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Fandy : Hello alfin! yesterday I saw you watching a movie, what movie did you watch?

Alfin : I'm watching Jumanji, have you seen it before?

Fandy : Yes, I have watched it. Jumanji by Joe Johnston, right?

Alfin : Yes, it's. What did you think of the movie?

Fandy : I think Jumanji has a unique board game concept. What do you think?

Alfin : I agree. The concept is innovative and Robin Williams gives a great performance.
However, some of the special effects may look dated nowadays.

Fandy : Yes, the effects are a bit old. However, I still enjoyed the adventure story in the game.
How about the characters?

Alfin : The characters were quite strong, especially Robin Williams' role as Alan Parrish.

Fandy : I agree. Jumanji blends adventure and comedy well. How about the soundtrack?

Alfin : The soundtrack was interesting and supported the mood of the movie.

Fandy : That's right! What is the message that can be taken from the Jumanji?

Alfin : The Jumanji message about facing fears and embracing teamwork. It's cool!

Fandy : In conclusion, do you think people should watch Jumanji (1995)?

Alfin : If you love fantastic adventures with a touch of comedy, Jumanji (1995) is worth to

Fandy : I agree. I give it 9 out of 10. This movie is recommended to watch for any ages. How
about you?

Alfin : I give the movie 8 out of 10 because "Jumanji" is a timeless classic with an imaginative
storyline, great performances, and the perfect blend of adventure and humor.

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