Mcsp-C003b-Owd Punchlist-1868-312-02-Smp - 20221013

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Jacobs number: SN1809-0000/QA.

FRM/0001 Client number: 0000-95-FRM-1100 Rev: 2

Peter Hansen Kevin Watterson

Project No. : SN1809

Project Name : OT Underground Project CONSTRUCTION PUNCH LIST

Date Issued: 2022. Oct. 13 Unit No.: 1868 System No.: 1868-312 Subsystem No.: 1868-312-02
Contract No: CW2107475


Deficincies that represent a significant
safety risk to personnel, plant or process
Commissioning can proceed.
Must be resolved before final hand
over to the clients operation and
Deficiencies or modifications which are not part
of the contract scope, or in the existing plant. Ach - Architectural F &G - Fire & Gas Pip - Piping Insul - Insulation
and must be resolved immediately
before CVC to allow for energisation.
(Complete before load
maintenance teams.
(Complete before handover to
These modifications must be approved through
the project change request process, by the
Civ - Civil Inst - Instrumentation Sruct - Structural Pa- Painting
(Complete before CVC & Energisation) Client) client before any work commences Elect - Electrical Mech - Mechanical el - Telecoms Gen- General

Responsible Estimated
Raised by: Cleared by: Verified by: Completion Date of
No Tag No. Location Cat. Disc. Defect Description Photo Person Punchlist Item
Name Name Signature Date Signature Date Date

Slickline-01 1tn chain blocks shall be installed Dashzeveg A.

Zolbayar Ch.
1 level-3
A Mech
1тн гар таль 2ш угсрах Worley SV
MCSP completion 2022. Nov. 20


clarify rock bolts from OT mining team Tsevegmed T. Dashzeveg A.

2 level-1
C Pip Шугам хоолойд тулсан уурхайн OT commissioing MCSP completion 2022. Oct. 16

боолтийг тодруулах engineer SV


clarify kick plates required for 1" and

8" pipelines Tsevegmed T. Dashzeveg A.
3 level-2
B Mech 8 болон 1 инчийн шугам хоолойд OT commissioing MCSP completion 2022. Oct. 18
kick plate хийх шаардлагатай engineer SV
эсэхийг тордуулах

Slickline-01 lifting shackle shall be with pin Tsevegmed T. Dashzeveg A.

4 level-3
B Mech
өргөлтийн гогцоонд түгжээ хийх
OT commissioing MCSP completion 2022. Oct. 20

engineer SV

to fix discharge chute clashing drive

Slickline-01 arm Telmen A. Dashzeveg A.

5 level-1
A Mech
бункер болон хөтлөгч гар хооронд
Worley MCSP completion 2022. Oct. 20
Commissioing SV SV
зайг бариулах



Discipline of punching Date Name Signature

Contractor Quality control:

Worley Inspection or Supervisor:

Client inspection or Supervisor:

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