Stage 3 Term 1 Speaking and Listening Art Project 2024

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Stage 3

Speaking and Listening Art Project

Term 1 2024
Project Brief:
Part 1: Students will create an artwork that represents an aspect of their culture. Students are to think about something significant
that represents themselves and their culture. It may be a special place, a symbol, colours, clothing, food, dance, music and more.
This artwork will be presented and students are to write a 1-2 minute speech that:

 Describes the artwork

 Explains the process of creating the artwork
 Identifies the materials used
 Explains how the artwork links to their culture and its importance

Part 2: Students will present their artworks to the class. This will be followed by an Art Gallery walk showcasing their artworks to the
stage and teachers in Week 11.

Due Dates:
Class Presentation: Week 11, Monday 8 April 2024
Art Gallery: Week 11 in co-teaching groups (after class presentations are completed)

Timeline (Tick off as you complete):

Week 5: Receive project in class, share ideas and ask any questions to class teacher
Week 6: Submit a plan on the student presentation template on Microsoft Teams
Week 7: Collect materials and equipment required to make the artwork
Week 8-9: Create the artwork and take pictures of the process
Week 10: Upload photos of the creativity process as they complete the project
Remember to rehearse your presentation at home before you present it to your class.

Week 11: Present to class and showcase to the stage during the Art Gallery Walk

Students will:
 Access the Microsoft Teams portal for the student PowerPoint Presentation which includes the template and instructions
 Read the rubric carefully to ensure they include appropriate details that will be assessed
 Use the attached PowerPoint to answer the questions on slides 6 to 9 to assist them in their presentation
 Make necessary edits to their presentation
 Include photos of the design process, showing the beginning, middle and final creation

Jack Hiatt and Lauren Gordon Stage 3 Teachers

Assistant Principals

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