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৪৩ ত্ম BCS হিহে

লকাস স
ইংরেজি সাহিত্য
লেকচাে: 04
Topic: Romantic Period.


ইংরেজি সহিত্য-

Romanticism was an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe
toward the end of the 18th century. Scholars regard the publishing of William Wordsworth's
and Samuel Coleridge's Lyrical Ballads in 1798 as probably the beginning of the movement,
and the crowning of Queen Victoria in 1837 as its end. Romanticism arrived in other parts of
the English-speaking world later; in America, it arrived around 1820.

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
❑ Characteristics of Romantic Period in Literature:
❖ Glorification of nature
❖ Awareness and Acceptance of Emotions
❖ Celebration of Artistic Creativity and Imagination
❖ Emphasis on Aesthetic Beauty
❖ Themes of Solitude
❖ Focus on Exoticism and History
❖ Spiritual and Supernatural Elements
❖ Vivid Sensory Descriptions
❖ Use of Personification
❖ Focus on the Self and Autobiography

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 The romantic age in English literature began with the publication of-
a. Preface to Shakespeare b. Preface to Lyrical Ballads
c. Preface to Ancient Mariner d. Preface to Dr Johnson
 When did Romantic Age begin?
a. 1700 b. 1775
c. 1798 d. 1800
 When was Lyrical Ballads publish?
a. 1789 b. 1798
c. 1800 d. 1818

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
❑ Famous writers of Romantic Period:

❖ William Wordsworth
❖ Samuel Taylor Coleridge
❖ Sir Walter Scott
❖ Jane Austen
❖ Charles Lamb
❖ William Hazlitt
❖ Lord Bayron’s Percy Bysshe Shelley
❖ John Keats

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 William Wordsworth-
➢ Poet of nature
➢ Poet of childhood
➢ Lake poet
❑ Famous Works:
➢ Lyrical Ballads (23 poems)
➢ Preface to Lyrical Ballads
➢ The prelude and the other poems
➢ The Excursion
➢ The River Duddon
➢ The Daffodils
➢ Ode on Immortality
➢ Tintern Abbey
➢ The Solitary Reaper
➢ The Lucy Poems

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-

 Poet of childhood is-

a. Wordsworth

b. John Keats

c. P B Shelley

d. Jane Austen

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Wordsworth is a ____ poet.
a. Classical b. Modern
c. Romantic d. Revolutionary
 Wordsworth wrote-
a. The Rape of the lock b. Absalom and Achitophel
c. The Lucy Poems d. The rime of ancient mariner

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
❑ Famous Quotes of William Wordsworth:
➢ “For I have learned to look on nature, not as in the hour of thoughtless youth, but
hearing oftentimes the still, sad music of humanity.”
➢ “Child is the father of man.”
➢ “The best portion of a good man's life: his little, nameless unremembered acts of
“kindness and love.”
➢ “I wandered lonely as a cloud.”
➢ “That floats on high o'er vales and hills.”
➢ “Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from
emotion recollected in tranquility.”

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
❑ Theme of “The Daffodils” poem:
 The most prevalent themes in this poem are overcoming feelings of sadness and the
beauty of nature. It is thanks to the beauty of a field of daffodils that the poet happens
upon that he is able to leave his feelings of melancholy behind.

 Wordsworth describes himself at the beginning of the poem as being "lonely as a cloud".
This implies feelings of unhappiness—we all know we aren't happy when we are lonely.
Suddenly, though, he is not alone, but in the company of a "host, of dancing daffodils."
This display of natural beauty brings him joy and possibly reminds him that he is part of
something far bigger than he could ever fathom.

 In a nutshell, the daffodils empowered him to put his problems into perspective,
transform his sadness into joy and reflect upon the beauty of what he had seen.

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-

 Who wrote- “When all at once I saw a crowd,. A host, of golden daffodils”

a. John Keats

b. Lord Byron

c. William Wordsworth

d. S.T Coleridge

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Wordsworth was inspired by_____ revolution.
a. French b. English
C. Industrial d. Russian
 What type of literature “The daffodils” is?
a. Novel b. Poem
c. Play d. Travelogue

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
❑ Theme of “Solitary Reaper”:
William Wordsworth, a renowned English romantic poet wrote ‘The Solitary Reaper’. It was
first published in 1807. The poem speaks about the hidden sorrow of a young girl who sings
while working in the field. It also illustrates how that sweet melody captures the speaker’s
heart and provides him with a never-ending bliss.
Everlasting beauty and sorrow are the major themes of this poem. The poem presents two
things; the labor of that girl and her expression of sorrow. She is working and singing at the
same time without being bothered about her surroundings. She does not notice that the
speaker is listening and enjoying her song. She just continues as if she is outpouring her
heart out in the lap of nature. The speaker, on the other hand, seems enchanted by her song
as he claims that the song’s beauty is matchless. Thus, he stops and enjoys its beauty
knowing it will not last forever.

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Who is not a Victorian poet?
a. Robert Frost b. W.B Yeats
c. Wordsworth d. H.G Wells
 Who said- “Child is the father of man”-
a. Franklin D Roosevelt b. Dryden
c. Carlyle d. Wordsworth
 Wordsworth wrote-
a. Ulysses b. Roots
c. Pamela d. I wandered lonely as a cloud

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
❑ “Lyrical Ballads”:
Lyrical Ballads, with a Few Other Poems is a collection of poems by William Wordsworth and
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, first published in 1798 and generally considered to have marked the
beginning of the English Romantic movement in literature. The immediate effect on critics
was modest, but it became and remains a landmark, changing the course of English literature
and poetry.
Most of the poems in the 1798 edition were written by Wordsworth, with Coleridge
contributing only four poems to the collection (although these made about a third of the
book in length), including one of his most famous works, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
A second edition was published in 1800, in which Wordsworth included additional poems and
a preface detailing the pair's avowed poetical principles. For another edition, published in
1802, Wordsworth added an appendix titled Poetic Diction in which he expanded the ideas
set forth in the preface. A third edition was published in 1802 with substantial additions
made to its "Preface," and a fourth edition was published in 1805.

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Samuel Taylor Coleridge-
➢ Poet of Supernaturalism
➢ Bosom friend
➢ Opium eater

❑ Famous works:
➢ The rime of ancient mariner
➢ Kubla Khan
➢ Biographia listeria

❑ Famous quotes:
➢ “Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom.”
➢ “Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink” is from this poem, it's when the
mariner is surrounded by salty sea water all around and can't drink a drop of

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Who wrote “Kubla Khan”?
a. S.T Coleridge b. Oscar Wilde
c. Somerset maughum d. Vancent Smith
 S.T Coleridge was addicted to-
a. Wine b. Cigar
c. Weed d. Opium
 Friend of Coleridge-
a. John Keats b. P.B Shelley
c. Wordsworth d. Lord Byron

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
❑ Theme of “The Rime of ancient mariner”:
The Rime of The Ancient Mariner is one of the longest poems written by Samuel Taylor
Coleridge. It's a lyrical ballad. A ballad is a poem in the form of a story, which can be sung.
The main theme of the poem is retribution, it's about the seafarer (sailor/mariner) shooting
and killing an albatross. It's about his journey on the Atlantic and all the tribulations he
faces. It's about biblical themes like pride, sin, repentance and retribution.
The famous line “Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink” is from this poem, it's
when the mariner is surrounded by salty sea water all around and can't drink a drop of
The wild imagination of the poet Samuel Coleridge as evident in this poem is attributed to
his taking high dosage of opium.
Many poetic devices are used in the poem. The poem has a rhyming scheme of ABCB. It also
has internal rhymes. There's alliteration, onomatopoeia and other figures of speech.

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 To whom did the ancient mariner tell his story?
a. His wife b. One of three ghosts
c. His friend d. His uncle
 Who killed the Albatross?
a. The crew b. The ancient mariner
c. The piot d. The ghost
 How many voices did the mariner hear?
a. 2 b. 3
c. 4 d. 5

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Sir Walter Scott:
❑ Famous works:
➢ Ivanhoe
➢ The Abbot
➢ The lay of the last ministrel
➢ Old Mortality
➢ Rob Roy
➢ Patriotism
❑ Famous Quote:
➢ “Look back and smile on perils past.”

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-

 Who wrote “Patriotism”

a. William Shakespeare

b. William Wordsworth

c. Walter Scott

d. Robert browning

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Scott is not the writer of-
a. The Abbot b. Ivanhoe
c. Old Mortality d. The Canterbury Tales
 Walter Scott is a/an ______ writer.
a. Romantic b. Elizabethan
c. Victoria d. Modern

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Jane Austen
➢ Anti Romantic Novelist in Romantic period
❑ Famous works:
➢ Pride and prejudice
➢ Emma
➢ Sense and sensibility
➢ Mansfield park
➢ The persuasion
❑ Important quotes:
➢ “A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to
matrimony in a moment.”
➢ “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good
fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Who is an anti romantic novelist in Romantic period.
a. John Keats b. Walter Scott
c. William Wordsworth d. Jane Austen.
 Jane Austen Did not write-
a. Pamela b. Emma
c. Sense and sensibility d. Pride and Perjudice
 Jane Austen was a/an____.
a. Essayist b. Dramatist
c. Novelist d. Satirist

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
❑ Theme of “Pride and prejudice”:
Elizabeth Bennet is the protagonist, and the major conflict revolves around her struggle to
find a compatible husband despite the obstacles presented by both social conventions and
her own lack of self-awareness. She encounters a number of antagonists who create obstacles
between her and a happy marriage.
❑ Characters:
➢ Elizabeth Bennet
➢ Fitzwilliam Darcy
➢ Jane Bennet
➢ Charles Bingley

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Charles Lamb:
❑ Famous Works:
➢ Tales from Shakespeare
➢ The old Familior faces
➢ The essays of Elia
➢ Rosamond Gray
➢ Mrs. Leicester's School and Other Writings in Prose and Verse
❑ Famous Quote:
➢ “Nothing puzzles me more than the time and space; and yet nothing troubles me
➢ “Let us leave for the beauty of our own reality.”

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 ”The essay of Elia” was written by-
a. S.T Coleridge b. Wiiliam wordswoth
c. Jane Austen d. Charles Lamb
 Pen name of Charles lamb:
a. Robert b. James
c. Elia d. John

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 William Hazlitt-
➢ A famous critic and essayist

❑ Famous works:
➢ The spirit of the age
➢ Characters of Shakespeare’s plays
➢ The English poets
➢ The round table
➢ The English comic writers

❑ Famous Quotes:
➢ “Those who are at war with others are not at peace with themselves.”
➢ “The more we do, the more we can do.”

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Lord Byron-
➢ Rebel Poet
❑ Famous works:
➢ Don Juan
➢ The vision of judgment
➢ Child Harold
➢ Monfred
❑ Famous quotes:
➢ “There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore.”
➢ “Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine.”
➢ “Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who
dare not, are slaves.”

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-

 “Don Juan” is a/an-

a. Play

b. Novel

c. Poem

d. Essay

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Lord Byron is-
a. Rebel poet b. Romantic poet
c. Poet of nature d. Poet of sensuousness

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
❑ “Don Juan” Characters:
 Don Juan The son of an easygoing father and a strict mother who is doted on by his
parents. At the age of sixteen he has an affair with Donna Julia.
 Don José Juan's father, who is unfaithful to his wife and careless of his reputation.
 Donna Inez Juan's mother, a learned woman plagued by the infidelity of her husband. One
of her chief interests is the education of her son.
 The Narrator A friend of Don Juan's family. He is dismissed from the story in the first
canto and his place is taken by the omniscient author.
 Donna Julia The wife of Don Alfonso and a friend of Don Juan's family. She is twenty-
three and unhappily married.
 Don Alfonso The husband of Donna Julia. He is fifty and fails to provide his wife with the
love she yearns for.
 Antonia Donna Julia's maidservant who helps her in her intrigue with Don Juan.
 Pedrillo Juan's tutor, the victim of cannibalism by the survivors of the wreck of
the Trinidada.

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Who was Agmemnon?
a. French king b. Greek king
c. Scottish king d. English King

 Where did Juan’s parents live?

a. Beside the river humber b. Beside the river Tames
c. Beside the river Hudson d. Beside the river Guadalquivir

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Percy Bysshe Shelley-
➢ Revolutionary poet
➢ Poet of hope and regeneration
➢ Poet of skylark and wind
❑ Famous works:
➢ Promethus Unbound
➢ A defence of poetry
➢ Adonais
➢ Alastor
➢ Ode to skylark
➢ Ode to west wind
➢ Ozymandias
❑ Famous Quotes:
➢ “Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.”
➢ “If winter comes can spring be far behind?”

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-

 Shelley’s Adonais in an elegy written on the death of-

a. John Keats

b. Lord Byron

c. Jane Austen

d. Wordsworth

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Who said- “Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought”
a. John Keats b. Lord Byron
c. Jane Austen d. P B Shelley
 Shelley is a _____ poet.
a. Epic poet b. Romantic poet
c. Poet of nature d. Poet of beauty

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
❑ Ozymandias theme:
The speaker of the poem meets a traveller who came from an ancient land. The traveller describes
two large stone legs of a statue, which lack a torso to connect them, and stand upright in the desert.
Near the legs, half buried in sand, is the broken face of the statue. The statue's facial expression—a
frown and a wrinkled lip—form a commanding, haughty sneer. The expression shows that the sculptor
understood the emotions of the person the statue is based on, and now those emotions live on, carved
forever on inanimate stone. In making the face, the sculptor’s skilled hands mocked up a perfect
recreation of those feelings and of the heart that fed those feelings (and, in the process, so perfectly
conveyed the subject’s cruelty that the statue itself seems to be mocking its subject).
The traveller next describes the words inscribed on the pedestal of the statue, which say: "My name is
Ozymandias, the King who rules over even other Kings. Behold what I have built, all you who think of
yourselves as powerful, and despair at the magnificence and superiority of my accomplishments."
There is nothing else in the area. Surrounding the remnants of the large statue is a never-ending and
barren desert, with empty and flat sands stretching into the distance.

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 How did Shelley die?
a. By boat accident b. By train accident
c. By car accident d. By cancer

 Ozymandias is written by-

a. Kets b. Shelley
c. Yeats d. Don Juan

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
❑ Ode to west wind summary:
Throughout “Ode to the West Wind,” the speaker describes the West Wind as a powerful and
destructive force: it drives away the summer and brings instead winter storms, chaos, and
even death. Yet the speaker celebrates the West Wind and welcomes the destruction that it
causes because it leads to renewal and rebirth.
The West Wind is not peaceful or pleasant. It is, the speaker notes, “the breath of Autumn’s
being.” Autumn is a transitional season, when summer’s abundance begins to fade. So too,
everywhere the speaker looks the West Wind drives away peace and abundance. The West
Wind strips the leaves from the trees, whips up the sky, and causes huge storms on the
ocean. And, in the first section of the poem, the speaker compares the dead leaves the West
Wind blows to “ghosts” and “pestilence-stricken multitudes.” The West Wind turns the fall
colors into something scary, associated with sickness and death.

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 John Keats:
➢ Poet of beauty
➢ Poet of sensuousness
➢ Man of medicine
➢ The youngest poet of English literature
❑ Famous Works:
➢ Ode to nightingale
➢ Ode to autumn
➢ Isabella
❑ Famous quotes:
➢ “A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.”
➢ “Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard, are sweeter.”
➢ “The music in my heart I bore long after it was heard no more.”
➢ “Beauty is truth, truth is beauty.”
➢ “Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well. As she is fam'd to do, deceiving elf.”

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Poet of sensuousness-
a. P.B Shelley b. Wordsworth
c. John Keats d. Byron

 John Keats did not write-

a. Ode to autumn b. Ode to a Nightingale
c. Ode to west wind d. Ode to Grecian Urn

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
❑ “Ode to a Nightingale” theme:

Ode to a Nightingale" is a poem by John Keats written either in the garden of the Spaniards
Inn, Hampstead, London or, according to Keats' friend Charles Armitage Brown, under a plum
tree in the garden of Keats' house at Wentworth Place, also in Hampstead. According to
Brown, a nightingale had built its nest near the house that he shared with Keats in the
spring of 1819. Inspired by the bird's song, Keats composed the poem in one day. It soon
became one of his 1819 odes and was first published in Annals of the Fine Arts the following
July. The poem is one of the most frequently anthologized in the English language.

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-

 John Keats is called-

a. Epic poet

b. Master of satire

c. Man of medicine

d. Father of tragedy

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
 Who said- “A thing of beauty is a joy forever”?
a. John keats b. Shelley
c. Wordsworth d. Byron
 John Keats belongs _____ period.
a. Romantic b. Victorian
c. Restoration d. Post Modern

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-
❑ Lake Poet:
Lake poets lived in the English Lake District of Cumberland and Westmorland (now Cumbria)
at the beginning of the 19th century. They were first described derogatorily as the “Lake
school” by Francis (afterward Lord) Jeffrey in The Edinburgh Review in August 1817, and the
description “Lakers” was also used in a similar spirit by the poet Lord Byron.

The three main figures of what has become known as the Lakes School were William
Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey. They were associated with several
other poets and writers, including Dorothy Wordsworth, Charles Lamb, Mary Lamb, Charles
Lloyd, Hartley Coleridge, John Wilson, and Thomas De Quincey.

ইংরেজি সহিত্য-

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