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schizoid personality disorder


-anhedonia and alexethymia

-emotional coldness flat affect
-difficulty with having emotional bonds
- not caring about criticism or praise No desire for bonds and no pleasure from bonds
- non attachment loner
- asexuality if there is a sexuality its fetishism
- rich fantasy world - good artists hard to find pleasure in anything
- loner not many friends
- no close friendship flat affect
- not desiring close friendships
- not caring about what other people think
- not caring about social norms


flat affect is the main feature

It's actually pretty linked to schizotypal personality disorder. One can think of schizotypal as a
schizoid who tried to create his own religion in order to have pleasure in this life

Main defense mechanisms

Defense mechanisms == protectors in IFS

negation - pretending that things are good when they are not. It's essentially an escape from
reality. YOu pretend that you don't have neglectful parents by creating a fantasy story about
it. It's an immature defense mechanism. My perception of reality in highschool and even in
OU was negating the sad realities of it.
rigid thinking
isolation - people cannot hurt me if i don't talk to them haha
not caring about emotional stuff
glorification of rationalization and intellect

Cognitive issues
hard time identifying what they like and dislike
Hard time creating plans for future
Overwhelming themselves to seem productive
they supress their anger and are often pretty passive agressive

Schizoid as trauma pattern

You were hurt by people so you learn to avoid them. Simple as that and because you started it
early as a kid you didn't develop enough emotional literacy

As little social contact as possible
A mine field around social connections
only a few s elect friends if any
video games and porn
apathetic lack of energy and vitality
disdain and cynicism
generally they don't have romantic relationshipos- they would really need to proactively work
on themselves to be a good partner. A partner of a schizoid like that should really appreciate

Similarities to assburgers
hard time reading social cues

Psychoanalytic self
The self of the schizoid is fragmented.

Inward outward characteristics of schizoid

Area of
Outward INward

Cynicism, lack of
authenticity, emptiness,
Submissiveness, independence, lack of assertiveness,
SElf image omnipotence,
humility, isolation
depersonalization living
in their own world
Area of
Outward INward

sensitivity, starved for

love, interested in other
interpersonal isolation, lack of friends, fear of closeness,
peoples internal
relations insensitivity to other peoples feelings
experience, jelousy of
others spontaneity

Passionate about their

lone wolf, laziness for anything but their special one or two
social interest. If it's not 'their goal they will not do shit'. passions/main goal in
adaptation They especially will not do shit because some life, hard time setting
authority tells them so goals and following
through them

asexuality, lack of interest in romantic perversion, porn use,

relationships/conventional sexuality extreme sexual fantasies

their own morality, interest in parapsychology and

no culturally influenced
mysticism (that's why the brand works because most
Ethics morality, they have their
schizoids will be interested in alternative medicine
own morality
and be porn addicted)

flakiness, not being there if it doesn't interest them,

absent mindedness (will put his shirt backwards
because he doesn't give a shit ), genuinely not autism, self centered
caring about what others think if he doesn't care
about them, maladaptive daydreaming

compoletely isolated and cold

Stiff, lack of pleasure


low self esteem and depersonalization, autistic thinking
Difference between schizoid and schizophrenia
it's pretty much only the negative symptoms without the positive
it can develop into full in schizophrenia if you stress him out enough and try to make him do
impossible things or burden him with too much
10 times more likely to have schizophrenia than normal people

schizoid vs schizotypal
schizotypal is closer to schizophrenia than schizoid. In schizotypal you have delusional
/magical thinking
All schizotypals start off as schizoids but then there's enough trauma and they become
What doesn't kill you makes you stranger is pretty much true for schizoids.

schizoid vs ocd
schizoids were more traumatized, OCDs are healthier, although more anal

try to be authentic

never there

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