact on the students learning.


Advances in digital technology, one of which gadgets have become part of the
daily life of all levels of society (Agung, et al., 2019, p. 276).Regardless of gender,
age, education level, ethnicity, economic status, modern people actively use gadgets
in their lives, have quick access to any information, are always in touch with friends,
relatives, colleagues, regardless of location. It is not surprising that today, modern
electronic technology is firmly entrenched in education (Kabanova & Vetrova, 2019,
p. 524). The use of gadgets simultaneously affects student interest (Syaputri&
Usman, 2019). Therefore, Syaputri and Usman added that the use of gadgets in
education is an issue that must be studied in depth. Content or material that is often
accessed by students can more or less influence the development of students in
thinking, behaving, and acting. Most people use gadget technology as a means of
communication, learning and media to find information that is in line with the goals of

the technology being developed. The results of technological advances not only
provide benefits to the industrial sector but also help in the field of state education
(Anshari, et al., 2018, p. 152).

According to Rosen et al., 2013. More studies were carried out to investigate the
causes behind a negative relationship between electro media use and academic
performance; multitasking has emerged as a possible explanation. Obviously, as
smartphone use is not only limited to texting and calling but internet use, email and
social-networking sites such as facebook, it can potentially increases multitasking
and task switching during academic activities. This ultimately leads to decrease in
academic performance.


According to Gammuac (2013), today’s classrooms are equipped with the

latest technology to enhance instruction. Smartphone use in the classroom is still
somewhat controversial, but the Calgary Board of Education actually encourages it
as a learning tool. In an interview with CTV, Queen’s University National Scholar and
Associate Professor Sidneyeve Matrix compared the situation to when calculators
were first used by students in the classroom. “We had a whole new level of
computational skill, and now we’re going to have a whole new level of mobile digital
skills when we turn to mobile learning on the handhelds.” Technology users are
moving towards being more mobile, and teachers and students are a significant part
of that trend. On 2013, Lenovo, the world’s top PC vendor reported that they sold
more smartphones and tablets than PCs for the first time ever. Calgary-based
SMART Technologies’ SMART Boards are popular with both teachers and students.
Teachers can project presentations onto the SMART Boards and they can write,
touch and interact with their content. Document cameras are also a fun way for
teachers to show students new and interesting ways of looking at objects. Whether
they are zooming in on the smaller details of a 3D object, or observing science
experiments, students can share an equal view of the lesson without crowding the
teacher’s desk.

Whether a student is listening to his own music while studying, or a teacher is

playing an audio book to her students, mp3 players are an increasingly common
sight in schools. Both teachers and students can make full use of mp3 players in
their school activities (Gammuac, 2013).

In addition, Kuznekoff, Munz and Titsworth (2015) have pointed out that the
exchange process of (UN) related messages through smartphones during lecture
time affects student performance and the note-taking process. The major three
distractive ways that mobile phones affect learning performance are related to
sources (i.e., notifications, texting process), targets (i.e., messaging has no impact
on reading comprehension) and subjects (i.e., information motives, personalities).
On the contrary, Marzouki, Idrissi and Bennani (2017) have mentioned the positive
effects of mobile learning on knowledge acquisition, student academic performance,
attitudes, and motivation in social constructivist learning environments. Although
researchers have quite extensively explored how, digital device usage in a lecture
theatre affects student academic performance , only limited attention has been given
to learning variables, such as self-efficacy and self-regulation. Self-efficacy refers to
individuals’ beliefs on their capabilities to perform behaviours that will produce
desired outcomes through the accomplishment of specific tasks which then in turn
led to achieving one’s scholastic goals. Self-regulation consists of social cognitive
(e.g., self-efficacy and motivation) and behavioural dimensions (e.g., self-evaluation
and effort management).

According to Zhang (2015) the direct and indirect association between

learning variables (i.e., self-efficacy, intrinsic, and extrinsic motivation, test anxiety
and self-regulation), laptop multitasking and academic performance. The findings of
this investigation showed that self-efficacy negatively influenced multitasking, while
self-regulation is positively associated with extrinsic motivation (e.g., enjoyment).

A study conducted by Kim, Martinovic and Katavic (2019) found that

attendance has small value, but significant effects on student learning and
performance. Students who skipped class on a given date were significantly more
likely to respond incorrectly to questions relating to material covered that day than
students who were present. In accordance with the current pace of the globalised
world, most students have their mobile phones and are glued to the phone leading to

mobile phone addiction. This addiction has an impact on student academic

performance. Subba et al. (2013) indicated that one third of students frequently
checked their phone owing to ringxiety or phantom ring which is an indicator of
mobile phone addiction, thus this affects their studies.

According to Patacsil & Idor in 2021, revealed that the use of gadgets has a
moderately positive impact in learning because of its features that extend the ability
of the students to do more things but it also has a negative impact because students
are most likely to be distracted by it.

Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework for this study utilized constructs and relationships
from the theory of the Hook Model Theory (2013) and Social Learning Theory (2014)
to develop theoretical propositions regarding the effects of gadget exposure.

According to the Hook Model Theory 2013, trigger is one of the elements that
a user undergoes when they are starting to use gadgets. Trigger has two types: the
external and internal, a person which is using a gadget happens to see a notification
in his email from his old friend. The external trigger is the action of her being curious
in who and what are the notifications content and by cycling through successive
hooks, users begin to form associations with internal triggers, which attach to
existing behaviours and emotions. (Nir Eyal, 2013). This explains that when every
user starts to use a gadget there is a trigger action in every clicking of the mobile
gadgets that causes it to be a habit and form into an everyday routine in their life.

Gadget is a great invention of genius minds in the world and innovated a new
easy way of living. Nowadays there are an increasing amount of people who are
using gadgets because of the pandemic. The researchers have to conduct research
about the effects of gadgets on students’ health to inform and spread awareness
about the effects of using gadgets. The hook model theory determines that a user of
a gadget can undergo. It explains why a user hooked in using a gadget; a simple
notifications, image or message that can give information can lead to a cause of
excessive use of a gadget and becoming a habitual routine.

In line with this research, it can be said that the invented gadgets have a huge
influence on every person, especially the students who mostly used the gadgets.
There are a number of reasons why many people use gadgets, they use it for
educational purposes, gaming, shopping, business and entertainment. As young as
6 months parents actually let their children use gadget like watching videos for them
to stay quiet and make it a habit. In order to prevent the effects of using it parents
should be more aware and educate their children as well as those teenagers to
prevent getting bad effects of excessively using gadgets.

In Social Learning Theory (2014) that theorises people learn from one another
via observation, imitation and modelling. This theory has often been called a bridge

between behaviourist and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses

memory, attention and motivation. People learn through observing others’
behaviours, attitudes, and outcomes of those behaviours. This theory answers two
aspects of this study, namely mobile phone addiction and its effect on academic
performance. This theory explains how humans develop their behaviour in terms of
continuous give-and-take interaction between cognitive, behavioural and
environmental influences. In the context of this study, the excessive use of mobile
phone interaction is considered as an addiction, and this affects the student’s
behaviour, thus causing poor academic performance.

According to research conducted by Rahayu (2018) which shows that student

learning outcomes do not have a significant increase even with source books or
searching for information through devices. It can be concluded that student learning
outcomes do not affect the presence or absence of the use of devices in the
information search process, but devices greatly affect the process of teaching and
learning activities. Based on research that has been conducted by Nikmawati (2021)
which concludes that the use of gadgets does not significantly affect the learning
outcomes of fifth grade students. The positive impact obtained in using gadgets
makes it easier for students to participate in teaching and learning activities, makes it
easier to access information, and learns new things through social media. But there
is also a negative impact on students' learning achievement which is decreased
interest in learning, playing more social media, online games and eye disorders.
Addiction to using more gadgets to play games and social media results in students'
achievements not progressing in understanding learning which makes their grades
decrease (Galingging, 2022).

Moreover, student academic development greatly influences the use of

gadgets because students who really fuse gadgets as they should or more precisely
students who use gadgets to learn, these students will experience an increase the
value of achievement or academic value increases. The form of using gadgets that
can shape student academics is the ability of students to find study materials and
references and even use them correctly, because it is obvious that students who use
gadgets correctly tend to win in competitions even in almost all fields of competition
they win because they don't only fostered by schools but also additional learning at
home using gadgets (Das, 2018; Budhiarto et al., 2020; Fauzi, 2018).

Gadgets they have are only used as entertainment media, the gadgets used
cannot be used as learning media. Children's study time, has not been managed
properly. This is marked by the absence of a child's study schedule at home.
Gadgets have a negative impact on children with gadgets when children's learning is
not managed properly. Besides that, it is difficult for children to break away from
using gadgets, weak parental control, there is no policy from the sub-district
government regarding time limits for using gadgets, an unsupportive environment
and so on (Sandrawita 2019)

Research paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable


Figure 1: Schematic diagram showed the relationship between independent variable

and dependent variable.

Hypothesis of the Study

HO1: There was no significant relationship between the usages of gadgets towards
the academic performance of the grade 12 learners of Don Carlos Polytechnic


This chapter described the method of research design, the respondents of the study,
the instrument used, data gathering procedures and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study utilized the quantitative design to determine the impact of gadgets
to the academic performance of the Grade 12 students of Don Carlos Polytechnic
College, Don Carlos Bukidnon. The descriptive survey used to determine the impact
of gadgets to the academic performance of the Grade 12 students. According to
Form plus Blog, descriptive research is a type of research that describes a
population, situation or phenomenon that is being studied. It can answer the
questions how, what, when and where questions in a research problem.

Locale of the study

This study conducted at Don Carlos Polytechnic College of Don Carlos,

Bukidnon. It offers program for senior high school and college. The school offers
Academic tracks for senior high school and offers Bachelor of Elementary Education,
Bachelor of Secondary Education, and Bachelor of Science in Criminology for
college. The school is situated at P-2, Poblacion Norte, Don Carlos, Bukidnon, going
south, it is approximately 30 meters away from the left side of the national highway.

The school principal is Mr Ariel Berico, supervising 380 Senior High School
students in Grade 12, each section has 54 students. The people who live in the
locality are Cebuano, Ilonggo, Ilocano and Manobo tribes but they are
communicating using the same dialects. The abundant crops in the locality are corn,
rice, sugar cane, pineapple and vegetables in part of Don Carlos, Bukidnon.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study was the Grade 12 learners of Don Carlos
Polytechnic College SHS of Don Carlos, Bukidnon who are enrolled in this school
year 2022-2023. There are 7 sections for the Grade 12 learners of Don Carlos
Polytechnic and the researchers selected one (1) section of HUMSS strand with fifty

Map of the Locale of the Study

Figure 2: Map of Don Carlos Bukidnon and location of Don Carlos Polytechnic

Sampling Procedure

This study used total enumeration of one (1) section to identify the
respondents. When administering the tool, the researchers explained to the
participants and they are assured that their response would be kept as confidential
and used for research purposes only. The researcher conducted a survey related to
the impact of gadgets to the academic performance of the Grade 12 students.

Research Instrument

To determine the impact of gadgets to the academic performance of the

grade 12 learners of Don Carlos Polytechnic College, the researcher adapted survey
questionnaire of (Gabiota et. al 2017) entitled “The impact of gadget in student’s
learning” to gather data of the present study.

Table I. Usage of Gadget

Scale Range Qualitative description Qualifying statement
5 4.50 – 5.00 Always 5 out of 5 instances 5 out of 5 instances
4 3.50 – 4.49 Very often 4 out of 5 instances 4 out of 5 instances
3 2.50 – 3.49 Sometimes 3 out of 5 instances 3 out of 5 instances
2 1.50 – 2.49 Seldom 2 out of 5 instances 2 out of 5 instances
1 1.00 – 1.49 Never 1 out of 5 instances 1 out of 5 instances

Scale Range Qualifying statement Qualifying statement

5 4.50 – 5.00 High Impact 5 out of 5 instances
4 3.50 – 4.49 Moderate Impact 4 out of 5 instances
3 2.50 – 3.49 Slight Impact 3 out of 5 instances
2 1.50 – 2.49 Low Impact 2 out of 5 instances
1 1.00 – 1.49 No Impact 1 out of 5 instances
Table II. Impact of Gadgets

Table III. Academic Performance

Descriptors Grading Scale Remarks

Outstanding 90-100 Passed
Very Satisfactory 85- 89 Passed
Satisfactory 80- 84 Passed
Fairly Satisfactory 75- 79 Passed
Did Not Meet Expectations Below 75 Failed

Data gathering

Once the proposal was approved, a letter of request to conduct the study was
forwarded to the principal of Don Carlos Polytechnic College for the administration of
the survey questionnaires. The instrument used in this research was a survey
questionnaire that consist questions that focused on the impact of the gadgets
towards the academic performance of the learners who are currently using different
kinds of gadgets.

Upon approval, the researchers started the survey. The identified participants
was not disclose throughout the research study in order to motivate them to give
their responses. Then, the accomplished survey questionnaire retrieved to ensure
the accuracy of the responses and a high percentage of retrieval. The result of the
study was analysed and treated statistically.

Statistical Techniques

This study used descriptive statistics such as frequency count and mean to
determine the average of the student’s response on the categorized survey
questionnaire Descriptive statistics was a useful tool in determining the impacts of
Gadgets. This involved summarizing and analysing data using measures such as
mean, median, mode, standard deviation, range and percentiles.

Descriptive correlational statistics used in this study to test the significant

relationship of Gadgets to the academic performance of the grade 12 learners.
Descriptive correlational statistics is a statistical treatment that involves analysing the
relationship between Gadgets and academic performance variables without
attempting to establish a causal relationship it is a type of descriptive statistical
analysis that is commonly used in research to examine the relationship between the

Chapter 4
This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data collected
from the respondents to determine the effect of gadget usage on students’ academic
performance. The presentation of data is based on the sequence of the problem
presented in Chapter 1.

Table 1. Demographic Profile of the Grade 12 learners in terms of age and


Age Frequency Percent

17 years old 5 10.00

18 years old 24 48.00

19 years old 17 34.00

20 years old 4 8.88

Total 50 100.00

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 23 46.00

Female 27 54.00

Total 50 100.00

Age is often associated with a decline in cognitive abilities that are important
for maintaining functional independence, such as learning new skills. While gender is
often used to refer to the social and cultural constructions of masculinity and
femininity, rather than biological aspects of the male or female sex.
Table 1 shows the demographic profile of the Grade 12 students in terms of
Age and Gender. The result shows that 48% of them were 18 years old, 34% were
19 years old, 10 % were 17 years old, and 8.88% were 20 years old. In terms of
gender, a difference of 6% (3 students) is shown in the table, there were 54% female
and 46% male.
It also agrees with Kabanova & Vetrova (2019, p. 524) that regardless of
gender, age, education level, ethnicity, economic status, modern people actively use

gadgets in their lives, have quick access to any information, are always in touch with
friends, relatives, colleagues, regardless of location. It is not surprising that today,
modern electronic technology is firmly entrenched in education.
In connection to the study of Articulo et al. (2014) The finding on the effect of
electronic gadgets on the academic performance found out all respondents,
regardless of differences in sex and ages and exposure were very affective and was
most likely to be dominated by girls. However, Grade 12 students were extremely
affective in the awareness of the ill effect of these useful devices.

Table 2. Level of Impacts of Gadgets on the Academic Performance of Grade

12 learners of Don Carlos Polythecnic College
When I use my gadget… Mean SD Description
I am able to stimulate my senses and 3.84 .77 Moderate Impact
imagination better.
I am encouraged to develop my analytical 3.84 .74 Moderate Impact
I am more creative. 4.06 .98 Moderate Impact
I am more knowledgeable in using computers. 3.90 .95 Moderate Impact
I am able to relieve stress and use it for 3.86 .97 Moderate Impact
entertainment purposes.
My hand – eye coordination improved. 3.`14 1.23 Slight Impact
My mathematical skills improved. 3.42 1.11 Slight Impact
I am having more fun learning. 3.65 .94 Moderate Impact
I can research topics easier. 4.22 .97 Moderate Impact
I can search for information anywhere. 4.00 1.01 Moderate Impact
I am more likely to procrastinate. 3.54 1.01 Moderate Impact
I am spending less time outdoors. 3.56 1.13 Moderate Impact
I am more short-tempered towards my 3.42 1.01 Slight Impact
classmates and teachers.
I am having difficulty concentrating on my 3.38 1.14 Slight Impact
I am having problems socializing with my 3.60 1.01 Moderate Impact
friends and classmates.
I am more reliant to plagiarism. 3.20 .93 Slight Impact
My hand writing became worse. 3.00 1.32 Slight Impact
I am too lazy to go to school. 3.06 1.30 Slight Impact
I am having trouble falling asleep. 3.26 1.21 Slight Impact
I sleep less than usual. 3.86 1.43 Moderate Impact

Overall Mean 3.54 .40 Moderate Impact


4.50-5.00 High Impact
3.50-4.49 Moderate Impact
2.50-3.49 Slight Impact
1.50-2.49 Low Impact
1.00-1.49 No Impact

Excessive use of gadgets not only has a positive impact on students but also
has a negative impact. The positive impact obtained from the use of gadgets is that
students are able to find information and communication easily, but excessive use of
gadgets will have a negative impact on student learning outcomes.
Table 2 shows the impacts of gadgets on the academic performance of grade
12 students. Out of 20 indicators, 12 were rated as Moderate Impact and 8 were
rated a Slight Impact with an overall mean of 3.54 (SD=.40). This further implies that
using gadgets has minor impacts on performance.
Specifically, the indicator I can research topics easier, obtained the highest
mean of 4.22 (SD=.97). It is followed by, I am more creative, with a mean of 4.06
(SD=.98). Then, I can search for information anywhere, with a mean of 4.00
(SD=1.01). The results imply that students were able to search and research topics
comfortably using their own creativity through gadgets.
Moreover, the indicator, My hand writing became worse, obtained the lowest
mean of 3.00 (Sd= 1.32). It is followed by I am to lazy to go to school, with a mean of
3.06 (SD=1.30). Then, My hand-eye coordination improved, with a mean of 3.14
(SD=1.23). These indicators had a Slight Impact on students’ performance.

According to Patacsil & Idor in 2021, revealed that the use of gadgets has a
moderately positive impact in learning because of its features that extend the ability
of the students to do more things but it also has a negative impact because students
are most likely to be distracted by it.

Table 3. Academic Performance of the Grade 12 Students.

Scale Frequency Percent Description
90-100 15 30.00 Outstanding
85-89 24 48.00 Very Satisfactory
80-84 10 20.00 Satisfactory
75-79 1 2.00 Fairly Satisfactory
Below 75 0 0.00 Did not meet Expectation
Total 50 100.00

Academic achievement is measured in the form of students' remarkable

scores across their subject courses and the display of learning outcomes which can
be assessed through performance, classroom tests, assignments, outputs, and
major examinations.
Table 3 shows the level of performance of the Grade 12 learners. It can be
observed that most of them are Very Satisfactory (48%). It is followed by
Outstanding which is 30%. Then, students with Satisfactory performance with 20%.
And, only one was Fairy Satisfactory. Nobody belongs below Satisfactory.

Table 4. Correlation
Variables Academic Performance Interpretation
r-value p-value
Impact of Gadget -.188 .190 Not Significant

Table 4 illustrates the correlation among the variables in the study. As shown in
the table, the impacts of gadget did not exhibit a significant relation to academic
performance. Specifically, the r-value is -.188 (p>.05). This further means that there
is a negative relationship between the variables but not enough to make influence on
the academic performance of the learners. Thus, the null hypothesis is not rejected.
Used of gadgets did not significantly impact students’ academic achievements.
According to Rosen et al., 2013. More studies were carried out to investigate the
causes behind a negative relationship between electro media use and academic
performance; multitasking has emerged as a possible explanation. Obviously, as
smartphone use is not only limited to texting and calling but internet use, email and
social-networking sites such as facebook, it can potentially increases multitasking

and task switching during academic activities. This ultimately leads to decrease in
academic performance.

Chapter 5


This section contains the summary and critical discussions of the significant
findings presented in relation to previously identified problem statements in the first
chapter. Conclusions and recommendations are further offered with the intent to
generalize the result of the field of investigation.


This study aimed to determine the impact of gadget usage on learners’

academic performance. Specifically, it sought to: a) determine the demographic
profile of the respondents in terms of age and gender; b. describe the level of
impacts of gadget usage on students’ academic performance; c) identify the level of
pupils’ performance; and, d) ascertain the relationship between the impact of
academic performance and academic performance.

This study was conducted in Don Carlos Polytechnic College, Don Carlos,
Bukidnon during the second semester of SY 2022-2023.

This study utilized the descriptive-correlational research design. A descriptive

correlational method was used for this study which is designed to describe the
impact of gadget usage on learners’ performance.


Results of the study revealed that:

There were 48% of the students belong to 18 years old which means that
most of them did not belong to the school-aged of a senior high school and 54%
were female.
The overall mean of the impact of gadget usage was 3.54 with SD= .40 which
suggests a moderate impact.
As to academic performance, 48% belong to Very Satisfactory.
There is a negative non-significant relationship between the impact of gadget
use and academic performance with a -value of -.188 (p>.05).


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

Most of the students do not belong to the school-age of a senior high school
student and are dominated by females.
Most of the grade 12 students belong to Very Satisfactory.
The usage of gadgets has a moderate impact on learning.
There is no significant relationship between the impact of using gadgets and
academic performance.


Based on the conclusions the following recommendations are


It is recommended to determine the age of the students so that the number of

students in the SHS with the right age can be identified.
Assessing the impacts of gadget use would help the teachers make
innovations concerning using of gadgets.
Assessing the students’ performance is a must since this will be the basis of
every teacher on the various activities to be provided in classroom instruction.

Since gadget usage did not exert a significant relationship on

performance, it is recommended to explore other variables not included in this
study. The number of samples also must be increased.

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