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Date: November 18, 2023

To: Mrs. Rosemarie Ramos

Quezon City University Professor
From: Mharvin Louelle Jay C. Oliver

Subject: Request for Extension on Assignment Submission

Dear Mrs. Ramos,

Good day! I hope everything is fine on your end. I am formally writing to request for an
extension for our assignment for cover letter, with a due schedule on November 28, 2023. I
know how significant it is to meet such deadlines however, due to unanticipated events, it is
impossible for me to complete the assignment on time.
Currently, I am experiencing severe headaches and migraine which burdens me to complete the
said task. I do the best to produce such quality of work, but that’s not enough for my abilities
and capabilities had been reversed.
I am determined to produce such quality of work. With the help of this approval, I know that I
can meet such criteria and standard for this task. I am ready to submit the assignment on
December 2, 2023, which is 4 days later than the actual date of submission. I am mindful that
the course of action wouldn't be affected by this delay and wouldn't create any issues for you or
my fellow classmates.
I promise to make the most of the extra time and see to it that my submission demonstrates the
work and commitment I make to keep up with this course. If there are any extra requirements
or guidelines for the longer deadline, do let me know, and I'll make sure to meet it.
Thank you for taking time to consider my request. If you have questions, please contact me at I look forward to hearing from you.

Mharvin Louelle Jay C. Oliver

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