Math - Revision Assignment

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Name: _________________ Section: _____ Date: ________ [Max.Marks:20]

General Instructions:
● All questions are compulsory and to be done on an A-4 size sheet.
● Assignment consists of 9 questions.

Q1. Fill in the blanks: (0.5 X 6 = 3)

a) When a number is subtracted from itself, the answer is___________.

b) 25,600 - 1,000 = ____________ .

c) 5 hours after 1:15 p.m. will be _______________.

d) 10 days = ______________ hours.

e) The number from which we subtract is called the _____________.

f) The current year is 2023. The next leap year will be ______________.

Q2. Convert 11 hours 50 minutes into minutes. (1 X 2 = 2)

Q3. Subtract 13 hours 20 minutes from 16 hours . (1 X 2 = 2)

Q4. Write the Subtraction facts for the given Addition fact: (1 X 2 = 2)

45,000 + 21, 680 = 66,680

Q5. If the difference is 15,324 , Subtrahend is 21,309, what is the minuend? (1 X 2 = 2)

Q6. Subtract 23,683 from 55,000 and check your answer by addition. (1 X 2 = 2)

Q7. 2,500 boys and 2,678 girls participated in the Independence day program at Red fort. They were

accompanied by their teachers. If the total of students and teachers was 7,000, how many teachers

were there? (1 X 3 = 3)

Q8. On the occasion of Independence day, a painting competition was held for Classes 3 to 5. Let us
study the given information and answer the following questions: (1 X 4 = 4)

Class Number of students Time duration of competition

Class 3 356 1 hour 45 minutes

Class 4 333 1 hour 30 minutes

Class 5 1 hour 15 minutes

Total students 1,000

i) How many Class 5 students participated in the competition?

ii) Convert the time taken by Class 3 into minutes.

iii) Find out the total time taken by all the 3 classes?

iv) Out of the total students 480 are boys. How many girls participated in the competition?

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