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Analytical Text “Healthy is Easy”

Tittle: With Simple Exercies can Produce Many Benefits

1. Dwi Nur Khasanah (11)
2. Haning Tyas Pramestika (14)
3. Mauza Okta Aurora (18)
4. Revalina Aziyah Putri (26)
5. Talia Auliya Putri (30)
6. Keeren Lutfiany Sartono (34)

We can do simple exercies every day, from the simple exercies
we do there are many good benefits that we can get and change our
lives for the better. Here are some of the benefits of simple exercies :
1. Decrease Risk of Disease (Mauza Okta Aurora)
Regularly pacticing physical fitness can reduce your risk
developing heart and blood vessel diseases, such as heary
disease or stroke. If you excercies regylarly, your heart muscle
will be trained and be come stronger to pump blood
throughout the body. By exercies regularly, your blood sugar
levels can become muse stable & your risk of developing type 2
diabetes will be reduce

2. Improve Quality of Life (Talia Auliya Putri)

Exercising is known to stimulate a chemical in the brain that
makes your mood happier and more relaxed. Exercising
regularly can also make you more confident in your own
appearance. Simple exercises can improve your quality of life
because they can stimulate a chemical in the brain that makes
your mood happier and more relaxed. Simple exercises done
regularly can also make you more confident in your own

3. Improve Mental Health (Haning Tyas Pramestika)

7. Muscles and Bones (Keeren Lutfiany Sartono)

Bones have a very important function because they help the
body move by protecting the organs in the body and
maintaining muscles. muscles are parts of the body whose
function is to convert energy into movement so that humans
can move their body parts.

4. Help Control Weight (Revalina Aziyah Putri)

Help control weight also benefits of exercise, among them we
can get a better sleep, fat loss, improved mood, boosts energy
and many others. for an example exercise, there are walking,
yoga, running, swimming, cycling, jogging.

5. Prevent Falls (Dwi Nur Khasanah)

Another benefit of exercise is preventing falls or maintaining
balance. Balance is the ability to keep the body from falling
during movement. Anyone of any age or ability can become
stronger and improve their balance. Balance is important for
older people. It reduces the risk of falling. Examples of
exercises that can improve balance are swinging one leg
forward, standing on one leg, and holding the body using one

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