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to whomsoever it may concern,

My name is Aayush Deo and I am currently pursuing Masters in Computer Applications and

Science, with an experience in working and volunteering in various NGOs.

As a student pursuing my Master's degree with a keen interest in child development, I am

deeply drawn to the opportunity to intern at the National Institute of Public Cooperation and

Child Development (NIPCCD) in New Delhi, India. The prospect of gaining insight into the

training and research processes of women and child development schemes and programs aligns

perfectly with my academic and personal aspirations.

From a young age, I've harbored a strong desire to make a positive impact on the lives of

children and the underprivileged. Witnessing the struggles of disadvantaged children in my

community ignited within me a sense of responsibility to contribute to their well-being. This

innate passion for serving others has been a driving force throughout my life, leading me to

actively engage in various initiatives aimed at uplifting children from marginalized backgrounds.

For the past five years, I have dedicated my time to teaching underprivileged children in my

locality. Through this experience, I have gained invaluable insights into the challenges faced by

children living in poverty, including limited access to quality education, healthcare, and other

essential resources. Despite these obstacles, I have witnessed the remarkable resilience and

potential within each child, reinforcing my belief in the transformative power of education and

support systems.

Interning at NIPCCD presents an unparalleled opportunity to broaden my understanding of the

intricacies involved in implementing effective policies and programs for child development. By

immersing myself in the training and research processes, I aim to deepen my knowledge of the

underlying issues affecting women and children in India and explore innovative solutions to

address these challenges.

Moreover, I am particularly drawn to NIPCCD's emphasis on holistic development, which

encompasses not only educational interventions but also health, nutrition, and social welfare

initiatives. This comprehensive approach resonates with my belief in the importance of

addressing the multifaceted needs of children to ensure their overall well-being and future

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