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ACWA POWER Zarqa Project


Area / Location Permit No.
Method of
hot work

Work in charge

Description of


The following are to be required and completed YES NO N/A

1 Ensure all work equipment is in good order
2 Check location and means of raising alarm
3 Ensure correct extinguishers to hand
4 Inspect adjacent areas including above and below
5 Block gaps or voids to prevent spread of flame or spark
6 Remove or suitably protect combustible material from work
7 Ensure area is cordon off and necessary signage displayed
8 Provision of screens or blankets to protect against spread of
sparks and hot particles
9 Flash Back arresters provided on cylinder side and torch
10 Was a Job safety analysis done and submitted together with
this permit.
Permit validity
This permit is valid from: am/pm on / /
Until: am/pm on / /
Issue of permit- authorisation/ receipt
Comment of site engineer /Sub contractor
Comment of site in-charge from concern dept.
from work agency
I have examined the area specified and
permission is given for the work to start,
subject to the conditions stated above.

Name: Name:

Signed: Date: Signed: Date:

Comment of Fire protection in charge Emergency No.
Name: No.

Name: No.
Name: No.
Signed: Date:
Notes: this form being triplicate is kept respectively one copy for construction party, construction
dept. and fire protection dept.

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ACWA POWER Zarqa Project

Renewed of works/ permit

Time work will be renewed to : am/pm on / /
Site engineer Site in-charge Fire protection dept.

Completion of works/ closing of permit

Time work completed/ suspended: am/pm on / /
Time work area checked for signs of fire: YES  NO 
Site engineer Site in-charge Fire protection dept.

While hot work is carried out the following should be ensured,

Twelve Nos.
1)If the hot work is carried out without approved work permit.
2)If the fire proof measure is not executed.
3)If the inflammable around is not cleaned.
4 ) If inflammable structure or valuable equipment which is difficult to shift takes no safety
5)If working in the tank car parking area.
6)If pressure vessel or pipe is not relief the pressure.
7 ) If the container, which is used for storing oil or combustible gas, is not cleaned to meet
safety requirements.
8 ) If the inflammable or explosive materials is not removed from the place of ever storing
inflammable or explosive materials.
9 ) When welding or gas cutting work is being performed at height, the inflammable objects
below are not removed or safety precaution is not taken.
10)If the inflammable work is going on around hot work not up to safe distance.
11)If working in the open air under strong wind condition wind proof measures is not adopted.
12)If encountered fire hazards are not eliminated.
Four Dos
1)Do appoint one supervisor before work.
2)Do follow the safety operation regulation.
3)Do take put out action in case of any fire.
4 ) Do stop the fire work once the site supervisor and worker find unsafe condition while
performing work.

After performing the hot works, Clean the kindling thoroughly and then leave the site safely.
Fire watch - Ensure there is no fire / source of ignition at least 30 minutes after the completion
of hot works

Notes: this form being triplicate is kept respectively one copy for construction party, construction
dept. and fire protection dept.

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