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Parenting style

What Is Parenting Styles

• Parenting style is defined as a
constellation of parents’ attitudes and
behaviors toward children and an
emotional climate in which the parents’
behaviors are expressed.

• Parenting style refers to the manner in

which parents raise there children.
Parenting Style
•A parenting style is a set of strategies
that parents use to raise their children.
Psychologists have identified 4 main
parenting styles.

•The parenting style employed has a

significant impact on the behavior the
child learn,(the child’s personality).
Authoritative Style
• Establish strict rules but • Are expected to follow
allo situtional expections to the rules, but can uestion
the rules. the rules,and discuss
• Consider children’s them with parents.
feelings when creating and
enforcing rules. • Are encouraging to
problem-slove and make
• Discuss rules with children mistakes in order to
so they will understand.
• Use a combination of
punishment and • Tend to become
reinforcement. responsible decision-
Permissive Style
• Parents • Children
• Have lenient /no rules
and not very much • Are allowed to do what
discipline. they want.
• May only punish • Grow up with no
children if the problem is
very serious. respect for authority.
• Have a ‘kids will be kids • Often struggle
attitude, and may treat academically
their kids like friends.
• Do not discourage their • Tend to make poor life
children from doing bad choices because they
things. have been raised with
no guidance.
Uninvolved style
• Parents • Children
• Are neglectful • Grow up with many
• May be overwhelmed by
other life problems, and • Lack discipline and tend
to make poor life
ignore their children. choices.
• Often do not know what • Often struggle
their children are doing. academically
• Do not have many rules • Grow up not trusting
or expectations because others.
they expect children to • Grow up with low self
raise themselves. esteem.
Other styles
• The previous slides list the four classic
parenting styles, but modern psychologists
have defined new styles.
• Over parenting.
• Parents are strict (like authoritative) but also
involve themselves in every aspect of their
children’s lives. They try to solve their
children’s problems for them and clear
obstacles from their children’s paths (tiger
Parenting Parent Behaviour Resulting Child
Style Behaviour
Rigid, strict standards(example : ’If Unsociable,
Authoritarian you don’t clean you’re room, I will unfriendly,
take away your cell phone for good’) withdrawn.

Lax, inconsistent, undemanding ( Immature, moody,

Permissive example: ‘ it might be good to clean dependent, low self-
your room’) control.

Firms, sets limits and goals, Good social skills,

Authoritative encourages independence.( example: self-reliant,
“you can go to your friend’s house independent.
often you clean your room”)

Detached emotionally, sees role only Indifferent,

Uninvolved as providing food, clothing and shelter undisciplined,
(Neglected) ( example : “I don’t care if your room rejecting behavior.
is messy”)
Tips For Effective Parenting
• Nine Steps to More Effective Parenting :

• Boosting Your Child's Self-Esteem.

• Catch Kids Being Good.
• Set Limits and Be Consistent With Your Discipline.
• Make Time for Your Kids.
• Be a Good Role Model.
• Make Communication a Priority.
• Be Flexible and Willing to Adjust Your Parenting
• Show That Your Love Is Unconditional.
Thank you
What is Child Rearing?
Child rearing in Lay man’s language is all about
understanding how to raise your kids. It involves
figuring out whether you should be the liberal,
conservative, permissive, authoritative, punitive, or
non-punitive parent to your child.
Definition of Child Rearing
◦ Well, in simple language, this is the process where parents decide on how to focus and raise
their children.

◦ Child-rearing is greatly attributed to the parent style used. How you communicate and deal
with your kids plays a significant role in the end results achieved. There is no important stage
in a human’s life, such as the childhood stage.

◦ The childhood stage of a human involves all the learning, growth, and development. Whether
you’ll wash your hands before eating or say a prayer before bed, the childhood stage
determines all this. We, therefore, cannot emphasize more on how important it is to consider
how you, as a parent decide to raise your child.
Parents' Effect on Child Behavior
◦ Parents greatly affect their children’s behavior. Children are like sponges--they model
everything a parent does and incorporate what they see into their own lives. It is important
that parents set the right examples for their children. Negative examples can be detrimental to
a child’s development and can lead to bad behavior.

Social Skills Count

◦ Antisocial children learn their behavior from their parents’ examples, according to research
done by the University of Chicago published in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.
Social skills can be interpreted as everything from the basic polite “please” and “thank you” to
speaking in front of crowds. Children model their parents and learn from them.
A Stressed-Out Legacy
◦ A parent’s reaction to stress affects the way a child reacts to stress, states the website More4Kids.
If a parent reacts negatively, a child will learn to react negatively as well. In addition, negative
reactions to stress, such as yelling and lashing out, can scare a child. Children can learn to shut
themselves down and may even think that they are the cause of the stress. If stress is handled
positively, it helps children see that their parents' love for them never changes, even when they are
stressed out.

Keep Discipline Positive

◦ The way a parent disciplines greatly affects their children's behavior, as explained on When a parent elects to use physical punishment, such as spanking, it does not
teach the child how to change his behavior. Children can also react aggressively to physical
punishment. When parents chooses alternate forms of punishment, such as time-outs, they are
helping modify the child’s bad behavior in a calm manner.
Fighting Frenzy
◦ If arguing among parents is done fairly and with maturity, a child can actually benefit from seeing
how conflicts are resolved. Verbal and physical fights are extremely hard on kids, warns the Child-
Discipline-with-Love website. Children may blame themselves for their parents’ arguments and
may be traumatizing for years to come. Children may develop low self-esteems and may even
behave violently toward other children. Dysfunctional families breed dysfunctional children.
Children often repeat this behavior in their future relationships.

Child Abuse Destroys

◦ Child abuse causes a range of antisocial and destructive behaviors, according to the website This is because abused children try to cope and to understand why they are
being abused. Parents who abuse their children may cause their children to be aggressive and
violent, experience learning problems and even become involved in drugs or alcohol. Parents who
abuse provide the opposite of what a child needs to grow up healthy. Instead, they destroy the
inside and outside world of a child.
The Best Child Rearing Practices
Child-rearing practices contribute greatly to the overall development of your child subsequently. The
practices are an assurance of the future success of your little angel. Here are some of the practices to follow.

Get involved in your child’s life.

One of the most effective and efficient tips of child-rearing is to get involved in your kid’s life. It is the
secret and foundation to successful child-rearing, nothing else. One thing to know, however, is that it isn’t
easy, and will require lots of dedication and hard work.

Getting involved in your child’s life means putting the kids’ priorities in front at all times. It means having
to sacrifice a lot for your child. You will, on most occasions, be forced to change your schedule just to
accommodate them. You will have to be there for your kid, both physically and emotionally.

Don’t get us wrong- we don’t mean that you correct or do the child’s homework. It is a big No-No, as this is
the teachers’ duty. Instead, it is a daily requirement that you provide for the kids’ needs and see how they
are performing in school.
Don’t be too loving
It is okay to spoil your kids once in a while, but be careful not to overdo it. We understand that
you might have one kid, and want to show them how much you love them. Well, this is normal,
and there’s nothing wrong about it- Only that you should know when to set boundaries.
We have to give the African parent all the accolades when it comes to this; they know when to
love their kids, and when to correct or discipline them, a subtle art that not many parents have

Refraining from excessively loving your kids goes a long way in lowering their expectations.
Also, it will teach them the reality of life in an efficient and effective manner.
All your actions matter
All your actions as a parent matter- don’t forget this. With this, you should know that every of
your action has an impact on your child. Your child is constantly looking up to you and emulating
your actions. The things you do have a huge impact and difference in their lives.

You should check on what you intend to accomplish from every one of your actions. Afterward,
assess whether your actions will have the intended results. If it does, proceed on, but if it doesn’t,
then it is only prudent to search for an alternative.

Explain rules and decisions to your child

Many will disagree, but this is one area that many parents go wrong in child-rearing. Parents
have expectations from their children, which is okay. However, some parents under-explain this
to their kids, which is totally wrong.

You should sit down with your child and have a precise conversation and understanding of your
rules and decisions. Explaining this to your kid goes a long way in making them understand the
importance of such decisions and the consequences that await them if they go astray .
Avoid harsh discipline
Hitting a child in Ireland is illegal, and you can be punished by the law for doing so. We believe this is one of the best
practices you can adopt. Regardless of the nature of the wrong that your child has committed, hitting them isn’t the
best way to go. Before you oppose this act, read on.
Research shows that kids who are slapped, spanked, or hit are more vulnerable to fight with other kids. Also, they
are highly likely to develop as bullies in the future. They develop and aggressive behavior when interacting with
other people. You don’t want your kid to end up like this, do you?
There is plenty of evidence to show that spanking causes aggression in the child. Kids who are spanked or hit grow
up to have relationship issues with other people, as seen from the authoritarian type of parenting earlier.
There are other better approaches to correcting your kid. Sitting down, putting up rules, and their respective
consequences, for example, is one way to go.

Have your meals together

A family that stays together eats together. The saying doesn’t normally go this way, but eating together is one sure
way of bonding great with your kids. It might be difficult to have all the meals together, but you can choose one,
preferably dinner.
Sit down with your kid and discuss the day’s activities with your child. Know what your child is up to. Doing so
enables you to figure out some of the struggles and problems that your child is going through and finding possible
solutions to them.
◦ Be clear
Children might find it difficult to grasp all the information that you tell them, especially if you
don’t explain it in a clear and precise way. Take your time to explain things to your child. Help
them understand the information you tell them.
If possible, break down everything easily, in the simplest manner possible. Failing to do this
makes your child misunderstand a lot of things.
Be patient
Patient is a virtue that not many people hold. Nevertheless, try as much as possible to be patient
at all times and with your child also. You can easily lose your temper with your child, especially if
you’re busy. This is because you might have little time to get things done, and if you fail to
accomplish them, you might lose it all.
Being temperamental scares your child off, and it is less likely for them to come forward and
explain their concerns to you. Keep it cool and in order. Also, don’t be impatient with your child if
they don’t achieve what you expected them to, for example, in academics.
Instead, motivate them to work harder, and even go the extra mile of assisting them in their quest.
Respect your child
Lastly, have respect for your child. Doing so will reciprocate things, and they will also respect
you- it is a two-way traffic. Don’t put unnecessary restrictions on your kid, and allow them
proper freedom. Advise them on the right from the wrong.

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