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e No: 1

txpeaiment No. 1.
RollNO: 42
r D4te 2402-2022

Aim Poepasation Of Convessationable

Theosy As chemical
engineess we
the intosmtion yig dimensions and units.
have to commumcae

We must
indicate the applied units fo eve
Values hat vwe use in chemical
Calcylabions In chemica engineennae have
to use both SI and Amencans byginun
(AE) n t Sys tes.
Com mon Unts in Use

Length 16ot 0.348m Enes 1 cal41J

Linch 2.54 en 10TU 252 cd

Ma ss 1Jbo o.454 kg Pessr: 1am =J013k

1atm 160 m a .
1am : 4 ps

T e 1hoys e Go vmin
Temp: TCE) :(9/5)T{e)
1miv 60 se
TCK) Tt)+273

Frre _ 1 N o. 225|be

brn Vs be
and Pound doxe (lby) r note sam
Pound mass (lb

C. m.q
Hhe Nautons 2 Lao, hxe z F


Pae Nu.
c ns
Roll No' 40

In SLuntseersv 1N,aisk)
N R L S ,S

18 m 32iin4it aFC1 &b)32174 ft


JnAFunits, lu N

32.174ft (1b)
S mpotane of Unit ConVessb
When we _pestom
bel chemical engires gcula t we eet d man
uni conuessiong.
in. This i s vey impot
becaUSet we ma-e gn
2ar- mistalea n f o unit ca asian
Step of q
nce chemica_engnem proble we w suey end uf
du ih ansueZ


Page No' 1

Date' 2 / 2/2022
Ro No: 40

Aim Caleulatio0of molagyolumeom Vandes waals

2quationo stte.n s brov

TheoryAEquation of State
Anequgtion ghowing
he sela tionship beteeen evalues ot he
PesSue (P), molas volume (v'), empes afuse(T
oa DEA As (etos pupe Component
SmplestEample ol tquatian of stak is ideal
as Law (Pv=RT)
Van dos waa Equation ot Stude.

cVan das Waals Constan

3 P
Cntical_pressue Cmtical Temposahu
DNewton Raphson Me thod
Vk V-+(V)_
Vkinitnal guess of molen volume
Vka Itesation in exce l Convesg on
4his Valueit al be hng Rooone
Out o 3)

The unit of yan das waals Constanta:qtmtme

b unit f volure: i t mol

VandegyaalS equdtion
rakbrav ommpostance ebh
Vand ers waqls)equtionin is p94iculasly use
in oy
ettost_tp unclesstand the behavi
ot g 1 gasesbecause itembodies q
arde Oortou physical pichure of the diffenence
uyealaasandan ideagas. eqton shoull
T i he Su ccess ot Van des waqls
not how eversovesshadow it mtanons.
he euqhon i9
A+ ve high patss
sbil inadequate tur ealclainy #e_afesties
Page No.
Date 3 2022

ascy-oWeisbach Equation fos liauid Veloxity

in pipe
TheasCy- Weisbech
Telartionship between equetion descibes th
pipe thepressure loss and liquid vebcityin a
This is he equadon_ employed in the spze adsheet
S8 D2a
Hese AP 1s ho peSSyse
S los s in_pipe (Pal
fa liquid densin kam*
the lquid viscosity (Pa
s tHe S_
avehong constant(81 ms)
is te Length of_pipe
pipe diameleg_Cm)
V i s tte i uid velocit (m/
he Das yta minsme hon
D6lami nun fous (Re < 200o),the chon factos
is 64Re
he ne Ra is ha Reynolds NumbesfoR Tusbu lent flow He
tachon tactosis qven by eHaa land eq uation
alth ough
the coe bxdok equerham can be/used instad).
The Calculuhon is iteraive and sequi ves the
useaf Excel's Goal Se ele. How evesthis is automa ted in
6prtadshet 5 ou onl have t clice button and
some VBA inid ates Goa Seek ps qo4
ha Dascy Weis bach equatia should anly be used
fD Seady-state incompsessible fo. Can also be used
os open -channel fiow by_eplany the diamees t h 4R,
whene R is the hyd saulic diamees. Tha hy uulic diame #es is
Simply fhe coss-6echon sea ciyided by me we tHed pene teg.
age No 1

Ro NO: 40

Aim Cooling towes Calculations.

PblemState ment
To cool wate wim How
a 4k ef 1oo k_ls
40 °c to 33c_a
cooling twes is used
Pm bent ai is at zo'cand wet bulb kmpesmtu
ot ais at inlet is 22'% Assumins hot Hi aid
eachas homodynamic eguilibrium wth
watese valua te a) Speuhc Humdih of tte
intoning ai 5)Speihic flumidi f exihnj a
) As mass Hdw e nedod d) Wates muss fow
Tte eva posa ted e) LlG zhia a) Caoling towes
make yp wate4
h)Appstachan,ya andouwag
Data pavvide codlinq wats How k = loo kqls

Coolin wates in let Temp 40.0°c

Cooina w ates exit Temp 33.0e
Inle aii-wt bulb Ta-ialet wis 22'c
Lalet aii Ary balb I et-ng 30
Exit ai swe bulb Taismeit-wg 36
Exit air- dy-bulb Tit-exit-e 40.o
Satug ion_prssuse Coespandi4 w t bulb
empesa t t oi ZLC h1 inlet ais =Pwialat 26453A
Sa tusahion_peSsure cossespondiny to vet bulb tempesaty
of 36c ps exit ais _ Pwexit S141 Pa
P Bard meme pssur - lols25_P
of Conenation=4
Daitt bsses (D) % Windaye al,Cycle
Air out
wa te in

elpel o
o to tpe wo

Al in
hPaoqrs diuo
Yip ates out
cooling towes Ho.
Page No: 3

Roll Nd 40

ssumptions:1 Skady o pesuting aondihions _exist and hus

ass How a}e of odn a1 1emai ns constat
duiny he enhve potess

Da ais and wa tes vapous are ieleal guses

.The Kinehic and potential energy chanja ore.
4 Tha cuoling towes is ada batic

PDLedut 6lep by s tep_procedyre tos the Caleula hior,.

6tep-1 Caleulae_posti al_preSSus of wa tes vapau4
i n aii by usiny esuahiot
P R-(Ps -P»(Tsa-Tws)/1s44144 Twe
P SqtuThon_pressue Cosrespondiny to wet bulb
empesatur6om Steam tab les)
PB mehri pess4T, Toe Dy blb tenporah
Twa W bulb tempera ht.
Step 2 Speciic humidit at et bulb temp ue
ofinlet a(lA-inletwe =30°C)
XXialet 0.622 Pv/Pa-R
Mass qnd enesay balane eqyafon pí the toues:
Mass nd energy balare to qtes ma,x,tm
m9,X2 tM,
mess balane tus dry ais ma, m a , m ,

ney balance ma,h, th,m : ma,h, +m,h

SHep 3 Speaiic tnthalpy of Moist Ais
The enthalpy oi moist sis is te sum *
t enthlpy of e dry ais qnd th malpy ef wre
Vapou. Fhs must ais,e enthalpy t y dii is piven


Pge No'5
Roll No: 40

zeova lue at 0% and tos wates Vapou e enmglpy
sahu ted ates is tken a s z a at '<
mh Enery at waks in mPTeinlet
Step 5 epeat - 4 teps b s entha lpy ot cisat

,Xert speuhe humidi t of ai
h b nalpy oi's a exit:tais-eit00 6Tp 25i
6ep 6
No ned t en e hi, tmyla ins
M ass How t
wateg ourt m,
ma m,(X-DJ=[loo- ma(Xx)
tnesyy w te at exit em,h,-[oo -ma(h)}xh,
=loo-m,(u-wlxPo uet
6lep 7 Mass ow e o ais can be found by
ma rm, 1 mh,+ m,ha-
ma, %=_ a
ma m,-pw alkt-Tuenit )/h-h,t (-x,)pJwenit
Step 8: Mas s flo k of ates a exit

Step Mass loe sak ot ewa peretd ates Ez(mm)k

Canvast Mis in_ m*s
Mass How t of evaposated wutes in mst=E
step : S L (h-h)/ER(I Twerit ioDO

step RR= tv xR/Fx AT

E Evapozn dion 4te m*/s
F a hchi acouning í heat absosptien.
r4h Sns ble heer =o.
or s t mpea hur dietn a of kot and cold
he cohng toues. : Tecituk hom au k.


Page Na:}

Sep 12 Ditt Losses(D) o1

Dt le sses m y be assymead bei
Da03 to Lopgcen t od Cisculahiny wa ks(t)
t a a natua dft_cooking towes
Ded1 H03 pesunt of Gistulahng wates ()
An induwd danft cu.oliny touu
bout o.o1 0< lass o cixulahnj wats
( ) 4 tha cooling towes has winduq
f 4 eliminatas 0- 0:1x /lo om>|5)_
Sep 13 Blo dow n os Draw oH can be calulyt
b He ormula
B E/coc-1)_:{coc = Cycle ok tanren uhon
EEvaposu tion loss
Cycle o4 Conten d'on is dimonsion less num bes it
can bee cafcule+s Fem pmuqe
Coc S i i e io adiny wa tes/siki ca in Makeup wefts

Co C Conduehiyh ot coligqwa Canduchuk d m«keup t

CuC Conentaho et iin istulaniy waks Codsk ciinmakeup
COL v9Aes/ om3.0 o O.
Slep 1s XJa tes Maka-up(m)= Tota wates losses Dot
Los ses(D) +bvapotion LosseSt
B l o daon Losses : M D E+8
Sep 6 Appznath: Outlet Colod wets emp-
wet bulb lemp. of inlet ois z
Rong H o t wd R emp= cold uaks tmp

Cooin_Twes Efhicienoy Range /«nge spproach xloo


ge No:1

Roll No' 40 Dqt:14/03/2022

Aim Solving the Cole.brvok-Whik Eehon wit
hep The cole bnok-White descmbes the relationship
bewen the Renelds Numbes Re the _pipe
d a bive ughness e qnd h a fachon tactoi +

in tusbulent pipe flouw

Re F
USuallywe ix a value tos Re ande and compuef.
Howa,his euqhon caonot be solved expiafy,
So numenealteaahon is ncedea
There's aSex exa ays we can do mis intxced

I'autine e dwo most convenient mehoels. If

you ust uant fha spreadshaa_scull to he
Spra ds ht
botum of this past avmd downlod Hespriads hea
Methecd 2: \Woskshauk ite-ra ho
You nu to edbla wokshaat itemhon
6hat Exe an cosly Solve a Ciulgd
e e n c e . In txu 21o go to le Ophions >bmulas

Qnd chals FnablesZteave Caluluhon s You might

also uant to incscas ha num bes df iteguions t
Sooqnod stdu Tha maxmum change tu_0.600
Te tick ho 9to eamnje He olebools
white euation So you hae nohiny but tle
hun kautus on 1e LH.S e eua

-2oe 251
Paye No: 2

Rol N0: 40
Dat 14/03J222

Hboveis e'fomula have byped tnto cell f

5peadshaut -its ist he peqsTIngad Glebmole-w hie
tguahan, but with ong minor chane
/2log /D3.) + 2.51/CRex SQRT(BI7.16-3oo))))2
hen exel sasts itesahng, it ioiiali2es BI7 wi ma
Valu ot zexO,
Houwe, this ull a diuidle -by- z 0 0
eo To esolue his dd a_smgll num bes (t-30 0)
o cell This duesn't Signi hia Hy chanse
aCCuucy of He Comp s mehon fctos.
Botth Muthod 1 and 2 gie YDughly sa ma
vale of f.


Rol No1 40 Date: 23l08/262 2

Aim Antoine Equation fot Caleulating vapou7


hay The Antoine cqugtion is amrthemutical exprtsson
(denvad Som te Clausius- Clapeyon elation)
of he 5drtion behoeen a vapay pessu and
the lempesahe of pyse substan es. Te equathion
was st_prposed by Ch.Antane,a
aeAThes in I833 The basic fmn othe
egution is
leP A- T+C

It Con be tans tomed i r his empe arut

explict Aosm
A-log P
absolute pRSsyse of
whese P_is the
q Substane.

Ls He dempehanie ot e
speutic coefhcien ts
A,8, and Cás Substane-
Li.e. consants)

olo is/ypicaly uttos lo

bgj lege
A Simp1s tom he wimon)
w o coehcien t i s so meh'mas used
log P -
be unstm to


ago No : 1
Roll NO: 40

Aim Calaulating lwo- phose PressuTe daop wth he

Lockhast. Mastinell; Covsetion

Theoy The Lockhart and Masinelli conelaton is
cOmmonly used to calculate he pyessust dop
ot uo phase How in pipe.L4s simples fan
othe methuds; pa5tiulasy
and is suitable to
lo liguid and gas fowsin Small diamets Pipes

helps CakuluBe Hha

This Excel spreaolsheat yuu
two phase ppessue daDp in a pipe. I t has seveul

1. hsst Hhe preSsyre daups ot tha indivioual phose
art (alulakd assumins Hhut ecch phuse s alone
in the pipe
2. Then,the Loekhast-Mastineelli_parametesi s
cakula ted
d Pdx
inally the Chisholn (167) Coelartion is used
calyle te he totel _pre9sure dso
: ( 18 X+ x


age NO 1

Rol NO. 40

Aim E39un tauaen Cakulato

Theos This exa spreudshat lps yoy calculae the

vessuse dnp houggh patked beds and uidizacd
bed wth the Ez7un esuation.
Puidizad beds qTe a commonly unt opesahon in
ha peSsindustmes. Tha s nate makes hemn
foshculaly suable venues s zas- 9olicl cotalyza
Tacion, oten in ha etmleum industry fo pstauc
gasoline and ofhe chemcas. Thay have
also found
use in he polymas industmy ond bioTeactus (in the
fom o Liquid fluidi zad beds)

In 1952, Sabn tgun donved te hlluwig equothon to

Predit prssure dnpn pack beds
i s peSUR d p L is He heiyht of bed
Dpis the pashide diames t is the posi ty f bed
Ais e gas Áisus y V s He apes haial veou
(he volumemc gas Howsa diuid ec by he om95
suhonal aea of he bed.)
Sa is densiyt a .
The pressuze dnp eauiRd 1 ninimum Hudizuhon
gven by
AP= (Sp-S)(En)al
Sp is e paahcla densi Em is e p07uSI h t
he bed at minimum idiza ton.


Page No: 2

Roil NO: 40 Dgk

B comPanng th pressuse dop aiven by t

Lgun equahonto the presSuTe dnp fos
minimun uidizationyou con calculate e
nual velocity necessqry to Huidizah on
A+ is pointby bbles ot gas tom and n s e
hstughHe bed his increases tHe etkhve
volume ot tha bed.


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