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11th session Original: ENGLISH
Agenda item 1 Pre-session public release: ☒


Working arrangements for PPR 11, including proposed arrangements

for working and drafting groups

Note by the Chair


Executive summary: This document informs the Sub-Committee of the proposed selection
of working and drafting groups for the session and how to register
for the groups; identifies the modalities of the groups; and provides
a provisional timetable in the annex
Strategic direction, Not applicable
if applicable:
Output: Not applicable
Action to be taken: Paragraph 7
Related documents: PPR 11/1 and PPR 10/18


1 The Sub-Committee, at its tenth session, anticipated to establish at this session

working, technical and drafting groups as listed in paragraph 15.10 of document PPR 10/18,
taking into account the submissions received on the respective subjects. A proposal on the final
selection of such groups is hereby provided before the start of the Sub-Committee's session.

Working and drafting groups proposed to be established at PPR 11

2 Having reviewed the respective correspondence group reports and other documents
submitted to this session, and after consultation with the Secretariat, the Chair proposes that
the following working and drafting groups be established at this session:

.1 Working Group on Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (WG 1) (agenda

items 6, [7,] 8 and [17]);

.2 Working Group on Revision of MARPOL Annex IV (WG 2) (agenda item 12);

.3 Working Group on Marine Plastic Litter from Ships (WG 3) (agenda item 13
excluding the draft guidelines on clean-up of plastic pellets from ship-source

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PPR 11/1/2
Page 2

.4 Drafting Group on In-water Cleaning (DG 1) (agenda item 5 – to prepare draft

terms of reference for a correspondence group); and

.5 Drafting Group on Pollution Response (DG 2) (agenda items 9 and 10 and

the draft guidelines on clean-up of plastic pellets from ship-source spills
under agenda item 13).

3 The registration form to join above ad hoc groups can be found at the following address:

Hybrid meeting capability to complement in-person meetings

4 Pursuant to the decisions of the Council at its 129th regular sessions concerning the
extension of the trial period for hybrid meeting capability (C 129/D, paragraphs 18.3 and 18.4)
and taking into account the experience gained to date, the arrangements for PPR 11 will be
as follows:

.1 all plenary sessions will be conducted in-person, and hybrid infrastructure will be
used to supplement the in-person meeting (see Circular Letter No.4623 and
Circular Letter No.4627);

.2 meetings of the Working Group on Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, the
Working Group on Revision of MARPOL Annex IV, and the Working Group
on Marine Plastic Litter from Ships will be conducted in-person, and hybrid
infrastructure will be used to supplement the in-person meetings; and

.3 meetings of the Drafting Group on In-water Cleaning and the Drafting Group on
Pollution Response will be conducted in remote mode only (meeting rooms for
these two groups will also be allocated at IMO Headquarters for those delegates
who wish to participate in the groups remotely from the IMO building).

Early release of working and drafting groups to start tasks

5 Delegations are reminded that, in accordance with the Organization and method of work
of the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee and their
subsidiary bodies (MSC-MEPC.1/Circ.5/Rev.5, paragraph 5.19), working and drafting groups
may start work on Monday morning under draft terms of reference presented by the Chair,
pending formal discussion of those terms of reference under the relevant agenda items.

Provisional timetable

6 The provisional timetable for this session of the Sub-Committee is set out in the annex.

Action requested of the Sub-Committee

7 The Sub-Committee is invited to consider the proposed arrangements, taking into

account the provisional timetable for PPR 11 set out in the annex, and take action, as


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PPR 11/1/2
Annex, page 1



Day Agenda items WG/DG

Monday, Opening of the session
19 February 1 Adoption of the agenda
2 Decisions of other IMO bodies WG 1
8 Development of amendments to MARPOL Annex VI and
the NOx Technical Code on the use of multiple engine
operational profiles for a marine diesel engine including
clarifying engine test cycles
6 Reduction of the impact on the Arctic of Black Carbon WG 1
emissions from international shipping
5 Development of guidance on matters relating to in-water DG 1
13 Follow-up work emanating from the Action Plan to address WG 3 and
marine plastic litter from ships DG 2
9 Development of a guide compiling best practices to develop DG 2
local-level marine spill contingency plans to aid States,
particularly local governments and key institutions, in
implementing the OPRC Convention and OPRC-HNS
10 Development of measures to reduce risks of use and DG 2
carriage of heavy fuel oil as fuel by ships in Arctic waters
Tuesday, 12 Revision of MARPOL Annex IV and associated guidelines WG 2
20 February 7 Evaluation and harmonization of rules and guidance on the [WG 1]
discharge of discharge water from EGCS into the aquatic
environment, including conditions and area
17 Any other business (documents concerning prevention of [WG 1]
air pollution from ships)
3 Safety and pollution hazards of chemicals and preparation
of consequential amendments to the IBC Code
4 Amendments to MARPOL Annex II in order to improve the
effectiveness of cargo tank stripping, tank washing
operations and prewash procedures for products with a high
melting point and/or high viscosity
14 Unified interpretation of provisions of IMO environment-
related conventions
Wednesday, 11 Review of the IBTS Guidelines and amendments to the
21 February IOPP Certificate and Oil Record Book
17 Any other business (remaining matters)
Thursday, No plenary session
22 February
Friday, 16 Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2025
23 February – Reports of the working, technical and drafting groups
15 Biennial agenda and provisional agenda for PPR 12
18 Report to the Marine Environment Protection Committee


Order may vary.

PPR 11-01-02

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