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STOICHIOMETRI ( Chemical Computation )

A. Fundamental Laws of chemistry Chemistry is science commenced form of experiments. Based on those experiments, data called law are found. 1. Law of Conservation of Mass ( Lavoisier) Substances mass before equal with mass after reaction. Experiment : Law of Conservation Mass Objective : To observe relationship between substance mass before and after reaction a. Tools and Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Balance Chemical glasses size 500 mL (112,99 g) Y shape test tube ( inverted ) (25,79 g) Cylinder size 10 mL Test tube Alabaster Powder 2 M HCl solution 0,5 M KI solution 0,1 M Pb(CH3COO)2 0,1 M CuSO4 solution Watch glass (38,129 g)

b. Procedure 1. a) b) c) Reaction between KI and Pb(CH3COO)2 Put 5 mL 0,1 M KI solutionin to one test tube leg in Y type

( inverted) and 5 mL of Pb(CH3COO)2 solution into other tube leg Put carefully that test tube into chemical glass. Then weight the Oblique the chemical glass so that solution on the both test tube

chemical glass along with the volume. leg in Y type (inverted) mix. Look out what happens. That weight that chemical glass along with the volume. d) 2. 3. a) b) c) d) Mass before and after reaction occurs. Repeat procedure one using CuSO4 solution with KI Reaction between Alabaster powder and HCl solution Put 1 gram alabaster powder into test tube Put 5 mL HCl solution into other test tube. Put both test tube carefully into chemical glass in 500 mL size. Pour HCl solution into test tube contains alabaster powder. Then,

That weight that chemical glass along with the volume put both test tube into chemical glass. Watch carefully what happens. Weight the chemical glass along with the volume after reaction occurs. c) Observation Result Complete the following table Experiment 1 Mass before reaction Mass after reaction 99,42 gr 99,42 gr Experiment 2 99,64 gr 99,64 gr Experiment 3 95,9 gr 95,76 gr

d) Questions 1. Based on experiment 1 and 2, what can you conclude ? Based on the experiment 1 and 2 we can conclude that happen the law of conservation of mass ( Lavoiser ), formulated by Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794). And the states is in a chemical reaction , the total mass substance before and after the reaction remains the same. Lavoisier already do the experiment three times. And he always get the mass of the experiment same before and after reaction. In the first experiment he use the water. He put the water in the cask glass then he heat the water in 100 days. After that he weighing. And he get the result the total mass before and after reaction remains the same. 2. In experiment 3, Why mass before and after reaction doesnt equal ? In the experiment 3 we can conclude that happen change with the mass. In the before reaction the mass is 95,9 gr and after reaction the mass is 95,76 gr. In the experiment 3 the mass can change because there are something that released so that the mass change from before and after reaction. In the time of alkimia, if the water at the cask glass heat, that will happen residue/deposit in the cask glass. That we can conclude water to be soil because influence fire. e) Conclusion Based on experiment 1, 2, and 3 we can conclude. In the experiment 1 and 2 the mass before and after the reaction remains the same. Because nothing happen evaporation in the experiment 1 and 2 so, there are not something released in the reaction. And in the experiment 3 we can conclude the mass before and after reaction not same. Because in the practice the Y shape test tube not closed so the gass in the reaction released and the mass change.

Nama Kelas

: Elvira Sari : X.1

No. Absen

: 12

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