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Long turn - Description of pictures

In Part 2 of the FCE speaking exam, the "Long Turn," you will be presented with two pictures and you'll need
to speak about one of them for about a minute. Here are some ideas on how to effectively answer this part:

1. Introduce the Picture:** - Explain what you find interesting, surprising, or

- Start by briefly describing the picture you've chosen. important.
- Mention the setting, the people, the main actions, - Use phrases like "I think," "I believe," or "It looks
and any interesting details. like."

2. Provide Detailed Descriptions:** 5. Speculate and Guess:**

- Go into detail about what you see in the picture. - If there's an unclear element in the picture, make an
- Describe the people's appearances, clothing, and educated guess.
expressions. - Use phrases like "Perhaps," "It could be," or "I'm
- Talk about the objects, their placement, and any guessing."
6. Link Ideas:**
3. Use Comparisons and Contrasts:** - Use transitional phrases to connect your ideas.
- Compare the elements in the picture to things you're - For example, you could use phrases like
familiar with. "Furthermore," "In addition," or "On the other hand."
- Mention any similarities or differences that stand out
to you. 7. Maintain Fluency:**
- This can help you elaborate on your description. - Speak clearly and at a moderate pace.
- Don't worry about pauses; they can make your
4. Express Opinions and Emotions:** speech more natural.
- Share your thoughts and feelings about the picture. - Avoid overly rehearsed responses.

Remember, your goal is to demonstrate your ability to describe and discuss a visual prompt in
English. Practice speaking about different types of pictures to build your confidence and improve your

Part 1 - Introduction and Interview:** **Part 3 - Collaborative Task:**

- "Hello, my name is [your name]." - "Shall we start by describing the picture?"
- "Nice to meet you." - "What do you think is happening in the picture?"
- "Thank you for having me." - "In my opinion..."
- "Well, I come from [your hometown/country]." - "I agree with you."
- "In my free time, I enjoy..." - "That's a good point."
- "I'm really interested in..." - "On the other hand..."
- "One thing you might find interesting is that..." - "To add to that..."
- "To answer your question..." - "What about the idea of..."
- "It seems to me that..."
Part 2 - Long Turn:** - "Let's consider the advantages/disadvantages of..."
- "Let's talk about..." - "So, we both think that..."
- "This picture shows..."
- "In the background, I can see..." **Part 4 - Discussion:**
- "In the foreground, there's..." - "In my experience..."
- "The people in the picture seem to be..." - "From what I've seen..."
- "What strikes me the most is..." - "It's interesting because..."
- "It looks like they're..." - "If you ask me..."
- "Maybe they're..." - "I'd like to mention that..."
- "I imagine that..." - "To give you an example..."
- "I'm guessing that..." - "That reminds me of..."
- "From my point of view..." - "I strongly believe that..."
- "Comparing this to the other picture..." - "Considering the pros and cons..."
- "I'd say that..." - "It's a complex issue, but..."
- "To sum up our discussion..."
- "To conclude, I think that...

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