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To: Ms. Wendy T.

VP for Design and Construction

Thru: Mr. Joel Remotigue Jr

Depatment Head

Mr. Bryan Ojera

GBI Recruitment

Dear Sir/Madam:

Good day!

This is in relation with the performance evaluation shown to me by my immediate

supervisor which did not contain both our signatures. On the said evaluation, it was
reflected that on the 3rd month, my ratings were 4 in almost all areas; while on the
5th month, my immediate supervisor discussed with me her targets, not the actual
ratings on my performance evaluation result.

Considering the given situation, I have never received such level of rating in my
years of working as a Senior Architect, evident with the herein attached documents
pertaining to the projects I handled, including the conversations/instructions from
my immediate supervisor, Arch. Carren Magracia, as well as my travel documents.
If I indeed performed at the level of 4, I would have never accomplished the tasks
assigned to me. Moreover, I even use my personal laptop on weekends just so I
could finish the office works and meet the deadlines.

Another issue I want to address is in relation with my salary. My officemates know

about my salary which, I think, created jealousy. Moreover, I have had days when I
hear my officemate whisper “mataas naman ang sahod mo, ikaw na ang gumawa
lahat n’yan. I know for a fact, that my immediate supervisor is the only one at the
office who knows my salary. Disclosing it to the others is unbecoming of a
supervisor as it would create resentment and animosity in the office. A supervisor
should motivate the staff and create harmony among the personnel.

Consequently, may I request the Admin to take this matter seriously before it gets
worse. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of your company but I can
no longer render my service anymore because of the above mentioned reasons. I
am truly saddened to say, you hired the right person for the job, but for a very
unprofessional unit.

With this, I am tendering my resignation as a senior architect of the Goldilocks’

Design and Construction Department effectively today.

Thank you.

Sincerely Yours,

Ar. Yvan Glendell B. Mangune

Senior Architect, Design and Construction Department

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