Brand Equity Thesis PDF

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Writing a thesis on brand equity is undoubtedly a challenging task.

It requires extensive research,

analysis, and critical thinking to delve into the complexities of building, managing, and measuring
brand value. From understanding consumer behavior to assessing market trends, crafting a
comprehensive brand equity thesis demands dedication, time, and expertise.

Navigating through vast amounts of literature, conducting empirical studies, and synthesizing
findings can be overwhelming for many students. The pressure to deliver a high-quality thesis that
contributes meaningfully to the field of marketing adds to the difficulty.

Amidst these challenges, seeking assistance from professionals can be a wise decision. ⇒ ⇔ offers specialized support to students grappling with their brand equity thesis.
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The advantage of conceptualising brand equity from the consumer’s perspective is that it enables
managers to consider specifically how their marketing program improves the value of their brands. If
the answer is no then they have to make good approaches to deal with it. Publications of the
University of Auckland: Auckland. For your brand to have positive brand equity, it needs to go
through some steps first. In fact, in many markets there is substantial inertia among customers even if
there are very low switching costs and low customer commitment to the existing brand. The
congruence among brand associations determines the cohesiveness of the brand image. This case
provides the richest opportunities for brand extensions. Co-branding is a nascent area of research for
corporate identity and corporate brand scholars. In such a study, the resistance of a buyer preference
to price decreases of competition, and the responsiveness to a brand's own decrease in price, can be
determined. The awareness should be created on the importance of the very product and how it helps
the community as opposed to other goods. Neither Capricorn nor their respective subsidiaries and
affiliates, or any of their respective directors, officers, agents, advisers or employees makes any
representation or warranty, expressed or implied, nor shall any of them have any responsibility or
liabilities whatsoever in respect of the accuracy or completeness of, or omissions from, this
presentation. The marketing communication efforts by the firm, in contrast, afford a flexible means of
shaping consumer perceptions of the product or service. Short-term profits can be substantial if the
reserve is depleted without regard to the future but the asset can be destroyed in the process. This
estimate would then be subtracted from the estimate of discounted future earnings. Chapters 3 and 4
cover brand awareness and perceived quality. Many different methods have been proposed because
financial accounting standards for valuing intangible assets vary across coun- tries. As a brand
expands, maintaining and building brand equity becomes increasingly complicated. Your profit
margins and profitability have a large influence on your brand equity. Corporate Identity, Corporate
Branding And Corporate. First, they ena- ble management and their agencies to understand the
brand, its strengths and opportunities. Many major brands are positioned as quality products, and
many people are willing to pay more for a quality product they are familiar with, particularly if the
brand has an image with which they would like to be associated. They asked consumers whether
they felt that the brands they had to choose from in a given product category were more or less the
same. Some are cheaper than Kellogg’s, and some may even taste better. Such format can enhance
the sensitive and empathic parts of the findings underlying the need for human-to-human
relationship of interviews (Fontana and Fry, 2000). Excerpts from these interviews are included in
the analysis sections of the article. The quality of the product enable the client to risk in taking it to
try using even if he had never tried it before. He recommended using repurchase rates, switching
costs, quantity of satisfaction, preference for brand, and perceived quality on various service and
product dimensions as potential measures of CBBE (Aaker, 1991). Second, the number of brands is
proliferating: Approximately 3,000 brands are introduced each year into supermarkets. Let’s say
you’re playing with your child outdoors and they fall over and scrape their knee. Brand awareness
affects perceptions and taste: people such as the familiar and you will need to ascribe numerous good
attitudes to products which are conversant on their own account (Aaker and Joachimsthaler 2000, p.
17). Perceived quality influences brand associations and affects brand profitability.
See full terms and conditions and this month's choices. Brand awareness means strength in the
trademark, how fast and simple it’s for the individuals to remember fondly the brand. It makes
people’s online activities easier than without it. Brands carry with them certain assurances of prod-
uct quality and reliability in use. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Along these
lines, attributes can be classified into product-related and non-product-related attributes. (Keller
1993, 4) Product-related attributes are defined as the ingredients necessary for performing the pri-
mary product or service function sought by consumers. Brand attitudes are important because they
often form the basis for actions and behaviour that consumers take with the brand (e.g., brand
choice) Consumers’ brand attitudes generally depend on specific considerations concerning the
attributes and benefits of the brand. Today’s consumers often within the framework of an extended
brand-and-consumer experience in. Discourse theory was deployed in order to theorise the process of
corporate co-branding. Co-. Brand equity includes not only the value of the Page 8. It is also
difficult for competitors to communicate to satisfied brand users because they have little moti- vation
to learn about alternatives. Ivory, now over 110 years old, is a prime example of the value of creating
and sustaining brand equity. The Role And Development Of A Corporate Brand Personality. The
models in this second category include the brand. This document does not constitute an offer to sell
or the solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe for any investment, nor shall it form the basis
of any contract or financial advice. There is a chance that the brand name will lose its specific
meaning. Incremental cash flow also results from premium pricing and reduced expenses. The later is
frequently also called brand extension. Consumers are not passive recipients of marketing activity
and consequently branding is not something done to consum- ers, but rather something customers do
things with. In a market value-oriented approach, the value of a brand is established. The
communication challenge was to articulate the All Blacks and adidas brands in a way that. Brand
equity can be regarded as a managerial concept, as a financial intangible asset, as a relationship
concept or as a cus- tomer-based concept from the perspective of the individual consumer. Therefore,
it is important to create awareness to customers through a channel that is easily accessed by many
clients. Consist- ency of the brand’s image is a part of managing the relationship between the
consumer and the brand. Publications of the University of Warwick: Coventry. Respect - that's
respect for the black jersey, respect for the country and what it stands for. T U O M I N E N term
view of the marketing decisions to be taken; conducting tracking studies; and evaluating potential
extension candidates. (Keller 1993, 17) First, a marketer should adopt a broad view of marketing
decisions. The multiplier will be lower when strength in the key asset areas is lacking, or when
strengths are not being either protected or exploited. They include the after sale services like
delivery, social status, prestige, and augmentation made on the product. The potential benefits of
category extensions include immediate name rec- ognition and the transference of benefits associated
with a familiar brand.
This covers all monetary and value metrics of your brand. To this end, the drivers influencing the
substance of brand value in consumer. An association -- e. g., Tide is the detergent for tough family
laundry jobs -- may preempt an attribute that is important for a given segment. Training Development
Create interactive training content. They are interrelated and cannot be considered in isolation.
Ameriski pokojninski skladi so v zadnjih desetih letih vec kot potrojili delez Private Equity nalozb.
This shows good brand strength, which is a powerful metric of brand equity. Keller (1993) found the
model used in brand equity. Investment thesis is part of a stock pitch which is used in interviews of
asset management hedge fund equity sales equity research this article shows what exactly an
investment thesis is and how to write a persuasive investment thesis in the interview. Under what
circumstances should the one be preferred over the other. On the production side, companies must
also deal with dramatically shorter. Promptly fix what isn’t working and listen to the subjects in the
user research sessions. Brand awareness provides the anchor to which other associations can be
linked. To bolster sales and to build support for the co-brand. This negative encounter has stopped
some of its customers using the service completely. As a result, there is intense pressure throughout
the firm to deliver good short-term financials. Strong brands how brand strategy and brand
communication contribute to build brand equity. Real brand man- agement, however, begins much
earlier with a strategy and a consistent integrated vision. The precondition is that the brand is already
associ- ated with a clear set of values. Only by understanding the consumer conduct can these
products or brands be coded properly (Gabbott and Hogg, 1998). Based on market prices as at June
2007, Capricorn has realized a multiple of 13.0x on its investment in Clientele. If it can be
conceptualized in a given context precisely enough to measure and monitor it, the other problems
become manageable. Brand associations are informational nodes linked to the brand node in memory
and contain the meaning of the brand for consumers. Blacks case, adidas offered the All Blacks a
prime position within a global marketing strategy. The company prides itself on being a sustainable
business improving its carbon footprint over time. A perceived quality advantage provides the option
of charging a premium price. Ask loyal customers for reviews on your website, social media pages or
G2 Crowd. Excerpts from these interviews are included in the analysis sections of the article. In
order to apply these two different types of measures in a managerial setting, it is necessary to design
and put into place a customer-based brand equity measurement system. When the same brand has
been extended to a wide variety of target categories, we do not expect the parent brand’s dominance
in the origi- nal category to diminish, but we would expect a dilution of typicality.
Branding prospects into related product categories are good. Based on Babbie (2004), Qualitative
interviews reference the interaction between an interviewer and interviewee about the subject which
require not follow particular order and words in questioning and answering. Without alternatives,
short-term financials fill a vacuum and come to dominate performance measurement. Modern
businesses all over the world rely on computers to. The loyalty and market presence that Ivory had
built was challenged in 1941 by an Ivory clone called Swan from Lever Brothers. From the firm’s
perspective brand equity imparts competitive advantages to the firm. But if you’re constantly
creating branded content, there’s no better choice than Visme. In the context of co-branding,
articulation is the creation of the conditions that allow the. Brands Essay Brands Essay The Role
And Development Of A Corporate Brand Personality. Brand equity menurut susanto dan wijanarko
2004 dalam menghadapi persaingan yang ketat merek yang kuat merupakan suatu pembeda yang
jelas bernilai dan berkesinambungan menjadi ujung tombak bagi daya saing perusahaan dan sangat
membantu strategi pemasaran. Definition and management lisa wood sheffield hallam university
sheffield uk brand management in consumer marketing brands often provide the primary points of
differentiation between competitive offerings and as such they can be critical to the success of
companies. T U O M I N E N The success of a marketing program is reflected in the creation of
favourable brand associa- tions, i.e., consumers believe the brand has attributes and benefits that
satisfy their needs and wants, so that a positive overall brand attitude is formed. Bryman and Bell
(2003) condition that quota sampling produces a sample that reflects a population in relation to
relative proportions of individuals in a number of groups for example gender, ethnicity, age-groups,
socio-economic groups and region of residence plus mixtures of individuals groups. A basic problem
is that shareholders usually are incapable of understanding the strategic vision of a firm, in part
because they are not privy to strategic decision-making, and also because they cannot interpret the
uncertain strategic environment or the complexities of the organization. Enhanced brand loyalty is
especially important in buying time to respond to competitor innovations. What actions will
meaningfully affect the elements of equity -- in particular the associations and perceived loyalty. The
Effects of Brand Orientation of Furniture Manufacturing Firms on Brand Di. Another approach that
can be used even when a brand profit plan is unavailable or unsuitable is to estimate current earnings
and apply an earnings multiplier. The intangi- ble elements refer to the beliefs and meanings created
in the minds of consumers. Another issue is whether a brand asset such as a strong customer base is
being, or will be, exploited. Let’s say you’re playing with your child outdoors and they fall over and
scrape their knee. With in- creased experience, buyers and users become more sophisticated, so the
brand would need to be augmented in more refined ways with added values satisfying both
emotional and function- al needs. Second, investments in brands in order to enhance brand equity
need to be justified, as there always are competing uses of funds. Kapferer, J.N., 1997, Strategic
Brand Management: Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity Long. For example, by powering your
work with a software like Frontify, you'll be able to turn your static PDF brand guidelines into a
digital format, ensuring that your graphics and messaging remain unified by giving your company a
single resource to store, share, and manage all your branded elements. To know how branding effects
the purchasing decision of consumers, many theories emerged by which based on Aaker (1991) has
presented one known as Brand equity model and Keller (1993) has identified one known as client
based brand equity model. More personalised experiences can result in raving fans that feel valued,
appreciated and connected to your brand. A second problem is to estimate the earnings streams from
brand extensions (the use of the brand name to enter new product classes-for example, Kellogg's
bread products, or Hershey's ice cream). In this case, the physical quality of the products gives the
customers to have more expectation of similar goods next time. Beyond brand as a buzzword, what's
branding all about.
Essentially, brands behave as an essential driver of money flow. A product can be copied by a
competitor; a brand is unique. Use a launch roadmap template like the one below to help you out.
The depth of brand awareness concerns the likelihood that a brand element will come to mind and
the ease with which it does so. Thus, an installed customer base has the customer acquisition
investment largely in its past. The potential benefits of category extensions include immediate name
rec- ognition and the transference of benefits associated with a familiar brand. After going through
the effort to change the name, their conclusion was that they might have been better off simply to
enter the business without buying the GE line. These measures might actually be because the sources
that may lead toward progression of brand equity. They enact psychological preparation to the clients
to enable them acquire the products. Replacement Cost Another perspective is the cost of
establishing a comparable name and business. Prior to joining CEP, Sean was a senior coverage and
execution banker at HSBC Bank plc. Interestingly, the study found a high negative correlation
between media advertising in a product category and category sales at full price. The levels of brand
awareness scale from people discovering your brand to choosing only your brand when they need a
particular service or product. Unlike Ivory, however, Sunlight gave way to other brands, such as
Lifebuoy, Lux, and Rinso. At one extreme are brands that are unknown to most buyers in the mar-
ketplace. The cereal aisle is full of hundreds if not thousands of types of cereal. The product or
service specifications themselves are the primary basis for the product-related attribute associations
and determine a consumer’s fundamental understanding of what the product or service means. No
independent verification of such information has been made by Capricorn. Now you have to
maintain it, grow it, improve it and thrive. Branding an Ingredient: Nutrasweet Perdue chickens and
Chiquita bananas illustrate that a commodity product can be successfully branded. Liquidation
Preference Right of Redemption Price-based Anti-Dilution Protection. The Effects of Brand
Orientation of Furniture Manufacturing Firms on Brand Di. Since they think that the building blocks
of brand name equity is customer perceptions, as described Keller (1993), it’s important for the
managers so that you can measure and track it inside the customer level (Keller, 1993). The
awareness should be created on the importance of the very product and how it helps the community
as opposed to other goods. Positive brand equity for a product means that it is fit for purpose, high
quality, and priced accordingly for its target market. Ameriski pokojninski skladi so v zadnjih desetih
letih vec kot potrojili delez Private Equity nalozb. There is also provided a validated instrument (with
Cronbach’s Alpha above.85) to help their type of customer based brand equity. Dealing with it means
making good quality that will appeal to the eyes of the costumers. How can the impact of a
promotion or another marketing program be determined? 4. By using this strategy lower towards the
organization was exclusively the priority within the marketing department (Davis Aaker, 2000).

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