Chem 2212

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CHEM 2212 4.



-the functional and structural units of life

-Compost the individual cells in living organism There are 2 basic classification of living organism
-All macromolecules are constructed from a few simple
compound (monomeric subunit) 1. Eukaryotes
– any cell that contains a clearly defined nucleus and
Biomolecules Monomeric Subunit membrane bound organelles
Carbohydrates Monosaccharides Surrounded by a plasma made up of protein and lipids
Protein Amino acids Ex: Aimal, plant, fungi, and protist cell
Organelles – membrane-enclosed packages of
Nucleic acid Nucleotides
organized macromolecules that perform a
Lipids Largely hydrocarbons
specialized function

Unique feature – compartmentation

1. Found in Bulk = C, H, O, N, P, S
2. Prokaryotes – any unicellular organism that does not
contain a membrane bund nucleus or oganelles
2. Very likely essential = Ca, Na, K, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cl, Mn, Ex: Bacteria and archaea
Fe, I 3 basic shapes of Bacteria
Spherodial (cocci)
3. Maybe essentials = As, Br, Mo, V, W, Cd, Al, B, Si, Ga, Se, Rodlike (baccili)
F Helically-coiled (spirilla)
E.coli is the most studied prokaryotic cell
All living things have the same kinds of monomeric
subunits. They are underlying patterns in the structure of
Water, H2O
biological macromolecules. Water
– the most abundant substance in living organism (70% or more of
METABOLISM - medium of transport of nutrients, enzymes-catalyzed reaction,
and transfer of energy
The concept of energy is fundamental to biochemistry
because, in order to fend off nature’s unstoppable THE BIOLOGICAL ROLES OF WATER
inclination for degradation to the lowest energy state, cells
Biological Solvent _ provides medium for metabolic reaction
and organisms need a steady flow energy. Organisms are
never at equilibrium with their surroundings. Death and Serves as an essential buffer to regulate temperature and pH – it is
decay restore the equilibrium. able to absorb large amount of hear from biological reaction

Dynamic Steady State = results when the rate of Participant in may biological reaction
appearance of a cellular component is exactly matched by
the rate of its disappearance.
Water is amphoteric because it can act as acid or based,
THERMODYNAMICS OF BIOLOGICAL SYSTEM depending on the species it is react with.

A living organism is an open system; it exchanges both Acid – donates proton

matter and enerqy with its surrounding. Base – accepts proton

a. They take up chemical components from the

- tends to resist changes in their pH when small amounts of acid or
b. they used energy absorbed from the sunlight base is added


1. Group transfer =
2. Oxidation- Reduction
3. Cleavage
3. Rearrangement
CARBOHYDRATES used for animal nutrition, with simple stomach animals
efficiently metabolizing monosaccharides. Ruminants contain
-most abundant molecules on earth microbes that degrade cellulose, while glycogen is a storage
-make up most of the organic structures if al plants form found in animal and fungal cells
-major storehouse of chemical energy for carrying out life
-source of raw material
-supportive structural components in plants
-is a genetic control of development and growth of living cell

Classification of Carbohydrates

1. Monosaccharides – simple sugar

Aldoses – have an aldehyde group at one end

Ketoses – have keto group, usually at C2
Center of Chirality – any carbon atom which is connected to four
difference group
Stereoisomers – same molecular but different structure formulae
Enantiomers – pair of stereoisomers that are mirror image of each
Epimers – are carbonates that differ in the location of the -OH
group in one location
Diastereomers – stereoisomers that are not mirror image of each

Monosaccharide Structure
*Fischer projection – linear
*Haworth Perspective Formula – cycling or ring

2. Oligosaccharides – consist with 2-10glucose unit

a. Disaccharides – 2 monomers sugar
Disaccharide Structure
Sucrose Glucose + Fructose
Lactose Glucose + Galactose
Trehalose Glucose + Glucose
Maltose Glucose + Glucose
Cellobiose Glucose + Glucose
Gentiobiose Glucose + Glucose

Glycosidic Bond – a covalent bond that join monosaccharides

forming dissacharide, oligosaccharides, or polysaccharides by

Common Disaccharides
*Sucrose = a-1-glucose and one B-2-fructose
*Maltose = 2 a-D-glucose
*Cellobiose = 2B-D-Glucose linked in B-1,4
*Lactose = a-D-Glucose and B-D-galactose
b. Trisaccharides – 3 monomers sugar
c. Tetrasaccharides – 4 monomers sugar
d. Pentrasaccharides – 5 monomers sugar

3. Polysaccharides – are insoluble in water but upon hydrolysis by

acid or enzymes, they are broken down

a. Starch – storage carbohydrates found in plants

b. Cellulose – compose of B1-4 linked D-glucose residues
c. Glycogen – storage form of carbohydrates in animals

Carbohydrates are categorized into monosaccharides,

oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides form
oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. These carbohydrates are

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