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Speech by Vice Chairman of Nias Heritage Foundation:

MPN - Gunungsitoli, July 18, 2023
First of all, we thank God for His extraordinary blessings upon us, as we can gather today
at the Nias Heritage Museum, at the opening ceremony of a Photo Exhibition entitled:
"Danish Footprints on Nias". Shalom... Ya'ahowu!.

In this precious opportunity, allow me to address my welcome to all of you, and in

particular to the presence of our distinguished guests from the Danish Embassy and
Consulate, namely:
1. Mr. PER BRIXEN: Deputy Ambassador
2. Ms. Vilma
3. Ms. Vremita, and
4. Ms. Nurul
Welcome also to all of you who have accepted our invitation to this very valuable
exhibition, our honorable guests:
1. Bapak Walikota Gunungsitoli
2. Bapak Kapolres Nias
3. Bapak Dandim 0213 Nias
4. Kustos dan Dewan Kustodi Ordo Kapusin Kepulauan Nias
5. Bapak Kepala Dinas Pariwisata & Kebudayaan Kota Gunungsitoli
6. Bapak Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kota Gunungsitoli
7. Ibu Lurah Saombö
8. Badan Pembina, Pengurus dan Pengawas Yayasan Pusaka Nias,
9. Bpk. Pdt. Dr. Tuhoni Telaumbanua, M.Si (budayawan dan mantan Ephorus BNKP),
10. Para pastor dan biarawan/wati
11. Bpk. Ahmad Irfan Zebua, S. Kom (Ketua Muhamadiyah)
12. Tokoh-tokoh Masyarakat dan Pimpinan Lembaga Kebudayaan dan Kemasyarakatan:
 Bpk. Drs, Nehemia Harefa (Ketua Lembaga Budaya Nias)
 Bpk. Marinus Gea, S.E; M.AK dan Bpk. Be’esokhi Ndruru (Ketua dan pengurus HIMNI
dan tokoh masyarakat Nias Diaspora)
 Direktur Museum Pusaka Nias
 Bpk. Firman Zega (Babinsa Kodim 0213 Nias)
 Bpk. Bram Zega (Babinsa Polres Nias)
 Rektor dan Para dosen Perguruan Tinggi
 Para Kepala Sekolah, Bapak dan Ibu Guru
 Mahasiswa dan para peserta didik dari berbagai unit Pendidikan

Ladies and Gentleman,

Today we will witness the series of past events featuring the relationship between the two
countries (Indonesia and Denmark) in general, and specifically the “Danish Footprints on
Nias”, in a photo’s exhibition package. The historical knot of relations between Indonesia
and Denmark was started and bridged by Dr. Agner Moller, who lived in Nias during the
Dutch Colonial Government from 1923-1927. He was assigned as a health worker who
gave vaccinations to the people of Nias to eradicate the epidemic of dangerous skin
diseases at that time.

While carrying out the above health services, he is also increasingly interested in
conducting various studies related to Nias culture, which contributes to providing an
explanation of the social and religious life of the Nias people, kinship and social relations.
He even married a Niasan beautiful girl, a nobleman's daughter from Bawölowalani
Village, Telukdalam District, named Suri Sarumaha. Dr. Agner Møller, thus, ties himself to
the people of Nias through marriage, and in this way he became an inseparable part of
Nias culture.

He went a step further to examine the cultural richness of Nias through the Nifolasara
House (Omo Sebua) in Hilimondregeraya Village. At that time, the traditional house
seemed to be in dire need of maintenance and was on the verge of collapsing. So, Møller
used the Situation to buy the front of the house and all the equipment in it; statues and
various kinds of ornaments. Now the front of the traditional house and its collection have
been handed over by Dr. A.G. Møller at the National Museum of Ethnography,
Copenhagen, Denmark. (Note: Father Yohannes Hammerle, OFMCap – the founder of Nias Heritage Musem -
told me by phone few days ago that a few years before he wrote his Book entitled “Famato Harimao”, he visited the
museum in Denmark, and it was his opportunity as he was allowed to take 72 photos related to Nias culture in the
museum, and he included 18 of those photos as references in his book, written in 1986).

Ladies and Gentleman. What we are going to see in today’s photos exhibition is a
continuation of the exhibition that was held by the Danish Embassy for Indonesia in last
December 2022 at the National Museum in Jakarta; it’s to convey to the public - and
especially the people of Nias – a testimony about the existence of a historical relationship
that has been closely intertwined in the past between Denmark and Nias, through cultural
encounters, marriage ties and observing the rich traditions that exist on Nias Island.
Møller himself, thus, became a link between Denmark and Nias relationship. So this
exhibition is very important, valuable, and meaningful for us nowadays, because in
addition to knowing our cultural riches by observing the life of the Nias people more or
less 100 years ago; through this special momet we can also draw on the local wisdom in
the life of Nias people, cultural values and its various elements that should be preserved
until now. Agner Moller has made a major contribution that can help current and future
generations to continue to carry out the path of academic studies about the cultural
richness of Nias, through the photo’s exhibition held at this place. That is why this
exhibition also give meaning to the New Academic Year for schools on Nias Island,
bearing in mind that the Nias Heritage Museum is a study center and educational facility
for the public.

Finally, thank you for the cooperation of various parties so that this exhibition can be
carried out, which will soon be officially opened by Mr. Per Brixen, the Deputy
Ambassador for Denmark. The last but not least, we would like to show our gratitude for
the presence of our distinguished guests from the Danish Embassy and Consulates. So,
please let me call and come forward to receive a simple gift from us, addressed to: Mr. PER
BRIXEN, Ms. Vilma, Ms. Vremita, and Ms. Nurul.------------------------------ Thank you!
Fr. Gregorius Fau, OFMCap

(Vice Chairman of Nias Museum Foundation)

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