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Eur. J. Hortic. Sci. 80(5), 208–215 | ISSN 1611-4426 print, 1611-4434 online |

2 | © ISHS 2015

Original article German Society for

Horticultural Science

Carbon sequestration in a nectarine orchard as affected by

green manure in China
Y.X. Wang, B.Q. Weng, J. Ye, Z.M. Zhong and Y.B. Huang
Institute of Agricultural Ecology, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou, China

Summary Significance of this study

Information is scarce on long-term effects of What is already known on this subject?
green manure on carbon storage in fruit orchards, an • Orchards, as one of the semi-permanent cultivation
important issue for carbon footprinting according practices, occupy over 4.8×105 km2 in the world.
to PAS 2050-1 not only in Europe. Thus, for assessing Information is scarce on long-term effects of green
carbon sequestration, the carbon distribution in the manure on carbon storage in fruit orchards, an im-
vegetation, litter and soil within the same nectar- portant issue for carbon footprinting according to
ine orchard was compared with three management PAS 2050-1 not only in Europe.
practices such as sloping plot without conservation
measures (T1), a terraced plot without conservation What are the new findings?
measures (T2), and a terraced plot with green ma- • The green manure mulch practice had no significant
nure of Arachis pintoi ‘Amarillo’ as mulch (T3), with impact on fruit tree biomass carbon storage, and sig-
the following results: (a) carbon storages of fruit nificantly increased organic carbon storage in 0–100
tree and litter in the nectarine orchard ranged from cm soil layer.
13.0 to 14.7 t carbon ha-1, and 0.54 to 0.59 kg carbon
per plant, respectively. No significant difference was What is the expected impact on horticulture?
found between different treatments. However, the • The adoption of Arachis pintoi in terraced orchards
carbon storage from A. pintoi increased to 5.12 t car- rapidly increases carbon sink and offers great eco-
bon ha-1 in the T3 treatment. (b) Soil organic carbon logical benefits.
(SOC) and soil organic carbon density (SOCD) in T3
treatment significantly increased compared with T1
and T2 treatments, and decreased with the increase
of soil depth. A significant difference was observed
between every soil layers in T3 treatment. (c) During The topsoil organic carbon (SOC) content (Grossman
the 13 years after orchard establishment, the soil and DeJong, 1998; Robertson et al., 2000; Janssens et al.,
organic carbon sources influenced the δ13C distribu- 2003), soil organic carbon density (SOCD) (Wang et al.,
tion with depth and carbon originate. The upper soil 2010), and total carbon storage (Ordόñez et al., 2008) of or-
layer SOC turnover in T3 treatment (a mean 63.1% of chards were higher than those of annual herbaceous crops,
replacement in the 0–20 cm soil layer after 13 years) grasslands and agriculture, but lower than forests. Novara
was 1.59 and 1.41 times greater than those of T1 and et al. (2012) found that the conversion of natural vegeta-
T2 treatments, respectively, indicating that terraced tion to orchards (vineyards and olive groves) decreased
nectarine orchard with A. pintoi as green manure SOC. However, other studies found that SOC density (Fang
could rapidly sequester SOC in subtropical China. et al., 2012) and SOC sequestration (Chen et al., 2007) of
orchards were lower than grassland, shrubland, and aban-
Keywords doned cropland. These controversial results indicated the
carbon footprint, soil organic carbon, δ13C, carbon need to further research on carbon sequestration of or-
sequestration, nectarine, PAS 2050-1 chards.
Carbon sequestration is related to not only land-use
types, but also soil management practices of orchards (e.g.,
no tillage, straw and grass as so-called ‘green manure’).
Orchards often employ conventional management with a
Introduction lack of soil cover to reduce the competition between trees
During the last century, the carbon dioxide (CO2) con- and weeds for water and nutrients; this management can
centration in the atmosphere increased from 280 to 367 induce roughness and may have serious impacts on vege-
ppm. The land-use to land-cover change, including conver- tation and soil carbon storage, by increasing erosion and
sion of forest and grassland to cultivation, is the second emission of soil carbon to atmosphere (Francia Martínez
most important source of CO2 emissions (IPCC, 2001; Lal., et al., 2006; Freibauer et al., 2004). However, reducing
2004, 2007; Ceschia et al., 2010). Orchards, as one of the tillage intensity, such as no tillage, can be positive effec-
semi-permanent cultivation practices, occupy over 4.8×105 tive for SOC sequestration (Zibilske et al., 2002; Ramos et
km2 in the world. China is the largest fruit grower world- al., 2011), and conservation tillage systems, such as green
wide with 1.1×105 km2 in 2009, accounting for 1.14% of the manure, are more effective in retaining SOC, thereby main-
land area of China and 23% of orchard areas of the world, taining a relatively higher level of SOC than conventional
respectively. tillage systems (Zhang et al., 2005; Wu et al., 2011; Ramos

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Wang et al. | Carbon sequestration in a nectarine orchard as affected by green manure in China

et al., 2011). Wu et al. (2011) found higher organic carbon front and a shallow ditch (with width and depth of 15 cm)
in Citrus orchards intercropped with green manure such behind the ridge. In the middle of each terrace, four pits
as white clover and straw mulching than with conventional with the diameter of 80 cm were dug to 80 cm for nectarine
management. Navarro-Cerrillo et al. (2009) indicated that tree planting; weeds were managed in the same as T1. The
the soil under green manure had higher soil organic mat- terraced nectarine orchard with Arachis pintoi as green
ter levels in comparison to the cultivated soil in Mediter- manure, denoted as T3. In T3 treatment, eight terraces were
ranean afforestation, and the response of green manure built and nectarine trees were planted exactly same as T2.
differed between species and environmental conditions. The cuttings of A. pintoi were planted within the terraces
It illustrated that carbon sequestrations of orchards is af- on April, 1996. They withered aboveground shoots in win-
fected by not only green manure, and related to covered ter, and naturally emerged in the next spring.
grass species. Each nectarine tree was fertilized in April, with 0.35
As a special practice of vegetation management, the kg FCMP (calcium-magnesium phosphate fertilizer), 0.5 kg
carbon sequestration of orchards is affected by texture, specialty fertilizer for fruit (N: P: K=16:16:16 or 15:15:15),
topography and climatic conditions, especially land-use 0.25 kg superphosphate and 0.25 kg potassium chloride ev-
practices (e.g., trim, fertilization and harvest of fruits) ery years and their nectarine fruits harvested when ripe.
(Vesterdal et al., 2002; Zinn et al., 2005; Homann et al.,
2004; Shukla and Lal, 2005), which increased the complex- Sampling methods
ity and uncertainty of ecosystem carbon cycle research. 1. Plant sampling. All fruit trees (including tree height,
Despite efforts made in recent years to determine the pro- crown size and ground diameter) in each plot were sur-
cess of carbon sequestration there is still a lot of uncer- veyed on November, 2008. Two fruit trees representing
tainty about the effects of different management practices the stand-specific ground-diameter and height range were
on carbon sequestration of a nectarine orchard in a hillside selected and sampled destructively in each plot. The trees
red soil. This study estimated the carbon stocks, distribu- were cut at a height of 20 cm above the ground. Prior to
tion and δ13C value in a nectarine orchard under different branch removal, representative branches from the low-
management practices. In PAS 2050-1, any accounted car- est to the highest throughout the crown were sampled.
bon sequestration can be offset in the carbon footprint of All branches were then clipped from the tree, and fresh
a fruit crop. The aim of this paper was to assess the effects weights were determined using balance. The stems of each
of different management practices on carbon sequestration tree were cut in 50 cm sections and weighted using balance.
using a fruit orchard in a hillside region of China. A disk (approximately 5 cm wide) was cut from the stump
to the top of each stem section to determine moisture con-
Materials and methods tent. The entire root system was dug up and washed lightly
to remove soil particles. All tissues were oven-dried at 70°C
Site descriptions and soil characteristics to determine moisture content. The total dry weight for
The study site was a nectarine orchard planted in 1996 each component (branches, stem, and root) was calculated.
on YuChi village of SanMing City, Fujian Province, China The fruits of 5 trees, randomly chosen in nine plots, were
(26°25’N, 117°57’E); it was located about 150 m above harvested and weighed to determine the production dur-
sea level. The region is a mild, subtropical monsoon cli- ing the harvest seasons from 2006 to 2008.
mate with high temperature and humidity in summer and 2. Litterfall sampling. Litter was collected with the use of
cool climate in winter. The annual average temperature three 4 x 4 m litter traps per plot. The traps were located
is 19.2°C, with the lowest in January reaching from 9.0 to permanently, about 20 cm off the ground and 2 m from fruit
12.0°C and the highest in July, from 26.6 to 28.9°C. Annual trunk along the canopy waterdrip. During the 12-month
rainfall during the period of study was 1,620 mm and an- period, from March 2006 to April 2007, litter was collected
nual sunshine 4,289 h. The soil type is a red loam. The basic at monthly intervals and sorted into four categories: (1)
physical and chemical properties of soils sampled in 1996 foliage; (2) flower; (3) branches; and (4) fruit, and an oven-
are summarized in Table 1. The constructive species of dry weight (70°C) was determined for individual samples.
original vegetation was Miscanthus (Miscanthus flordulus) Individual samples from each category were then bulked
and Mans (M. sinensis) in the site, which were all C4 plants. and ground in a rotary mill (sieve ±0.5 mm mesh) prior to
The grassland (denoted G) was reclaimed into orchard in chemical analysis.
1996. 3. Grass sampling. Three squares of 50 x 50cm were ran-
domly established in T3 treatments. In each square, the
Experiment design above-ground grasses were cut along ground and collected
The experiment started from 1996. Nine plots were for the classes of green part and litter, and then the entire
used to assess the management measures on carbon se- root system of grasses were collected and weighted indi-
questration in a randomized complete block design with vidually. All samples were dried at 70°C and weighted.
three replicates. The nine plots were separated by concrete 4. Soil sampling. Three samples in each plot were ran-
borders that extended 15 cm aboveground. The size of each domly selected by collecting of the following layers: 0–20
experimental plot was 100 m2 (4 x 25 m). The treatments cm, 20–40 cm, 40–60 cm, 60–80 cm and 80–100 cm depth.
were: a sloping nectarine plot without conservation mea- The samples were immediately taken to the laboratory,
sures, denoted as T1. In T1 treatment, eight rows of nectar- sieved through a 0.9 mm sieve to determine soil organic
ine trees spacing at 80 x 80 cm were planted on the slope, carbon.
weeds were allowed growing in natural conditions but re-
moved by hand-pulling 3–4 times per year. Terraced nec- Organic carbon determination methods
tarine orchard without conservation measures, denoted as 1. Organic carbon content in plant. The organic carbon
T2. In T2 treatment, eight terraces were built on the natural storage was calculated by multiplying the dry biomasses
slope, each with a soil ridge (approximately 15 cm high) in of fruit, litter and grass with their organic carbon concen-

V o l u m e 8 0 | I s s u e 5 | O c t 0 b e r 2 0 1 5 209

eJHS Magazine Vol 80-6.indd 209 12-10-15 15:19

mm mesh) prior to chemical analysis.
3. Grass sampling. Three squares of 50 x 50cm were randomly established in T3 treatments. In each square, the
above-ground grasses were cut along ground and collected for the classes of green part and litter, and then the
entire root system of grasses were collected and weighted individually. All samples were dried at 70°C and
4. Soiletsampling.
Wang al. | CarbonThree samplesininaeach
sequestration plot orchard
nectarine were randomly selected
as affected by green bymanure
collecting of the following layers: 0–20
in China
cm, 20–40 cm, 40–60 cm, 60–80 cm and 80–100 cm depth. The samples were immediately taken to the laboratory,
sieved through a 0.9 mm sieve to determine soil organic carbon.
trations, and converted to kg C ha-1. The organic carbon when nectarine leaves had already dropped so that carbon
Organic carbonin
concentrations determination
plant samplesmethods were determined by the storage in leaves was not calculated. The vegetation carbon
1. Organic carbon
potassium dichromate content in plant.
oxidation method (Liu et al.,
The organic 1996).
carbon storagestocks of nectarine
was calculated orchard under
by multiplying the drydifferent
biomasses management
2. fruit,
of Soil organic
litter andcarbon
grass with content. Soil organic
their organic carbon carbon was
concentrations, practices rangedto
and converted from
kg C13.0
. The14.7 t carbon
organic ha-1 (Figure 2).
measured on a in
concentrations 0,5 g sample
plant samples using
were wet chemistryby(Walkley
determined the potassium Nodichromate
significant oxidation
differences were (Liu
method found et between
al., 1996).treatments
andSoil organic
Black, 1934).carbon content.
Soil organic carbon densitycarbon
Soil organic (SOCDwas
, t C ha -1)
T2aand0,5 gTsample
3. Most using
of thewetcarbon storage
chemistry in the nectarine
was Black,
and calculated1934).withSoilthe following
organic carbon formula:
density (SOCD, t C ha-1) wastrees came with
calculated fromthe branches,
formula: from 63–67% of total
� vegetation carbon storage, the second pool was from roots,
ranging from 21–28%, and the least was from the tree
SOC � � �� × �� × �� × 10 (1)
trunk with only 9–14%. The order of fruit productions was:
� T1>T2>T3, but there were no significant differences among
where Ci is the soil organic carbon content (g kg-1), Hi is the the three treatments. In addition, the carbon storage in
depth of each soil layer (cm), and Bi is soil bulk density of Arachis pintoi ‘Amarillo’ in T3 treatment was 5.12 t carbon
each soil layer (g kg-1). ha-1.
where carbon
Ci is the soilstable
organic isotopic
carbon analysis
content (g kg-1), Hi is the depthSoil organic
of each carbon
soil layer (cm),(SOC)
and B content and density
i is soil bulk soil organic
of each δ13Clayer
of organic
(g kg-1).materials (litter and soil samples) carbon density (SOCD)
are measured was conducted with an isotope ratio mass Two-way ANOVA indicated that orchard management
spectrometer carbon stable isotopic
(Finnigan MAT-251) analysis
in Chinese Academy of practices and soil depth had a significant effect on SOC
The δ13 Science, Beijing,
C of organic China.(litter
materials The 13 C abundance
and soil samples) is are contentwas
ex- measured (Figure 3). Compared
conducted with treatments
with an isotope ratio mass T1 and T2,
pressed in delta
spectrometer (d) per MAT-251)
(Finnigan mil (‰) and calculated
in Chinese as follows
Academy SOC Science,
of Forestry content Beijing,
for T3 treatment
China. Thesignificantly
13C abundance increased
is from
(Peri et al.,in2012):
expressed delta (d) per mil (‰) and calculated as follows (Peri 14.9%
et al.,to2012):
46.5% and from 7.4% to 15.3%, respectively, and
it decreased with the increase of soil depth in all the treat-
δδ13 C(‰) =
13C(‰) [(Rsample//RRstandard
= [(R )-1-1] × 1000 (2)
sample standard) ] × 1000 (2) ments. There were no significant differences in SOC con-
where, Rsample and Rstandard are respectively the isotope ratio 13 tent
C of a the soil layers
sample of 0–20 cm,
and a reference 20–40 cm
material, the and 40–60
where, R
latter is fromsample and
a belemnite R are respectively the isotope
carbonate from the Pee Dee formation of North
standard ra- cm for treatments T1 and T2. However they for T1 increased
Carolina, USA.
tio 13 C/12C of a to
According sample
Wangand a reference
et al. (2007), amaterial,
modifiedthe latter
linear model by 165% applied
is equation and 244%, 149% and
to estimate 223%, 136%
plantation (C3) and
and196% than
from a belemnite
grass(C 4)-derived SOC carbonate
proportions from the Pee Dee
is given by: formation of that for the soil layers of 60–80 cm and 80–100 cm, respec-
North Carolina, USA. tively, and for T2 treatment increased by 229% and 309%,
S = f δA + (1 f ) δ0 et(3)
to –Wang al. (2007), a modified linear 177% and 245%, 138% and 206%. In T3 treatment, there
model equation applied to estimate plantation (C )
where, δS is the δ C of the soil organic carbon(SOC) in3the surface soil horizon
13 and were significant differences
of the orchard, δAamong is the δ13different
C of fruitsoil layers,
trees 4)-derived
litter, δ0 is theSOCδ13Cproportions
of the SOC inisthe given by: soil horizon of and
surface SOC contents
the virgin grassland, in fthe soilfraction
is the layers of ofSOC
0–20 cm, 20–40 cm
nating from the litter (fruit trees or groundcover). and 40–60 cm increased by 165% and 245%, 121% and
δS = f δA + (1 – f ) δ0 (3) 188%, 68.0% and 118% than that for the soil layers of 60–
Statistical analysis 80 cm and 80–100 cm, respectively.
where, S is the δ13software
12.0 C of the soil wasorganic
used for carbon(SOC) in the One-way
statistical analysis. Orchard ANOVAmanagement
was performed practices and soil the
to calculate depths had a
surface LSD
Fisher’s soil (least
horizon of the orchard,
significant difference).δA isSignificance
the δ13C ofwas fruit significant
determined effectfrom
at α=0.05 on soileachorganic
treatment carbon density SOCD, and
trees litter, δ0 is the δ13C of the SOC in the surface soil hori- the change trend was similar to the SOC content. SOCD of T3
zon of the virgin grassland, f is the fraction of SOC originat- treatment significantly increased from 4.75% to 27.0% and
ing from the litter (fruit trees or groundcover). from 0.42% to 4.13% compared to T1 and T2 treatments, re-
spectively, whereas SOCD decreased with depth increase in
Statistical analysis T1, T2 and T3 treatments. In T1, T2 and T3 treatment, SOCD
The SPSS 12.0 software was used for statistical analy- in the soil layers of 0–20 cm, 20–40 cm and 40–60 cm was
sis. One-way ANOVA was performed to calculate the Fish- significantly higher than those of in the soil layers of 60–80
er’s LSD (least significant difference). Significance was cm and 80–100 cm, ranging from 134%–260%, 87.2%–
determined at α=0.05 from each treatment separately. 190%, 63.7%–178%, respectively.

Results Soil δ13C value and source of organic carbon in the

nectarine orchard
Carbon in the litter 1. Soil δ13C value. Plants with a C3 pathway have δ13C val-
Litter biomasses of nectarine orchard pointed out a ues in the range of -35‰ to -20‰, while those with a C4
seasonal in the litter production because of plant growth pathway have higher δ13C values, ranging from -19‰ to
characteristics and phenological regularity. Two peaks -9‰ (Bernoux et al., 1998; Staddon, 2004). Because values
of litter production were found throughout the year, with of soil δ13C are close to that of adjacent vegetation, changes
the first in March and April, 2006, and the second in Au- in soil δ13C during transitions from C3 to C4 vegetation
gust and September, 2007 (Figure 1). The annual litter bio- could be used to estimate turnover times of soil organic
masses for the three treatments were from 0.54 kg carbon carbon (Bernoux et al., 1998). Conversion from grassland
per plant to 0.59 kg carbon per plant without significant to orchard plantation (C4→C3) caused a decrease in the
differences among T1, T2 and T3 treatments. There was a soil δ13C values of nectarine trees and A. pintoi. The soil δ13C
great difference in the components of annual litter among value of original grassland (G) was -20.5‰. Constructive
them; the percentage of leaf litter was the highest, ranging Miscanthus and Mans were C4 plants, whose leaf of organic
from 94.5% to 97.4%. carbon δ13C values were between -13.4‰ and -13.7‰. In
our study, the mean value of δ13C from the litters of fruit
Carbon in the fruit trees and groundcover vegetation trees (C3) and green manure (C3) were -28.5‰ and -29.9‰,
The measure of fruit biomass was taken in November, respectively. When the original grasslands were reclaimed

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Wang et al. | Carbon sequestration in a nectarine orchard as affected by green manure in China

Figure 1. Dynamics of litter biomass from nec-

tarine orchards under different management

Litter biomass (g/plant)

practices from March 2006 to March 2007. T1:
sloping nectarine orchard without conserva-
tion measures; T2: terraced nectarine orchard
Litter biomass (g plant-1)

without conservation measures; T3: terraced

nectarine orchard with A. pintoi as green
manure mulch.


Figure 1. Dynamics of litter biomass from nectarine orchards under different management practices from March
2006 to March 2007. T1: sloping nectarine orchard without conservation measures;T2: terraced nectarine orchard
without conservation measures; T3: terraced nectarine orchard with A. pintoi as green manure mulch.

Figure 2. Amount of carbon in fruit tree vegeta-

Root Stem Branch
tion under different management practices. T1:
120% a a a sloping nectarine orchard without conserva-
Amount of organic carbon (t.ha-1)
Amount of organic carbon (t ha -1)

tion measures; T2: terraced nectarine orchard

without conservation measures; T3: terraced
nectarine orchard with A. pintoi as green
manure mulch. Different small letters mean
60% significant difference between different treat-
ments at 0.05 level.


25 T1 T2 T3
a T1 T2 T3
(g kg -1content(g/kg)

Figure 2. Amount of 20 b tree vegetationa under different management practices. T1: sloping nectarineFigure 3. Variation of soil organic carbon (SOC)
carbon in fruit
orchard without conservation measures; T2: terraced
b nectarine orchard without conservation measures; T3: ter-content in different soil layers. T1: sloping
25 with A. pintoi as green
raced nectarine orchard
manure mulch. Different
a a
small letters mean significant difference
nectarine orchard without conservation mea-
between different treatments at 0.05alevel. a T1 T2 T3
sures; T2: terraced nectarine orchard without
carbon )

20 b a conservation measures; T3: terraced nectarine

10 a
b orchard with A. pintoi as green manure mulch.

c b a
a b Different small letters mean significant differ-
soil organic

c a b b
15 a
5 ence between different treatments in the same

soil layer at 0.05 level.


10 a
b b a
soil organic

0-20cm 20-40cm 40-60cm 60-80cm 80-100cm

b b
Figure 3. Variation of soil organic carbon (SOC) content in different soil layers. T1: sloping nectarine orchard with-

out conservation measures; T2: terraced nectarine orchard without conservation measures; T3: terraced nectarine
0 green manure mulch. Different small letters mean significant difference between different
orchard with A. pintoi as
treatments in the same soil layer at 0.05 level.
0-20cm 20-40cm 40-60cm 60-80cm 80-100cm

Figure 3. Variation of soil organic carbon (SOC) content in different soil layers. T1: sloping nectarine orchard with-
out conservation measures; T2: terraced nectarine orchard without conservation measures; T3: terraced nectarine
60 a
Figure 4. Soil organic carbon density (SOCD)
orchard with A. pintoi as green manure mulch. Different small letters mean significant
T1 difference
T2 T3
between different
in different soil layers. T1: sloping nectarine
treatments in the same soil layer at 0.05 level.
density (t ha -1))

orchard without conservation measures; T2:


b terraced nectarine orchard without conserva-

T1 T2 T3 tion measures; T3: terraced nectarine orchard
40 b a with A. pintoi as green manure mulch. Differ-
soil organic carbon density(t/hm2 )

c b b
50 b ent small letters mean significant difference
30 a between different treatments in the same soil
organic carbon

40 c layer at 0.05 level.
b a
20 a
soil organic

c b b b
30 b b b
10 a

20 a
0 b
b b b
0-20cm 20-40cm 40-60cm 60-80cm 80-100cm

Figure 4. Soil organic carbon density (SOCD) in different soil layers. T1: sloping nectarine orchard without conser-
0-20cm orchard
vation measures, T2; terraced nectarine 20-40cm 40-60cm measures;
without conservation 60-80cm 80-100cm
T3: terraced nectarine orchard
with A. pintoi as green manure mulch. Different small letters mean significant difference between different treat-
V o
ments in the same Fig.
l soil m4 eSoil
u layer 8organic
at 0.05 0
level. | carbon
I s density
s u e (SOC 5 D) |in different
O c t soil0 b layers
e r 2 0 1 5 211
T1: sloping nectarine orchard without conservation measures,T2: terraced nectarine
orchard without conservation measures, T3:terraced nectarine orchard with A.pintoi as
green manure mulch. Different small letters mean significant difference between dif-
eJHS Magazine Vol 80-6.indd 211 12-10-15 15:19
ferent treatments in the same soil layer at 0.05 level.
Wang et al. | Carbon sequestration in a nectarine orchard as affected by green manure in China

Figure 5. The value of δ13C in orchard soil un-

der different management practices. T1: slop-
-27 ing nectarine orchard without conservation
0-20 cm 20-40 cm measures; T2: terraced nectarine orchard
-26 without conservation measures; T3: terraced
nectarine orchard with A. pintoi as green
manure mulch.




T1 T2 T3

Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of orchard soil sampled in 1996.

Figure 5. The value of δ13C in orchard soil under different management practices. T1: sloping nectarine orchard
without conservation measures,T2: terraced nectarine orchard without conservation measures, T3: terraced nec-
Clay particle (%) Organic matter CEC Water soluble acid
tarine orchard with pintoi as green manure mulch. pH
>0.01 mm <0.01 mm (g kg-1) (cmol kg-1) (cmol kg-1)
0~20 cm 45.1 .
55.0 4.35 23.1 73.5 57.4
20~40 cm 42.0 58.0 4.39 20.3 61.0 51.5
Total nitrogen Total phosphorus Available nitrogen Available phosphorus Available potassium
Soil layer
(g kg-1) (g kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1)
0~20 cm 0.96 0.23 101 / 31.6
20~40 cm 0.79 0.23 92.4 / 19.6

orchard, the soil δ13C value changed. Figure 5 shows the dif- different amount of litter removed by runoffs. The lowest
ference among δ13C values for the different orchard man- proportion of grass-derived SOC (36.9%) and the highest
agement practices. Within different management practices, proportion (63.1%) of SOC derived from fruit trees and
the order of soil δ13C value was T1>T2>T3; soil δ13C values of green manure were in T3 treatment. Because no significant
T1 and T2 treatments were similar, but significantly higher differences of organic carbon from fruit litter were found
than T3 treatment. In T3 treatment, the litters were formed between T2 and T3 treatments (Figure 1), we assumed that
not only from nectarine trees but also A. pintoi with a low SOC derived from fruit trees in T3 treatment was the same
δ13C value (-29.9‰). Therefore the litter residues into soil as the amount of T2 treatment, and estimated the propor-
would show a decreasing δ13C value. We also found that the tion of green manure-derived SOC (25.22%). This result,
soil δ13C values increased with the increase of soil depth in from another point of view, indicated that conversion of
the three treatments; it may be caused by isotopic fraction- wild grasslands to orchards was not supported; however,
ation effects during decomposition process. soil organic carbon pool was stabilized by green manure
2. Fruit trees and grass contribution to SOC. Equation mulch.
(3) was used to estimate the proportion of grass-derived
and planted fruit trees and green manure derived C in Discussion
the soil surface layer. Table 2 showed that grass-derived
SOC is a very high proportion of the total SOC in T1 and Carbon storage in soil
T2 treatments, accounting for 55.3%–60.4% of the total. Carbon sequestration in soils is considered to be an
Meanwhile, there was a slight difference in SOC composi- important option for the mitigation of increasing atmo-
tion between T1 and T2 treatments; it may be caused by the spheric CO2 concentrations as a result of climate change.
Thus, management strategies to increase SOC were stud-
ied (Leinfelder, 2012; Lal and Kimble, 2000). For example,
Table 2. The composition of soil organic carbon from conservation tillage practices, such as no tillage and with
orchards under different management practices. grass coverage, increase the soil organic carbon because it
reduces disturbances from tillage and the risks of erosion,
SOC from SOC SOC from enhances organic residues into soil, and thus improves
wild from green soil carbon sequestration (Castro et al., 2008; Sainju et al.,
Treatment SOC
grassland nectarine manure 2002; Pulleman et al., 2005). Effect of green manure mulch
(g kg-1)
(g kg-1) (g kg-1) (g kg-1) and management practices in fruit orchard on soil organic
T1 14.8 8.95 5.87 – carbon storage was not very well defined. On the other
T2 17.9 9.88 7.98 – hand, plant communities, covering soil surface, contribute
to soil carbon sequestration through the deposition of leaf
T3 21.1 7.80 7.98 5.32
litter, dead root material, and rhizodeposition (Saner et al.,
G 19.5 19.5 – – 2007; Peri et al., 2012). The addition of organic residues is

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Wang et al. | Carbon sequestration in a nectarine orchard as affected by green manure in China

the only way to increase soil organic carbon levels (Fage- SOC derived from fruit trees and green manure
ria, 2007). The green manure mulch was expected to have SOC originates from the litter of aboveground vegeta-
a significant positive influence on soil carbon sequestra- tion, so the litter from these vegetation species may affect
tion. In this study, the result was also positive. Compared soil δ13C variation (Hobbie et al., 2002). Fruit trees and A.
to the sloping and terraced nectarine orchards without pintoi as green manure had low δ13C value, input of organic
conservation measures, the SOC content and SOCD in the matters from dead root material, litters and root exudates
terraced nectarine orchard with A. pintoi mulch increased of them into soil had decreased leading to the decrease in
from 4.75% to 27.0% and from 0.42% to 4.13%, respec- 13C composition in the soil surface layer. Soil organic car-

tively. This result coincides with those published by Mar- bon from previous plant communities will gradually decay
quez-Garcia et al. (2013), who observed that organic car- out of the SOC pool and be replaced by new C derived from
bon of 0–25 cm soil layer in olive orchard with crop cover the subsequent plant communities. In this study we used
increased by 38.1% with respect to conventional tillage. stable isotopes (δ13C) to evaluate the impact of conversion
However, the result reported by Wilson et al. (2010) indi- from grasslands to nectarine orchard with different man-
cated that soil organic carbon was stable in the upper soil agement practices on SOC dynamics. We found that in 0–20
profile for two years after planting two cover crops species cm soil layer of nectarine orchards without green manure
(Trifolium repens and Medicago sativa). The effect of green mulch converted from original grassland, 55.3%–60.4% of
manure on soil organic carbon content is highly related to total C was derived from grassland soils after 13 years, sug-
the amount and only weakly to the type of residue applied gesting a relatively slow turnover rate of SOC. However, the
(Fageria, 2007). The reason for this discrepancy could turnover rate of SOC under nectarine orchard with green
be related to a longer period in our case (13 years resp. 2 manure mulch was slightly faster than those in nectarine
years); in our study long-term application of green manure orchards without green manure, with SOC derived from
const ituted the larger C sink. fruit tree being 37.8% total C, and from green manure being
25.2%. These results demonstrated that orchard green ma-
Carbon storage of orchard ecosystem nure mulch management could rapidly sequester SOC into
At present, research activities on the role of orchard long-term storage pools in subtropical China. Some studies
ecosystems in sequestering atmospheric CO2 remain have also found that orchard sod cultivation had the poten-
scarce. Unlike annual crops, orchards for fruit production tial to increase soil C stocks (Liu et al., 2013; Weng et al.,
are able to sequester C for a lifetime period of at least 20–25 2013). In fact, soil carbon sequestration was affected not
consecutive years (Liguori et al., 2009). This study proved only by management, but also by soil and climatic condi-
that nectarine orchard ecosystems had a high potential tions (Nieder et al., 2003). Further studies of this type could
for carbon sequestration. Carbon storage of nectarine tree provide useful information about the relative importance
was from 13.0 to 14.7 t C ha-1, being equivalent to 35% of the and effects of green manure on soil carbon sequestration
mean carbon density of forest vegetation in China (Fang et in a wide range of soil types, climates and species that may
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Received: Sep. 16, 2014

Accepted: Jun. 23, 2015

Addresses of authors:
Y.X. Wang*, B.Q. Weng, J. Ye, Z.M. Zhong and Y.B. Huang
Institute of Agricultural Ecology, Fujian Academy of Agri-
cultural Sciences, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, 350003, China
* Corresponding author; E-mail:
Tel.: (011886) 591-83838017 (Office)

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