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[Two newscasters sit behind a desk, looking serious.

The news reporter stands ready with microphone in

hand. An actor portraying Oedipus is seated nearby, looking troubled.]

Newscaster 1: "Good evening, and welcome to tonight's special report. We delve into the tragic tale of
King Oedipus, a story that unfolds with irony and fate at its core."

Newscaster 2: "That's right. Oedipus's attempt to escape his predestined fate serves as a gripping narrative
of human struggle against the forces of destiny."

[Cut to news reporter standing in front of a backdrop depicting ancient Greece.]

Reporter: "The central irony in the king’s journey lies in his relentless quest for truth, despite his efforts to
evade the prophecy that he will commit patricide and incest."

[Cut to actor portraying Oedipus leaving Corinth.]

Reporter: "King Oedipus's journey begins with his departure from Corinth, believing he can outsmart fate
by avoiding his alleged parents, Polybus and Merope."

[Cut to scene of actor encountering King Laius at a crossroad.]

Reporter: "However, fate has its own plans. Unknowingly, Oedipus encounters King Laius at a crossroad
and fulfills the first part of the prophecy by killing his own father."

[Cut to scene of actor solving the riddle of the Sphinx.]

Reporter: "Upon arriving in Thebes, Oedipus's intellect saves the city from the Sphinx, earning him the
crown and marriage to Queen Jocasta, his biological mother. This thus completed the inevitable fate the
oracle had foreseen to the family."

[Cut to Oedipus being interviewed by the news reporter.]

Reporter: "Now, let's hear directly from the man at the center of this tragic tale. King Oedipus, can you
share with us your thoughts on the events that have unfolded?"

[Oedipus, portrayed by the actor, looks up with a mixture of anguish and determination.]

Oedipus: "It has been a journey fraught with sorrow and revelation. I believed I could escape the fate
assigned to me by the oracle, but alas, my efforts only served to seal my tragic destiny."

Reporter: "And what about your quest for truth? How does it feel to uncover the shocking reality of your
own actions?"

Oedipus: "To learn that I am the very cause of the plague that afflicts my people, that I am the murderer I
have been searching for, it is a burden too heavy to bear. I sought to protect Thebes, but instead, I brought
ruin upon it."

Reporter: "Many would argue that you were simply a pawn in the hands of fate. Do you believe in the
inevitability of destiny?"

[The camera zooms in on Oedipus's pained expression as he reflects on his tragic fate.]

Oedipus: "Whether by fate or by my own folly, the outcome remains the same. I have come to accept the
cruel hand that destiny has dealt me, though it brings me nothing but grief."

Reporter: "Thank you, King Oedipus, for sharing your thoughts with us. This has been a revealing
glimpse into the inner turmoil of a man ensnared by the threads of fate, not even through his own volition
and willpower would he have had escaped from."

[back to the newsroom.]

Newscaster 1: "A poignant reflection from Oedipus himself, as he grapples with the weight of his

Newscaster 2: "Indeed. And now, let's turn to the cause of the plague that ravaged Thebes."
[Cut to news reporter.]

Reporter: "According to the oracle of Apollo, the plague was a consequence of an unpunished murderer
within the city."

[Cut to actor portraying Oedipus addressing the citizens of Thebes.]

Reporter: "Oedipus, now king, takes it upon himself to solve the mystery, unaware that he himself is the
cause of the plague. Though his heroic confidence persisted and his mercy to the people of Thebes show,
the guilt he felt was insurmountable realizing how through his hands he made the then-prosperous city
suffer. Whether he is truly liable to this, however, is debatable."

[Cut back to the newsroom.]

Newscaster 1: "The irony is palpable. Oedipus's sincere efforts to avoid his fate only lead him closer to its

Newscaster 2: "And speaking of fate, we witness the power of destiny and the tragic consequences that
befall those who attempt to defy it."

Newscaster 1: "Thank you for joining us tonight. Stay tuned for further updates and analysis. This is
[Newscaster 1] and this is [Newscaster 2] goodnight ."

[End scene.]

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