History File Rapid Fire (11 - 07 - 2023)

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● How long is the period of Harappan civilization considered?

- 2500 BC to 1750 BC
हड़प्पा सभ्यता का काल कब तक माना जाता है ?
- 2500 ईपू से 1750 ईपू
● From which Harappan site has a Great Bath been found?
- Mohenjodaro
किस हड़प्पा स्थल से वह
ृ त स्नानागार की प्राप्ति हुई है ?
- मोहनजोदड़ो

IVC Site Artifacts/Features

Great Bath, Statue of Priest King, Pashupati Seal, Bronze Dancing Girl,

Six granaries, many seals, terracotta figurines of women (indicative of

Mother Goddess worship), many weights and measures

Evidence of furrows and ploughing activity, horse remains, fire altars

(suggesting fire worship)

Distinctive water management system, a large signboard with undeciphered

symbols, giant reservoirs, city fortifications

Rakhigarhi gold jewelry, steatite beads, copper fish hooks

Lothal Dockyard, seal with ship design

Horse remains (significant as it indicates the possibility of horse

domestication), fortified citadel

Chanhudaro Bead factory, bronze razor, lipstick tubes, evidence of metallurgy

● The Harappan major port city of Lothal was situated on the

bank of which river?
- Bhogwa
हड़प्पा कालीन प्रमख
ु बंदरगाह शहर लोथल किस नदी के तट पर स्थित था?
- भोगवा


Mohenjo-Daro Indus River

Harappa Ravi River

Kalibangan Ghaggar River

Dholavira Luni River

Rakhigarhi Ghaggar-Hakra River

Lothal Bhogava River

Banawali Left bank of Sarasvathi

● From which Indus civilization site was the evidence of ploughed

fields found?
- Kalibangan
किस सैंधव सभ्यता स्थल से जत ू े हुए खेत के साक्ष्य प्राप्त हुई थी?
● The only stadium of the Harappan civilization has been found
from which site?
- Dholavira
हड़प्पा सभ्यता की एकमात्र स्टे डियम किस स्थल से प्राप्त हुई है ?
- धौलावीरा
● What type of sculptures were made by Lost wax technique
during the Harappan period?
- Metal sculpture
हड़प्पा काल में लप्ु त मोम तकनीक के द्वारा किस प्रकार की मर्ति ू यों का
निर्माण किया जाता था?
- धातु मर्ति

● From which Harappan site the idol of Mother Goddess and idol
of Pashupatinath has been found?
- Mohenjodaro
किस हड़प्पा कालीन स्थल से मातद ृ े वी की मर्ति
ू एवं पशप ु तिनाथ की मर्ति

प्राप्त हुई है ?
- मोहनजोदड़ो
● The people of which site of the Indus Civilization were familiar
with the 'Advanced water management system'?
- Dholavira
सिंधु सभ्यता में स्थित किस स्थल के लोग 'उन्नत जल प्रबंधन प्रणाली से
परिचित थे?
● From which place was copper obtained during the Indus
- Khetri Khan, Rajasthan
सिंधु सभ्यता के दौरान किस स्थान से तांबे की प्राप्ति होती थी?
- खेतड़ी की खान, राजस्थान
● Which Buddhist text gives information about 16
-Angutar bodies
किस बौद्ध ग्रंथ से 16 महाजनपद के बारे में जानकारी मिलती है ?
-अंगत्तु र निकाय

Tripitaka Description

It contains rules for monks and nuns, outlining the regulations and
Vinaya Pitaka
procedures of monastic life.

This consists of discourses, mostly in the form of dialogues between

Sutta Pitaka
Buddha and his disciples. It contains teachings and doctrines of Buddhism.

It contains philosophical and psychological analysis and ethical

Abhidhamma considerations. This is more abstract and is considered a detailed,
Pitaka systematic and analytical version of the teachings given in the Sutta

● During the reign of which ruler was the first Buddhist council
- Ajatshatru
प्रथम बौद्ध संगीति का आयोजन किस शासक के शासनकाल में हुआ था?
- अजातशत्रु

Buddhist Council Ruler Site

First Buddhist Council Ajatashatru Rajagriha

Second Buddhist Council Kalasoka Vaishali

Third Buddhist Council Ashoka Pataliputra

Fourth Buddhist Council Kanishka Kundalavana, Kashmir

● Who founded the Kanva dynasty?

- Vasudev
कण्व वंश की स्थापना किसने की थी?
- वासद ु ेव
● Who was the founder of the Shunga dynasty?
- Pushyamitra Sunga
शग ंु वंश का संस्थापक कौन था?
- पष्ु यमित्र शग ंु
● To whom did Pushyamitra Sunga patronize as his ‘Rajpurohit’?
- Patanjali
पष्ु यमित्र शगंु ने किसे अपने ‘राजपरु ोहित’ के रूप में संरक्षण प्रदान किया था?
- पतंजलि
● Where was the capital of the Satavahana dynasty?
- Prathisthan
सातवाहन वंश की राजधानी कहां थी?
- प्रतिष्ठान

Dynasty Capital

Maurya Dynasty Pataliputra

Shunga Dynasty Pataliputra

Kushan Dynasty Peshawar , Mathura

Gupta Dynasty Pataliputra

Harsha's Empire Kannauj

Chalukya Dynasty Badami, Pattadakal

Pallava Dynasty Kanchipuram

Rashtrakuta Dynasty Manyakheta

Pala Dynasty Pataliputra

Chola Dynasty Thanjavur, Gangaikonda Cholapuram

Hoysala Dynasty Belur, Halebidu

Vijayanagara Empire Vijayanagara

● Who is considered the real founder of Jainism?

- Mahavir Jain
जैन धर्म का वास्तविक संस्थापक किसे माना जाता है ?
- महावीर जैन
● Which inscription of Ashoka gives information about the
condemnation of animal sacrifice?
- first inscription
अशोक के किस शिलालेख से पशु बलि की निंदा की जानकारी मिलती है ?
- प्रथम शिलालेख
● Who is called Einstein of India?
- Nagarjuna
भारत का आइंस्टीन किसे कहा जाता है ?
- नागार्जुन को
● Who was the last ruler of the Maurya Empire?
-Brihadratha Maurya.
मौर्य साम्राज्य का अंतिम शासक कौन था?
-बह ृ द्रथ मौर्य।
● Name Ashoka's grandson who spread Buddhism to Sri Lanka.
अशोक के पोते का नाम बताइए जिसने बौद्ध धर्म को श्रीलंका में फैलाया।
● Which Mauryan emperor embraced Buddhism after the Kalinga
कलिंग यद् ु ध के बाद किस मौर्य सम्राट ने बौद्ध धर्म अपनाया?
● Which Gupta ruler assumed the title of 'Maharajadhiraja' for the first
- Chandragupta I
किस गप्ु त शासक ने पहली बार 'महाराजाधिराज' की उपाधि धारण की?
- चंद्रगप्ु त प्रथम
● Which Gupta ruler is called the Napoleon of India?
- Samudragupta
किस गप्ु त शासक को भारत का नेपोलियन कहा जाता है ?
- समद्र
ु गप्ु त

Ruler Title

Chandragupta Maurya Sandrocottus (as mentioned by Greek Historians)

Ashoka Maurya Devanampiya Piyadasi (Beloved of the Gods)

Samudragupta Kaviraja (King of Poets), Napoleon of India

Chandragupta- I Maharajadhiraj

Chandragupta- II Vikramaditya

Harsha Siladitya, Maharaja

Pulakeshin II Prithvivallabha (Beloved of the Earth)

Rajendra Chola Gangaikonda (He who took the Ganges)

● Harisena was the court poet of which Gupta ruler?

- Samudragupta
हरिषेण किस गप्ु त शासक के दरबारी कवि थे?
- समद्र
ु गप्ु त
● Who composed the play ‘Devichandraguptam’?
- Visakhadatta
दे वीचंद्रगप्ु तम नाटक की रचना किसके द्वारा की गई थी?
- विशाखदत्त

Authors in Gupta period Work

Kalidasa "Abhijnana Shakuntalam", "Meghaduta", "Raghuvamsa", "Kumarasambhava"

Aryabhata "Aryabhatiya"

Varahamihira "Brihat Samhita", "Panchasiddhantika"

Vishakhadatta "Mudrarakshasa", "Devichandraguptam"

Bharavi "Kiratarjuniya"

Sudraka "Mricchakatika"

Bhasa "Svapnavasavadatta", "Pratima-nataka"

Vatsyayana "Kama Sutra"

Harisena "Allahabad Pillar Inscription"

● Who was the last ruler of the Gupta dynasty?

- Vishnugupta
गप्ु त वंश का अंतिम शासक कौन था?
- विष्णग ु प्ु त
● In whose reign did the Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang come to
- Harsh Vardhan
चीनी यात्री ह्वेनसांग किसके शासनकाल में भारत आया था?
- हर्षवर्धन
● The Chinese traveler Fa Hien visited India during the reign of which
Gupta ruler?
- Chandragupta II
चीनी यात्री फाह्यान किस गप्ु त शासक के शासनकाल में भारत आया था?
- चंद्रगप्ु त द्वितीय

Traveler Origin Ruling Power

Megasthenes Greece Chandragupta Maurya (Maurya Empire)

Fa-Hien (Faxian) China Chandragupta II (Gupta Empire)

Huen Tsang (Xuanzang) China Harsha (Harsha's Empire)

Rudrama Devi and Prataparudra II
Marco Polo Venice, Italy
(Kakatiya Dynasty)

● In which inscription is the first evidence of land donation found?

- Nanaghat inscription
किस अभिलेख में भमि ू दान का पहला साक्ष्य मिलता है ?
- नानाघाट अभिलेख
● By whom was ‘Prayag Prashasti’ composed?
- Harishen
‘प्रयाग प्रशस्ति’ की रचना किसके द्वारा की गई थी?
- हरिषेण
● Varahamihira, one of the Navaratnas of Chandragupta II, belonged
to which region?
- Astrology
चंद्रगप्ु त द्वितीय के नवरत्नों में से एक वराहमिहिर का संबध
ं किस क्षेत्र से था?
- ज्योतिष

Name Field of Expertise

Kalidasa Literature and Poetry

Amarasimha Lexicography and Sanskrit Grammar

Varahamihira Astronomy and Astrology

Aryabhata Mathematics and Astronomy

Dhanvantari Medicine and Ayurveda

Ghatakarpar Architecture

Kshapanaka Astronomy and Astrology

Vararuchi Sanskrit Grammar

Shanku Geography

● Nalanda University was established during the reign of which Gupta

- Kumaragupta I
किस गप्ु त शासक के शासनकाल में नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय की स्थापना की गई
- कुमारगप्ु त प्रथम
● During the reign of which Gupta ruler most records are found?
- Kumaragupta I
किस गप्ु त शासक के शासनकाल में सर्वाधिक अभिलेख मिलते हैं?
- कुमारगप्ु त प्रथम
● During the reign of which Gupta ruler did the Hun invasion take
place for the first time?
- Skanda Gupta
किस गप्ु त शासक के शासनकाल में पहली बार हूण आक्रमण हुआ था?
- स्कंद गप्ु त

● Between whom was the Second Battle of Tarain fought in 1192?

- Mohammad Gauri and Prithviraj Chauhan
1192 में तराइन का द्वितीय यद् ु ध किसके मध्य लड़ा गया था?
- मोहम्मद गौरी और पथ् ृ वीराज चौहान
● Which dynasty of Delhi Sultanate is also known as Mamluk
- Slave Dynasty
दिल्ली सल्तनत के किस वंश को मामलक ू वंश के नाम से भी जाना जाता
है ?
- गल ु ाम वंश
● Which ruler is known as the 'Slave of Slaves'?
- Iltutmish
किस शासक को 'गल ु ाममों का गलु ाम' कहा जाता है ?
- इल्तत ु मिश
● Which ruler got the hut Adhai din ka jhopda
built?[Quwwat-ul-Islam Masjid]
- Qutbuddin Aibak
अढ़ाई दिन का झोपड़ा का निर्माण किस शासक ने करवाया था?
- कुतब ु द्
ु दीन ऐबक
● Which historian wrote Tabaqat-i-Nasiri?
- Minhaj-us-Siraj [The book covers a broad spectrum of Islamic
history, from the times of the Prophet Muhammad up until
the author's own era, particularly focusing on the history of the
Delhi Sultanate during the reign of Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud
Shah Tughlaq.]
किस इतिहासकार ने तबकात-ए-नासिरी की रचना की?
- मिनहाज-उस-सिराज

Author Work

"Khwāja Shams-ud-Dīn Muḥammad", "Hasht-Bihisht", "Tughlaq Nama",

Amir Khusrow
"Qiran us-Sa’dain"

Jayadeva "Gita Govinda"

Tulsidas "Ramcharitmanas", "Hanuman Chalisa"

Ramananda Various Bhakti poems

Vidyapati "Kirtilata", "Purush Pariksha"

Namdev Various Bhakti poems (Some incorporated in Guru Granth Sahib)

Malik Muhammad Jayasi "Padmavat"

Sant Eknath "Eknathi Bhagwat", "Bharud"

Surdas "Sursagar"

Mirabai Various Bhakti poems

Bhai Gurdas "Varan Bhai Gurdas", "Kabit Bhai Gurdas"

● At which place did the dacoits kill Razia Sultan?

- Kaithal
किस स्थान पर डाकूओं ने रजिया सल्
ु तान की हत्या कर दी?
- कैथल
● Which ruler of the Delhi Sultanate started celebrating the
Iranian festival 'Nauroz'?
- Ghiyasuddin Balban
दिल्ली सल्तनत के किस शासक ने ईरानी त्यौहार 'नौरोज' मनाना प्रारं भ
- गयासद्
ु दीन बलबन
● Which ruler abolished the organization of 40 Turk chieftains
called Turkan-i-Chahalgan?
ु न-ए-चहलगान नामक 40 तर्क ु सरदारों के संगठन को किस शासक ने
समाप्त किया था?

Ruler/Dynasty Administrative Changes

Iltutmish Iqta system

● 'Dagh' (branding of horses) and

Alauddin Khilji (Delhi ● 'Chehra',
Sultanate) ● implemented price control measures for certain commodities
in Delhi

Muhammad Bin
● Tried to introduce token currency
Tughlaq (Delhi
● Transferred the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad

● Centralized administrative structure,

Sher Shah Suri (Suri ● Built the Grand Trunk Road,
Dynasty) ● Post Office
● Saray (hotels/Inn for travelers)

● Mansabdari system (a ranking system for officials)

● Introduced a centralized system of administration
Akbar (Mughal
● Reformed the revenue system (Dahsala system)
● Promoted a policy of religious tolerance
● Introduced a new religion Din-i-Ilahi

● Which dynasty was established after the end of the slave

- Khilji dynasty
गलु ाम वंश की समाप्ति के बाद किस वंश की स्थापना हुई?
- खिलजी वंश
● Which ruler of the Sultanate era introduced token currency?
- Muhammad bin Tughlaq [coins of brass and copper were
minted whose value was equal to that of gold and silver coins.
They were called Jital]
सल्तनत यग ु के किस शासक ने सांकेतिक मद्रु ा प्रारं भ की थी?
- महु म्मद बिन तग ु लक
● Which ruler has been called the first benevolent and despotic
ruler of medieval India?
- Firoz Shah Tughlaq
किस शासक को मध्यकालीन भारत का प्रथम कल्याणकारी एवं निरं कुश
शासक कहा गया है ?
- फिरोजशाह तग ु लक
● Who is the author of the book Tarikh-e-Mubarak Shahi?
- Yahiya bin Ahmad Sirhindi
तारीख-ए-मब ु ारक शाही पस्
ु तक के लेखक कौन है ?
- याहिया बिन अहमद सरहिंदी
● Who is the author of the book Kitab-ul-Hind?
- Alberuni
किताब-उल-हिंद पस् ु तक के लेखक कौन है ?
- अलबरूनी

Author Work Time Period

Minhaj-i-Siraj "Tabaqat-i-Nasiri" Delhi Sultanate

Amir Khusrow "TughlaqNama", "Qiran us-Sadain" Delhi Sultanate

Ziauddin Barani "Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi", "Fatwa-i-Jahandari" Delhi Sultanate

Firoz Shah Tughlaq "Fatwa-i-Firuz Shahi" Delhi Sultanate

Abd al-Qadir Bada'uni "Muntakhab-ut-Tawarikh" Mughal Empire

Abul Fazl "Akbarnama" and "Ain-i-Akbari" Mughal Empire

Jahangir "Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri" (Jahangirnama) Mughal Empire

Dara Shikoh "Majma-ul-Bahrain" Mughal Empire

Gulbadan Begum "Humayun-nama" Mughal Empire

● Which ruler of the Lodi dynasty wrote verses by the name

- Sikandar Lodi
लोदी वंश के किस शासक ने गलु रूखी नाम से छं द लिखा?
- सिकंदर लोदी
● Diwan-i-Arz department was established by which ruler?
- Ghiyasuddin Balban
दीवान-ए-अर्ज विभाग की स्थापना किस शासक के द्वारा की गई थी?
- गयासद्
ु दीन बलबन

Ruler Administrative Departments/Changes

● Diwan-i-Arz (Department of War),

Balban (Slave ● Zil-i-Ilahi ('Shadow of God)
Dynasty) ● Paibos (kneel down and touch the ground with the forehead)
● Sijda (kiss the feet of the sultan)

● Diwan-i-Khairat (Department of Charity),

Muhammad Bin
● Diwan-i-Bandagan (Department of Slaves),
Tughlaq (Tughlaq
● attempted to introduce token currency and
● transfer the capital to Daulatabad

● By whom was the Diwan-i-Mustakhraj department established?

- Alauddin Khilji
दीवान-ए-मस् ु तखराज विभाग की स्थापना किसके द्वारा की गई थी?
- अलाउद्दीन खिलजी
● Which ruler of the Delhi Government first introduced pure
Arabic coins?
- Iltutmish
दिल्ली सरकार के किस शासक ने सर्वप्रथम शद्
ु ध अरबी के सिक्के चलाए?
- इल्ततु मिश
● Alai Darwaza was built by which ruler?
- Alauddin Khilji
अलाई दरवाजा का निर्माण किस शासक के द्वारा करवाया गया था?
- अलाउद्दीन खिलजी

● By which ruler was the Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque built?

- Qutbuddin Aibak
कुव्वत-उल-इस्लाम मस्जिद का निर्माण किस शासक के द्वारा करवाया
गया था?
- कुतब
ु द्
ु दीन ऐबक

Vijayanagara Empire

● The Vijayanagara Empire was established in 1336 by Harihara I

and his brother Bukka Raya I.
● The empire's capital, Vijayanagara, was located on the banks of the
Tungabhadra River in present-day Hampi, Karnataka.
● The Vijayanagara Empire was renowned for its commitment to
Hindu traditions, arts, and literature, in contrast to the Muslim
Sultanates of the Deccan.
● The empire was instrumental in the development of the Carnatic
music tradition and the distinct style of architecture known as
Vijayanagara architecture.
● The empire was ruled by four important dynasties: the Sangama
Dynasty, the Saluva Dynasty, the Tuluva Dynasty, and the Aravidu
● Krishnadevaraya, a ruler from the Tuluva Dynasty, is considered
the greatest ruler of the Vijayanagara Empire. His reign is often
referred to as the empire's "Golden Age." He got the title called
'Andhra Bhoj' .
● Telugu literature by Krishnadevaraya is ‘Amuktamalyada’.
● The Battle of Talikota in 1565, in which the Deccan Sultanates
united to defeat the Vijayanagara Empire, marked the beginning of
the empire's decline.
● On the banks of which river did Harihara and Bukka establish
the Vijayanagara Empire?
- Tungabhadra
हरिहर एवं बक् ु का ने किस नदी के किनारे विजयनगर साम्राज्य की स्थापना की
- तग ंु भद्रा
● Who was the first dynasty of Vijayanagara Empire?
- Sangam Dynasty
विजयनगर साम्राज्य का प्रथम वंश कौन था?
- संगम वंश
● To which dynasty did Krishnadeva Raya, the illustrious ruler of
the Vijayanagara Empire, belong?
- Tuluva Dynasty
विजयनगर साम्राज्य के प्रतापी शासक कृष्णदे व राय का संबध ं किस राजवंश
से था?
- तलु व
ु राजवंश
● In which year was the Battle of Talikota fought?
तालीकोटा का यद् ु ध किस वर्ष लड़ा गया था?
- 1565
● Who was the ruler of Vijayanagar at the time of Battle of
- Sadashiv Rai
तालीकोटा के यद् ु ध के समय विजयनगर के शासक कौन थे?
- सदाशिव राय
● Whose reign is considered as the 'Classical Age of Telugu
- Krishnadevaraya
किसके शासनकाल को 'तेलग ु ु साहित्य का क्लासिकल यग
ु ' माना जाता है ?
- कृष्णदे वराय
● In whose court did the legendary scholar like Tenaliram
Ramakrishna live?
- Krishnadevaraya
तेनालीराम रामकृष्ण जैसे दिग्गज विद्वान किसके दरबार में रहते थे?
- कृष्णदे वराय
● Nicolo de Conti who visited Vijayanagara Empire was the
traveler of which country?
- Italy
विजयनगर साम्राज्य की यात्रा करने वाला निकोलो डी कोंटी किस दे श का यात्री
- इटली
● Which Portuguese traveler visited Vijayanagar during the reign
of Krishnadeva Raya?
- Domingo Pius and Barbosa
कौन सा पर्त
ु गाली यात्री कृष्णदे व राय के शासनकाल में विजयनगर आया था?
- डोमिंगो पायस एवं बारबोसा
● Who was the founder of the Bahmani kingdom?
- Hasan Gangu
बहमनी साम्राज्य के संस्थापक कौन थे?
- हसन गंगू

Some Facts about Sikh Gurus-

● Guru Nanak Dev Ji (1469-1539): He was the founder of Sikhism. He established

the system of the communal Sikh meal or langar.
● Guru Angad Dev Ji (1539-1552): He developed the Gurmukhi script, which is
used for writing the Punjabi language and is the script used in the Guru Granth
● Guru Amar Das Ji (1552-1574): not important
● Guru Ram Das Ji (1574-1581): He founded the city of Amritsar, which is one of
the holiest cities in Sikhism.
● Guru Arjan Dev Ji (1581-1606): He compiled the Adi Granth, the scripture of
the Sikhs, and built the Golden Temple in Amritsar.
● Guru Har Gobind Ji (1606-1644): He constructed the Akal Takht, the throne of
the temporal authority. Also, he introduced the concept of "Miripiri" (temporal and
spiritual authority).
● Guru Har Rai Ji (1644-1661): He was known for his compassion for nature and
living beings.
● Guru Har Krishan Ji (1661-1664): Not Important.
● Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji (1665-1675): He sacrificed his life to protect religious
freedom, protecting the rights of Hindus to practice their own religion.
● Guru Gobind Singh Ji (1675-1708): He was the last of the living Sikh Gurus. He
instituted the Khalsa, the highest order within Sikhism, and introduced the 5 K's
that Khalsa Sikhs wear at all times.
● Guru Granth Sahib Ji: The holy scripture of Sikhs was given the status of the
eternal Guru by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

● In which year was Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of Sikhism

सिख धर्म के संस्थापक गरु ु नानक दे व का जन्म किस वर्ष हुआ था?
- 1469
● By which Sikh Guru was the city of Amritsar founded?
- Guru Ramdas
किस सिख गरु ु के द्वारा अमत ृ सर शहर की स्थापना की गई थी?
- गरु
ु रामदास
● By whom was the holy book of Sikhs 'Adi Granth' compiled?
- Guru Arjun Dev
सिखों के धर्म ग्रंथ 'आदि ग्रंथ' का संकलन किन के द्वारा किया गया था?
- गरु
ु अर्जुन दे व
● Khalsa Panth was created by which Sikh Guru?
- Guru Gobind Singh
किस सिख गरु ु के द्वारा खालसा पंथ का निर्माण किया गया था?
- गरुु गोविंद सिंह
● Who was the tenth and last Guru of Sikhs?
- Guru Gobind Singh
सिखों के दसवें एवं अंतिम गरु ु कौन थे?
- गरु ु गोविंद सिंह
● Who was the Mughal ruler at the time of the Battle of Plassey in
- Alamgir II
1757 में हुए प्लासी के यद् ु ध के समय मग ु ल शासक कौन था?
- आलमगीर द्वितीय
● Who was the Mughal ruler during the freedom struggle of 1857?
- Bahadur Shah II
1857 के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के समय मग ु ल शासक कौन था?
- बहादरु शाह द्वितीय
● Who is called the 'Father of Modern Education' in India?
- Charles Grant
किसे भारत में 'आधनि ु क शिक्षा का जनक' कहा जाता है ?
- चार्ल्स ग्रांट
● Who established Sanskrit colleges were established in Banaras
in 1792?
- Jonathan Duncan
1792 में कितने बनारस में संस्कृत कॉलेज की स्थापना की थी?
- जोनाथन डंकन
● Which proposal related to education is called 'Magna Carta of
Indian Education'?
- Woods Dispatch
शिक्षा से संबधि ं त किस प्रस्ताव को 'भारतीय शिक्षा का मैग्नाकार्टा' कहा
जाता है ?
- वड्
ु स डिस्पैच
● During the tenure of which Viceroy, the Hunter Commission
related to education was established?
- Lord Ripon
किस वायसराय के कार्यकाल में शिक्षा से संबधि ं त हं टर कमीशन की स्थापना
की गई थी?
- लॉर्ड रिपन
● Which social reformer is called the first modern man of India?
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
किस समाज सध ु ारक को भारत का प्रथम आधनि ु क परु
ु ष कहा जाता है ?
- राजा राममोहन राय
Reformer Movement/Organization

Raja Ram Mohan Roy Brahmo Samaj

Swami Dayananda Saraswati Arya Samaj

Swami Vivekananda Ramakrishna Mission

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Aligarh Movement, Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College

Henry Louis Vivian Derozio Young Bengal Movement

Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Widow Remarriage Act, Bengal Renaissance

Mahadev Govind Ranade Prarthana Samaj

Jyotirao Phule Satyashodhak Samaj

Narayana Guru Sri Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam (SNDP)

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Independent Labour Party, Scheduled Castes Federation

Periyar E. V. Ramasamy Self-Respect Movement, Dravidar Kazhagam

Pandita Ramabai Arya Mahila Samaj

Annie Besant Theosophical Society, Home Rule Movement

M.G. Ranade Widow remarriage and female education

Keshab Chandra Sen Brahmo Samaj of India

Rabindranath Tagore Shantiniketan

● Which institution was founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy in

- Atmiya Sabha
राजा राममोहन राय ने 1815 में किस संस्था की स्थापना की थी?
- आत्मीय सभा
● Who was the founder of Tattvabodhini Sabha?
- Devendra Nath Tagore
तत्वबोधिनी सभा के संस्थापक कौन थे?
- दे वेंद्र नाथ टै गोर
● Who first used the word 'Swarajya'?
- Swami Dayanand Saraswati
किसने सर्वप्रथम 'स्वराज्य' शब्द का प्रयोग किया था?
- स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती
● Who founded the Satyashodhak Samaj?
- Jyotiba Phule
सत्यशोधक समाज की स्थापना किसने की थी?
- ज्योतिबा फुले
● Who is called 'Socrates of Western India'?
- Mahadev Govind Ranade
किसे 'पश्चिमी भारत का सक ु रात' कहा जाता है ?
- महादे व गोविंद रानाडे
● Which movement was led by Digambar Vishwas and Vishnu
- Indigo Rebellion
दिगंबर विश्वास एवं विष्णु विश्वास के द्वारा किस आंदोलन का नेतत्ृ व
किया गया था?
- नील विद्रोह
● Who is the author of the play 'Neel Darpan'?
- Deenbandhu Mitra
'नील दर्पण' नामक नाटक के लेखक कौन है ?
- दीनबंधु मित्र
Who was the founder of Tattvabodhini Sabha?
Devendra Nath Tagore (1817-1905) was a Bengali polymath
who founded the Tattvabodhini Sabha in 1839. The Sabha was
a forum for discussion and debate on religious and
philosophical issues. It played an important role in the
development of the Brahmo Samaj, a reformist movement that
sought to reconcile Hinduism with modern ideas.
Who first used the word 'Swarajya'?
Swami Dayanand Saraswati (1824-1883) was a Hindu reformer
who is credited with first using the word "swarajya" (self-rule) in
the Indian context. He used the word to refer to a political
system in which the people would rule themselves, free from
foreign domination.
Who founded the Satyashodhak Samaj?
Jyotiba Phule (1827-1890) was a social reformer who founded
the Satyashodhak Samaj in 1873. The Samaj was a movement
for the upliftment of the lower castes and women. It
campaigned against social evils such as child marriage, sati,
and untouchability.
Who is called 'Socrates of Western India'?
Mahadev Govind Ranade (1842-1901) was a jurist, economist,
and social reformer who is called the "Socrates of Western
India." He was a leading figure in the Indian National Congress
and a champion of social reform.
Which movement was led by Digambar Vishwas and
Vishnu Vishnu?
The Indigo Rebellion was a peasant uprising that took place in
the 1850s in the indigo-growing regions of Bengal. The rebellion
was led by Digambar Vishwas and Vishnu Vishwas, two indigo
sharecroppers. The rebels protested against the exploitative
practices of the indigo planters.
Who is the author of the play 'Neel Darpan'?
Deenbandhu Mitra (1820-1873) was a Bengali playwright who
wrote the play Neel Darpan (The Indigo Mirror) in 1860. The
play was a scathing indictment of the indigo planters and their
exploitation of the peasantry. It was banned by the British
government, but it helped to raise awareness of the indigo

● In which region of India did the Mopla rebellion take place?

- Malabar Coast
मोपला विद्रोह भारत के किस क्षेत्र में हुआ था?
- मालाबार तट
● Who was the leader of the Eka movement?
- Madari Pasi
एका आंदोलन का नेतत्ृ व किसके द्वारा किया गया था?
- मदारी पासी
Movement Leader

Santhal Rebellion (1855–1856) Sidhu and Kanhu Murmu

Munda Rebellion (1899–1900) Birsa Munda

Kuka Movement (1872) Baba Ram Singh

Champaran Satyagraha (1917) Mahatma Gandhi

Kheda Satyagraha (1918) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Mahatma Gandhi

Eka movement Madari Pasi

Bardoli Satyagraha (1928) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Tebhaga Movement (1946) Kampram Singh and Bhavan Singh

● Who led the Bardoli Satyagraha in 1928?

- Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
1928 में हुए बारदोली सत्याग्रह का नेतत्ृ व किसने किया था?
- सरदार वल्लभभाई पटे ल
● Who led the Koya rebellion in Andhra Pradesh?
- Tomma Sora
आंध्र प्रदे श में हुए कोया विद्रोह का नेतत्ृ व किसके द्वारा किया गया था?
- टोम्मा सोरा
● Who was the leader of the Santhal rebellion?
Sidhu and Kanhu
संथाल विद्रोह का नेतत्ृ व किसके द्वारा किया गया था?
- सिद्धू एवं कान्हू
● In whose reign was the Permanent Settlement system started in
- Lord Cornwallis
स्थाई बंदोबस्त प्रणाली की शरु ु आत 1793 में किसके शासनकाल में की गई
- लॉर्ड कार्नवालिस
● Which land revenue system was introduced by Sir Thomas
Munro and Captain Reid?
- Ryotwari
सर टॉमस मन ु रो एवं कैप्टन रीड ने किस भू राजस्व प्रणाली की शरु
ु आत
-रै य्यतवाड़ी
● Who is considered the founder of the Mahalwari system?
-Holt McKenzie
किसे महालवाड़ी प्रणाली का संस्थापक माना जाता है ?
-होल्ट मैकेंजी

● Who founded the Widow Marriage Association in 1893?

- Dhondo Keshav Karve
किसने 1893 में विधवा विवाह संघ की स्थापना की थी?
- धोंडो केशव कर्वे
● By whom was the Deccan Education Society founded?
- Gopal Ganesh Agarkar
दक्कन एजक ु े शन सोसाइटी की स्थापना किसके द्वारा की गई थी?
- गोपाल गणेश आगरकर
● By whom was the Arya Mahila Samaj founded?
- Pandita Ramabai
आर्य महिला समाज की स्थापना किसके द्वारा की गई थी?
- पंडिता रमाबाई
● Who founded the Zamindari Society in Calcutta in 1838?
- Dwarkanath Tagore
1838 में कोलकाता में किसने जमींदारी सोसाइटी की स्थापना की थी?
- द्वारकानाथ टै गोर
● Who founded the East India Association in 1866?
- Dada Bhai Naoroji
1866 में किसने ईस्ट इंडिया एसोसिएशन की स्थापना की थी?
- दादा भाई नौरोजी
● Who founded the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha?
- Mahadev Govind Ranade
पनू ा सार्वजनिक सभा की स्थापना किसने की थी?
- महादे व गोविंद रानाडे
● Who founded the Indian League in 1875?
- Shishir Kumar Ghosh
1875 में किसने इंडियन लीग की स्थापना की थी?
- शिशिर कुमार घोष

Organization Founder

Deccan Education Society Gopal Ganesh Agarkar

Arya Mahila Samaj Pandita Ramabai

Zamindari Society Dwarkanath Tagore

East India Association Dada Bhai Naoroji

Poona Sarvajanik Sabha Mahadev Govind Ranade

Indian League Shishir Kumar Ghosh

Organization Founder

Indian National Congress Allan Octavian Hume

Muslim League Nawab Salimullah of Dhaka

Ghadar Party Lala Hardayal, Sohan Singh Bhakna

Swaraj Party Chittaranjan Das, Motilal Nehru

Forward Bloc Subhas Chandra Bose

Hindu Mahasabha Madan Mohan Malaviya

All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) Sahajanand Saraswati

Indian National Army (INA) Subhas Chandra Bose

● Which magazine was published by Sisir Kumar Ghosh?

- Amrit Bazar Magazine
शिशिर कुमार घोष के द्वारा किस पत्रिका का प्रकाशन किया गया था?
- अमत
ृ बाजार पत्रिका
● When was the partition of Bengal announced?
- 20 July 1905
बंगाल विभाजन की घोषणा कब की गई थी?
- 20 जलु ाई 1905
● When was the Swadeshi movement announced?
- 7 August 1905
स्वदे शी आंदोलन की घोषणा कब की गई थी?
- 7 अगस्त 1905
● The national anthem of Bangladesh 'Amar Sonar Bangla' was
composed by _______
-Rabindra Nath Tagore
बांग्लादे श के राष्ट्रगान 'आमार सोनार बांग्ला' की रचना _______ ने की थी
-रविंद्र नाथ टै गोर
● Which party supported the move to partition Bengal?
All India Muslim League
किस दल ने बंगाल विभाजन के कदम का समर्थन किया था?
-अखिल भारतीय मस्लि ु म लीग
● In which year was the All India Muslim League established?
अखिल भारतीय मस्लि ु म लीग की स्थापना किस वर्ष की गई थी?
- 1906
● Who presided over the Surat session?
- Rasbihari Bose
सरू त अधिवेशन की अध्यक्षता किसने की थी?
- रासबिहारी बोस

Year Session President

1885 Bombay W.C. Bonnerjee

Calcutta (Famous for the singing of Vande

1896 Rahimtulla M. Sayani

1905 Benares Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Surat (Famous for the split of Congress into

1907 Rash Behari Ghosh
moderates and extremists)

Lucknow (Famous for Lucknow Pact and reunion of

1916 Ambica Charan Mazumdar
moderates and extremists)

1917 Calcutta (First Woman President of INC) Annie Besant

1920 Nagpur (Famous for Non-Cooperation resolution) C. Vijayaraghavachariar

Lahore (Declaration of Purna Swaraj or complete

1929 Jawaharlal Nehru
Karachi (Resolution on Fundamental Rights and
1931 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Economic Policy)

Haripura (Formation of National Planning

1938 Subhas Chandra Bose

1947 Meerut (Last session before independence) Acharya J.B. Kripalani

● Who is called the father of communal electorate?

-Lord Minto
सांप्रदायिक निर्वाचक का जनक किसे कहा जाता है ?
-लार्ड मिंटो
● Which ashram was established by Mahatma Gandhi in Durban?
- Phoenix Ashram
महात्मा गांधी जी ने डरबन में किस आश्रम की स्थापना की थी?
- फिनिक्स आश्रम
● Who was the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi?
-Gopal Krishna Gokhale
महात्मा गांधी के राजनीतिक गरु ु कौन थे?
-गोपाल कृष्ण गोखले
● Who was the first experiment of Satyagraha in India by
Mahatma Gandhi?
- Champaran Satyagraha
महात्मा गांधी द्वारा भारत में सत्याग्रह का किया गया पहला प्रयोग कौन
-चंपारण सत्याग्रह

Event Year Details

Gandhi's first hunger strike was during the Ahmedabad Mill

Ahmedabad Mill
1918 Strike in 1918. The workers were demanding increased wages
due to high war prices.

This was Gandhi's first civil disobedience movement. It was

Champaran on behalf of the farmers who were being compelled to grow
Satyagraha Indigo with very low payments for their services by the British
The Kheda Satyagraha was a revolt by the peasants in Kheda
district of Gujarat. They were unable to pay the high taxes levied
Kheda by the British due to crop failure and a plague epidemic. Gandhi
Satyagraha organized the farmers and led resistance which ultimately led to
suspension of revenue collection and returned seized properties
and lands.

● Which Indian founded the Natal Indian Congress?

-Mahatma Gandhi
किस भारतीय ने नटाल इंडियन कांग्रेस की स्थापना की थी?
-महात्मा गांधी
● Which act is also known as 'Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms'?
- Government of India Act 1919
किस अधिनियम को 'मोंटे ग्य-ू चेम्सफोर्ड सध
ु ार' के नाम से भी जाना जाता
है ?
- भारत शासन अधिनियम 1919

Government of India Act 1919

● The Government of India Act 1919 is also known as the
Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms.

● It introduced the dyarchy system in provinces, dividing

powers into 'Transferred' and 'Reserved' subjects.

● The Act expanded the size of central and provincial

legislatures but still had a majority of nominated

● More Indians were included in the viceroy's executive

council, but it was still seen as inadequate.

● The Act introduced direct elections, but with limited


● Provinces were given increased financial autonomy.

● After which event did Mahatma Gandhi announce the end of the
non-cooperation movement?
- Chauri Chaura incident
किस घटना के बाद महात्मा गांधी ने असहयोग आंदोलन को समाप्त करने
की घोषणा की थी?
- चौरी चौरा घटना
● Who founded the Ghadar Party in San Francisco in November
- Lala Hardayal
नवंबर 1913 में किसने सैन फ्रांसिस्को में गदर पार्टी की स्थापना की थी?
- लाला हरदयाल
● Who founded the India House in Britain in 1905?
- Shyamji Krishna Verma
1905 में किसने ब्रिटे न में इंडिया हाउस की स्थापना की थी?
- श्यामजी कृष्ण वर्मा
● Who is called the 'Mother of the Indian Revolution'?
Madam Bhikaji Cama
किसे 'मदर ऑफ द इंडियन रिवॉल्यश ू न' कहा जाता है ?
- मैडम भीकाजी कामा
● By whom was the Indian Republican Army established in
- Master Suryasen
बंगाल में इंडियन रिपब्लिकन आर्मी की स्थापना किसके द्वारा की गई थी?
- मास्टर सर्य
ू सेन

Revolutionary Party/Organization Associated Leaders

Lala Har Dayal, Sohan Singh Bhakna, Kartar Singh

Ghadar Party

Abhinav Bharat Society Vinayak Damodar Savarkar

Hindustan Republican Association (HRA) Ram Prasad Bismil

Hindustan Socialist Republican Association

Chandrasekhar Azad
Anushilan Samiti Aurobindo Ghosh, Barindra Kumar Ghosh

Jugantar Bagha Jatin

Bengal Volunteers Surya Sen

Forward Bloc Subhas Chandra Bose

India House Shyamji Krishna Varma

Young Bengal Movement Henry Vivian Derozio

Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqulla Khan, Rajendra

Kakori Conspiracy
Lahiri, Roshan Singh

Chittagong Armoury Raid Surya Sen

● Where was the Hindustan Republican Association established

in 1924?
- Kanpur
1924 में हिंदस्
ु तान रिपब्लिकन एसोसिएशन की स्थापना कहां की गई थी?
- कानपरु
● By whom was Naujawan Bharat Sabha founded?
- Bhagat Singh
नौजवान भारत सभा की स्थापना किसके द्वारा की गई थी?
- भगत सिंह
● By whom was the Lahore session of 1929 presided over?
- Jawaharlal Nehru
1929 के लाहौर अधिवेशन की अध्यक्षता किसके द्वारा की गई थी?
- जवाहरलाल नेहरू
● From which ashram did Mahatma Gandhi start the Dandi
- Sabarmati Ashram
महात्मा गांधी ने किस आश्रम से दांडी यात्रा प्रारं भ किया था?
- साबरमती आश्रम
● Who called Lord Irwin and Mahatma Gandhi the 'two
- Sarojini Naidu
किसने लॉर्ड इरविन एवं महात्मा गांधी को 'दो महात्मा' कहा था?
- सरोजिनी नायडू
● In which Round Table Conference did Mahatma Gandhi
participate on behalf of the Indian National Congress?
- Second Round Table Conference
महात्मा गांधी ने भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस की ओर से किस गोलमेज
सम्मेलन में भाग लिया था?
- द्वितीय गोलमेज सम्मेलन
● By whom was the 'Communal Award' proposed on 16 August
-Ramsey MacDonald
16 अगस्त 1932 को किसके द्वारा 'कम्यन ु ल अवार्ड' प्रस्तावित किया गया
-रै म्से मैकडोनाल्ड
● Which agreement was made between Mahatma Gandhi and
Bhimrao Ambedkar against the Communal Award?
- Poona Pact
कम्यन ु ल अवार्ड के विरोध में महात्मा गांधी एवं भीमराव अंबेडकर के बीच
कौन सा समझौता किया गया था?
- पन ू ा पैक्ट
● By whom was the All India Anti-Untouchability League founded
in 1932?
- Mahatma Gandhi
1932 में अखिल भारतीय अस्पश्ृ यता विरोधी लीग की स्थापना किसके
द्वारा की गई थी?
- महात्मा गांधी
● Which socialist leader is known by the nickname 'Loknayak'?
- Jai Prakash Narayan
किस समाजवादी नेता को 'लोकनायक' उपनाम से जाना जाता है ?
- जयप्रकाश नारायण
● Under which act was the diarchy implemented in the center?
- Government of India Act, 1935
किस अधिनियम के तहत केंद्र में द्वैध शासन लागू किया गया था?
- भारत शासन अधिनियम, 1935
Government of India Act 1935

● The Government of India Act 1935 introduced

provincial autonomy, removing the dyarchy system in
● It proposed dyarchy at the central level dividing
powers into 'Reserved' and 'Transferred' subjects.
● The Act expanded voting rights, reaching about 14% of
the population.
● It planned for an all-India federation combining British
India and princely states (this never materialized).
● Despite increased Indian participation, key areas like
defence, foreign affairs, and finance stayed under
British control.

● Who presided over the Haripura session of 1938?

- Subhash Chandra Bose
1938 के हरिपरु ा अधिवेशन की अध्यक्षता किसके द्वारा की गई थी?
- सभ ु ाष चंद्र बोस
● By whom was the August Offer brought on 8th August 1940?
- Lord Linlithgow
8 अगस्त 1940 को किसके द्वारा अगस्त प्रस्ताव लाया गया था?
- लार्ड लिनलिथगो
● Which proposal was termed as 'post dated cheque' by
Mahatma Gandhi?
- Cripps Mission
किस प्रस्ताव को महात्मा गांधी ने 'पोस्ट डेटेड चेक' की संज्ञा दी थी?
- क्रिप्स मिशन
● When was the Quit India Movement started?
- 9 August 1942
भारत छोड़ो आंदोलन की शरु ु आत कब की गई थी?
- 9 अगस्त 1942
● Who did the work of radio broadcasting during the Quit India
- Usha Mehta
भारत छोड़ो आंदोलन के दौरान किसने रे डियो प्रसारण का कार्य किया था?
- उषा मेहता

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