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Crafting a thesis on Intellectual Property (IP) can be an arduous task, demanding significant time,

effort, and expertise. As one delves into the complex world of IP law, regulations, and precedents,
the process can quickly become overwhelming. From conducting extensive research to formulating
original arguments and adhering to strict academic standards, the challenges are numerous.

One of the primary difficulties in writing an Intellectual Property thesis lies in navigating the vast
and ever-evolving landscape of IP rights. With laws and regulations constantly being updated and
interpreted, staying current with the latest developments is crucial. Additionally, the interdisciplinary
nature of IP, which encompasses aspects of law, technology, economics, and ethics, further
complicates the task.

Furthermore, crafting a thesis requires a deep understanding of theoretical frameworks and

methodologies relevant to the field of Intellectual Property. Analyzing case studies, conducting
empirical research, and synthesizing complex information are essential components of producing a
high-quality thesis.

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Despite the private connotation of such relationships, a celebrity may reasonably expect their
intimate relationships to be known as well as the parts of their private life which they willingly share
with the press. Patents allow young businesses, new in the market, to get protection over their newly
introduced products in the market and keeps off the larger businesses from intervening through the
creation of legal monopoly. A two year time limit is imposed from the grant on when entitlement
issues may be introduced into validity proceedings. Even justification of rights is related to merit and
labor, the government should take a step forward to prevent people’s intellectual property. After this
the rescission period of trademarks was discussed with reference to relevant case law. There are
other ethical issues that include skewed adherence to law in different states. Step III. Analyzing the
ethicality of alternatives in Step II. A. Based on the situations in your case: 1. Who, if anyone, could
be or has been harmed? The artist. Traklight Webinar with Shane Olafson and Kyle Siegal on Patent
Dos and Don'ts. It is a valid criticism that very often the artists are not as possessive of their works
as the companies who are their agents or publishers. However, the application of the law is going to
be problematic at best because it is only commonsense not to consider Clinker and Loge as
competitors because the law states that competitors cannot have the right to copy each others' colors
and logos as it will cause them to eat away brand image and market share. The market will be glutted
with look-alikes and knock-offs and eventually, many will lose the desire and the drive for
creativity, not only because they can just easily copy from the designs of others, but also because
they would feel the frustration of having their work stolen without the law granting them relief of
action against thieves. The most common kinds of intellectual property include trademarks,
copyrights, industrial design rights, patents, and trade enigmas in some jurisdictions. The advent of
new technology has indeed threatened the concept of ownership with in property rights in terms of
intangible property.The digital age seems to have compromised the concept of copyright material and
has had negative outcomes for the publishing, music and the computer industries. Taco Cabana
brought an action for trade dress infringement and was granted relief by the trial court, a decision
upheld by the Court of Appeals. Boston College Law School February 26, 2007 Patent -
Nonobviousness. Patents and intellectual property patent disclosure. In all other situations,
employees' inventions belong to the employees.31 Thus while protecting the employees interests
from an unfair hijacking of his rights the court or the relevant tribunal will look at s.39(1), where two
different situations where the invention belongs to the employer are to be distinguished. Nagesh Rao
Mining IP Value Mining IP Value arush Patent search Patent search Altacit Global Trademark Vs
Patent Law Essay Trademark Vs Patent Law Essay Patty Joseph IP And Licensing What You Need
To Know About Trademarks, Patents And Licens. Regardless f the type f property, international law
does not create Intellectual Property, it only sets down guidelines for its uniform definition and
protection. Trademark makes products and services more reliable, brings about innovations, and
improves business performance. Discovery of something or some process that others have not
discovered. A trade mark may, in particular, consist of words (including personal names), designs,
letters, numerals or the shape of goods or their packaging. It may be possible for Lisa to get an
injunction prohibiting the publication of the book proposed by Jayson, if she can prove a substantial
infringement to her privacy would occur. The absorption of an IP system is explored via two aspects:
one imperative aspect is the evolution of IP system from the perspective of enforcement (Chapter 3);
and the other is how the IP system from the state level involved has impacted on the Chinese
business players (Chapter 4). On the basis of the requirements for breach of confidence, it is clear that
this information was imparted in a relationship where Lisa could reasonably expect a degree of
privacy and could suffer actual loss as a result of the publication of this information. It was not
possible to achieve any large scale infringement of copyrighted material as it is today from the
comfort of our homes on the internet. OCEAN and starting her own salon, the issue of trademark
infringement arises. Intellectual property aims at protecting other people’s properties through
introducing rules and regulations related to internet and technology. Coco v Clark established that
there can be such a breach of confidence despite the lack of contractual obligation between parties.
The mark in contention here is the trade dress of Samara and under the Lanham Act the burden of
proof is upon the person claiming protection that the trade dress is not functional and is likely to
cause confusion with the product of the claimant.
Patent Strategies Like Evergreening Differently Impact The. Unlike product packaging, for example,
public predisposition to take product design as source identifier is highly unlikely. In doing so, this
research paper focuses on the concept of originality and its definitional and conceptual paradoxes.
The government has the responsibility to ensure that acquiring of these rights takes the shortest time
possible to prevent other countries and individuals from stealing others’ ideas. As was decided in the
case of General Tyre and Rubber Co v. The government has puts up policies to help in the protection
of the intellectual property which every entrepreneur must follow. This will set precedence for future
assignments in the region and affect the reputation of the programmer. The mark in contention here is
the trade dress of Samara and under the Lanham Act the burden of proof is upon the person claiming
protection that the trade dress is not functional and is likely to cause confusion with the product of
the claimant. However, the application of the law is going to be problematic at best because it is only
commonsense not to consider Clinker and Loge as competitors because the law states that
competitors cannot have the right to copy each others' colors and logos as it will cause them to eat
away brand image and market share. An important example of this is the peer-to-peer file sharing
system of copyrighted music. Most people argue that the intellectual works on the basis of restricted
access, but intellectual works are consumed by their use and many people are capable of using them
concurrently. The speaker says that the shadow of an invisible Power floats among human beings,
occasionally visiting human hearts—manifested in summer winds, or moonbeams, or the memory of
music, or anything. Outline: Part I: Introduction: This part of the paper defines the conceptual
problems posed by the originality concepts of copyright law. Considering that A.OCEAN and
P.OCEAN operate on opposite ends of the country, there may be no basis for a claim that there was
misrepresentation and a likelihood of confusion leading to damages. These potential legal issues stem
from a number of common law and legislative provisions and will be dealt with separately in terms
of the relevant law that they relate to. He should stick to the prevailing and acceptable ethical code
of conduct and avoid reproduction of the copies. Waldron (ed.), Theories ofRights, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, U.K., 1984. Under s5(2) of the Act, the registrar will not allow registration
of a mark that is the same or similar to an earlier mark as a relative ground of refusal as there may be
likelihood of deception of confusion. Many upcoming companies have tried to come up with similar
trademarks in order to market their products, and the state government should provide for penalties
to any business using other people’s trademark.. For example, Sony Company producing quality
electronics with the “SONY” Trademark on the gadget. Legal: The law is clear that invading the
intellectual property is punishable by imprisonment or fine Potential or resulting harm:Violation of
such IPR is retrogressive to the society at large. B. List the stakeholders involved. The SC focused its
discussion on the distinctiveness of the trade dress as a pre-requisite of protection considering that
Samara’s trade dress is unregistered. OCEAN”, “RETURN TO THE OCEAN”, the dolphin shaped
container, the distinct colour scheme, and the smell diffused on opening the bottle. OCEAN” and the
name of the nail varnish “RETURN TO THE OCEAN”. However, the application of the law is going
to be problematic at best because it is only commonsense not to consider Clinker and Loge as
competitors because the law states that competitors cannot have the right to copy each others' colors
and logos as it will cause them to eat away brand image and market share. When someone comes up
with an idea, a new invention or an expression, the law protects other people from making use of
such ideas without permission from the owner. Moreover, the Court also delved into the question of
the functionality doctrine as applied to color and held that this cannot serve to bar color from being
considered a trademark because color does not always serve as an important role in the desirability
of the product. This step improved the mode of doing things, but it created an avenue for people to
misuse the intellectual property that led to the introduction and implementation of cyber law to
regulate and govern these activities (Kumar 111). The imparting of the information must be in
circumstances where the confidant ought reasonably to have known that the information was
confidential. Q4 The SC holding in the Wal-Mart case is narrow because it identified product design
trade dress as particularly not susceptible of being inherently distinctive, without providing any legal
or substantial support for this statement. Intellectual property is one of the core businesses in the
World Trade Organisation (WTO), in which one of the WTO's founding elements with regards to
intellectual property is the Trade-Related Aspects of intellectual property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement.
The court noted that this is problematic in the case of celebrities as their private life is something
which is generally in the public domain already. It is however likely that she would be able to prevent
the publication of the details of her business plan in this book, as these are detrimental to her
business interests, over and above any personal reputational damage that may occur. Conclusion The
maintenance of the intellectual property rules and regulations is an important step that a government
should take to ensure that its properties have good security and the organizations gain competitive
advantages. The second step is in establishing a balance between the Article 10 right to freedom of
expression and the claimant’s right to privacy which necessitates an inquiry into public interest.
Patents are of different types depending on the subject matter in which they are based on. These
potential legal issues stem from a number of common law and legislative provisions and will be dealt
with separately in terms of the relevant law that they relate to. Violation of intellectual property rules
leads to some industries having similar trademarks, or patents. Domain Name System. ICANN.
ICANN. ICANN. ICANN. ICANN. Registrars. Countries. Intellectual Property Rights of Graduate
Research Students Policy. There ought to have been clear rules and regulations on their contractual
agreement with emphasis on ethical code of conduct. Trade Secret. Sources of law Uniform Trade
Secrets Act Restatement (Third) of Unfair Competition Economic Espionage Act (Federal) Elements
of misappropriation claim (1) Info must be a trade secret. Arguably therefore the information does
possess the requisite quality of confidence. In addition to this factor, the fact that Lisa’s salon trades
in London whilst Emma’s is in Scotland may indicate that there is no likelihood of confusion because
of the fact that they trade in vastly different geographical areas. Background of the research
Arguments for intellectual property have taken many forms because the high rate of technological
advancement makes people introduce new ways of misconduct. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. There is no indication on the facts that the information published in the magazine
was false and therefore Lisa does not have a claim for defamation, despite the potential damage to
her reputation. The manuscript concludes: Even though external pressures played an undeniable role
during Chinese IP development, which can chase back to the 19th Century, China has been
constantly advancing its IP system and its implementation mainly because of its internal and
developmental needs since 1949 (Chapter 5). This research paper seeks to identify the practical
difficulties created by the requirement of originality in copyright protection. On the contrary, the SC
rationalized its decisions on three reasons that are extraneous to the Lanham Act: non-predisposition
of consumers to regard designs as source-identifier; opening the floodgate for anti-competitive suits,
and; product design is different from product packaging, which is capable of being inherently
distinctive. Explaining the results of your study couldn’t be easier. This area is governed by the
Patents Act 1997 and a host of case law which essentially represents the struggle between the courts
and the inventors and thirdparties to retain their property rights the relevant case law. Despite the
private connotation of such relationships, a celebrity may reasonably expect their intimate
relationships to be known as well as the parts of their private life which they willingly share with the
press. After defining trademarks, the relevant trademark law was addressed. Potential trademarks
therefore may exist over the name of the salon “A. This decision was not upheld by the SC on the
ground that trademark is a broad term that comprises anything capable of giving meaning, according
to the s 1127 of the USC Code, such as color. As a result, intellectual property law is gaining
popularity in business today. Its stated purpose was to address the widespread global inconsistencies
in the protection of intellectual property rights. Another company comes up with the name resembling
that of the Sony Company “SQNY”. OCEAN”, “RETURN TO THE OCEAN”, the dolphin shaped
container, the distinct colour scheme, and the smell diffused on opening the bottle. Ms Zhao
approached her subject from the perspective of (IP), with a special focus on the People’s Republic of
China since 1949.
Ethical: Its violation kills the spirit of innovation and is significantly unethical. Lord Hoffman stated
in obiter that romantic or sexual relationships of public figures or celebrities are not necessarily
subject to the same privacy considerations as ordinary persons due to the commonplace of this
information in everyday life. The advent of the photocopier, followed subsequently by, home audio
recording, video recording, and finally the Personal Computer (PC) allowed digitised and rapid
copying. To learn about 1 element (of 3) that a Plaintiff must prove to establish a trade secret claim
under state trade secrets laws. In a similar vein the WIPO Copyright treaty deals with the protection
of rights of authors - literary, social, cultural etc as effectively as possible and to provide solutions to
issues that may arise due to social, cultural technological developments. This intellectual property
covers essentially everything from scientific inventions to the names of characters in literature.
Conclusion The maintenance of the intellectual property rules and regulations is an important step
that a government should take to ensure that its properties have good security and the organizations
gain competitive advantages. Patent Strategies Like Evergreening Differently Impact The. OCEAN
and P. OCEAN that if the mark was registered, the infringement would be according to 10(2)(b). It
is however likely that she would be able to prevent the publication of the details of her business plan
in this book, as these are detrimental to her business interests, over and above any personal
reputational damage that may occur. The copyright infringer who can actually damage the industry is
always a specialist and not a lay person. For example students studying cryptography have often
complained that because of copyright laws they are unable to study the intricacies of certain
softwares.25It has to been seen that most of the copyright infringements are not for profit. Taco
Cabana brought an action for trade dress infringement and was granted relief by the trial court, a
decision upheld by the Court of Appeals. With regards to the publication of her personal information
by GOSSIP, unless the information that Jayson sold the magazine is false, there is no claim for
defamation. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. The conflict in this case originated when Wal-Mart contracted one of its supplier,
Judy-Philippine, Inc, or JPI to manufacture for it a children’s clothing line similar to that being sold
by Samara Brothers, Inc. Unlike product packaging, for example, public predisposition to take
product design as source identifier is highly unlikely. On the other hand, some organizations want the
government to abolish the issue of intellectual property because it makes some big companies take
advantage of emerging industries. The reporter underlines that in 2006, cosmetics and perfume
manufacturing giant L'Oreal group filed a case against Bellure NV and several other companies for
trademark infringement, passing off and unfair competition. Part One Copyrights in England is
administered under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act whereby section 1(1) describes a
copyright as a property right which subsists in accordance with the relevant part of the Act. Caplan's
point is that when you share your intellectual ideas, you want people to be informed, changed, and
guided by them. Software giants like Real Networks, are promoting the use of copyright music over
the internet. Moreover, the Court also delved into the question of the functionality doctrine as
applied to color and held that this cannot serve to bar color from being considered a trademark
because color does not always serve as an important role in the desirability of the product. Q2 Yes, in
both the aforecited cases, the provisions of the Lanham Act significantly played a vital role in the
decisions of the SC. The first step is to show that there is a reasonable expectation of privacy,
arguably mirroring the first requirement of breach of confidence. Report this Document Download
now Save Save LLM THESIS. With the extensive advertising campaign that was undertaken by
Lisa, it stands to reason that the requisite goodwill and reputation was established. Lanham Act 1976
A word, symbol, or phrase, used to identify a particular manufacturer or seller’s products and
distinguish them from the products of another. In England The Copyright Designs and Patents Act
1988 gives protection to books, films, videos, plays, music and drawings, all of which can make it
onto the internet in some form or another. This speaks to the likelihood of confusion that may be
associated with the mark as considering that the section of the public likely to be confused is not a
shared market.
Earlier, several conventions on Intellectual Property rights had been held, but the forming of the
WIPO was the most important development with regard to Intellectual Property till the middle of
the 20th century. In this case the judges, Sachs, Buckley and Orr LJJ, overruled the earlier claim of
the patentee by stating that. Firestone Ltd.27, in which case it became necessary to establish the 'test
of novelty' before the patent could be granted. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic.
Patents and intellectual property patent disclosure. Domain Name System. ICANN. ICANN.
ICANN. ICANN. ICANN. Registrars. Countries. IP And Licensing What You Need To Know
About Trademarks, Patents And Licens. Every person has the right over the ideas created and holds
the responsibility to get all the benefits, which come because of that achievement and have the
mandate to dictate who uses the idea for business purposes. Moreover, to treat it as inherently
distinctive is not good for consumers who will then be deprived of the gains derived from aesthetic
and utilitarian competition. If, because of the reworking done, the identity of the final product is
lost, the new registration to be availed of, and with the original patent's consideration, the new patent
is secured. A business may not benefit when obtaining patent protection for an invention that will
likely have only an immediate and short market lifetime Difficulty of implementation Keep in mind
that there are barriers to entry other than patentability Detectable usage It is hard to police what you
can’t see Ease of avoidance Don’t overlook the contribution of 1 patent to a portfolio, however
Royalty foundation An nice cream novelty stick comprised of artificial boohoo wood. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. As was decided in the case of
General Tyre and Rubber Co v. Despite this however, Article 8 of the ECHR as imported into
domestic law by the Human Rights Act 1998 does provide a legal basis for the protection of the right
to privacy with regards to confidential information. Tests Substantially same function, way, result
Insubstantial differences Evidence Circumstances, purpose, prior art Would PHOSITA have viewed
interchangeable? Details. The law of confidentiality arguably applies in this situation because of the
use of information gathered at A.OCEAN salon which was then used by Emma in P.OCEAN. This is
specifically with regards to workplace confidentiality that may exist in the use of client records for
the development of the training programme. Examples of “success” 32. 33. 34. Start with a Plan 35.
36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. “ All About Intellectual Property”
Thomas F. However, it cannot be assumed that it was a smooth walk through as they face several
Intellectual Property Project Selling of musical products by both the composers and the Intellectual
Property has been regarded as a business that is on the rise and this is attributed to the fact that the
current levels of employment are very low. Whereas the aim of this essay is to draw upon examples
from all times of IP rights and infringements. Accordingly, the Court ruled that it is inappropriate to
impose upon inherently distinctive trade dress the requirement of secondary meaning on the
following grounds: there is no rationale for enforcing additional requirements on trade dress because
protection for both trademark and trade dress under the Lanham Act serves the same purpose of
preventing both unfair competition and fraudulence; the provision on trade dress in the Lanham Act,
viz. Organizations store crucial information that enable them carry out their business plans without
crashing into one another’s plans. The court noted that this is problematic in the case of celebrities as
their private life is something which is generally in the public domain already. Intellectual Property
Copyrights Patents Trademarks Trade Dress Trade Secrets. U.S. Constitution Addresses Intellectual
Property. Moreover the arrest of Russian programmer Dmitry Sklyarov in 2001, for the alleged
infringement of the DMCA, was a highly publicized example of the US law's use to prevent or
penalize development of anti-DRM measures. 24 Despite the obvious legality of copyright enforcing
technological measures and the noble aim of the laws to protect the property of people,what should
be avoided is the draconian transformation of the law. Unlike product packaging, for example, public
predisposition to take product design as source identifier is highly unlikely. One of the commonest
methods of copyright protection is through displaying a copyright notice on the product to make the
user know the good protection by the copyright law, gives the producer, and the first time of
publication. Taco Cabana brought an action for trade dress infringement and was granted relief by
the trial court, a decision upheld by the Court of Appeals. It was not possible to achieve any large
scale infringement of copyrighted material as it is today from the comfort of our homes on the
internet. Report this Document Download now Save Save LLM THESIS. Explaining the results of
your study couldn’t be easier.
Causes of action Likelihood of confusion Dilution Cyber-squatting False Advertising. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. The idea that discoveries and inventions are the
property of the probably goes back to the 18th century. This will set precedence for future
assignments in the region and affect the reputation of the programmer. We use cookies to create the
best experience for you. Earlier, several conventions on Intellectual Property rights had been held,
but the forming of the WIPO was the most important development with regard to Intellectual
Property till the middle of the 20th century. Trade Secret Protection The trade secret protection law
helps in the protection of the business’s secrets concerning the strategies used in order to compete in
the market. Additionally, the presence of the competing nail varnish product “GO BACK TO THE
OCEAN” may prove as a reason for the rejection of the trademark application. Report this
Document Download now Save Save Intellectual Property and Electronic Theses. The SC focused
its discussion on the distinctiveness of the trade dress as a pre-requisite of protection considering that
Samara’s trade dress is unregistered. Thus, it asserts that distinctiveness may be determined in either
of the two ways: inherent distinctiveness as exemplified by “Camel” cigarettes, “Kodak” film and
“Tide” laundry detergent, and; acquired distinctiveness, a state that a product has reached when it
has developed a secondary meaning in the minds of the public after years of use as to the source of
the product rather than the good itself. Cases discussed are: University of London Press, Ltd. It may
be possible for Lisa to get an injunction prohibiting the publication of the book proposed by Jayson,
if she can prove a substantial infringement to her privacy would occur. More significantly, the SC
ruled that acquisition of secondary meaning of a trade dress is not necessary in cases where the trade
dress is inherently distinctive. Arguably therefore the information does possess the requisite quality
of confidence. In addition, economists have introduced economies of intellectual property that
provides the basic requirements for an industry enter into the world of economies today (Lemley
1031). On an international level the Berne Convention in 1887 defined the scope of copyright
protection and is still an important part of international intellectual property law.19. Moreover the
arrest of Russian programmer Dmitry Sklyarov in 2001, for the alleged infringement of the DMCA,
was a highly publicized example of the US law's use to prevent or penalize development of anti-
DRM measures. 24 Despite the obvious legality of copyright enforcing technological measures and
the noble aim of the laws to protect the property of people,what should be avoided is the draconian
transformation of the law. China’s adjustments of the IP policies are ultimately determined by the
overall objectives for catching up and building an innovative country. Although color is not
inherently distinctive, the SC asserted that it could acquire secondary meaning from frequent use
over a long period of time that such color could represent, in the public mind, the identity of the
source of the product rather than the product itself. After this the rescission period of trademarks was
discussed with reference to relevant case law. Trademarks or Service Marks Copyrights Patents
Trade Secrets. Copyrights help in protecting the original expression of someone or an organization
fixed in a tangible form. To advance physical and intellectual competence it is essential. The law
offers a degree of protection for the intellectual property and capacity of authors, in this particular
discussion musicians and those involved in the music business, there are fundamental problems and
issues raised upon close examination of the said law. Intellectual Property 101 - A Basic Guide to
Understanding IP. Considering that A.OCEAN and P.OCEAN operate on opposite ends of the
country, there may be no basis for a claim that there was misrepresentation and a likelihood of
confusion leading to damages. Ron Buchanan, Ph.D., CHP Consultant for OSU’s Office of
Intellectual Property Management. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as
your own, that is cheating. Also you. Since the invention of internet, communication between
individuals improved through the cyber space.

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