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If Humans

were Lemons:

If Humans were Lemons there would be eternal peace in the world, no more wars, violence,

Or discrimination because everybody would be the same, bright yellow juicy sour-sweet
Lemons. The end of racism will come upon each person as they will understand that they are
all equal in the same ways: of a yellow skin color, oval like body shape, and about the same
size. All of the world would be just a more better and happier place if we were Lemons. Think
about it, no power no worries, and no negativity because as a lemon you wouldn't have the
same societal problem, and you wouldn't hate yourself because you are just like everybody
else, a simple living Lemon. You will learn to just enjoy life as it is, without any problems a
simple but happy living of life. All the world hanger be gone because, well Lemons don’t
need to eat they can just roll around in the hills.

We will finally have more time to ourselves and our lives, then we will create the prefect
society of Lemons.

Why Lemons?

Leamons tend to be sweet but a bit sour just like people.

I think that for every person there is a special gift to choose,

To choose between good and evil, it's our choice so Lemons are the most similar thing I can
compare to Humans, sometimes sweet sometimes sour, or in between.

Also if you didn't know Lemons aren't a fruit created by nature, instead by a lab of scientists,
Humans that created this cross between a sour orange and a citron. And a sour orange is
itself a cross between a pummelo and a mandarin so the most reasonable thing to say here
it's that if Humans made Lemons they will be Lemons.

And last but not least "when life gives you lemons you make lemonade", bare in mind that
this is just a concept that I was thinking about but just the idea about a life of a Lemon that is
so simple but have many options and changes to the world, is powerful.

It just shows how the idea of a perfect utopia can be created with the least thing you will be
expecting, Lemons. And if this utopia can be created with just a simple idea about Lemons,

Think what Humans can achieve if we all put our differences aside and will help for the better
of our people instead of focusing on material things like money or politics.

I know that this idea seems stupid and would have never worked in real life, and yes I know
that my writing is very poor and unprofessional but I'm not here to write, I'm here to give out
a new concept of visualization to life. This stupid idea just popped into my mind in the
middle of the night "what if Humans were Lemons" I just knew I had to write it right now.
And why would I care about it, because I'm just a fucking lemon!

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