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Field: Language and Subject: English Reading 7 Level: III Class: 7-A, 7-F
communication 1st Trimester/ Topic 12
Lesson topic: 12: Chp.4: Pondicherry lodge Learning Situation: The motive of a murder

Learning outcomes of competencies according to Key words:

teaching topic:
poisoned, tar, enormous, crouch down, space,
 L2. Know the order of events in chapter 4 examine, suggest, and expect
 L3. Ask questions for details from the story
 L4. Use words from the text to write their own

Resources: Reading book, TV, Ipads Relationship with other fields or cross-
curricular topics: Language, Literature

Methodology and student activities: Brainstorming, interactive work, mind map, questions and answers,
Listening/Pair work
Organization of the lesson:
Warm up
 Play a game on Kahoot.
Questions included:
1-What happens in the cab on the way to Norwood?
2- Why does Thaddeus Sholto run out of Pondicherry Lodge?
3- What does Holmes see through the keyhole of Bartholomew Sholto’s room?
4- Who came into the room through the window?
5- How did this person’s friend came into the room?

 Ask students to put the course of events in order.
Look at the sentences given and put them in order
 Ask them to share their questions once again on the board or open padlet. Discuss thoroughly
their questions.
 At this stage everyone must be able to answer questions from the story.
 With words such as: poisoned, tar, enormous, crouch down, space, examine, suggest, and expect
ask them to write sentences from the story.
 Guess what
What happens in the next chapter? Tick three boxes.
Student evaluation :
 L2. Know the order of events in chapter 4
 L3. Ask questions for details from the story
L4. Use words from the text to write their own sentences.
Homeworks and freelance work: Summary of chapter 4

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