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Matrix eigenequations

Background mathematics review David Miller

Matrix eigenequations

Linear equations and matrices

Background mathematics review David Miller

Linear equations and matrices
A11 x  A12 y  c1
Suppose we have equations for two
straight lines A12 x  A22 y  c2
Note, if you are used to the form y  mx  c
we can rewrite this as y  ( A11 / A12 ) x  (c1 / A12 )
so these are equivalent
We can rewrite these equations as ˆ  x   A11 A12   x   c1 
the one matrix equation A        
 y   A21 A22   y  c2 
or, with b1 instead of x and b2
instead of y

in summation form

n 1
Amnbn  cm
Linear equation solutions

With the linear equations in matrix ˆ  x   A11 A12   x   c1 

form A        
 y   A21 A22   y  c2 
we can formally solve them if we
know the inverse Â1 1 ˆ  x  1  1 
multiplying by Â1 A A   A  
ˆ ˆ
 y  c2 
Since Aˆ 1 Aˆ  Iˆ
we have the solution  x  ˆ 1  c1 
the intersection point ( x, y ) of  y   A c 
the lines    2
Solving linear equations and inverting
a matrix are the same operation

If the determinant of a matrix is

not zero
then the matrix has an inverse
and if a matrix has an inverse,
the determinant of the matrix
is not zero
A nonzero determinant is a
necessary and sufficient
condition for a matrix to be
Determinant of a matrix

The determinant of a matrix  is A11 A12  A1N

written in one of two notations  A2 N
 
A21 A22
det A 
There are two complete formulas    
for calculating it AN 1 AN 2  ANN
Leibniz’s formula
Laplace’s formula
and many numerical techniques
to calculate it
we will not give these general
formulas or methods here
Determinant of a 2x2 matrix

For a 2x2 matrix

 
A11 A12
det A 
ˆ  A11 A22  A12 A21
A21 A22

we add the product on the leading

and subtract the product on the other
Determinant of a 3x3 matrix

For a 3x3 matrix, we have

A11 A12 A13  A11  A22 A33  A23 A32  
 
 
det Aˆ  A21 A22 A23   A12  A21 A33  A23 A31  
A31 A32 A33  A13  A21 A32  A22 A31  
 

A12 A13 A11
A A13 A11
A12 A13

A21 A22 A23 A21 A22 A23 A21 A22 A23

A31 A32 A33 A31 A32 A33 A31 A32 A33
General form of determinant

If we multiply out the 3x3 determinant expression

 
det Aˆ  A11  A22 A33  A23 A32   A12  A21 A33  A23 A31   A13  A21 A32  A22 A31 
 A11 A22 A33  A11 A23 A32  A12 A21 A33  A12 A23 A31  A13 A21 A32  A13 A22 A31
we see that each term, e.g., A12 A23 A31 contains a
different element from each row
and the elements in each term are never from
the same column
but we always have one element from each
row and each column in each term
General form of the determinant

We see that this form

 
det Aˆ  A11 A22 A33  A11 A23 A32  A12 A21 A33  A12 A23 A31  A13 A21 A32  A13 A22 A31

contains every possible term with one

element from each row
all from different columns
this is a general property of
General form of the determinant

To understand how to construct a

it only remains to find the sign of the terms
To do so
count the number of adjacent row (or
column) “swaps” required
to get all the elements in the term onto
the leading diagonal
if that number is even, the sign is “+”
if that number is odd, the sign is “-”
Sign of determinant terms

For the term A11 A23 A32

A11 A12 A13 A11 A12 A13
A21 A22 A23 A31 A32 A33
A31 A32 A33 A21 A22 A23
we have to perform 1 row swap
1 is an odd number
so the sign of this term in the
determinant is negative
Sign of determinant terms

For the term A12 A23 A31

A11 A12 A13 A11 A12 A13 A31 A32 A33
A21 A22 A23 A31 A32 A33 A11 A12 A13
A31 A32 A33 A21 A22 A23 A21 A22 A23
we have to perform 2 row swaps
2 is an even number
so the sign of this term in the
determinant is positive
This is actually Leibniz’s determinant formula
Matrix eigenequations

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Background mathematics review David Miller

Matrix eigenequation

An equation of the form

Âd   d
where d is a vector,  is a number, and  is
a square matrix
is called an
with eigenvalue 
and eigenvector d
If there are solutions
they may only exist for specific values of 
Solving an eigenequation

We can rewrite Âd   d as

ˆ   Id
Ad ˆ
where we have introduced the identity
matrix Iˆ
which we can always do because Id ˆ d
 
Aˆ   Iˆ d  0
(strictly, the 0 here is a vector with elements 0)
so, writing Bˆ  Aˆ   Iˆ we have
ˆ 0
Solving an eigenequation

Now, for Bd ˆ  0 to have any solutions for any

non-zero vector d
the matrix B̂ cannot have an inverse
if it did have an inverse B̂ 1
Bˆ 1 Bd ˆ  d  Bˆ 1 0
ˆ  Id
but any (finite) matrix multiplying a
zero vector must give a zero vector
so there is no non-zero solution d
Hence, by reductio ad absurdum,
B̂ has no inverse
Solving an eigenequation

The fact that Bˆ  Aˆ   Iˆ has no inverse means

from the properties of the determinant

 
det Aˆ   Iˆ  0

This equation will allow us to construct

a “secular equation”
whose solutions will give the
eigenvalues 
From those we will deduce the
corresponding eigenvectors d
Solving an eigenequation

Suppose we want to find the eigenvalues and

if they exist
 1.5 0.5i 
of the matrix A  

 0.5i 1.5 
So we write the determinant condition for
finding eigenvalues
  1.5 0.5i  1 0  
ˆ 
det A   I  det  
 0.5i 1.5 
    0
0 1  
Solving an eigenequation

  1.5 0.5i  1 0     1.5 0.5i   0  
det         det     
 0.5i 1.5   0 1   0.5i 1.5   0  
 1.5   0.5i  
 det   
 0.5 i 1.5   

So our secular equation becomes, from det Aˆ   Iˆ  0 
1.5     (0.5i)  0.5i   1.5     0.25  0
2 2

i.e.,  2  3  2  0
Solving an eigenequation

Solving this quadratic equation  2  3  2  0

gives roots
1  1 and 2  2
Now that we know the eigenvalues
we substitute them back into the
and deduce the corresponding
Solving an eigenequation

Our eigenequation Âd   d is, explicitly

 1.5 0.5i   d1   d1 
0.5i 1.5   d     d 
  2  2
where now, for a given eigenvalue 
we are trying to find d1 and d2
so we know the corresponding eigenvector
Rewriting gives
1.5   0.5i   d1  0 
 0.5i 1.5     d   0 
  2  
Solving an eigenequation

Now evaluating 1.5   0.5i   d1  0 

 0.5i 1.5     d   0 
  2  
for a specific eigenvalue
say, the first one, 1  1
gives  0.5 0.5i   d  0 
0.5i 0.5   d   0 

  2  
or, as linear equations
0.5d1  0.5id 2  0
0.5id1  0.5d 2  0
Solving an eigenequation

From either one of these equations

0.5d1  0.5id 2  0 0.5id1  0.5d 2  0
we can now deduce the eigenvector
Either equation gives us d 2  id1
We are free to choose one of the elements
say, choose d1  1
which gives the eigenvector v1 v1   
i 
Using 2  2 and similar mathematics
gives the other eigenvector v2 v2   
 i 
Solving eigenequations

For larger matrices with eigensolutions

e.g., N  N
we have correspondingly higher order
polynomial secular equations
which can have N eigenvalues and
e.g., a 3  3 matrix can have 3 eigenvalues and
Note eigenvectors can be multiplied by any
constant and still be eigenvectors

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