Cooling Tower Jidnyasa

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Cooling Tower Calculations

Cooling water flow-rate m3 100 kg/s

Cooling water inlet temp TWinlet 40 °C
Cooling water exit temp TWexit 33 °C
Inlet air-wet bulb TAir-inlet-WB 22 °C
Inlet air-dry bulb TAir-inlet-DB 30 °C
Exit air-wet bulb TAir-exit -WB 36 °C
Exit air-dry bulb TAir-exit -DB 40 °C
Saturation pressure
corresponding to wet bulb
temperature of 30 C for inlet
Pwinlet air 2645.3 Pa
Saturation pressure
corresponding to wet bulb
temperature of 36 C for exit
air Pwexitair 5947 Pa
Barometric pressure Pb 101325 Pa
Drift Losses (D) or Windage D 0.10%
Cycles of concentration CC 4
Heat capacity of water Cpw 4.184 KJ/kg C

A) Calculation of specific enthalpy of inlet air

Pb - Pw 98679.7 Pa
Partial pressure of water vapours Pv 2123.2957 Pa
Specific Humidity inlet air xinlet=x1 0.0133132 Kg of water /Kg of dry air
Specific Enthalpy of Inlet Air h1 63.476257 KJ/Kg of dry air
Energy of water in m3h3 16736 KJ/s

B) Calculation of specific enthalpy of exit air

Pb - Pw 95378 Pa
Partial pressure of water vapours Pv 5691.3223 Pa
Specific Humidity exit air xexit=x2 0.0370163 Kg of water /Kg of dry air
Specific Enthalpy of exit Air h2 132.8177 KJ/Kg of dry air

C) Mass flow rate of air

m3Cpw (Twexit - Twinlet) -2928.8

[h1-h2+(x2-x1) CpwTWexit] -66.06871
ma 44.329606 kg/s
D) Mass flow rate of water at exit

m4 [m3-ma(x2-x1)] 98.949251 kg/s

E) Mass flow rate of evaporated water

E m3-m4 1.050749 kg/s

Ev 0.0010507 m3/s

F) L/G ratio

L/G (h2-h1)/[Cpw(TWinlet-TWexit)] 2.3675719

G) Recirculation rate

C=RR EvR/F*(TWinlet-Twexit) 0.0001876 m3/s

H) Drift losses (D) or windage

D 0.1*C/100 1.876E-07 m3/s

I) Blowdown or draw off

B Ev/(COC-1) 0.0003502 m3/s

J) Water make-up (M)

M D+E+B 0.0014012 m3/s

Kg of water /Kg of dry air
KJ/Kg of dry air

Kg of water /Kg of dry air

KJ/Kg of dry air

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