Drills 4

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1. Cognitive theorists suggest people with this personality disorder have beliefs such as “I am needy and
weak,” which drive their behavior:

a. Schizoid
b. Dependent
c. Narcissistic
d. Obsessive-compulsive

2. Mr. G. is a 19-year-old male who was just admitted to a psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of
schizophreniform disorder. The resident is taking a detailed history from the family about his premorbid
symptoms and functioning. The prodromal phase of schizophrenia commonly includes:

a. Strange ideations
b. Hallucinations
c. Delusions
d. Disorganized speech

3. A 38-year-old man is evaluated for psychiatric illness after being held hostage in a bank robbery in
which he was a customer. He feels too upset to return to work, and he is on paid leave from his job. His
request to remain on leave is an example of which of the following?

a. Phobic reaction
b. Malingering
c. Primary gain
d. Secondary gain

4.. Obsessions regarding contamination are associated with which compulsive behavior?

a. Checking behavior
b. Counting behavior
c. Hand washing
d. Arranging and rearranging objects

5. Which of the following conditions are associated with a higher risk of depression?

a. Alzheimer’s disease
b. Parkinson’s disease
c. Stroke
d. All of the above

6. This therapeutic technique emphasizes the patient’s need to recognize bodily processes such as “gut”
feelings that have been blocked off from awareness:

a. Client-centered therapy
b. Rational-emotive behavior therapy
c. Motivational interviewing
d. Gestalt therapy


7. From a socio-cultural perspective, the following disorders can be greatly influenced by low socio-
economic status except:

a. Anorexia nervosa
b. Depressive disorder
c. Mental retardation/intellectual disability
d. Schizophrenia

8. Patricia is overweight, and recently retired from teaching. She has been under extreme pressure since
her spouse died, and has suffered several small strokes. In addition, she has suffered from the inability to
organize and plan, memory lapses, and forgetting the names of close friends. Patricia is most likely
experiencing which of the following?

a. Alzheimer’s disease
b. vascular dementia
c. Parkinson’s disease
d. Dementia associated with other medical condition

9. Cognitive therapies focus on helping clients _____________--.

a. challenge the maladaptive interpretations of physical symptoms and teach the client techniques
for appropriate interpretations
b. identify reinforcers that contribute to the manifestation of symptoms
c. provide insight into the clients somatization symptoms and discuss early childhood experiences
d. design a behavior modification with punishments to discourage maladaptive ways of thinking

10. Renz believes that he is being followed but shows no other psychotic symptoms. Other than his
delusion, he does not act oddly or have difficulty functioning. He is most likely to be diagnosed with

a. delusional disorder
b. schizophrenia spectrum disorder
c. brief psychotic disorder
d. schizophreniform disorder

11. Martha gave birth to twins two weeks ago. She finds herself weeping while she is changing the twins
or feeding them. She is irritable, and has had little sleep since their birth. Martha feels guilt and shame
because she says a good mother would be able to take care of her children. The subtype of major
depression Martha is most likely suffering from is depression with:

a. atypical features.
b. melancholic features.
c. peripartum onset.
d. catatonic features.


12. Symptoms of severe depression are generally NOT considered a psychological disorder when they are
associated with ________________.

a. a grief reaction
b. a manic episode
c. anxiety
d. thoughts of suicide

13. In dissociative amnesia, the individual typically has no memory of

a. any events.
b. events prior to a trauma.
c. selective events, particularly those involving trauma.
d. events following a trauma, particularly those involving interpersonal issues.

14. While suddenly and unexpectedly falling asleep during normal waking hours, Sarah experiences vivid
hallucinations of being in a horrible car crash. The experience is so realistic that she actually feels
physical sensations as if the hallucination were real. Sarah's most likely diagnosis is .

a. sleep apnea
b. hypersomnia
c. schizophrenia
d. narcolepsy

15. The goal of most modern therapy for people with autistic disorder is to

a. have the child and family accept the inherent limitations of the disorder.
b. provide a separate and secure environment for the individual.
c. integrate the autistic child into regular society as much as possible.
d. isolate autistic children in intensive therapy for as long as possible before attempting to
introduce them into the larger world.

16. In terms of the level of support that will be necessary for an autistic child, which factor is used as a
predictor to determine the prognosis?

a. Age of onset
b. Severity of initial symptoms
c. Rate of symptom progression
d. IQ

17. Treatment for specific learning disorders generally involves

a. stimulant medication.
b. educational intervention and assistance.
c. family therapy.
d. cognitive-behavioral therapy.


18. Non-medication treatments for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder usually involve

a. interpersonal therapy.
b. behavioral programs and social skills training.
c. brief, inpatient treatment at a specialty hospital.
d. cognitive behavioral therapy and diet control.

19. When working with a patient diagnosed with dependent personality disorder, the therapist must be
particularly careful that the patient does not

a. take over the agenda of the sessions.

b. become inconsistent in attending sessions.
c. manipulate the therapist by being overly dramatic.
d. become overly dependent on the therapist.

20. In Jill's psychotherapy sessions, the therapist has been using techniques to gradually make her more
comfortable with social situations. Similar to the treatments used for individuals with social phobia, the
therapist has given Jill homework assignments that require her to practice talking to strangers, join
informal groups, and speak in front of small groups. Most likely, she is being treated for ______
personality disorder.

a. antisocial
b. dependent
c. avoidant
d. histrionic

21. All of the following are common disorders that tend to be comorbid with borderline personality
disorder EXCEPT ______________.

a. depression
b. substance abuse
c. bulimia nervosa
d. obsessive-compulsive disorder

22. Which of the following mental disorders tends to follow an episodic course, characterized by periods
of remission and recurrence?

a. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

b. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
c. Borderline Personality Disorder
d. Bipolar Disorder


23. Which of the following suggests diagnosis of Social Anxiety Disorder instead of Avoidant Personality

a. The person avoids social situations due to fear of rejection or humiliation

b. The person experiences general discomfort in social situations and has a pervasive pattern of
social inhibition
c. The person has a strong desire for close relationships, but extremely fears rejection or being
disliked due to feelings of inadequacy
d. The person has persistent and excessive worry about a range of everyday events and activities

24. What are the two subtypes of anorexia nervosa?

a. Restricting type and binge-eating/purging type.

b. Energy-sparing type and binge-eating/purging type.
c. Low-calorie/low-carbohydrate type and restricting type.
d. Low-carbohydrate/low-fat type and restricting type.

25. Vivid and often terrifying experiences that begin at the start of sleep and are said to be unbelievably
realistic because they include not only visual aspects but also touch, hearing, and even the sensation of
body movement.

a. Sleep terrors
b. Sleep paralysis
c. Hypnagogic hallucinations
d. Nightmares

26. A 15-year-old male student in private school, without known psychiatric history, has been caught
stealing other students’ laptops and cell phones, even though he comes from a wealthy family and his
parents continue to purchase the newest electronics for him in an effort to deter him from stealing.
Which of the following would raise your clinical suspicion that he may have kleptomania?

a. He demonstrates recurrent failure to resist impulses to steal objects that are not needed for
personal use or for their monetary value.
b. He has a strong family history for antisocial personality disorder and conduct disorder.
c. He experiences increased tension before committing the theft but does not experience relief,
pleasure, or gratification while committing the theft.
d. He demonstrates recurrent failure to resist impulses to steal objects during periods of
detachment or boredom.

27. A 5-year-old boy is consistently moody, irritable, and intolerant of frustration. In addition, he is
pervasively and chronically restless, impulsive, and inattentive. Which diagnosis best fits his clinical

a. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

b. ADHD and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD)
c. Bipolar disorder and ADHD
d. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)


28. Which of the following does not represent a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

a. Affective flattening
b. Decreased motivation
c. Impoverished thought processes
d. Sadness over loss of functionality

29. A 42-year-old man reports 1 week of increased activity associated with an elevated mood, a
decreased need for sleep, and inflated self-esteem. Although the man does not object to his current
state (“I’m getting a lot of work done!”), he is concerned because he recalls a similar episode 10 years
ago during which he began to make imprudent business decisions. A physical examination and
laboratory work are unrevealing for any medical cause of his symptoms. He had taken fluoxetine for a
depressive episode but self-discontinued it 3 months ago because he felt that his mood was stable.
Which diagnosis best fits this clinical picture?

a. Bipolar I disorder
b. Bipolar II disorder
c. Cyclothymic disorder
d. Substance/medication-induced bipolar disorder

30. What is the relationship between a history of conduct disorder before age 15 and the diagnosis of
antisocial personality after age 18?

a. A history of some conduct disorder symptoms before age 15 is one of the required criteria for a
diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder in adulthood.
b. All children with conduct disorder will go on to receive a diagnosis of antisocial personality
disorder in adulthood.
c. Antisocial personality disorder diagnosis is independent of conduct disorder.
d. Conduct disorder is the same as antisocial personality disorder, except that financial
irresponsibility is also a required feature of antisocial personality disorder

31. Which of the following statements about Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) is FALSE?

a. SLD is diagnosed when an individual's academic performance is significantly below what is

expected for their age.
b. SLD can impact an individual's ability to read, write, or perform math.
c. SLD is commonly associated with intellectual disability.
d. SLD can lead to difficulties with self-esteem and academic achievement.

32. When a client experiences delusions and/or hallucinations during a major depressive episode, the
most likely diagnosis is:

a. Schizophrenia with comorbid major depressive disorder

b. Schizoaffective disorder
c. Major depressive disorder, with psychotic features
d. Schizophrenia


33. Jack has been displaying grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, and increased talkativeness. He has
also been engaging in risky behaviors, such as reckless driving. Which type of episode is Jack likely

a. A psychotic episode
b. A manic episode
c. A hypomanic episode
d. Both

34. Rachel is constantly worried about her performance at work, even though she has received positive
feedback from her supervisor. She also tends to worry that her children might become ill, or that her
husband might lose his job. She has trouble sleeping and experiences muscle tension and fatigue. What
is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Generalized anxiety disorder

b. Separation anxiety disorder
c. Adjustment disorder
d. Avoidant personality disorder

35. Mang Keping, a cult leader in a certain province in the Philippines, performed a certain ritual. During
the ritual, Mang Keping entered into a trance state. Another voice spoke and told the followers that he is
bakunawa, the god that will make all the cult members invincible. After the ritual, Mang Keping returned
to his senses and gave a speech to his followers. Mang Keping is suspected to have ______.

a. Schizophrenia
b. Dissociative identity disorder
c. Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
d. None of the above

36. The idea that anxiety resulting from unconscious conflicts is “converted” into physical symptoms to
find expression is popularized by _________.

a. Alfred Adler
b. Carl Jung
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Anna Freud

37. The most significant feature of bulimia nervosa is ____________.

a. purging
b. overeating
c. overeating followed by an urge to vomit
d. binge eating followed by compensatory behavior


38. Which of the following is a potential consequence of untreated ADHD?

a. Substance abuse and addiction

b. Increased empathy and emotional regulation
c. Higher levels of academic achievement
d. Enhanced social skills and popularity

39. Dr. Miranda listened carefully to Joyce’s speech pattern, noting its speed, content, and continuity. He
noticed no loose association but did hear indications of delusional thoughts and visual hallucinations.

a. Orientation
b. Thought processes
c. Mood and affect
d. Intellectual functioning

40. Of the following, the only symptom that both patients with narcolepsy and patients with
hypersomnolence disorder experience is

a. falling asleep during normal waking hours.

b. sudden loss of muscle tone.
c. sleep paralysis.
d. hypnagogic hallucinations

41. Andrei spends most of his day at the gym, for he perceives himself as too fat, despite his family and
friends’ disagreement. Which among the following is the most appropriate diagnosis for the client?

a. Muscle Dysmorphia
b. Anorexia Nervosa
c. Bulimia Nervosa
d. Body Dysmorphic Disorder

42. Higher levels of education are associated with

a. the prevention of neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer's disease.

b. a delay in the onset of symptoms of neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer's disease.
c. a slow course of deterioration after neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer's disease first
d. the rapid onset of symptoms in neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer's disease.

43. _______ involves an acute, usually transient, disorientation and memory loss.

a. anterograde amnesia
b. retrograde amnesia
c. dissociative amnesia
d. delirium


44. Cindy suddenly experienced delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech but these symptoms
lasted for only 3 days. She would most likely be diagnosed with _____.

a. schizoaffective disorder
b. schizophreniform disorder
c. brief psychotic disorder
d. no diagnosis

45. Which of the following is true?

a. Somatic symptom disorders refer to psychological disorders exacerbated by medical problems.

b. Somatoform disorders are psychological symptoms exacerbated by physical illnesses.
c. Malingering refers to an individual’s psychological problems exacerbated by other psychological
d. Factitious disorders are the deliberate faking of symptoms to gain medical attention.

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