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Assessment Checklist for Assessors

Name Date of assessment
Location No. of total candidates in batch
Batch id No. of candidate present
arrival time Assessment start time
Check list items Assessor has mentioned Yes/No
Informed candidates about job role
structure of assessment- theory/viva/practical
Candidate’s Orientation duration of assessment
Assessment Marks allocation in assessments
Process ask them about PMKVY
Conducted assessment for all the present candidates at center
Only candidates with original govt. id proof are allowed for
Assessment execution assessment
Correct Batch id
check Student list as per CSV/original candidate list
All the fields are duly filled up (Adhar card no.)
Candidate's signature- Theory & Viva
Attendance sheet
Assessor signature
TP stamp
Total no. of candidates (end of the sheet)
No. of absent candidates(end of the sheet)
All fields are duly filled up
photos collected as per Annex. M status
Assessment Agency Name :
Assessor’s Name
Assessor’s Aadhar number
No of candidates in the batch
Training Partner name
Training Center name
Actual Center SPOC Name
Annex. M
Actual SPOC mobile no
Center Id
Batch id
Job role for which assessment conducted
Sector Name
Assessment conducted in the language
Actual Date of Assessment
Actual Center Address
Genuinely filled up Anne.M
Annexure N 5 sample (if available)- to be filled but the candidate
Center branding-outside
Classroom pic with branding
Counselling room with branding
Photos Attendance register pic
Enrollment form pic
Orientation pic
group pic
Center PMKVY Branding-Outside & Inside
Theory assessment
Viva & Practical assessment (1 full viva video)
Group video
Video Orientation video

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