14.2 Phrases and Clauses of Purpose (OFFIFICIAL)

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I – Pre - Intermediate
Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.
1. __________ the plot of the film was poor, I really loved the music.
A. In spite of
B. Despite
C. Although
D. So that
2. I'm taking conversation classes __________ I can speak more fluently with my English
A. so as to
B. so that
C. despite
D. in spite of
3. He played the final match __________ his knee was hurting.
A. even though
B. so as to
C. so that
D. despite
4. __________ being able to swim very well, I managed to reach the shore.
A. In spite of not
B. To not
C. In order not to
D. So as not to
5. The company created new procedures __________ improve customer service.
A. in order to
B. in spite of
C. even though
D. so that
6. I didn't tell her that I had seen her boyfriend with another girl __________ hurt her.
A. so as not to
B. so as to not
C. for not
D. not to
7. She went to the supermarket __________ some things she didn't have.
A. to
B. although
C. so that
D. for
8. I found the fantasy game very difficult _________ considering myself a very imaginative
A. in spite
B. so as to
C. even though
D. despite
9. He bought a very expensive home cinema _________ improve the quality of the TV.
A. so as to
B. for
C. even though
D. so that
10. My grandparents are very active _________ the fact that they are 80 years old.
A. for
B. although
C. so as to
D. in spite of

Exercise 2. Choose the best answer:

1. Peter studies hard __________pass the exam.

A. less B. so that C. to D. in order that
2. A small fish needs camouflage to hide itself __________its enemies cannot find it.
A. so that B. because C. therefore D. due to
3. He felt ill, __________he went to bed early.
A. and B. because C. or D. so
4. He decided to join the English speaking club__________improve his English.
A. so that B. so to C. in order D. to
5. She worked hard __________everything could be ready by 6 o’clock.
A. that B. for C. in order that D. so as to
6. He gave me his address __________me to visit him.
A. so that B. in order for C. in order to D. to
7. She got up early__________miss the buss.
A. in order that B. so that C. so as not to D. in order to
8. Mr. Bean is learning Japanese__________live in Japan.
A. so that not B. so as to C. in order not to D. so as not to
9. They hurried __________catch the bus.
A. so that to B. so as not to C. in order that D. in order to
10. We learn English __________we can have better communication with other people.
A. so that B. in order for C. in order to D. for
11. I made a big cake __________him to eat.
A. in order for B. in order to C. so as to D. let

Exercise 3. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. The school boys are in a hurry not to/ in order not miss their school bus.
2. They were talking in whispers so that/ so as nobody could hear them.
3. My mother needs a tin opener to open/ for opening the bottles.
4. Advice is given in order that/ in order to students can choose the best course.
5. You may put your money in a small coin bank so that/ in order to keep it safe.
6. We wrote Katie’s name on the calendar so as not to/ so that not forget her birthday.
7. She stayed at work late in order to/ so that she could complete the report.
8. I need some new clothes. I haven’t got anything nice to wear/ in order to wear.
9. They new paint is excellent to cover/ for covering walls with cracks in.
10. Trees are being planted by the roadside so as to reduce/ in order that reducing traffic noise.
Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer.

1. He left home early _________ he could arrive at the station on time.

A. because of B. in order to C. although D. so that
2. He works hard_________ help his family.
A. so as that B. in order to C. in order that D. A and B are correct
3. She turned down the radio so that she wouldn’t disturb the neighbors.
A. She turned down the radio so as not to disturb the neighbors.
B. She turned down the radio in order not to disturb the neighbors.
C. She turned down the radio in order that she wouldn’t disturb the neighbors.
D. All are correct.
4. He gave me his address. He wanted me to visit him.
A. He gave me his address so as to visit him.
B. He gave me his address for me in order to visit him.
C. He gave me his address in order for me to visit him.
D. He gave me his address in order to for me visit him.
5. He studies hard. He doesn’t want to fail in the exam.
He studies hard _________fail in the exam.
A. not to B. so as not to C. in order to D. so that
6. Mary jogs everyday ________ lose weight.
A. so she can B. so that she can C. because she can D. so that to
7. You should look up the meaning of the new in the dictionary _______ misuse it
A. so as to B. to C. so as not to D. so that
8. He lighted the candle ________ he might read the note.
A. so that B. and C. because D. as a result
9. He turned off the lights before going out _______ waste electricity.
A. so that not B. as not to C. in order that not D. so as not to

II – Intermediate

Exercise 1. Choose the best answer for the following sentences:

1. I moved to the front of the room _______ I could see better.

A. so as to B. in order to C. to D. so that
2. The boy tiptoed into the room _______ wake everybody up.
A. so as to B. in order that C. so as not to D. in order to
3. He turned out the light ________ waste electricity.
A. not B. without C. so that not D. in order not to
4. I am lighting the fire so that the house _______ be warm when they return.
A. would B. wouldn’t C. will D. won’t
5. Mary worked hard _______ pass the examination.
A. as so to B. so as to C. so that to D. in order not to
6. She is taking science course at school ______ order to choose science for her profession.
A. so B. on C. in D. at
7. She weighed herself _______ know the pull of the earth exerting on her.
A. for B. so that B. in order D. to
8. He hurried so that he ________ miss the train.
A. won’t B. doesn’t C. didn’t D. wouldn’t
9. He does morning exercises regularly _______ to improve his health.
A. not B. without C. so that not D. in order
10. Mary took her brother to school for him ________ English.
A. to learn B. learning C. learns D. learned
11. “I spoke slowly. The foreigner could understand me”. Means
A. I spoke slowly so that the foreigner could understand me
B. I spoke slowly in order to the foreigner could understand me.
C. I spoke slowly that the foreigner could understand me
D. I spoke slowly to make the foreigner could understand me
12. He had to explain the lesson very clearly__________
A. a. in order that his student to understand it
B. so that his students could understand it
C. so as his students to understand it
D. so that his students to understand it
13. He studies very hard ____________________
A. in order not to fail the examination
B. so that to get knowledge
C. so as not to pass examination
D. in order that he could be illiterate
14. We have to start early____________________we won’t be late
A. so that B. so as to C. because D. although
15. They were talking in whispers__________nobody could hear them.
A. in order to B. so that C. in order that D. b and c arte correct
16. He hurried to the station . He didn’t want to miss the train
A. he hurried to the station so that he couldn’t miss the train
B. he hurried to the station in order that he couldn’t miss the train
C. he hurried to the station not to miss the train
D. all are correct
17. She went to the library in order that she could borrow some books
A. She went to the library so as to borrow some books
B. She went to the library that she could borrow some books
C. She went to the library so that she could borrow some books
D. all are correct
18. The schoolboys are in hurry__________they will not be late for school
A. so as to B. to C. in order that D. for
19. We set off early__________we wouldn’t get stuck in the traffic
A. although B. so that C. because D. in case
20. I shouted in order that I could warn everybody of danger.
A. I shouted to warn everybody of danger
B. I shouted so as to warn everybody of danger
C. I shouted so that to warn everybody of danger
D. a and b are correct

Exercise 2. Fill in the blank with a suitable word to form clauses and phrases of purpose.

1. We came in quietly so _______________not to wake the baby.

2. He tries hard practicing tennis _______________ beat me once.
3. We are working overtime _______________ we can make profit.
4. She often eats fish _______________to control her cholesterol level.
5. I often go to work early _______________avoid traffic jam.
6. She opened her window so _______________she could hear the birds singing.
7. I got there early in _______________ get a good seat.
8. He flew to Geneva _______________take part in a job interview.
9. The government encourages people to use public transport _______________reduce air
10. They built the dam far away from the village _______________damage the environment.

Exercise 3. Combine these sentences using so that/in order that/ in order to/ so as to/ to
1. The boys stood on the desks. They wanted to get a better view.
2. We learn English. We want to have better communication with other people.
3. We lower the volume. We don't want to bother our neighbours.
4. I will write to you. I want you to know my decision soon.
5. These girls were talking whispers. They didn't want anyone to hear their conversation.
6. I spoke loudly. I wanted everybody could hear me clearly.
7. Mary often goes home as soon as the class is over. She doesn't want her mother to wait for her.
8. Tom gets up early. He doesn't want to be late for school.
9. I’m studying hard. I want to keep pace with my classmates.
10. Alice prepares her lessons carefully. She wants to get high marks in class.
11. Please shut the door. I don’t want the dog to go out of the house.
12. I wish to have enough money. I want to buy a new house.
13. You should walk slowly. Your sister can follow you.
14. They did their job well. They hoped the boss would increase their salary.
15. We turned on the lights. We didn’t want to waste electricity.
16. We lower the volume of the radio. We don’t want to bother our neighbours.
17. The robber changed his address all the time. He didn’t want the police to find him.
18. The man spoke loudly. He wanted everybody to hear him clearly.

Exercise 4. Change the following phrases into clauses of purpose using so that.in order that

1. We hurried to school so as not to be late.

2. He climbed the tree in order to get a better view.
3. Some young people like to earn their own living in order to be independent of their parents.
4. We should do morning exercises so as to improve our health.
5. We should take advantage of the scientific achievements of the world so as to develop our
national economy.
6. Every people in the world must unite their efforts to maintain and protect peace.
7. She put on warm clothes so as not to catch cold.
8. He hurried to the station so as not to miss the train.
9. She locked the door in order not to be disturbed.
10. I tried to be on time so as not to make our teacher sad.

Exercise 5. Change the following clauses into phrases of purpose using in order to. so as to.

1. People use money so that they can buy things they need. (in order to)
2. Banks are developed so that they can keep people’s money safe. (in order to)
3. I need to buy some laundry detergent so that I will wash my clothes. (in order to)
4. I came to this school so that I could learn English better. (in order to)
5. Tom was playing very softly so that he wouldn’t disturb anyone. (in order not to)
6. They rushed into the burning house so that they could save the child. (in order to)
7. Lan often attends English Speaking Club to practice speaking English. (so as to )
8. He stood on the chair to see better. (in order to)
9. Please shut the gate for the cows not to get out of the cowshed. (in order to )
10. The boy tiptoed into the room not to wake every body up. (so as to)
11. Mr. Brown is going to the bank to borrow some money. (so that )
12. Alice borrowed an eraser to erase a mistake in his composition. (so that )
13. I moved to the front of the room so as to see better. (so that )
14. He gave her the key for her to open the door. (so that )
15. Mary took her brother to school for him to learn English. (so that )
16. Please arrive early for us to start the meeting on time. (so that )
17. He wrote to David of his interest in science to ask for work. (so that )
18. Kathy built a high wall round her garden for the fruits not to be stolen. (so that )
19. People use credit and debit cards so that they can shop online safely. (in order to)
20. TV dinner are often frozen in order to be easy to prepare quickly. (so as to)
21. She changed the subject .She didn't want us to know about her problem. (so that)
22. Jhon phoned Sara .He wanted her to come to his birthday party. (so that)
23. James works overtime .He wants to improve his situation. (so as to)
24. Betty took a taxi yesterday .She didn't want to be late. (so as not to)
25. The teacher worked on his lesson plans .He wanted to be ready. (in order to)

Exercise 6. Combine the ideas using so that, in order that, to, so, so as to.

1. Maria wanted to watch the news. She turned on the TV.

2. Nancy is carrying extra courses every semester. She wants to graduate early.
3. Edward took some change from his pocket. He wanted to buy a newspaper.
4. I wanted to listen to the news while I was making dinner. I turned on the TV.
5. I unplugged the phone. I didn’t want to be interrupted while I was working.
6. The boys stood on the benches. They want to get a better view.
7. They did their jobs well. They hope the boss would increase their salary.
8. We turned out the lights. They didn’t want to waste electricity.
9. I whispered. I didn’t want to annoy anyone.
10. I wish to have enough money. I want to buy a new house.
11. People like wearing trainers. They are comfortable and fashionable.
12. Personal stereos are small and light. They are portable.
13. Microwave ovens use microwave radiation. It cooks food.
14. She walks slowly. She doesn’t want to fall.
15. He puts on a lot of warm clothes. He doesn’t want to catch a cold.
16. Sheila went by bus. She wanted to save money.
17. Peter has a part-time job. He needs to get some extra money.
18. My mother went to the post office. She had to post some letters.
19. Mary stayed at college until 9 pm. She had to finish her History project.
20. Peter sent Mary an e-card. He wanted to wish her a “Happy Birthday”.
21. Paul did some exercises. He wanted to lose weight.
22. She’s gone to the supermarket. She needs to buy some sugar.
23. Daisy is studying hard. She wants to be a doctor.
24. They have gone to town. They want to buy new boots.
25. We are on a diet. We want to get thinner.
26. I phoned my grandparents last night. I wanted to invite them to our Christmas dinner.
27. My mother is organising a party. She wants to celebrate my birthday.

Exercise 7. Combine the two sentences using the given words.

1. He opened the window. He wanted to let fresh air in.(in order to)
He opened the window_____________________________________________________.
2. I took my camera. I wanted to take some photos.(so that)
I took my camera _____________________________________________________.
3. He studied really hard. He wanted to get better marks.(in order to)
He studied really hard_____________________________________________________.
4. Jason learns Chinese. His aim is to work in China.( to)
Jason learns Chinese_____________________________________________________.
5. I’ve collected money. I will buy a new car.(so that)
I’ve collected money_____________________________________________________.
6. Many people left Turkey in 1960s.They wanted to find jobs in Germany.( in order to)
Many people left Turkey in 1960s______________________________________.
7. She attends to a course. She wants to learn chess.(to)
She attends to a course_____________________________________________________.
8. Linda turned on the lights. She wanted to see better.(so that)
Linda turned on the lights_____________________________________________________.
9. I will come with you. I want to help you.(in order to)
I will come with you_____________________________________________________.
10. We are going to cinema. We will watch a horror film.(to)
We are going to cinema_____________________________________________________.
11. You must take your umbrella so that you won’t get wet.(in order)
You must take your umbrella _________________________________________________.
12. He waited at the counter. He wanted to see her.(in order)
He waited at the counter_____________________________________________________.
13. We all put on our coats. We were feeling cold.(so that)
We all put on our coats______________________________________________keep warm.
14. They plant trees. They want to build a green neighborhood. (in order to)
They plant trees _____________________________________________________.
15. They clean and decorate their houses. They prepare to celebrate the coming Lunar New
Year. (so as to)
They clean and decorate _____________________________________________________.

Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with "so as to", "so as not to" or "so that":

1.People on bicycles should wear orange coats__________drivers can see them in the dark.
2.The test questions are kept secret__________prevent cheating.
3.We ran to the station__________miss the train.
4.He hid behind the door__________his father couldn't see him.
5.Paul often goes to bed early__________get plenty of sleep.
6.She worked hard__________fail her exams again.
7.I phoned her__________see if she was fine.
8.She came home early__________have problems with her parents.
9.Her husband gave her money__________she would buy a pair of shoes.
10.He takes an hour's walk every morning__________keep slim

Exercise 9. Match the sentences in the most appropriate way and then write two sentences
as one using to-infinitive.

1. Trees were planted along the street. a. He wants to look smart.

2. I swept the broken glass off the path. b. This was done to reduce traffic noise.
3. He bought a truck. c. She wants to finance her studies.
4. Laura went to the bank. d. I wanted to prevent an accident.
5. The staff are working at weekend. e. He wanted to hear the football results.
6. Tom turned on the radio. f. I wanted to report that my car had been stolen
7. Just this once Mike is going to wear a suit g. They want to complete the project in time.
8. Jessica is borrowing some money. h. We wanted to buy some fruit.
9. We went to the market. i. He did this to carry out his business.
10. I phoned to the police station. j. She wanted to cash a cheque.

Exercise 10. Combine these pairs with the correct conjuction into a sentence with clauses of
reason or purpose

1. The lecture was boring. Some students began to fall asleep.

2. Peter was having problems with mathematics. He went to see his tutor to ask for advice.
3. There were so many books on the subjects. Sinta didn’t know where to begin.
4. We will not go climbing. The weather is good.
5. He left the house slowly and quietly. He made sure he had his keys with him.
6. I told the truth. You would not believe me.
7. They have known her since he was a child. They are like their parents.
8. I must leave now. I have a great deal of work to do.
9. The bus fare is expensive. I prefer to walk.
10. She studied for many months. She knew the material thoroughly.
11. It is raining again. We will have to cancel the match.
12. He has apologized. We will take no further action against him.
13. My parents were disappointed. I didn’t get the scholarship.
14. The company conducted a detailed survey. It will judge its clients’ views.
15. We were able to carry out the experiment. Our staff could work efficiently.
16. We were unable to carry out the experiment. The computer malfunctioned.

Exercise 11. Choose the correct conjunction to complete the sentence

1. She sang __________ soothing lullabies that the baby was soon asleep. (so, as)
2. He owned __________ many books that his walls were lined with bookcases. (because,
3. He kept reading __________ finish his assignment. (so , in order to )
4. The moon will rise __________ the sun sets. (as soon as, than)
5. I went for a walk __________ the sun was shining. ( so that, because)
6. Dr Ken adjusted the overhead projector __________ the students would be able to see the
chart more clearly. (so that, as)
7. The lecturer finishes his lecture five minutes early __________the students will join for
the seminar. (because, because of)
8. Tina’s family will leave early today __________ they can catch the train on time. (since,
so that)
9. A key piece of equipment broke down __________ the laboratory session had to be
cancelled. (because, so)
10. Enny joined the English club __________she wanted to increase her circle of friends. (so
that, because)
11. Dave was __________ busy with his final year project that he was unable to take part in
other activities. (so that, so)
12. It was __________a successful lecture that the English language Centre decided to repeat
it the following semester. (so, such)
13. The snow was __________ deep for us to walk across the field. (so, such)
14. Yesterday I walked __________ far that I fell asleep immediately after supper. (so, such)
15. I had __________ a good time at the party, I did not want to leave. (so, such)
16. I see her __________often that I feel I know her quite well. (so, such)
17. __________he is very busy, he is seldom at home. (So that, Because)
18. They all felt tired __________ the hot weather. (so that , because)
19. __________ their interest in comets, they decided to study astronomy. (Because, such
20. Please come with us, __________ I can introduce you to my friends. (such that, so that)

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