2016-An Analog Front-End For A Multifunction Sensor Employing A Weak-Inversion Biasing Technique With 26 Nvrms 25 Acrms and 19 Farms Input-Referred Noise

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10, OCTOBER 2016

An Analog Front-End for a Multifunction Sensor

Employing a Weak-Inversion Biasing Technique
With 26 nVrms, 25 aCrms, and 19 fArms
Input-Referred Noise
Masahiko Maruyama, Shigenari Taguchi, Member, IEEE, Masafumi Yamanoue,
and Kunihiko Iizuka, Member, IEEE

Abstract— An analog front-end (AFE) for a multifunction envi- sensor generates its output signal using a piezo-resistive-
ronmental sensor is proposed. The AFE is designed to be able to bridge [2]. On the other hand, the AFE interfacing with a
sense 1 μV, 1 fC, and 1 pA level signals in a low-frequency band gas or humidity sensor needs to handle a charge format input
around DC, and consists of an instrumentation amplifier (IA),
a charge amplifier (CA), and a continuous time delta–sigma (CT- because it generates output signals using capacitors fabricated
) ADC. To reduce the low-frequency noise of operational by comb-electrodes [3]. In order to sense dust, a photodiode is
amplifier (OPAMP) which is used for signal path, this paper used to detect the scattered light that is caused by the dust [4].
proposes a weak-inversion biasing technique. The designed IA Therefore, the AFE for a dust sensor needs to handle a current
achieved 26 nVrms input-referred noise (IRN) in the band format input because the dust sensor generates its output using
of 0.1–10 Hz with 0.22 mm2 die area. The designed CA achieved
25 aCrms IRN in charge sensing mode and 19 fArms IRN in a photodiode. Currently, an instrumentation amplifier (IA) is
current sensing mode in the band of 0.01–1 Hz, respectively, and used to sense the voltage format, and a charge amplifier (CA)
occupies 0.12 mm2 die area. The AFE has been fabricated in is used to sense the current and charge formats. Consequently,
a 0.18 μm CMOS process with 4.5 mm2 die area. The current the challenge when combining multiple AFEs into a mono-
consumption at 2.56 kHz output data rate (ODR) is 2.5 mA, lithic chip is to reduce IA and CA die area sufficiently.
reducing to 2 μA at 0.01 Hz ODR.
The AFEs for environmental sensors must be compatible
Index Terms— Analog front-end, charge amplifier, continuous- with multi-format inputs, be low noise, have low power con-
time delta–sigma ADC, environmental sensor, instrumentation sumption, and occupy a small die area. In recent years, it has
amplifier, weak inversion.
become common to implement an AFE die and miniaturized
transducers into a single package [5]. Since the miniaturized

T HE use of environmental sensors in portable equipment

is becoming increasingly common in applications where
low power consumption and small form factors are essen-
transducers often have a reduced output level, the AFE chip
should be able to accept smaller signals in order to maintain
a high level of accuracy. In this paper, the accuracy goal is to
tial [1]. As a result, it is expected that multiple sensors will be able to sense 1 μV, 1 fC, and 1 pA. The reason for setting
be integrated into compact packages, as shown in Fig. 1. the goal to being able to sense inputs as small as 1 μV comes
The parameters typically assessed by an environmental sensor from atmospheric pressure sensors, where demand exists to
include temperature, humidity, gas, dust, and brightness, and sense a few centimeters of height for drone control, physical
the number and type of parameters that can be assessed activity tracking, and indoor navigation. In a typical MEMS
continues to increase. A key challenge that must be addressed transducer for an atmospheric pressure sensor, an altitude
when integrating multiple sensors into a compact package is change of 8.6 cm generates 300 nV output change. Sensing of
how to effectively combine multiple analog front-ends (AFEs), this level requires the input referred noise of 45.5 nVrms (or
each with different input formats as in Fig. 2, into a small equivalently, 1.3 cmrms ) or less, while a typical output data
die area. rate required for the atmospheric pressure sensors is 10 sps.
For example, the AFE for an atmospheric pressure sensor The reason for setting the goal of sensing 1 fC comes from
needs to handle a voltage format input because the pressure gas sensors, where demand exists to sense extremely small
Manuscript received February 11, 2016; revised April 20, 2016; accepted levels of gas, such as ppb or ppm, using fabricated comb-
June 5, 2016. Date of publication July 19, 2016; date of current version electrodes. The reason for setting the goal of sensing 1 pA
September 30, 2016. This paper was approved by Guest Editor Makoto Ikeda. comes from dust sensors, where demand exists to sense light
The authors are with the Electronic Components and Devices Com-
pany, SHARP, Tenri, Nara, 632-8567, Japan (e-mail: maruyama.masahiko@ scattered by extremely fine particles, such as 1 μg/m3 , using
sharp.co.jp; taguchi.shigenari@sharp.co.jp; yamanoue.masafumi@sharp.co.jp; a photodiode. Thus, the IRN for the IA and CA must be
iizuka.kunihiko@sharp.co.jp). much lower than 1 μV, 1 fC, and 1 pA while keeping the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. die area small. In the target application, we assume that the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2016.2581812 environmental sensor operates with a button battery CR2025,
0018-9200 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Amorn Jiraseree-Amornkun. Downloaded on March 20,2023 at 02:13:49 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 1. Multifunction environmental sensor.

Fig. 2. Output formats of transducers.

Fig. 3. Proposed signal path using the CT- ADC of the AFE for environmental sensors.

whose capacity is 165 mAh, over a one-month period, while uses a continuous-time delta–sigma (CT-) ADC that, if
keeping a typical output data rate of 10 sps. The allowed properly designed, is able to achieve a high dynamic range
current consumption calculated from the expected battery in a relatively small die area. In Section IV, we describe the
lifetime is 230 μA. IA and CA that are designed and their experimental results.
In environmental sensing, a significant amount of informa- The IA designed using this approach achieved a 26 nVrms
tion is concentrated in a low frequency band around DC. In this (0.1–10 Hz) IRN with a 0.22 mm2 die area, and the CA
paper, we used a signal band that extended from 0 to 10 Hz. achieved a 25 aCrms (0.01–1 Hz) IRN with a 0.12 mm2
In terms of a solution to address the seemingly incompatible die area in 0.18 μm CMOS. In Section V, we describe the
requirements for both a reduced die size and a low noise, multifunctional environmental sensor that was fabricated using
we adopt two approaches. The first approach, described in the AFE chip and its experimental results. The designed AFE
Section II, utilizes the characteristics of CMOS transistors as in Fig. 3 includes the IA, CA, CT- ADC, a digital
in weak-inversion in the design of the operational ampli- block for signal conditioning and correction, and one-time-
fier (OPAMP) that is an essential building block for the AFE. programmable (OTP) memories for calibration, has a 4.5 mm2
This approach simultaneously reduces noise, area, and power die area as in Fig. 4, and accepts current, voltage, and charge
consumption. The second approach, described in Section III, inputs. Section VI summarizes our conclusions.

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Fig. 5. Chopping amplifier system.

To reduce the input bias current, it is preferable to minimize

both the physical width and theVgs of the switch transistor.
However, reducing the size of the switch increases the dis-
tortion of the signal. A more effective method to reduce the
input bias current is to select fchop to be as low as possible.
Although clock feed through also generates input bias current,
if the parasitic capacitances of the switches have the same
Fig. 4. Die photograph of the fabricated AFE. value, the clock feed through currents of the differential input
pair will balance and be negligible. The input bias current of
II. L OW-N OISE B IASING T ECHNIQUE the designed IA is calculated to be 0.63 nA where we assume
A. Selection of Chopping Frequency Cox = 8.5 mF/m2 , W = 10 μm, L = 0.18 μm, and Vgs–Vth
= 1 V. This bias current corresponds to the input impedance
Many techniques have been proposed to design an amplifier of 1.6 G, which is sufficiently large for our application.
with a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in a low-frequency
band [6]. In recent years, the chopping technique has become
B. Weak-Inversion Biasing Technique
widely used [7]–[10]. The chopping technique is remarkably
effective in reducing the noise at low frequencies near DC. In order for the chopping system to reduce the noise in
However, there are some tradeoffs that must be kept in mind the band near DC, it is important to design the amplifier
when selecting the chopping frequency. Fig. 5 is a typical such that the noise in the band f chop/2 ≤ f ≤ f chop
example of a chopping amplifier system. Fig. 6 shows the is as low as possible. The flicker noise is the dominant
gain and the noise power spectral density (PSD) of each stage noise source and is distributed in the low frequency band.
in Fig. 5. If the selected chopping frequency (fchop) is in To reduce the flicker noise in the amplifier, the gate area of the
the system band (i.e., DC ≤ 2π · fchop ≤ β · ω u ), the transistor in the differential pair should be large; however, this
signal gain becomes 1/β , as shown in Fig. 6(a). However, translates to a large die area. In addition, the trans-conductance
if the amplifier noise is large, as in Fig. 6(a), the SNR (Gm) of the differential pair should also be large in order to
becomes poor. On the other hand, if the selected fchop is reduce the flicker noise; however, this causes it to consume
outside the system band (i.e., β · ωu ≤ 2π · f chop ≤ ωu ), a large bias current. Therefore, we propose an alternative
the signal may avoid corruption by the amplifier noise, as method to reduce the flicker noise while keeping the gate
shown in Fig. 6(b). However, this will cause the signal gain area and the bias current as small as possible. To simplify
to decrease to ωu/ω = ωu/2π · f chop, which is smaller the situation, we consider a common source amplifier, as
shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 9 shows the simulated input referred
than the desired value of 1/β . To avoid this situation, we
RMS noise, the DC gain, the gain–bandwidth product (GBW),
propose a design technique to reduce the amplifier noise in
and the Gm of the common source amplifier, where the bias
the system band. This technique allows us to select fchop
current and the gate area are kept constant, and the W/L ratios
in the system band without compromising the low in-band
are varied. We evaluated those characteristics for different
noise requirement. When using this method, it is important to
bias conditions from weak-inversion to strong-inversion, by
reduce the amplifier noise in the band f chop/2 ≤ f ≤ f chop
modifying the W/L ratios. The values of the Y -axes of the
considering the effects of aliasing caused by the chopping.
graphs in Fig. 9 are normalized by the values at Ve f f =
This will be described in the next subsection.
0.3 V. From Fig. 9(a), it can be seen that the low-frequency
When selecting fchop, it is also important to consider the
noise (from 1 mHz to 100 Hz) for the amplifier in weak
input bias current. Fig. 7 shows the input portion of the
inversion was lower than in strong inversion. This tendency
chopping circuit. To achieve a high SNR, it is important not
is greater in the PMOS amplifier than it is in the NMOS
to attenuate the output signal from the transducer at the input
amplifier. In terms of the mechanism whereby the amplifier
to the chopping system. For this reason, the input bias current
noise in weak inversion is reduced, we have qualitatively
should be close to zero. The input bias current depends on the
concluded that this was due to the increase in the Gm value
charge injection of the chopping operation, and can be derived
for the amplifier [11], [12]. To the best of our knowledge,
according to
the actual physical mechanism that causes this phenomenon
Iin j ect ion = 2 · f chop · W · L · C O X · (V gs − V th) . (1) is not known. Fig. 9(b) shows that the DC gain deteriorates

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Fig. 6. Gain and PSD of each stage in Fig. 5. (a) fchop is selected in the system band. (b) fchop is selected outside the system band.


in weak inversion as an amplifier provides lower noise in

the low-frequency band under the condition where the bias
Fig. 7. Schematic of the input portion of a chopping circuit. current and the gate area are fixed. It should be noted that
this biasing strategy is not suitable for high-speed applications
due to the deterioration of GBW. However, in the case of
environmental sensing, the GBW deterioration is irrelevant
because the signals are low frequency near 0 Hz. In fact, the
small GBW at low frequency simplifies compensation of the
amplifier [13]. The weak-inversion biasing technique for lower
thermal noise was reported in [11]. However, the discussion
in [11] is mainly focused on thermal noises. Our approach
uses the weak-inversion biasing to reduce flicker noises as
well. Fig. 10 shows the OPAMP designed using the proposed
Fig. 8. Schematic of common source amplifiers. biasing technique, where the transistors that operates as an
amplifier are biased in weak-inversion and the transistors that
slightly in weak inversion compared with strong inversion. operate as a current source are biased in strong-inversion.
However, Fig. 9(c) shows that the GBW deteriorates strongly Fig. 11 shows the simulated characteristics of the designed
in deep weak inversion. Fig. 9(d) shows that the Gm value OPAMP. The flicker corner frequency is 1 kHz because of the
increases markedly in weak inversion versus strong inversion. reduced noise. This leads to the flat noise shape in the√band of
Further, this same effect is observed for both the differential f chop/ ≤ f ≤ f chop with the noise value 4.5 nV/ Hz, as
amplifier and the common source amplifier. We summarized shown in Fig. 11(c), when fchop is selected √ to be 20.48 kHz.
the relationship between the biasing types and the amplifier Therefore, the noise after chopping is 4.5 nV/ Hz in the signal
characteristics in Table I. The use of PMOS transistors biased band from 0 to 10 Hz, as shown in Fig. 11(d). The gain of

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Fig. 9. Simulated characteristics of common source amplifiers with varying W/L ratios. (a) Input-referred rms noise (rms band: 1 mHz–100 Hz). (b) DC
gain. (c) Gain–bandwidth product. (d) Gm.

Fig. 10. Schematic of the OPAMP using the proposed biasing technique.

the OPAMP is 55 dB at the chopping frequency of 20.48 kHz, III. D ESIGN OF THE S IGNAL PATH U SING A CT- ADC
the system gain is 40 dB, and the OPAMP consumes 650 μA A switched-capacitor delta–sigma (SC-) ADC is typi-
of current. cally used as the ADC in the signal path of an AFE that is

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type of converter intrinsically incorporates an AAF. However,

a CT- ADC does not tolerate a large amount of clock
jitter. In a feedback DA converter with the CT- structure,
the relationship between the rms clock jitter σ j and the SNR
is derived as follows [14]:
S 1
= 10 · log (2)
N 16 · O S R · f b2 · σ j2
where f b is the signal bandwidth and OSR is the oversampling
ratio. If we assume that the clock frequency is 327.68 kHz, the
desired band f b is 10 Hz, the OSR is 32768, and the desired
SNR is 120 dB, the required clock jitter σ j is calculated
to be 138 ps using (2). We design the ring-oscillator that
satisfies the jitter requirement using a low noise LDO that
uses the proposed weak-inversion biasing technique described
in Section II-B. Fig. 12 shows the simplified schematic of the
designed and fabricated CT- ADC. The OPAMPs used in
the CT- ADC are also designed using the proposed weak-
inversion biasing technique. The reference voltages VREFP
and VREF are 1.55 V and 0 V, respectively. Fig. 13 shows the
measured FFT result without input. The effective resolution
(ER) is calculated using the following equation:
Full Scale Range
E R = log2 . (3)
r ms Noi se
The ER derived from the measured data using (3) is 20.3 bits
under the condition that the full-scale-range is 1.55 V, the
output data rate (ODR) is 20 sps, the CT- ADC consumes
360 μA, and the CT- ADC occupies 0.23 mm2 die area.
Fig. 3 shows the proposed signal path using the CT- ADC.
Note that the signal path does not include either an AAF in
front of the ADC or a ripple reduction loop (RRL) in the IA
as a result of using the CT- ADC.


A. IA Design and Experimental Result
The IA is designed to make the noise level sufficiently low
to be able to sense 1 μV in the signal band from 0 to 10 Hz.
Fig. 14 shows the schematic of the proposed IA that uses
the conventional topology that consists of three OPAMPs.
The OPAMPs in the IA are designed using the proposed
weak-inversion biasing technique. Consequently, the chopping
frequency could be selected as low as 20.48 kHz because of the
small low-frequency noise of the OPAMPs. The gain of the IA
could be varied from 5 to 160 V/V with 144 steps. The IA does
not have an RRL because the CT- ADC in the signal path
Fig. 11. Simulated characteristics of the proposed OPAMP.
does not require one, as mentioned in Section III. However, if
the IA is not properly designed, its output will saturate due to
used for environmental sensors. In this case, the design of a its offset ripple. In this work, to avoid such a situation, the IA
suitable clock generator is easy because an SC- ADC can is designed with careful layout, with an adequate size of input
tolerate a clock with relatively large jitter. However, an SC- differential pair, and with a fully differential topology. The
 ADC requires an anti-aliasing-filter (AAF) to be placed in measured offset voltages of 250 pcs from plural production
front of it. In environmental sensing, the signal band of interest lots were less than 100 μV. Fig. 15 shows √ the measurement
is close to DC, and this requires an AAF that can accommodate results for the IA. The IRN was 8.2 nV/ Hz and 26 nVrms
the low frequency; however, the corresponding AAF occupies in the band from 0.1 to 10 Hz, as shown in Fig. 15(a). It is
a large die area or requires an extremely high oversampling clear from Fig. 15(b) that the IA sensed the 1 μV input step
ratio. For this reason, we adopt a CT- ADC because this that was generated using the built-in-self-test (BIST) circuit

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Fig. 12. Schematic of the proposed CT-.


Fig. 13. Measured FFT result of the CT- ADC without input.
Fig. 14. Schematic of the proposed IA.
consisted of an 8 bit DAC and an attenuator. Table II shows the noise reduction requires (1/0.62 =) 2.8 times more current.
comparison between the designed IA and a state-of-the-art IA. The residual (6.7/2.8 =) 2.4 times increase of the current
The IRN of the proposed IA is the lowest of all IAs shown consumption could be reduced with a different topology.
in the table, and the die area is the second lowest. However, As a figure of merit for the IA, the noise efficiency
the current consumption is the highest. We assume that this factor (NEF) is defined as [15]
is due to the selected topology of the IA. Our IA adopts the 
conventional three OPAMP topology; however, all of the other 2 · Itot
IAs use a current-feedback instrumentation-amplifier (CFIA) N E F = Vrms,in . (4)
π · UT · 4kT · BW
topology. In contrast to our IA, the CFIA topology uses only
one OPAMP. Consequently, it is able to achieve lower current In (4), Vrms,in , Itot , UT , and BW represent the INR, the current
consumption. For example, the IA in this work consumes consumption, the thermal voltage, and the measured frequency
6.7 times more current than that of Akita [7], while our bandwidth of the IA, respectively. Fig. 16 shows a comparison
input noise PSD is (8.2 nV/13.5 nV =) 0.6 times that. This between the input-referred low-frequency noise (LF-noise)

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Fig. 15. Measurement results of IA. (a) 0.1–10 Hz band IRN with gain of Fig. 18. Measurement results of the CA in charge sensing mode. (a) 0–1
160 [V/V]. (b) 1-μV step response with 10 Hz cutoff LPF and gain of 160 Hz input-referred charge noise. (b) 1 fC step response with 1 Hz cutoff LPF.
frequency noise of the CA is reduced by using correlated
double sampling (CDS). The OPAMP in the CA is designed
using the proposed weak-inversion biasing technique. The
CDS frequency is selected to be as low as 20.48 kHz as
a result of the low noise levels of the OPAMP in the low
frequency band.
The CA is able to sense the charge format input when
the sampling capacitor is positioned in front of the CA. The
gain of the charge-to-voltage converter (CVC) is achieved
by transferring the sampled charge to the feedback capacitor.
The CVC gain is variable across 255 steps by changing the
feedback capacitor from 35.6 fF to 9.078 pF. The minimum
CVC gain is 1.1 × 1011 V/C with a 14-pC input range. The
maximum CVC gain is 2.8 × 1013 V/C with a 55 fC input
range. Any imbalance between the input sampling capacitors
is adjustable in the range of ±/4.5 pF by using the offset
Fig. 16. LF-noise comparison of the IA with commercially available compensation capacitors installed at the input to the CA.
products. On the other hand, the CA can sense the current format
input when the sampling capacitor is not connected at the input
portion of the CA. The current to voltage conversion (IVC)
is achieved by integrating the input current in the feedback
capacitor. The IVC gain is variable across 16 steps by changing
the integration time. The minimum gain is 2.7 M with a
±288.2-nA input range. The maximum gain is 88 G with a
±8.8-pA input range.
The CA has an input capacitor consisting of comb electrodes
in the top metal layer that can be used as a relative humidity
sensor. The comb electrodes are covered with a passivation
(SiN) layer and a polyimide layer. Since the polyimide layer
changes its dielectric constant depending on the humidity, this
comb electrodes capacitor serves as a relative humidity sensor.
Fig. 18 shows the experimental results of the CA in charge
sensing mode. The IRN was 25 aCrms in the band from
Fig. 17. Simplified schematic of the proposed CA.
0.01 to 1 Hz, as shown in Fig. 18(a). It is clear from Fig. 18(b)
that the CA can sense the 1 fC input step generated by
in the band from 0.1 to 10 Hz for our IA and that for the BIST circuit. Fig. 19 shows the experimental results of
commercially available products (the data was extracted from the CA in current sensing mode. The IRN was 19 fArms in
publicly available data sheets). As can be seen from the figure, the band from 0.01 to 1 Hz, as shown in Fig. 19(a). It is clear
our system shows the lowest noise with the exception of a from Fig. 19(b) that the CA can sense the 1 pA input step that
bipolar product. is generated by the BIST circuit. A comparison between this
CA and another commercially available CVC [16] is shown
B. CA Design and Experimental Result in Table III.
The CA is designed to make the noise level sufficiently
low to be able to sense 1 fC and 1 pA in the signal band V. M ULTIFUNCTION E NVIRONMENTAL S ENSOR AFE
from 0.01 to 1 Hz. Fig. 17 shows a simplified schematic of The die photograph of the fabricated AFE is shown in Fig. 4.
the proposed CA with a switched-capacitor topology. The low The analog portion occupies a relatively smaller area than the

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Fig. 19. Measurement results of the CA in current sensing mode. (a) 0–1
Hz input-referred current noise. (b) 1 pA step response with 1 Hz cutoff LPF.

Fig. 21. Experimental results of atmospheric pressure measurements. (a)

Experimental image. (b) Step response to 15 cm height change.

Fig. 20. Prototype of a multifunction environmental sensor.


Fig. 22. Experimental results of relative humidity measurements. (a) DC-1

Hz input-referred RH noise. (b) 0.6% RH step response with 1 Hz cutoff LPF.

measured RMS noise of the pressure sensor is equivalent

to 0.74 cm in altitude at 20 Hz ODR, where the current
consumption, measured as 183 μA including 33 μA of the
transducer, meets the target specification stated in Section I.
Fig. 22 shows the experimental results of the relative humidity
measurements. The data shows that the fabricated sensor is
able to capture 0.6% differences in relative humidity. The mea-
sured rms noise of the relative humidity sensor is equivalent
to 0.006% at 20 Hz ODR.

digital and memory portions as a result of the adoption of

the weak-inversion biasing technique. A prototype of a single VI. C ONCLUSION
package multifunction environmental sensor is implemented
along with the fabricated AFE, as shown in Fig. 20. The pro- In this paper, we proposed a technique to reduce the
totype is able to monitor humidity and temperature using the low-frequency noise of an amplifier by using weak-inversion
on-chip humidity and temperature sensors, and atmospheric biasing while keeping its area and its bias current constant.
pressure using a MEMS pressure sensor that is stacked on An AFE using a low-noise IA, CA, and CT- ADC was
the AFE die. The temperature dependence of the humidity designed using the proposed technique, and implemented in
and pressure sensors is corrected by modifying the sensed standard 0.18 μm CMOS. The fabricated AFE was able to
temperature data in the digital block using calibration data sense 1 μV, 1 fC, and 1 pA level signals. A prototype of a mul-
that is stored in OTP memories. The current consumption is tifunction (humidity, temperature, pressure) single-packaged
2.5 mA in continuous operation mode and reduces to 2 μA sensor was also successfully implemented that incorporated
at 0.01 Hz ODR. the AFE. There is increasing demand for AFEs that simulta-
Fig. 21 shows the experimental results of the atmospheric neously achieve lower noise, smaller power consumption, and
pressure measurements. The data shows that the fabricated smaller die area. We believe that the proposed technique will
sensor is able to capture 15 cm differences in altitude. The be prove useful when responding to these demands.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Amorn Jiraseree-Amornkun. Downloaded on March 20,2023 at 02:13:49 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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fier with 2 μV offset,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 47, no. 2, mainly, phase-locked loops and wireless systems.
pp. 464–475, Feb. 2012. Currently, his research interests are in analysis and
[9] F. Michel and M. Steyaert, “On-chip gain reconfigurable 1.2V 24 μW design of sensor systems and CMOS analog circuits.
chopping instrumentation amplifier with automatic resistor matching
in 0.13 μm CMOS,” in IEEE ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2012,
pp. 372–373.
[10] R. Wu, J. H. Huijsing, and K. A. A. Makinwa, “A current-feedback
instrumentation amplifier with a gain error reduction loop and 0.06%
untrimmed gain error,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 46, no. 12,
pp. 2794–2806, Dec. 2011.
[11] R. R. Harrison and C. Charles, “A low-power low-noise CMOS amplifier Kunihiko Iizuka (M’94) received the B.S. and
for neural recording applications,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 38, M.S. degrees in mathematics from Osaka University,
no. 6, pp. 958–965, Jun. 2003. Osaka, Japan, in 1979 and 1981, respectively, and
[12] K. K. Rajput, A. K. Saini, and S. C. Bose, “DC offset modeling the Ph.D. degree from Tokyo Institute of Technol-
and noise minimization for differential amplifier in subthreshold oper- ogy, Tokyo, Japan, in 2009. His dissertation was
ation,” in Proc. IEEE Comput. Soc. Annu. Symp. (ISVLSI), Jul. 2010, on RF and analog integrated circuits for television
pp. 247–252. broadcast receivers.
[13] D. J. Comer and D. T. Comer, “Using the weak inversion region to He continued study of mathematics as a postgradu-
optimize input stage design of CMOS op amps,” IEEE Trans. Circuits ate at Osaka University from 1981 to 1984. In 1984,
Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 8–14, Jan. 2004. he joined Sharp Corporation, Japan, where he was
[14] E. J. van der Zwan and E. C. Dijkmans, “A 0.2 mW CMOS  involved in the research of computer simulation
modulator for speech coding with 80 dB dynamic range,” in ISSCC systems. From 1991 to 1993, he was at the Center for Adaptive Systems,
Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 1996, pp. 232–233. Boston University, Boston, MA, USA, as a Visiting Researcher, working on
[15] M. S. J. Steyaert and W. M. C. Sansen, “A micropower low-noise mono- neural network systems. He was a Visiting Professor with the Innovation
lithic instrumentation amplifier for medical purposes,” IEEE J. Solid- Center of Gunma University in 2007 and 2008. Since 1993, he has been
State Circuits, vol. SC-22, no. 6, pp. 1163–1168, Dec. 1987. working on research and development of analog and mixed-signal LSI circuits
[16] DDC112. Texas Instruments Inc. [Online]. Available: http://www. for vision systems, high-precision ADCs, wireless systems, and sensors.
ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/ddc112.pdf Currently, he is working on the application of analog electronic circuits to
biomedical systems in Sharp. He has authored and coauthored more than 50
refereed journal and conference technical articles. He has been granted more
than 150 patents and has many more pending applications.
Masahiko Maruyama received the B.S. and Dr. Iizuka was a corecipient of the International Solid-State Circuits Con-
M.S. degrees in electronic engineering from ference (ISSCC) Outstanding Panel Award of 2002. He had been a member
Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, in 1994 and of the ISSCC technical program committee from 2001 to 2008 and the Far
1996, respectively. East regional subcommittee chair for ISSCC 2005 and 2006. He had been
In 1996, he joined Sharp Corporation, Nara, Japan, a member of the Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC) technical
where he has been working on designing of ana- program committee from 2006 to 2007 and the data converter subcommittee
log/digital mixed-signal LSIs for wireless commu- chair for A-SSCC 2008 and 2009. He served as vice chair of IEEE SSCS
nications and sensing. His current research interests Kansai Chapter from 2010 to 2011 and chair from 2012 to 2013. He served as
are in sensor systems, low-noise amplifiers, and chief editor of the IEICE Transactions on Electronics Special Section in 2009
analog front-end circuits. and as associate editor of the IEEE J OURNAL OF S OLID -S TATE C IRCUITS
from 2009 to 2012.

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